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i was quite amused to see a discussion with me in it.

i face same problems that most young aspirants face.

family not understanding them my parents forever are concerned that i should not

lose track of my life.

i agree,

but then i ask

what use

what will i gain by doing all these .

what use.

i for one do not believe that philosophy is the domain of those who have spent

their life.

it is in domain of action of youngsters like me.

what use of learning about life after one lives it out.

if u look at our upanishads.

we have striplings like

nachiketa , markandeya,ashtavakra who were towering scholars even in their


today is but the beggining, many in my generation have started thinking

questioning our basic beliefs.

soon with coming generations we shall see new spiritual awakening as a global


intrestingly nostradamus says that with dawn of new millenium which he calls the

age of aquarius spiritual awakening will take place.

and he also takes about someone who he calls the great genius who will

integrate science and philosophy< hopefully advaita>



i want add some observations of mine

i find that philosophy is usually the domain of the male sex i am not being

sexist but i find more men into it than women

why is this.

can i pose a question in the matter of vyavaharika . from all your discussions i

feel the following,

i would be pleased to know if my reasoning is right or wrong.


now the experience of self is possible in the paramartha state,

all of us are in vyayaharika ,

then we can never say with great confidence what is the experience of self.

i can use the simple situation that we find in physics in which two observers

have different explanation for same phenomenon .

when an inertial observer sees a pendulum moving in an accelerated frame of

reference he says that pendulum is acted upon by only tension and weight of bob

and says that acceleration of sphere is same as that af the frame whereas the

observer in accelerated frame uses fictitious forces to explain it .

similar is our situation


i also find experience of god very questionable,

budha said ti have experienced it his word are atheist,

many saints have experienced it,

they say vishnu is ultimate so is siva et al

christians say it is holy ghost,

how can all be reconciled.

i feel these doubts n more will surface forever.

i feel the right wau to pursue is to perfect yourself

we as such are imperfect beings,

our thinking process is not perfect we are capable of commiting a lot of

logical errors. egs ptolemies geocentricism, n the myriad of indian philosphies

all based on same scriptures the vedas and upasnishads.

now all these confusion can be easily removed if thought process is perfected.

since there are many wise and learned people in this group. i would ask u to

advise me.

.. how can we ever be sure of anything unless we have perfect system of


now how does one attain perfect system of reasoning . this is my doubt.







k kaushic

engineering year 1

national university of singapore




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kaushic kalyan <kaushickalyanraman

wrote:i feel the right wau to pursue is to perfect


we as such are imperfect beings,


Good Evening Kaushic,

I have followed this conversation and maintained

respectful silence until now when I decided to

pronounce you 'Wrong' in the above.

You are Self, Atman, Brahman, call It what you will.


All that is going to happen in the future years is

that you will remove, through knowledge and devotion

with a single-pointed intellect and discrimination,

the ignorance in which you presently appear to be

immersed, just like the rest of us so welcome to the



Sorry, but I am yet another old man....more ignorance

you see.....who asks his students to hang on to the

ideals that emerge after that first entry into the age

of responsibilty for one's own actions at 16 years of


At about 18 I read the following which I pass on to

you now. It comes from a speech by Emerson to students

at Dartmouth College in the US. I am paraphrasing him

as it has been more than 45 years since I read it:

'You will be taught that you must go out and get a

wife and family, a house and a car and a boat and many

other things but I tell you to go out and seek Truth.

Be of service to society and when you need help,

society will look after you.'

Translating that into Gita language:

Sacrifice to the devas before eating.

This does not mean that you do not acquire all these

things but that whatever you do, seek the truth

through vairagya.

Now for the real oldie looking back comment. It is

quite amazing from this end of a lifetime that you can

look back and see how the most random events,

seemingly without connection at the time, were all

strings being pulled by a single hand; there is

pattern in the chaos as it were. Now where have you

heard that before?

Finally, a guide could also be from my own countryman,

Shakespeare, who wrote:

'Unto your own self be true.'

Just seek to discriminate non-self from Self and

honour that Self in your parents.

Good luck with it all, the seeds planted in your heart

through such questioning will come to fruition, be

sure of that.


Ken Knight





The New with improved product search


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