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Visibility from Nirvikalpa?

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Just catching up on some posts here. Welcome to Sri

Professor Krishnamurthi as one of the list moderators

whose presence has long enriched the sangha. The

following statement caught my eye.


**same as the nirvikalpa state which is the true root

state where from the dance of the million life forms

is visible...**


My comment is that nothing can be visible in

Nirvikalpa Samadhi. When the Seer, the Seen, and the

process of Seeing merge and are the same One Whole,

that is referred to as Nirvikalpa.


Nirvikalpa State does not manifest amidst the flow of

the highest energies. Nirvikalpa, being our true

state, is recognized clearly when the all the energies

are absorbed in their source, the Self.


The Mahavakyas refer to that state... *I am That*.

They do not speak of visibility of other things.

Otherwise they would say *I am That and I see

something really interesting*


Self is One without a second. Self Sees ItSelf by

ItSelf Alone. What else can be visible to it?


Love to all




advaitin, <srinigayathri> wrote:


> Namaste,


> Its enligtening to read such great articles.


> While reading the string theory and nivikalpa

samadhi, i felt some similarities... both stages

manifest amidst the flow of highest energies...super

string remains the root state which can answer the

million variations of objects and energies on this

earth... same as the nirvikalpa state which is the

true root state where from the dance of the million

life forms is visible...


> Pranams to the great souls that are striving to know

the brahmam!


> Srini Veerasakthi














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Namaste to all


Harsha-ji Pranam, I'll try to put my mind with a different anology

here ...Lets put a x,y axis grid on the human plane of consiousness

and juxtapose it with another grid for mundane objects...Left to

right is gross to subtle level (state to left is subset of the state

at right )





| Sadhaka

| state

| | Savikalpa Nirvikalpa state

| | |state |

-oo <-|--|---|-----0---------|->+oo


Animal state




Plastic & iron

are different

| Element state

| ( different atomic number but..etc)

| | Supersting state

| | (Iron is nothing but plastic

| | which is nothing but you, me etc)

| | |

-oo <-|--|---|-----0---------|->+oo

| |

| Atomic state

| (Iron and plastic are same)


of objects


At the superficial state (or plane) of consiousness the multitude of

diversity is manifested. A sadhaka (evolves) digs deeper to the right

in the number ray to realize the kama, krotha,...samsaric forces ...

A particle physicist comes across stong, weak, gravitational ...

forces sustaining the nature ...you can draw a similar ray for astro

physics starting from BigBang to Blackhole and beyond ...


The knowledge of great scientists, philosophers etc., and the

monetary success of peoples and countries are helpless when ...


samprApte sannihite kAle na hi na hi rakSati dukRG-karaNe

O mudamathe ...


...keep continuing the evolutionary process ... Only through sadhakam

humans can evolve beyond this human limitations until then ..


punarabi jananam punarabi maranam punarabi janani jatare sayanam

iha samsare bahudustare kripaya pare pahi murare


But only throug..Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam ..


Hence i salutute the professor and all advaitins in providing and

maintaining this satsang ..


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Pranams Sri Srinivasan-Ji,


Sorry for the interruption.


I am neither a particle physicist nor an astro-physicist. However, I

believe I could understand what you are trying to say.


The Truth that Harshaji is pointing at (as represented by nirvikalpa

samAdhi) is ever present all over your grid on all axes, left or

right, up or down, backwards or forwards, positive or negative

value. In fact, the grid is the Truth itself but we fail to see it

as such and end up seeing only the grid with all its ramifications of

Big Bangs, steady-states and blackholes. That is the root of the

problem and any system of thought that substantiates and perpetuates

the grid in its duality belongs to the realm of Ignorance (avidyA) be

it the highest of our modern sciences.


A sAdaka has a sense of digging to the right of the grid only as long

as he considers himself to be a "seeker" of something. Otherwise,

wherever on the grid he is, "seeking" is spontaneously abandoned with

even an academic appreciation of the scriptural Truth that all the

Grid is nothing but the Truth but seen differently due to an error in



It was only yesterday we were talking about Shri Nisargadatta

Maharaj. By the grid reckoning, he was very much on the left when

Enlightenment struck him down! There is nothing in his life-history

to suggest that he had a sense of digging to the right other than

that he contemplated to understand the real nature of the grid.

Bhagwan Ramana's teachings also mention the futility of "seeking".


This is not to say that satsang is not necessary. It provides the

right environment. Harshaji has his own satsang doing a wonderful

job. This is just to point out that the grid or the sense of digging

in different directions on it does not help. We simply have to

unlearn it and learn to undo it. Particle or astro-physcis cannot

help us here apart from providing some scintillating moments which

are not what we are really after. However, these very sciences can

be wonderful aides in our vedantic quest when their limitations are

properly understood and recognized against the advaitic backdrop.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "V.Srinivasan" <srinigayathri> wrote:

I'll try to put my mind with a different anology

> here ...Lets put a x,y axis grid on the human plane of consiousness

> and juxtapose it with another grid for mundane objects...Left to

> right is gross to subtle level (state to left is subset of the


> at right )

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Namaste Nair-ji,


> In fact, the grid is the Truth itself but we fail to see it


Lets not blame ourselves...there's no duality...


.... theres no two things as success and failure if we attach

ourselves to the job or task ( karma) its our failure or success if

not what happens or made to happen through us has no color..

everything is a lesson for the soul...(Karma Yoga )


Like wise there's no cold and hot.. heat is what is or what is

not...if it is not that state creates a imaginary called cold..


There is no up there is no down..up exists only from downs point of

view (refrence frame -- relativity ) or vice versa .. in the highest

reality the pointer points back to itself ( circular universe ).


There is no light and dark...dark is just our inability to recognize

the more than the small range of frequency in the whole spectrum of

electomagnetic radiations...light is the true all pervading state ...


Like wise there is no sound and silence...there is no...etc .,


There is no happy and sorrow ... sorrow (imaginary state) is what is

and what is not... the what is not state gives rise to the grand

realization of the all pervading state called happiness...


the whole world addresses the details to succeed and missses the

point of the real gamble of life ( karma ).


This enlightened group can make it work and educate others in the

process..it would be terrific if all the members starts sharing

their sadhakams as they share the vedantam.. as a small step towards

the major leap ..


Pranams to all..


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Namaste Srinivasan-Ji.


Your enthusiasm is admirable. This is an opinion I have always

aired - not here alone but on other forums as well where I have been.

Looks like our advaitins like to keep to themselves. Most who have

been forthcoming have ended up giving their resumes. Nothing beyond



A member of another forum even advised me against revealing spiritual

secrets. He believes that would deter progress!


Why don't you bell the cat? We would like to know more about your

methods of enquiry ouside your scientific interests for receding

galaxies, greedy blackholes and unyielding particles.


As for me, I have already posted more than a frank account of

myself. If you are interested, I will send you the relevant post





Madathil Nair



advaitin, "V.Srinivasan" <srinigayathri> wrote:

> This enlightened group can make it work and educate others in the

> process..it would be terrific if all the members starts sharing

> their sadhakams as they share the vedantam.. as a small step


> the major leap ..

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Namaste Nair-ji,


Definitely i would be happy to hear your practice ...



My pratice initially is based on the following yoga of Gita ...rest

followed ...every day has a new experiment... every other day i'am a

new man..its getting stronger and stronger over the past sixteen

years...even today i learnt something new from this satsang ...

learning to identify and execute the karma of mine in dharma costed

me 4 years in sadhna, atlast i think i'm little aware now...





The principle of meditation

TEXT 13-14


samam kaya-siro-grivam

dharayann acalam sthirah

sampreksya nasikagram svam

disas canavalokayan


prasantatma vigata-bhir

brahmacari-vrate sthitah

manah samyamya mac-citto

yukta asitamat-parah


Every one is a sadhaka, whether they realize it or not ...from my

realization sadhakam is just not only practicing meditation and

kundalini yoga it has to be balanced with our daily karma..exactly

like a apprentice trainee..as much one progress in sadhakam

equivalent and opposite challenge presents before us... ignoring or

acting with little bias only increased the magnitude of the

challenge...once approached with equanimity it disappears ...


... Yes i do agree its a open secret and a five billion ( total

population ) reality and experiment to that greatest state of human

evolution ( moksha )..


I dont know if my topics deviate from the intent of this

satsang ...if so dear advaitins let me know and pranams to you ..


-- Srini


-- In advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair" <madathilnair>


> Namaste Srinivasan-Ji.


> Your enthusiasm is admirable. This is an opinion I have always

> aired - not here alone but on other forums as well where I have


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