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It was about twenty years back that I first read Kathopanishad. It

was an interpretation by Sw. Chinmayandaji. If I can rely on my old

age memory, the story there was of Nachiketas going to Yama, the Lord

of Death, in search of Truth.


He knocks on the doors of Hell and, in the absence of Yama, is made

to wait for a long time by Yama's men. When Yama arrives, he

realizes the discourteous folly commited by his men, receives the

Brahmin boy with respect, apologises and asks him what he wants. The

rest of the upanishad is the conversation between Yama and the boy.


The story at the Ananda Wood link at Dennisji's site narrates

Nachiketas as going to a cave and receiving the message from the cave-

dweller. The translation, running into more than 200 pages in PDF

format, also appears to be longer than the one which I read before.


As I don't have the old text with me to compare, can someone please

enlighten me if there are two versions of the same upanishad and if

there are any important differences between them? I don't have any

problem with the message of the upanishad in either version. Both

Sw. Chinmayaji and Ananda Wood are extremely lucid in their






Madathil Nair

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advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair> wrote:

> if there are two versions of the same upanishad and if

> there are any important differences between them?




I have not seen two different versions of Kathopanishad, but

I have come across two numbering systems for the text (same content).


The Upanishad with Shankara Bhashya runs to 109 pages in the

Complete Works.


Sw. Gambhirananda's translation of the upanishad and bhashya

runs to 125 pages.






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praNAm prabhuji

Hare Krishna


As we all know, this upanishad belongs to krishna yajurvEda. But usually

Sri shankara in his shruti bhAShya mentions which part of the vEda it is,

but surprisingly in this commentary he has not addressed this issue. The

story of nachikEta we can find in a slightly different form in mahAbhAratha

also, I guess it is in anuShAsana parva (sunder prabhuji kindly help) & in

taiterIya brahmaNa. But in mahAbhAraTha story, the main theme

concentrated was on eulogy of *gOdAna* & its meritorious returns. Atma

jnAna hardly found any place in this story. vEdic scholars call this by

another name kAtakOpaniShad since this belongs to kAtaka ShAkhA brahmaNa

third ashtaka of taitirIya brahmaNa ( though it contains 12 prashnas it is

called ashtaka.. from 10th prashna it is kAtaka brahmaNa. Hence the name

kAtaka shruti). Interestingly we can find about nAchikEtAgni in

taiterIyAraNyaka aruNa praShna also like * yOgnim nAchikEtaM chinute ya vu

chainamEvaM vEda*. As we know nAchikEtAgni is one of the boon granted by

yAma to nachikEta.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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advaitin, bhaskar.yr@i... wrote:


> praNAm prabhuji

> Hare Krishna


> As we all know, this upanishad belongs to krishna yajurvEda. But


> Sri shankara in his shruti bhAShya mentions which part of the vEda

it is,

> but surprisingly in this commentary he has not addressed this

issue. The

> story of nachikEta we can find in a slightly different form in


> also, I guess it is in anuShAsana parva & in

> taiterIya brahmaNa. But in mahAbhAraTha story, the main theme

> concentrated was on eulogy of *gOdAna* & its meritorious returns.


> jnAna hardly found any place in this story. vEdic scholars call

this by

> another name kAtakOpaniShad since this belongs to kAtaka ShAkhA


> third ashtaka of taitirIya brahmaNa


Namaste Bhaskarji,


Your reference to Anushasana Parva of Mahabharata is quite

accurate. Actually, this Parva is practically named dAnadharma parva

(147 of 148 chapters), and Nachiketa story is in Chapter 71:




(anushAsana parvaNi dAnadharmaparvaNi yamavAkyam nAma adhyAyaH |)


The story is told by Bhishma to Yudhisthira (and is a

variation from that in Kathakopanishad). All dharma has Atmajnana

only as its goal, so I think the eulogy of godAna is in that context



Shankara Bhashya has Kathakopanishad as its title, and I

do not see any special reason to account for the absence of the

reference to the source. There are others also which do not have any

specific references. Shankara gives extensive cross-references in all

the Upanishads to emphasise many similarities in conclusions.





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praNAm prabhuji

Hare Krishna


Thanks a lot prabhuji for your kind helping hands.


As regards to shankara's commentary, it is bhagavadpAda's unique style to

give *graNTha saMbaNdha* before starting commentary on upaniSads, this

style we can find in gItA bhAShya also in the form of shlOka saMbaNdha.

But in kaTha bhAshya, shankara is silent on this. coz. of this it is not

clear what shankara thinks about the SaKha of this upanishad.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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