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A king asked a sage to explain the Truth. In response the sage


asked the king how he would convey the taste of a mango to


someone who had never eaten anything sweet. No matter how


hard the king tried, he could not adequately describe the flavor


of the fruit, and, in frustration, he demanded of the sage "Tell


me then, how would you describe it?" The sage picked up a


mango and handed it to the king saying "This is very sweet.


Try eating it!"


-Hindu Teaching Story







Taking as a bow the great weapon of the Upanishad, one should put


it an arrow sharpened by meditation. Stretching it with a thought

directed to the essence of That, penetrate that Imperishable as the

mark, my friend.


Atharva Veda, Mundaka Upanishads 2.2.3. Thirteen Principal












I practise Hatha Yoga and I also meditate `I am Brahman'.


After a few moments of this meditation, a blank prevails,


the brain gets heated and a fear of death arises.


What should I do?




`I am Brahman' is only a thought. Who says it? Brahman itself


does not say so. What need is there for it to say it? Nor can


the real `I' say so. For `I' always abides as Brahman. To be


saying it is only a thought. Whose thought is it? All thoughts


are from the unreal `I', that is the `I'-thought. Remain without


thinking. So long as there is thought there will be fear.


Q: As I go on thinking of it there is forgetfulness, the brain


becomes heated and I am afraid.




Yes, the mind is concentrated in the brain and hence you get a hot


sensation there. It is because of the `I'-thought. When the `I'-



arises fear of death arises simultaneously. With regard to



so long as there is thought there will be forgetfulness. First there

is the


thought `I am Brahman', then forgetfulness supervenes. Forgetfulness


and thought are for the `I'-thought only. Hold on to it and it will



like a phantom. What remains over is the real `I' and that is the



`I am Brahman' is an aid to concentration since it keeps off other



When that one thought alone persists, see whose thought it is. It

will be


found to be from `I'. From where is the `I'-thought? Probe into it,

the `I'-thought


will vanish, and the Supreme Self will shine forth of itself. No

further effort is




When the one real `I' remains alone, it will not be saying `I am



Does a man go on repeating `I am a man'? Unless he is challenged,



should he declare himself a man? Does anyone mistake himself for an


animal that he should say, .'No, I am not an animal, I am a man'?



Brahman or `I' being the only existing reality, there is no one

there to challenge


it and so there is no need to be repeating `I am Brahman'.













The basic point to understand and accept is that,


whatever you do, the consequences are not in your hands.




Ramesh Balsekar










"No matter how much you strive to acquire any


worldly gains, they are bound to go; so also


your concepts and various identities. Even if


you follow any religion in the hope of obtaining


something permanent form the outside, you will


be sorely disappointed. The main purpose of true


spirituality is to liberate oneself completely


from one's concepts and conditionings."



Nisargadatta Maharaj







Just Be - Let the play of life continue unabated - but know


that it is not real - Do not see yourself as doing a thing or


thinking anything - see these as happenings - as the clouds


pass over head - so do thoughts pass through the mind -


Do not be a person - do not be a mind - do not be a soul -


JUST BE !!!!!!


Love baba

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