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Genuine works of Sri Adi Sankara

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There were earlier discussions on this group regarding the same

subject. Scholars have always in different opinions about the kind

of questions --- whether Bhajagovindam or vivekachoodamani they are

written by Sri Sankara or not!!!


In my humble opinion -- should it really matter? If it does, then we

have a problem! Suppose somebody is trying to show you the moon then

instead of looking at the moon which is pointed by the finger, what

if you keep looking at the finger? that becomes leaving the pointed

and instead catching the pointer. There are many pointers, many

might have been attributed to the Great Achara Sri Shankara, but

still we need not much worry/bother about them. We need to

understand the real message. Scholars always try to stir up because

they need work for their intellect their brain! "nahi nahi rakshati

dukruNkaraNe" is written aiming such persons.
















advaitin, "bhaaratiya" <indialover@s...> wrote:

> Does anyone have any evidences to prove that following were written

> by Adi Shankaracharya:


> 1) The devotional hymns Bhaj Govindam, Shivoham etc


> 2) Vivek Chudamani (Crest jewel of discrimination)


> Was Kumbh Mela started by Shankara as well?


> Were all the four Mathas founded by him too?


> Unfortunately, all the things which are credited to him by Indian

> tradition do not have any evidences and hence academic scholars


> different opinions on all the above.


> According to the academic scholars, only Upadesh Sahastri was

> Shankara's original creations apart from commentaries on Brahma

> Sutra and Gita etc.


> Regards!

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--- Madhava Turumella <madhava wrote:

> HariOm!




If I remember correctly, Shree Vidyashankar had an article in adviataL

years back listing what are accepted texts as authored by Shankara.

There was a question about Vivekachuudamani. About Bhajagovindam - the

first 12 slokas are attributed to Shankara and the rest to his different

disciples and the last two slokas by Shankara. Hare Krishna people keep

pounding that Shankara wrote Bhajagovindam when he was old after

realizing that mayavaada that he was preaching was worng and all one has

to do for solvation is bhaja govinda - pray to Lord Krishna.

>From the point of truth- it may not matter. But from the point of

advaitic tenants it does - according to Shree Swami Satcchidanandendra

saraswati. As Shree Atmaanandaji pointed out some time back - there is a

question of aj~naana - whether it is bhaava ruupa or abhaavaruupa, that

is, is it of positive nature or just an absence of knowledge.

Interpretation that it is of Bhaavaruupa came in postshankara period,

perhaps by padmapaada and his disciples. Ramanuja and others have

extensively criticized this bhaavaruupa aspect and the claims by Shree

swami satcchidanandendra saraswati is that it is a wrong interpolation

due to post shankara adviatins. From that point it is important what

exactly the original texts of shankara and whether post shankara

interpolations are just interpolations or interpretations of what

Shankara discussed in his texts.


One can dismiss this as an academic interest, but then any study of the

prakarana can be interpreted in the same context as one gentleman saw

recently that this group is just involved in intellectual gymnastics.

What he does he want to propose in a list serve - I am not sure I

understand. Why could he not present contribute without any intellecutal

gymnastics what is advaita vedanta without using his intellect.

There is always who claim that intellectual analysis is no use - sadhana

and experience is what is needed. Yes or no - If it is just sadhana and

experience why join any list at all other than intellectually condemn

others who are doing intellectual analysis! - One arrogant reporter

asked Swami Chinmayananda to tell advaita Vedanta in just couple of

words without any intellectual analysis or discourse since he does not

have time. Swamiji said in an angry tone - you want whole Vedanta in

two words - just 'shut up' and 'get out'! Reporter was baffled - Swamiji

then - smilingly said - you have to shut your mind and get out of your

egocentric notions - Reporter wanted to know way and how? - Swamiji said

for that only you need to attend the rest of the discourse on Vedanta.


There is no need to study any Vedanta or even a member of any group all

one has to do is 'shut up and get out".


There is a very interesting sloka in Vivekachuudamani - I donot remember

exactly - but it goes like this


avij~naate pare tatve shaastraadiistu nishhpala|

vij~naatepi pare tatve shaastraadiistu nishhpala|


Essentially direct meaning is - if you have not realized the study of

the scripture is useless. and if you have realized the study of the

scripture is useless. Then when the study of the scriptures is useful!

Obvously the author of Vivekachuudamani did not expect to close the book

after that sloka. The meaning of the sloka is much more than the direct

meaning of the sloka.


What is advised is do not loose sight of the goal and the study of

Vedanta is not mastering the subject but to see those truths expounded

in Vedanta as one studies Vedanta. It is a contemplative study not a

study of some objective science where subject is conceptualized and


That is what Sat sangh means and that is what the purpose of this list

serve is and not for intellectual gymnastics as the recent mail

suggested coating ashtavakra geeta.



Hari OM!




What you have is His gift to you and what you do with what you have is your gift

to Him - Swami Chinmayananda.




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Thanks for this clear motivating mail Sada-ji. This thought of why

does one needs to read vedantic works and follow the list has been

cropping up in mefor a few years now, essentially because of more

involvement in teachings that prescribe that preparation thru karma is

more important.

I am also remined of a very brief few minutes I had with the present

Sringeri Periyava when I had a similar question: why does one need to

study the works of Shankara thru books, and not listen directly from

Him. His reply was more a question in the form "then why does my Guru

and ParamaGuru write Bhashyam's?" - another disciple of His interpreted

that for people who have the opportunity to sit under His feet

directly, there is no need for the written word. The books are for

people like us who lack that opportunity - we have recourse to (a)

practice of nitya karma AND (b) reading works of our acharyas and both

must be followed for proper spiritual development.


bhava shankara desikame sharaNam



> kuntimaddi sadananda <kuntimaddisada

> One can dismiss this as an academic interest, but then any study of

> the

> prakarana can be interpreted in the same context as one gentleman saw

> recently that this group is just involved in intellectual gymnastics.


> There is a very interesting sloka in Vivekachuudamani - I donot

> remember

> exactly - but it goes like this


> avij~naate pare tatve shaastraadiistu nishhpala|

> vij~naatepi pare tatve shaastraadiistu nishhpala|


> Essentially direct meaning is - if you have not realized the study of

> the scripture is useless. and if you have realized the study of the

> scripture is useless. Then when the study of the scriptures is

> useful!

> Obvously the author of Vivekachuudamani did not expect to close the

> book

> after that sloka. The meaning of the sloka is much more than the

> direct

> meaning of the sloka.


> What is advised is do not loose sight of the goal and the study of

> Vedanta is not mastering the subject but to see those truths

> expounded

> in Vedanta as one studies Vedanta. It is a contemplative study not a

> study of some objective science where subject is conceptualized and

> objectified.

> That is what Sat sangh means and that is what the purpose of this

> list

> serve is and not for intellectual gymnastics as the recent mail

> suggested coating ashtavakra geeta.



> Hari OM!

> Sadananda


> =====

> What you have is His gift to you and what you do with what you have

> is your gift to Him - Swami Chinmayananda.




The place, time, objects and their knower etc., projected in a dream

during sleep are all mithyA (an illusion/false). So too, here. in the

waking state, the world that is seen is a projection by one's own

ignorance. Likewise, this body, the senses, the breath, the ego etc.,

are all unreal. Therefore, That thou art, the peaceful, defectless,

supreme, non-dual Brahman. -- Adi Shankara in VivekacUdAmani.




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advaitin, kuntimaddi sadananda <kuntimaddisada>


> If I remember correctly, Shree Vidyashankar had an article in


> years back listing what are accepted texts as authored by Shankara.

There was a question about Vivekachuudamani. About Bhajagovindam -





Scholars are bound to differ! I would rather side with those

who deserved the Grace of the Masters!!




"The presiding Sankaracharya at Sringeri is Swami Bharati Tirtha

(1989 - present), whose guru was Swami Abhinava Vidyatirtha (1954 -

1989). Swami Chandrasekhara Bharati, the world-renowned Jivanmukta,

was the Sankaracharya from 1912 to 1954. He wrote a masterly

commentary to Vivekachudamani, a celebrated work of Adi Sankara. His

guru, Swami Sacchidananda Sivabhinava Narasimha Bharati*, who was the

Sankaracharya of Sringeri from 1878 to 1912, rediscovered Kaladi, Adi

Sankaracharya's birth-place. He also arranged for the publication of

all the works* of Adi Sankaracharya, through the Vani Vilas Press,

Srirangam. This multi-volume edition, called Sankara Granthavali, is

considered by scholars to be an authoritative collection of the

traditional works of Sankaracharya. The collection has been reprinted

recently by Samata Books, Madras, with the blessings of Swami

Abhinava Vidyatirtha. The Sringeri Peetham has been running many

Vedic schools in southern India. The recently started Veda Vedanta

Gurukula Mahavidyalaya is the latest in the efforts of the Sringeri

Acharyas to preserve Vedic knowledge. Thus, the Sringeri Sarada

Peetham has continued to be one of the most important centres of

traditional Vedic learning and Advaita Vedanta over the ages. "


[*collated through the indefatiguable efforts of T.K.Balasubramanian,

under the personal guidance of Sw. Narasimha Bharati.]

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