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Sivananda Day-to-day (301)

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Om Namo Bhagavate Sivanandaya!

Om Namo Bhagavate Chidanandaya!

Om Namo Bhagavate Krishnanandaya!




We have uploaded Diwali Greetings from Guru Maharaj Sri Swami

Chidanandaji at:



Swami Yatidharmanandaji has also provided us with the latest updates

of activities at our headquarters at Rishikesh as well as news of Guru

Maharaj. This has been posted at:



Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj's article on the Diwali festival

(which is tomorrow Nov. 4) has been posted at:



Yours in the service of Gurudev,






A STRANGE VERDICT: Early one morning a "divine tribunal" was

constituted. Someone had a little misunderstanding with another--a

slight rub, a hitch and the distant rumbling of the clouds of discord

was heard.


The Master patiently heard both sides. All awaited the verdict. But it

proved to be a very strange one!


To the accused the Master said, "In the field of active work alone

does man come face to face with his own inner contents. The inner

nature is dormant while one is away from the battlefield. But when

favourable opportunities present themselves, these hidden inner

traits manifest.


"There must be some truth in what the other man says. This is the

attitude that every aspirant should adopt. Then he should sit and

reflect and analyse his own mind. He should find out what hidden

traits in his nature have been pointed out."


To the accuser the Master said, "Some people's nature is sensitive.

They are too highly strung. But we should not consider that a defect

in them and prick it. We should mind what we do. We should on our part

understand and respect such a nature.


"A person's sensitive nature feels that something that you said is

offensive. At once you should be thankful to him. Thank the man who

points out your defects. This is the basic virtue that every aspirant

should cultivate and develop. Then only is there an opportunity of

improving oneself.


"If everyone aspires to be an aspirant there will never be any

complaint, rub and quarrel. An aspirant's attitude should always be to

work selflessly, to aspire to be a good and perfect Sadhu. There will

then be no need to revolt. God has given us all comforts. You never

feel the pinch of hunger; you never suffer insecurity nor expose

yourself to the mercy of Nature, because you have here a prosperous

institution to care for you like a loving mother.


"I have known what it is to run to an alms-house to take my alms. I

have known what it is to sleep on the roadside. Such experiences

should be continuously held before the mental eye of an aspirant.

They are the principles of a Sadhu's life. We should compare our

condition with that of the Rishikesh Sadhus. We are a thousand times

more comfortable than they are. We should be thankful to God for

this. The complaining mentality should go."


To both the Master said, "This incident reveals the fact that there is

somewhere a disharmony of hearts. A quarrel arises only when there is

this disharmony. Otherwise the accuser refuses to accuse and the

accused readily admits his faults. There would then be no need for law

courts. All people should develop this 'one-family' spirit, then these

quarrels will cease. There should be a harmony of hearts. Your heart

should beat in union with all hearts; you should love all. Once there

is a rupture it is very difficult to patch it up. But it is quite

possible. What is required is a continued, uniform and prolonged

approach with love, so that the other party will have time enough to

get over the grudge and suspicion of your inner motive of love. And

ultimately he will understand your true nature."




"Hanker not after sensual pleasures. Know that the Infinite alone is

bliss. There is no pleasure in the little things of the world." -

Swami Sivananda




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