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Vedanta in Bhagbatam.

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Sri MadBhagbatam Maha Puran

King Pariksit said: I enquire of you, the greatest preceptor of the

Yogis, the character and the means of the highest realization. Nay, what

should be done under all circumstances by a man who is on the verge of


Again, tell me, my Lord, what should be done by men in general-what

should they hear, what should they repeat with their tongue, what should

they keep in their mind, what should they resort to and what should they

avoid ?

(thus addre3ssed and questioned by the king in soft accents to Sukadeva)

book one/ dis 19


Sri Suka replied: This enquiry of yours, made with a view to the good of

the world, O King, is most welcome. It is esteemed by the knower of the

Self and is the most important hearing and attending to, O ruler of

kings, for men who are attached to their home and engaged in performing

the five great sacrifices enjoined on the householders, and are blind to

the truth of the Self.

Their span of life, O King, is stolen away at night by sleep or by

copulation, and in the day-time by endeavours to make money or to

provide for the family. Maddened by affection for those that are

intimately connected with oneself, viz., one's body, progeny, wife and

so on, unreal as they are, one fails to visualize their end, though

actually witnessing it. Therefore, O descendant of Bharata, He who seeks

to attain the fearless state of mochas should listen to, recite and

dwell on the stories of the almighty Lord Sri hari, the Soul of the

universe. To be put in mind of Sri narayana at the last moment of

one'slife, that alone is the supreme reward of human birth, howsoever

this may be earned through Self Knowledge or Devotion or even through

steadfastness to one's sacred duty.


Even ascetic, O king, that are established in the Absolute and have

reached beyond the sphere of injunctions and inhibitions generally

delight in discoursing on the virtues of Sri Hari. .................


For those who have developed an aversion for this world and seek to

attain the fearless state, as well as for realized souls that have

attained union with God, O King , the chanting of Sri Hari's names has

been concluded to be the best means as well as the end. To a man who is

negligent about his own interests, of what use in this world are long

years of life that slip away unnoticed are spent in ignorance? Much more

valuable is the hour, consciously spent, in endeavouring for the highest

good. ............


That is His cosmic or universal Form, the grossest of the gross, wherein

is seen this phenomenal universe in its past, present and future form.



.....such is the magnitude and constitution of the Cosmic Body of the


It is on the grossest form that the mind is concentrated with the help

of reason; for there exists nothing apart from this. Just as a dreamer

sees himself projected in various forms in a dream, it is the one

all-witnessing Self who experience everything through the intellects of

all. One should devote oneself to that embodiment of Truth, the store

house of bliss, and should not feel attached to any other object; for

such attachment brings about the degradation of the soul.

Book 2/ Dis 1.

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