Guest guest Posted April 6, 2003 Report Share Posted April 6, 2003 April 7th, 2003, Monday (Pancami)Appearance day of Sri RamanujacaryaRAMANUJA BEGINS HIS TEACHING All the people of Kancipuram were very surprised to hear thatRamanuja had taken sannyasa. He was still a young man, and his wife wasextremely beautiful. Some considered him insane, but many others began tocompare him to great devotees of the past; from all around people came tosee him. The Vaisnavas who stayed at the asrama at Kanci made him theiracarya, for his good qualities and understanding of the scriptures were wellknown. Gradually, by ones and twos, disciples began to gather around him.His first disciple was Dasarathi, his nephew, who was famous for hisknowledge of the Vedas. The second was a young man named Kuresa, who had awonderful memory.YADAVAPRAKASA BECOMES A VAISNAVA One day, when the elderly mother of Yadavaprakasa came to the templeto see Lord Varadaraja, she noticed Ramanuja instructing his disciplesoutside the asrama. Being captivated by his gracefulness and scholarship,she considered that if her son were to become the disciple of such awonderful personality, then his life would be perfect. Ever since hismistreatment of Ramanuja, Yadavaprakasa had been very disturbed at heart,and his mother knew this. She considered that the best thing for her sonwould be to take shelter at the feet of this effulgent young sannyasi. When she returned home, she begged her son to go and become adisciple of Ramanuja, but Yadavaprakasa would not hear of surrendering toone who had previously been his own student. Still, however, his mindremained disturbed. Once he happened to meet with Kancipurna and he inquiredfrom him, "Sir, I am very troubled at heart and can find no peace. As youare well known as the one through whom Lord Varadaraja gives instructions,please tell me what I must do.Go home now," replied Kancipurna. "Tonight I wilt pray to LordVaradaraja. If you come to me tomorrow, I will tell you His instructions." When they met the following day, Kancipurna immediately began todescribe the greatness of Ramanuja and the benefits one might derive frombecoming his disciple. On hearing this, Yadavaprakasa decided he would go tovisit Ramanuja at the asrama and discuss the scriptures with him. `That night Yadavaprakasa found it hard to sleep. He lay awake forseveral hours, considering the different points over and over again.Eventually he dozed into a light sleep, and while he slept, he had awonderful dream. It seemed that an effulgent person appeared before him andbegan to give him instructions. Again and again he told Yadavaprakasa thathe should become the disciple of Yatiraja. When Yadavaprakasa awoke, the effects of the dream were still withhim, and he was struck with wonder. However, he was never a man to actsolely on the basis of his emotions, and in his mind there still lingereddoubts about Ramanuja's philosophy. That afternoon he went to the asrama and, as soon as he sawYatiraja, he was struck by the young acaryas purity and effulgence. Ramanujareceived his former teacher with courtesy, offering him an elevated sittingplace. After they had exchanged greetings, Yadavaprakasa began to expresshis doubts about the Vaisnava philosophy that Ramanuja was so expertlypresenting. "My child," he said gently, "I am very pleased by yourscholarship and humble behavior. I can see from the markings of tilaka andthe emblems of the lotus and cakra on your body that you are a devotee ofLord Visnu and consider the path of bhakti alone to be proper. But whatevidence can be found in the scriptures to support such a point of view?" To this inquiry Yatiraja replied, "Here is Kuresa, who is mostlearned in all of the revealed scriptures. Place your question before him." Thereupon, as Yadavaprakasa looked towards Kuresa, the youngdisciple of Ramanuja began to speak. He cited numerous verses from manydifferent scriptures - the Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, etc. - which confirmedthat loving devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is theperfection of spiritual life. On hearing this torrent of evidence from the scriptures,Yadavaprakasa was dumbfounded and fell silent. Different thoughts passedquickly through his mind - his previous outrageous behavior, the words ofhis mother, and the advice that had been given to him by Kancipurna.Suddenly he threw himself down at the feet of his former disciple, cryingout, "0 Ramanuja, blinded by pride, I could not see your true qualities.Please forgive all my offenses and become my guide to deliver me from themiseries of this material world. I take shelter of you alone." Yatiraja then raised Yadavaprakasa to his feet and embraced him withwarm affection. With his mother's blessings, that same day Yadavaprakasaaccepted sannyasa from Ramanuja and considered himself greatly fortunate. Hewas given the name Govinda dasa, and from that day on he was like adifferent person. He now fully embraced the Vaisnava philosophy and gave upall pride in his scholarship. Tears of humility now decorated his eyes as heengaged in acts of devotion to the Supreme Lord. On hearing of thisextraordinary transformation, everyone praised the influence of Ramanuja,and his fame spread far and wide. Seeing the devotional sentiments in his former guru, Yatiraja onceaddressed him, saying, "Now your mind has become free from allcontamination. To remove the sins of the past, you should write a bookdelineating the duties of a true Vaisnava. By rendering this service youwill attain full perfection." Accordingly Yadavaprakasa wrote a wonderful book calledYati-dharma-samuccaya, which he offered at the feet of his guru. At thistime Yadavaprakasa, or Govinda dasa as he was now known, was over eightyyears old. A short time after the completion of the book, he passed fromthis world. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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