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Dear Respected Prabhus and Matajis,


Hare Krishna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Thank you very much for providing this much-needed service on the Internet, churning the nectar of Vaisnava association for us all.


I'd like to humbly take this opportunity to invite you all to share some Prabhupada memories, drawings or offerings on "The Prabhupada Connection" website. The site has been online now for the past four years and our readership continues growing. Every day we receive dozens and dozens of letters asking about Srila Prabhupada -- and invariably, the most common request is for more memories of His Divine Grace. Admittedly, the website is not very professional looking (sorry about that, I'm stuck in the late 60's and early 70's technologically -- 45's and 33 1/3rds, and reel-to-reel or cassette recorders at best), and it will need to be revamped and updated sometime; but in the meantime, the hunger for Prabhupada nectar is still there. So if you have something to contribute for the enlivenment of all, please feel free to submit to your heart's content. Your submissions will be read all over the world. Even just to let others know what it was like to SEE Srila Prabhupada in person will go a long long way. Thank you kindly for your consideration.


Meanwhile, all the best to you in your devotional service.


Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!!

India Divine ki jaya!

All glories to the assembled devotees!


Humbly yours,

Padmapani das


(c/o The Prabhupada Connection)

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Yes, Prabhu, that's the correct link. Thank you very much.


Everyone is invited, please. Again, the site is not very flashy and it's admittedly pretty old-fashioned looking. I'm using an ancient and oh so slow program, but it's all I can afford right now. Plus, I'm pretty overwhelmed with other resonsibilities at present, so I hope that despite the many glaring imperfections, the Vaisnavas here will please give me your blessings nonetheless. Hopefully in the near future, things will improve and the site can be brought up to a much higher standard. After all, Srila Prabhupada deserves so much better.


If you have a written or artistic offering to Srila Prabhupada, everything is offered directly to his lotus feet. Memories, photos and "How I came in contact with Srila Prabhupada" stories are most welcome. The idea is that we can find common ground in sharing our worship of Lord Krishna's beloved pure devotee together. So many people surf in to the site from such diverse Google searches as "Allen Ginsberg,the sixties," and even "The Winnipeg Blue Bombers" football team, amongst many others. It's quite amazing. And the average reading time is about 45 minutes. So that's 45 minutes of association with His Divine Grace, which they might never have gotten in many lifetimes, who knows? So if you'd like to participate, or even drop by our guestbook and say a few words about Srila Prabhupada, please know that you're most welcome indeed.


As for me, I'm a complete nobody (and that's a fact), and I don't consider it my site at all. It belongs to Srila Prabhupada and his real disciples and followers like you all. Older devotees are respectfully invited with straw in teeth. Although I'm (obviously) uneducated and full of nonsense (cow dung for a brain), I humbly request that you kindly overlook my many many faults, as I have nothing but hope against hope to try and render a tiny molecule of service to Srila Prabhupada, otherwise I'm completely doomed. Therefore, please kindly have mercy upon me. Your kindness is most appreciated.


Thanks for listening, all the best, and Hari Hari bol!


Your aspiring servant,

Padmapani das

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It's a great honor to receive your recommendation, considering the absolute brilliance of your own website(s) and many services. Please keep up the great work. All glories to your service!!!

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