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Gita Satsang and the Upcoming Happy New Year!

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The year is coming to an end and a new year will be starting within a

couple of days. Satsang is a great Vedantic tradition where the

participants get the opportunity to exchange view points and clarify

their doubts. Satsang is an expanded version of the question/answer

conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna

was given the opportunity to ask any question without fear or

embarrassment and the Lord provided him with the answers. We are very

fortunate that Arjuna continued forcefully with his questions until

he dissolved his delusion.


This electronic forum is instituted with the objective to follow the

Gita Tradition of learning through knowledge sharing. The prevailing

atmosphere in a Satsang is one of nobility, understanding, generosity

and love. All satsangiis like and love each other with an ever

readiness to help each other. In Gita Satsang, everyone reads the

Bhagavad Gita Chapter under discussion and communicate their

understanding through this email list. Invariably the participants

gets practical day to day living guidance from knowledgeable

members. Satsang will enable the satsangiis to conduct discussions

from home leisurely and help them to learn and share by email

correspondence. Using the information superhighway, this forum

facilitates members with varied background the wisdom of Vedanta

and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling

them to become positive contributors to society. . The Satsang will

provide a platform for meaningful discussions in a friendly and

pleasant atmosphere with the following key goals: understand the

nature of who we are; motivate everyone to appreciate the Vedanta

Philosophy; help members to develop a positive mental attitude; and

lead a happy and peaceful life.


This is the most appropriate time for of us to take few moments for

soul searching and ask within the following questions:

Am I really following the true spirit of Gita Satsang?

Did I ask or comment on any verse/article from the Satsang?

What is the real reason for being just a silent observer?

Am I using my Discriminating Intellect during the ongoing Satsang? If

not, why not?


Let us energize our soul and spirit at the beginning of the new year

and take a pledge to become a positive contributor to the progress of

the Satsang.


Happy New Year,


Ram Chandran

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"Ram Chandran <rchandran" <rchandran wrote:



The year is coming to an end and a new year will be starting within a

couple of days. Satsang is a great Vedantic tradition where the participants get

the opportunity to exchange viewpoints and clarfy their doubts.




Dear ALL:


S urely we all wish to participate


A nd get energised by


T he satsangis in Advaita -L .


S o, here is a call to


A ll members who have been silent so long:


N ow is the time for you to speak and share and


G et moving forward towards the goal of "UNITY" !


Let us all contribute to this noble cause and spread the light of "KNOWLEDGE"

far and wide.


Wishing you all a Happy New Year.


Hari Om!









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Let us energize our soul and spirit at the beginning of the new year

and take a pledge to become a positive contributor to the progress of

the Satsang.


Happy New Year,


Ram Chandran


I was reading the final teachings of Sukadeva concerning Brahma.

It was a blessing good experince. I would like to copy the same from

Bhagbatam translated in english. Hope our adwaitin will enjoy reading




the final teachings of Sukadeva concerning Brahma.


Sri Suka began again: In this (Bhagbvata Mahapuran) stands celebrated

every now and then Lord Sri hari, the Soul (Controller) of the universe,

of whose exultation and anger were(severally) bornBrahma (the creator)

of the universe, of whose exultation and anger were (severally) born

Brahma the creator and Rudra the god of destruction.

You for your part, O king, give up this foolish notion , characteristic

of a brute, that you will die. Unlike the body- which is born aat a

particular moment while it was non-existent before and, therefore,

perishes- you the soul that you are, were not so born and therefore will

not die.

You were never born as a father nor will you be born in the form of a

son and againin that of a grandson, and so on as the tree from a seed

and again a seed from the tree; for you are quite distinct from the body

etc., just as fire (is distinct from the firewood). Since- just as in

the dream state a man himself sees his head lopped off - one witnesses

the death etc., of one's body (alone, and not of the self, which is the

seer and different from those states), the self (within you) is as a

matter of fact undying and unborn. Just as when an earthen pot is broken

the space enclosed by it is (once more) the same as it was before (the

pot came into existence), so when the body is (finally) dissolved (as a

result of Self Realization) the individual soul becomes one with Brahma

again. The mind alone creates bodies, objects of senses and actions for

the soul. It is Maya that creates the aforesaid mind; and from Maya

proceeds the transmigration of the Jiva. A light maintains its character

as light (only) so long as there is found the combination of oil, that

which holds the oil, a wick and fire. Even so it is through the action

of Rajas, Sattva and Tamas that a body appears and ceases; while

tranmigration has its root in mistaking the body as one's own self. Just

as with the going out of a light the element of fire does not perish, so

the soul encased in a body does not perish (with the body)- the soul

which is self-effulgent and lies beyond the physical no less than the

astral body, inasmuch as it is the support of all, immutable and all

pervasive , (nay) endless and unparalled like the sky.

Full of constant thought of Lord Vasudeva, O king, investigate thus (the

truth of ) the Self encased in your psychophysical organism, by your own

effort with the help of syllogistic reasoning. Urged by the curse of a

Brahmana, the serpent Taksaka will not be able to burn you (the soul

within your body, even though it may burn the body) (All) the agents of

Death (combined) cannot burn you, who are (no other than) the Death of

deaths, the almighty Lord(Himself). I am Brahma, the supreme support,

and Brahma , the gighest goal am I ! thus identifying yourself with the

Absolute (your very Self). and realizing your true nature, You will

behold neither the serpent Taksaka biting you at your feet with its

poisonous fangs nor your body nor the universe as apart from you. All

this has been rarrated to you by me. O dear Pariksit ! in response to

what you, my very self, inquired concerning the pastimes of Lord Sri

Hari, the Soul of the universe, O protector of men! what more do you

desire to hear ?

sri krishna govinda Hare Murare He naath narayana basudeva.





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