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On Dreams and Consciousness:Reply to Suggestion

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My dear noble devotee of Sri Samkara Bhagavatpujyapada,


Thank you very much for your kind suggestion.


I never said that I know the truth.I am trying in my own humble

way to seek the truth.I am also not absolute about things which I

do not know.whatever I wrote , I wrote out of either prathyaksha

or anumana or agama pramana.


Also,please note the number of 'I's that cropped and will crop

in.I am aware of that.In fact ,may I most humbly submit to the

most noble devotees that I think I have a first hand experience

of the ego,the first thought which is the source of all my

thoughts.But I feel that one has to make a categorial leap from

this which appears to give awareness to its source from which

it springs.i KNOW THIS AND WHEN i make that leap, that moment I

know the Knower as the Knower of all this !God is never obtained

by the weak - an assertion again based on agama pramana:

nayamatma balaheeneena labhyaha .


If anybody is interested to know how I arrived at this experience

,I will tell it.It is through language.



I am expressing my point of view as I understand it for sharing

with others.That is all. That is why ,there is no finality and the

tags for correction are always added: Am I right ?,etc.You might

have read finality in my statements out of your own

cognition.Languageing is a vasanaic phenomenon.The meanings get

vasanaically coloured.



Sri Samkara Bhagavatpujyapada is an ocean of mercy!He took pity on

a beggar like me and helped me two times in my life.First ,Sri

Samkara Bhagavatpujyapada got me folktales in abundance from

kids;second ,his photograph ,which I gave to one Iliyasu Inguroje

cured him of his fever which pestered him for long.Now, this

Infinite Ocean of Mercy is leading me in a differnt path,the path

of a Pravruththi ridden character and is destroying the vruththis

slowly.Glory be to my Master!!!






An open mind who isn't locked on pre-

conceptions is a better receptor of the truth, which is beyond






From your statement , I infer - I may be wrong,please correct

me,if so -that you know the truth.If so a million salutations to

you!Please let me know whether the chit that I am referring to is

ANADI as referred to in the scriptures or not.I am humbly

requesting you to provide the agama pramana and tell me your view

as you appear to be well-versed in scripture.



This is the first question - Is there any one who knows the karana

sarira? - I wanted the noble members of this group to answer for

my problem.Sometimes ,they ignore.For example,


a long time ago ,I wanted to know the difference between samskaras

and vasanas.You might not have even read my letter.Please tell me

whether the statement made by me is wrong or not since you have

made an absolute assertion about the truth as " which is beyond

all conception".


1. Brahman means,if I remember correctly that which has no

limitation.That means it is not subject to desa,kala,and

vastu.This is what the word means.I will check once again the

meaning and crosscheck.

Brh = limits ;ma = without.


2.Brahman is defined as SAT - CHITH - ANANDAM ( the svarupa

lakshanam ) and it is further defined as "Janmadyasya yatah" as

its tatastha lakshanam.How can something which precedes creation

be subject to desa,kala ,and vasthu?


Based on this agama pramana and many other sayings such as

"satyam,JNANAMANANTHAMBRAHMA",I said " Do not deny yourSelf..."I

am here standing on the bedrock of scripture.Hence that

statement.If you do not believe in the finality of scripture,why

discuss scriptures at all? There must be finality in the

conviction about the truth expressed in the scripture

;otherwise,there is no point in using them at all.


Furthermore,I told you that I am aware of my ego and in my

attempts to retrace its path, I feel - this is a sensory

experience - that there is something beyond this awareness.PLEASE





I feel that It is a Categorial leap as in E = MC 2 of Einstein.


Another point.As a watcher of my pains and pleasures, my growth

from childhood to this state, I always feel that the watcher is

somehow not changing.when I was a child,I remember certain things

which I never at that time have experienced previously in this

birth.Later on also,this curious association with Sri SAmkara

Bhagavatpujyapada is inexplicable from the experience in this

life.I believe that Sri Ravi Samkar is not bluffing when he said

that he remebered Bhagavat Githa in his childhood.These

experiences led me to say what I said in the posting.


Well, when I was a student, I read some - not extensively -

slokams of Sri SAnkara Bhagavatpujyapada but that need not have

drawn me to him in later life since I read other people's works

also - not profusely of course.This points to me by anumana again

of some previous fond association.One day, when I held the

photograph of Sri Samkara Bhagavatpujyapada before giving it to

Iliyasu Ngoroje,a honeywave of sweetness filled my heart!!! My

association with Sri Samkara Bhagavatpujyapada is not through

books but through some previous contact.When? That means I existed

before this birth. Am I correct? If not please correct me because

you seem to know the truth,from your assertion by implication.



I have also written about my experiences of watching the pain that

I have undergone when I fell of my horse AStari in Nigeria.In fact

, I believe very strongly that experience is the essence than

shasthra vasana.It is one thing to quote them,another thing to

understand them,and an entirely different thing to experience



Regarding the universe as an illusion,this is my

understanding.Maya - ya ma sa maya' that which is not is maya' .

I have a first hand experience of this also both by

pratyaksha,anumana and agama :


I am not as I was; my father, my grandfather,my grandmother,all

died.Once they were real but now no more.Many sructures were newly

constructed and many more were destroyed.Anything material by

extension of this experience is subject to birth,

growth,change,maintenance,decay and death.


All this experience is,I think , first hand experience to me.There

is finality in it because of my conviction.But I also know that

what you believe to be true need not be true because,there may be

an error in your cognition of the experience.Hence, i - note the I

please - say i may please be corrected ,if i am wrong.Sometimes

someone may think that he knows the truth but his knowledge of

truth may not stand the test of agama pramana.


Here , in this letter you see a justification of what I have

written earlier.This is not the result of being censured but being

misunderstood by someone who knows the truth - as I understand

from your assertion.


Please forgive me if I am wrong.I will fall at the feet of my

Master and seek his help.


May the love of Sri Samkara Bhagavatpujyapada be with you!


Yours in Sri Samkara Bhagavatpujyapada's love,


Chilukuri Bhuvaneswar

On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 vpcnk wrote :

> > Please do not deny yourSelf which is Chit that existed before


> > were born and exists through your life and beyond beyond

> > time,space and matter which are an illusion.


>Only a "knower" can utter such statements.


> >This universe is an illusion,isn't it?

> >

> > If I am wrong , I may kindly be corrected.


>Since you express doubt, I take it that you're not a knower.


>In that case it is better to keep an open mind on all issues -

>because the mind is a double edged sword. It can point to the


>but it can lead you astray too. And the latter is the more




>A friendly suggestion for all those who seek the truth : do not


>into absolutism - don't say : "this is so" or "that is the


>You simply do not know. An open mind who isn't locked on pre-

>conceptions is a better receptor of the truth, which is beyond








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> An open mind who isn't locked on pre-

> conceptions is a better receptor of the truth, which is beyond

> all

> conception.


> ***


> From your statement , I infer - I may be wrong,please correct

> me,if so -that you know the truth.


No - I do not.


The "knowledge" of those on the path is to be measured not by what

they know as true, but rather what they know to be false.


Why so?


Because the knowledge that the Vedaanta talks about is not conceptual

knowledge. Conceptual knowledge, which is what represents knowledge

for most people, is infact the illusory veil which prevents us from

seeing the truth. As Shankara repeatedly asserts in his

Vivekachoodaamani, it is the mind itself which is avidhya.


That's the reason that chitta vritti nirodah - the cessation of

mental modifications - is the essence of all Indian philsophies.


In the chapter called Tat tvam asi in the Upadesha Saahasri there's a

detailed discussion about what constitutes true knowledge.


Conceptual knowledge is false and is to be abandoned. Experential

knowledge is more useful - for it helps us know about ourself while

doing neti, neti. But even when that is abandoned does true

knowledge - absolute knowledge - arise.


Absolute knowledge is neither conceptual nor experential - it is

knowledge as the thing in itself - apart from the body/mind/senses.

At this stage you will experentially know that you're not the

psycho/physial faculties.


So knowing conceptual and experential knowledge as false (because

then one knows what the mind thinks and what we expereince in this

world as a psycho/physical self is false) is what constitutes the

process leading to brahma vidhya. So if anybody comes out with a

theory regarding reality, which is conceptual, it is by default false.

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