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Tame your tongue - it is an unruly devil. Sacrifice, gift, austerity,

the study of the sacred scriptures, truthfulness - all these will

help you to develop virtuous conduct. Practise austerity of speech.

Whatever you speak must be truthful and beneficent.


Do not utter anything that will give annoyance to anybody. A

thoughtless man who has not controlled his organ of speech and who

speaks at random, is entangled in the foolishness of his own words.

Therefore be very careful when you speak.


Speak little. Think twice, think ten times before you speak. Weigh

the words carefully, before they come out of your mouth. Speak only

words which can do good to others. Always be polite and courteous.

Never speak in a harsh tone, never hurt the feelings of others.


Do not talk much. Become a man of measured words. God has given you

two ears and two eyes. But He only gave you one tongue, so that you

may hear and see more than you speak. Lingual diarrhoea is a terrible



Words exist for the transmission of ideas. Words and ideas are

inseparable; they are like fire and its heat, or like ice and its

coldness. Be careful in the selection of your words. They can produce

violent disturbance in the feelings of others. Speak only those words

which give happiness and comfort to others.


Think more. Do much. Speak measured words. Let your tongue never

utter an unkind word, or a harsh word. Let it never speak sharp

criticism. An undisciplined tongue is a sword that cuts others'

hearts. It produces a wound that will never heal, even in a lifetime.


Observe silence. You will have abundant energy. You will conserve

your energy this way. You will enjoy peace of mind and good health.

You will be able to turn out more work. Silence is soothing for brain

and nerves.


Your goal is God. Your centre is God. Your ideal is God. Turn back to

God and realise everlasting bliss. Resting on Him you will be saved.

As the lamp cannot burn without oil, so too, you cannot live without

God. God is within you all the time, inspiring you, lifting you up.

Withdraw. Aspire. Meditate. Realise.

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In Modern days, speech and communication are quite important whether

the person pursue a materialistic or spiritual life. This point is

beautifully stated by Thiruvalluvar, a well known Tamil Poet who

wrote 1330 couplets stating human virtues. Thirukkural has been

widely translated and is among the oldest literary works of the

world. Researchers have traced the age of this work to 300 BC. Its

immortality and universality are unquestionable. One of the reasons

for its wide translation in different languages of the world is the

undeniable fact that the ethics and the values it carries are

applicable to all religions, all countries and all times. This

catholicity and universality is a unique feature for any literary

works of ancient or modern times. The author of the KURAL,

THIRUVALLUVAR was a kindly, libel-minded man and his poetry is a kind

of synthesis of the best moral teachings of his age. The following

ten verses describe the importance of the utterance of pleasant



The utterance of pleasant words is one of the most cherished human



(These translation correspond to verse # 91 to 100 of Kural)


Pleasant words fall from the lips of virtuous men, full of tenderness

and free from deceit.

Better than a gift given with a joyous heart are sweet words spoken

with a cheerful smile.

A kindly countenance and sweet words spoken from the heart are virtue


Poverty-provoking sorrow will not pursue those who speak joy-

producing words to all they meet.

Humility and pleasant words are the jewels that adorn a man; there

are none other.

If a man seeks good works while speaking sweet words, his virtues

will wax and his vices wane.

Words yield spiritual rewards and moral excellence when they do not

wander far from usefulness and agreeableness.

Sweet speech which is stranger to pettiness imparts pleasure not only

in this life, but in the next.

Why would anyone speak cruel words, having observed the happiness

that kind words confer?

To utter harsh words when sweet ones would serve is like eating

unripe fruits when ripe ones are at hand.


Source: http://www.ibiblio.org/chamu/kural/



advaitin, "kvashisht <kvashisht>" >

> Tame your tongue - it is an unruly devil. Sacrifice, gift,


> the study of the sacred scriptures, truthfulness - all these will

> help you to develop virtuous conduct. Practise austerity of speech.

> Whatever you speak must be truthful and beneficent.

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