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World of objects

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Hello Greg,

Good site,


the transliteration is a puzzle.

I feel that those who understand it don't need it and

those who need it can't understand it. Here's

something I came across today which has a similar

trajectory to srishti drishti to ajati




Tell all the truth but tell it slant

Success in circuit lies

Too bright for our infirm delight

The truth's superb surprise


As lightening to the children eased

With explanation kind

The truth must dazzle gradually

Or every man be blind.


Emily Dickenson


Best Wishes, Michael.

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advaitin, Benjamin Root <orion777ben>




> Namaste Greg!


> >This is one, just one, of the advaitin theories of

> >creation, namely sRshTi-dRshTi vAda (what has been

> >created is perceived). But there are also two other

> >main theories that deal with the relation between

> >observation and objects. Namely, dRshTi-sRshTi vAda

> >(perception is simultaneous with creation), and ajAti

> >vAda (creation is not an absolute, real event).


Namaste Benji,


Speculation ends up in using only more paper. IMO the most important

thing to do is to enhance one's vijnanamayakosa. This will lead one

to understand that creation didn't happen at all really, or at least

to perceiving it as it arises. Philosophical discussion is well but

it uses a lot of ordinary logic and lower mind stuff. Spiritual

intelligence or a higher level of awareness is what is needed, which

has nothing to do with IQ. For look at all the high IQs that follow a

religion and believe all its dogma's and tenets etc.


As the uneducated Ko-San Bushmen of the Kalahari say; 'Somewhere

there is a dream dreaming us'. Now what great philosopher taught

these illiterate hunter gatherers this?.........ONS....Tony.

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Hey Greg!


You should have mentioned that your recommended link:




is from the excellent and scholarly website on Indian Philosophy by

our longtime friend and list member Nanda Chandran. Let's give

credit where credit is due! (Actually, this message will probably

annoy him, as he is a self-effacing person as a true seeker is

supposed to be!)


Anyhow, this entire website is highly recommended ... a labor of

love. (By the way, he does NOT accept subjective idealism!)




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advaitin, Benjamin Root <orion777ben>



> Hey Greg!


> You should have mentioned that your recommended link:


> http://www.advaita-vedanta.org/avhp/creation.html


> is from the excellent and scholarly website on Indian Philosophy by

> our longtime friend and list member Nanda Chandran. Let's give

> credit where credit is due!




The site is a creation of Vidyasankar Sundaresan!




" Maintained by

S. Vidyasankar "






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Well, I thought of it actually, but also think many people knew that his



He doesn't accept subjective idealism. No big deal. It's a Western category, a

consequence of classical Western metaphysical dualism. A Western solution to a

Western problem.






At 06:52 PM 6/13/2003 -0400, Benjamin Root wrote:


>Hey Greg!


>You should have mentioned that your recommended link:





>is from the excellent and scholarly website on Indian Philosophy by

>our longtime friend and list member Nanda Chandran. Let's give

>credit where credit is due! (Actually, this message will probably

>annoy him, as he is a self-effacing person as a true seeker is

>supposed to be!)


>Anyhow, this entire website is highly recommended ... a labor of

>love. (By the way, he does NOT accept subjective idealism!)





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Greg said:

>He doesn't accept subjective idealism. No big deal.

>It's a Western category, a consequence of classical

>Western metaphysical dualism. A Western solution to

>a Western problem.



Well, I guess I wade back into this subject at my peril. Anyhow, I

have a (somewhat) new idea that is directly related to Advaita. So

the non-Greg moderators should be happy.


First, let me say that if the Truth is One, then any valid answer to

an important question has something important to tell us. I can't

quite agree that the Truth is separated into Eastern and Western

varieties, as you seem to suggest.


But that's not my point. My point is that subjective idealism, or

the strict uncompromising view that consciousness is indeed

everything, and no type of matter or prakriti whatsoever exists

'outside' of consciousness, goes a long way towards explaining some

of the key tenets of Advaita.


Specifically, Advaita says things like: Brahman is Consciousness,

Brahman is One, Brahman is All. We all agree on this.


Now if there really were discrete material objects (i.e. a lump of

something here and a lump of something there), then it becomes quite

difficult to truly see how 'All is One'. We are reduced to mere

metaphors like the gold and the ornaments or the ocean and the waves.

These never totally satisfied me. For a materialist would still say

that there are different discrete ornaments, with no connection

between them, which merely happen to be made of the same element but

are nevertheless utterly distinct. A glass of water here has nothing

to do with a glass of water there. They are merely similar.


However, if we deny the reality of material objects distinct from

consciousness, then we are forced to admit that the Seer and the Seen

are indeed the same. This is quite different from the usual

scientific /materialistic dualism that says that discrete objects

'out there' produce images in our consciousness that somehow reflect

that distinct external world. This is also 'common sense'.


But if Seer and Seen are the same, then the Seen (the seemingly

distinct objects) are just an illusion like a dream and do not exist

as distinct self-sustaining entities. They are ultimately no

different than the Seer. And no one can deny that the Seer is an

undivided unity. Therefore the so-called objects are also an

undivided unity, appearances notwithstanding. And this is in fact

what Advaita says. The dream analogy really helps, which is

basically subjective idealism in a nutshell.


So an uncompromising subjective idealism goes a long way towards

making Advaita logically and clearly comprehensible. This is far

more satisfying to me than mere metaphors.


Now I still do have trouble reconciling the Seer called Greg and the

Seer called Benjamin, bit that is OK. I won't press my luck this

time! I'll just keep plugging away at it, waiting patiently for

divine inspiration.




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Hi Benjamin,


Two things, I'll try to make it quick. One is, you have this theory which I'll

call (Cb) "Consciousness a la Benjamin." (Cb) states that "consciousness is

indeed everything," and no matter or prakriti exists outside of it. I agree

that really believing something like (Cb) helps deconstruct the world of

so-called material objects. It is a help along the advaita path.


Two, (Cb) is not the same as subjective idealism. Close, but not the same

thing. Classical idealism (Ic) was a way to explain physical entities in terms

of mental entities. You don't want to say that (Cb) does the same thing, do

you? To call idealism "subjective" is just to say that it's an individual or

private thing, not relying on one great objective super-mind. See the helpful

glossary at http://www.philosophypages.com/dy/index.htm.


One notable difference between (Cb) and (Ic) is that (Ic) retains the Western

dualism between mental and physical entities. (Cb), as stated above, does not

retain this dualism. I suspect but don't know for sure, that if you think (Cb)

and (Ic) are the same, then there's some subtle acceptance of the

mental/physical dualism at play in (Cb). So that if we unpacked its terms, we'd

find it entails a similar dualism.


I better stop here. If you want to continue this, I'll be happy to proceed




Don't forget October!





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advaitin, Benjamin Root <orion777ben>



> Namaste!


> Greg said:


> >He doesn't accept subjective idealism. No big deal.

> >It's a Western category, a consequence of classical

> >Western metaphysical dualism. A Western solution to

> >a Western problem.



> Well, I guess I wade back into this subject at my peril. Anyhow, I

> have a (somewhat) new idea that is directly related to Advaita. So

> the non-Greg moderators should be happy.


> First, let me say that if the Truth is One, then any valid answer


> an important question has something important to tell us. I can't

> quite agree that the Truth is separated into Eastern and Western

> varieties, as you seem to suggest.


Namaste Benji,


The planet earth is reflected on the lower astrals. When

people 'die', they go to that plane and meet family and people of

like mind. They then draw on their subconscious and create a common

world of houses streets etc etc, just like here in many cases. This

indicates that all manifestation is a common dream whether gross or

subtle. They even go fishing together, creating dream fish, which

they think are real etc etc. It is all a matter of degree, this dream

this unrealitly.........ONS...Tony.

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Responding to Benjamin offline. He's right, he coudldn't resist!






At 12:56 PM 6/14/2003 -0400, Benjamin Root wrote:


>Namaste Gregji!


>Your message is most stimulating! Yet you say some misleading things

>that I must correct immediately (online not offline), so that list

>members are not confused. This might prevent them from benefiting

>from the correct, clear and important point that I was making about

>Advaita. I won't take long.

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