Guest guest Posted February 2, 2004 Report Share Posted February 2, 2004 Namaste: Nirmalaji just called me to inform me that she will be posting tomorrow her introduction to Amritanubhava by Jnaneshvar. I saw this excellent article by Professor Viswanath Karad in an electronic magazine (one of the editors of this magazine is member of this list). Also I have blanket permission to repost any article from this magazine to this list for discussions. This article will definitely motivate the members of this list to get motivated to read and understand Jnaneshwar;'s classic - Amritanubhava. warmest regards, Ram Chandran ============================= Philosophy of Saint Jnaneshvara "A Path Way to Universal Peace" VISHWANATH D. KARAD Founder, Director MAEER's MIT, Pune and Managing Trustee, Kshetra Alandi-Dehu Parisar Vikas Samifee. Since undenklichen times various circulations and changes on earth develop. Some surely served for the increase of the quality of the human existence and contributed to the fame mankind, but one fought against each other also for futile reasons or because of large Imperien for the dishonor of mankind. Unfortunately no end of such events is to be foreseen, instead increases it in our time of the modern sciences and technologies. But in the course of mankind history there were also ' golden ages ', in which living together could be arranged perhaps therefore relatively harmonious and peaceful, because humans strove also for mirror-image-ritual illuminating and less for material prosperity and materialistic entertainments required. Riot, blood pouring and massacres for religious, social and national reasons speak volumes of the destructive potential in the nature of humans and spread despite the high education level, the breath-robbing scientific development and a never dagewesenen economic boom over the whole world. If we more meaningful bases such as peace, harmony and universal fraternity, which are missing nowadays completely, for which human living together the upper hand win to let want, we should use interior innenschau and philosophical thinking regarding the large men of the past and present. It is worthwhile itself to experience something over those the system of the universe and humans on earth steering parameters before we discuss the world view or philosophy of the holy Jnaneshvara regarding the world peace. The complex system of the universe consists of numerous heavenly bodies, which hold themselves by mutual influencing in perfect equilibrium. The earth carries as only as far as today well-known planet organisms, whereby the intelligent human species affects the two other kinds directly or indirectly of organisms. Humans of this subsystem constantly stand regarding their differently minted feelings such as demands, greed, annoyance, Ego, temptation and envy under the influence of the cosmic forces. Research resulted in that unrest, disorder and chaos in the society with rising portion of these feelings to increase. Large philosophers, educator, holy one, way, Seher and scientists always tried in the course of mankind history to illuminate humans with their valuable teachings and to energize them to a decrease of the chaos and the confusion. The influence of the different heavenly bodies one on the other, order and equilibrium in the universe and are explained by numerous scientific laws and principles. Sun, moon, merkur, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun, stars and galaxies do not affect each other mutually and also the earth and humans are immune to it. The attraction or repulsive force between two bodies is directly proportionally to the product of their masses and in reverse proportionally to the square of their distance from each other. The universe is determined among other things by the following clear principles and laws of nature: Universe, space and time are infinite. Changes in the universe take place only in the manifested forms continuously, mass and energy remain constant, creation and destruction are inherent in the laws of nature. It gives no identical two humans or things, to each humans in the world has its own way of thinking and its individual, of who become other different nature, besides mental behavior and nature of an individual, as affects already said, of unknown forces. The holy Jnaneshvara expressed these principles and laws of the universe in its writings in most poetic language. While the tendency of nature lies in the preservation of the equilibrium, humans bring it frequently in disorder. Something superordinate receives the equilibrium and connects the entire universe, called to consciousness, the highest reality, cosmic strength, the final condition of the subject or the unknown form of the energy. The heavenly bodies as well as humans, animals and plants are affected by this consciousness. This process of the influence of the human spirit is rather difficult to understand and by self implementation into the correct actions convert. Indian philosophy tried to find to these problems scientific and logical answers. The community of the scientists looks for therefore solutions to these questions in philosophical consultation with important philosophers. At all times the world brought outstanding philosophers out. They left indelible traces in the human civilization and affected the world happening even beyond that at their time and, in addition belong Plato, Aristoteles, Sokrates, Spinoza, Confucius, Kant, Vyasa, Shankaracharya, Madhva, Jnaneshvara and Galaxien others. Their Herangehensweise and conceptions might have been different, but last end used themselves they all for the well-being of mankind. On the Veden, the Upanishaden, which became Bhagavad Gita and other large writings which is based thinking of Indian philosophy less meaning measured out than it earned, probably, because these books were regarded as religious writings, although this is far distant from the truth. Actually give these books, jewels of the wisdom and the knowledge, which entire mankind well-known, protect the bases of harmonious lebensfuehrung love, affection and universal fraternity. Their universal appeals go beyond each religious and social affiliation and to be based on liberty of suffering and ultimative luck blessedness for entire mankind. Although the holy Jnaneshvara contributed much to it, he was not seriously taken. Even Indian philosophers did not take it being entitled to the knowledge, because they found its theories of only religious nature. Each philosopher exerts itself in his own way for the well-being of mankind, but Jnaneshvara was not only advocate of humans but all organisms on ground connection. Probably he prayed as first Visionaer for harmony, peace, love and universal fraternity of all organisms in the world. In order to underline, we confront Indian philosophy, in particular the Jnaneshvaras of western philosophy. In the west there is generally no relationship between philosophy and religion, whereas Indian philosophy is very closely connected with religion, because it is occupied with the relationship of humans to the world and with beginning and end of the human life. Western philosophy exists to the largest part of intellectual exercise regarding social aspects of living together, while Indian philosophy with priority treats the relationship of humans with the universe. The actions of humans should not disturb the equilibrium of nature, otherwise one everything, humans is included, pulled unfavorably in; A goal of Indian philosophy is the search for the highest reality. Philosophy is regarded generally as thought process of the logical analysis, which in intellectual exercises sometimes lands, whereby mainly consequences are stated over relevant social systems for the well-being of mankind. Indian philosophy penetrates the life rationally and critically in an alive process. The western view of philosophy is based on two acceptance: i. Religion and philosophy are differently from each other regarded, mentioned like already before, ii. Perception, consequence and logic. Indian philosophy adds still Anubhati , the self experience of the ultimative reality. In addition it does not differentiate between philosophy and religion, since religion help as way of life finally to develop a getistic society. The western concept of philosophy strives for acquisition of knowledge and meets the demand out of intellectual curiosity. However it does not supply a solution for durable harmony, durable peace and durable luck. It offers only temporary solutions and provides momentary pleasure. Indian philosophy however makes durable solutions for the problems of the human existence, there to self implementation, self realization and satisfaction available their main objectives is. This is possible only by self experience (Anubhati). This affects directly the human life and affects all ranges of human activity, all questions why and how the human existence is answered. The Indian idealism with its origin in the Upanishaden aims at the education of humans regarding the well-being of the community and at the understanding of the nature of the highest reality, which is after natures pure consciousness, in the Upanishaden Brahman or Atman mentioned. Consciousness as the prominent principle of the universe is thus the main aspect of the idealism, Jnaneshvara added still innate love or goettliche love (Bhakti) . Religion is based on faith, philosophy on reason and experience. Indian philosophy is regarded to Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Aurobindo and Dr. S. Radhakrishnan generally as anti- socially, religious and mirror-image-ritually, disproved this opinion. In three masterly papers Jnaneshvari, Amritanubhava and Changdev Pasahti present its philosophy to Jnaneshvara. The Jnaneshvari is based a poetic comment to the Bhagavad Gita , Amritanubhava as the largest mahratisches work of philosophy on Jnaneshvaras own experiences, which are sixty-five verses of the Changdev Pasahti addressed to the Hatha Yogi Changdev, which had become somewhat wonderful because of its achievements in the life. At the age of only 16 years Jnaneshvara wrote the Jnaneshvari with amazing enthusiasm for intensive striving to God. In following calling it expresses its innate need, its self-confident Brahman/Atman to understand: OM namoji adya/ved pratipadya Jai Jai Svasamvedya Atmarupa In the verse quoted above Jnaneshvara says: I slope me and greet the highest reality The final condition of the subject and the self-confident its Formulates clear in the vedischen sciences At the conclusion of its most famous writing Jnaneshvari it expresses hope that this philosophical description humans may be an assistance understand the nature of the self implementing of the highest reality so that peace and harmony in the world prevail. Jnaneshvaras calling quoted above describes philosophically the principles of the universe and nature, it supplies the scientific statement of the human life and the universe. Jnaneshvara took alive simple humans and portion to its well-being being issued and published before nearly 700 years its concept of a social and ganzheitlichen society. A short rendition of its philosophy shows that it is philosophical and mirror-image-ritually a Monist. The highest reality is for it mirror-image-ritually a unit. The spirit is pure consciousness, the goettliche Shakti energy inhabits the entire universe. Important aspects of philosophy Jnaneshvaras constitute the unit of realization, recognizing and recognizing. Shiva, the highest mirror-image-ritual teacher, and Shakti, the conscious goettliche energy, form a unit. The devotion to the goettliche love cleans the spirit and reduces all vices, it controls the senses and leads to the realization of the highest one. Purity of the spirit, the thoughts and the actions for the setting up of a natural and harmonious society to self realization the bases lead and form. Jnaneshvara speaks further of the strength, which is contained of names the God in expressing. It prefers this expressing names of God to different other rituals, which many humans follow blindly. He believes in prayers as the highest kind of the realization and the most precious experience of the Goettlichen. Jnaneshvara advises the trailers over the meaning of mirror-image-ritual teachers and criticizes religious superstition, rituals and the Heuchelei contained in it. Jnaneshvara spreads the theory of the Chidvilas, which playfulness of goettlichen consciousness, in which the universe is expression of the highest one, Brahma. He believes in Shanti (peace), which it with Bhakti equates, the feeling of the deep love for God. A true trailer is one with God and always ready, it to serve by its service at mankind. Amritanubhava is based on Jnaneshvaras of own conception of religion and philosophical understanding. It describes its theory of Sphurtivada, in which the world of the highest creator Brahma constantly one leaks out. He disproves other theories like the dualism of the Sankhya philosophy, the subjective idealism as well as the Nihilismus of the Buddhismus. It reveals the secret of the deep love too and devotion at God, on which philosophy for the Bhakti religion in Maharashtra and other parts of India is based. Jnaneshvara understands the reality revealing themselves and illuminating as, it must by none their not associated means be proven, knowledge and ignorance is relative terms. The highest reality consists of pure intelligence and realization. For the refutation of Mayavadait speaks different arguments: Maya has in its opinion no basis, because they will not experience can, it can exist neither independently nor with realization exist at the same time and by nothing prove. Maya cannot stay in the pure condition of the at on self-confident unity. At on self-confident its cannot be described, it is eternal and can neither be created nor destroyed. To the following verses from the Bhagavad Gita this theory applies: naina.n chhindanti shastraaNi naina.n dahati paavakaH . na chaina.n k{}ledayantyaapo na shoshhayati maarutaH .. 2\.23.. ach{}chhedyo.ayamadaahyo.ayamak{}ledyo.ashoshhya eva cha . nityaH sarvagataH sthaaNurachalo.aya.n sanaatanaH .. 2\.24.. Translated that means that Atman can be hurt neither by a weapon, be burned still in the fire can or moistened by the water or drained by the wind can. God as the highest, which is humans and the world three important emphasis of the philosophy, for which the material test consists of finding a satisfying explanation for their contemporaneous harmonious existence. Jnaneshvara has its own philosophical concept, which is rooted in the well-being being issued of whole mankind and never terms such as caste, faith affiliation or religion takes up. After its opinion the problems of mankind can be reduced by faith in God and love for God. He regarded each humans, each creature as a substantial component of the soul of God, which comes in the following verses to the expression: ahaM sarvasya prabhavo mattaH sarvaM pravartate . iti matvaa bhajante maaM budhaa bhaavasamanvitaaH .. 10\.8.. The translation means that the true nature of an individual is God equal. Jnaneshvara described this with beautiful Gleichnissen. It feels the relationship between individual, the world and God as very intimate, naturally and material. The reality is accepted in Indian philosophy as Sat, Chit and Ananda - existence, pure consciousness and pure joy -. This triad is summarized as unit in the only reality. Is senseless, the highest reality as existent or not existent to describe, it is pure existence, pure consciousness and pure joy. The recognizing and the recognized are not separate units, it are inseparably united, manifested in the various objects of the world. Bhakti or loving devotion at God is an important component in the religious and mirror-image-ritual life of India. Bhakti is in accordance with Jnaneshvara the ideal way of life, the terrestrial life in the spirit of God. Jnaneshvara regards the world as manifestation of the Goettlichen and supports therefore the renunciation of the world not. He regards a settling of the tasks placed in the life as service and recommends to implement each action obligation-consciously and in prayer attitude. It regards Karma as the ethics of the acts. One should not act regarding any rewards, since an action trusting in their sense will carry surely also fruits. The following verse reveals this philosophy: Karmanye vadhikasraste maphaleshu kadachan The absolute in philosophy and God in the religion are identical for Jnaneshvara. The highest reality consists of pure consciousness, goettlicher love and creative energy. Love is not anything material separates alive spirit, its and self implementation. Each object in the world is important for a trailer. For it it is not an object of bare sense joy as for a materialists, but expression of the love of God and thus the true origin of its life. For Jnaneshvara Bhakti has the highest value not only from human view but also from the view of the absolute experience. The medium for the expression of the love of God is our life, which we can realize by the combination of our finite even with the Goettlichen. That is the largest, which can be achieved in the life and lies in the range of each humans, independently of box and faith affiliation, religion, time and geographical barriers. The important dynamics in philosophy Jnaneshvaras exist in the acknowledgment of feeling, contrary to its western counterpart, which stresses the intellectual aspects more strongly. Jnaneshvara understands the outside world as realistically, natural and positive. God enjoys to recognize each other in the infinitely various existence forms. It embodies the love, why is called to recognize it, it to love. This love inspires to noble acts and important social services. This aspect in Jnaneshvaras philosophy is from large consequence for the today's world. In philosophy Jnaneshvaras we find a lucky harmony between Bhakti (love for God) and Karma (ethics of the acts). The aspect of feeling in philosophy is stressed without the aspect of realization to sacrifice. Lay affairs can be regarded thereby completely differently. In the Jnaneshvari find we a generally understandable, to poetic- strong analytic comment to the Bhagavad Gita regarding the ethical works of the Karma. Jnana Yoga (ethics of the realization) and Bhakti Yoga (ethics of the goettlichen love) stress the philosophy of the Karma Yoga(ethics of the acts) as an important component in the life of each individual. Jnana and Bhakti (realization and goettliche love) follow that actually automatically. They cause humans to thinking about the duality of temptation and obligation. As soon as an intensive demand for the execution of an action exists, it is possible for Jnaneshvara. Temptation or attraction takes place without each consciousness or completely unconsciously, while anger for other reasons develops. From temptation or greed one cannot free oneself without self realization. Demands, greed or temptation know we everything, them lead to indecision and create finally problems for one, for the family and for the society. In the Bhagavad Gita lord Krishna instructs the confused Arjuna about his obligation. Arjuna was devoured by Maya in materialistic love for its blood relatives. Lord Krishna described the applicable conception of realization and ignorance in the following verse, which is interpreted words most suitable by Jnaneshvara for simple humans in: mayyaasak{}tamanaaH paartha yogaM yuJN{}janmadaashrayaH . asa.nshayaM samagraM maa.n yathaa GYaasyasi tach{}chhR^iNu .. 7\.1.. GYaanaM te.ahaM saviGYaanamidaM vakshyaamyasheshhataH . yajGYaatvaa neha bhuuyo.anyajGYaatavyamavashishhyate .. 7\.2.. Jnaneshvara explains the difference between true wisdom and knowledge. Jnana is the complete understanding of, of consciousness, from the highest reality, from true wisdom; the information about possibly something outside of the soul Atman is science Vijnana. It continues to stress seriously that those, which think the fact that the knowledge is about the outward material world true knowledge so that over the exact definition protects their ignorance knowledge expresses. He believes firmly that without the full confidence and true knowledge of the highest one - the highest Brahman - no really natural and ganzheitliche family and thus society can be developed. Jnaneshvara shows, apart from its views of different philosophical theories, its knowledge over different scientific principles, if he says: (Sanskrit verse couln't be reproduced) This verse shows its distance vision and his reference to staedteplanerische aspects, it recognizes the meaning of afforestation and energizes the application of fresh water lakes close of the cities. That addresses its purchase for its interest and to ecology and environmental questions. Similarly he states that it is illusionary, if one sees the alleged movement of the sun from the east to the west. This shows clearly its correct view of the fact that the earth moves around the sun. Jnaneshvara lends numerous similar scientific statements in its poetic clear language expression and gives very suitable examples, in order to explain its scientific concepts. By these examples it describes the laws of the creation and destruction, to the expansion of the universe and the parameters, which nature, which spirit and the subject control. Likewise it confirms seriously that the universe from complete the anything (Big Bang) did not develop and to itself collapsing again to the absolute will return. In its other paper, Changdeva Pasashti, asks Jnaneshvara the large Yogi Changdeva, which had attained large yogische power to give the Ego up. Ego and addicted motives form the basis practically all conflicts and all mischief, which finally leads finally to unrest, instability and to disorders in the life. That, which seeks to attain self realization and which its obligations and his responsibility sincerely opposite is, can be Scherflein to well-being of the community to contribute. In addition one can lead a lucky and content life, if one masters its desiring, his Wollust, his anger, his greed, his Ego, his temptations and his envy. Likewise peace and harmony can in-turn into the society, if nowadays the sumptuously rampantly growing tensions and acts of violence are reduced. Such mastering helps to keep the families intact which brings form into the life. The concept of the family promotes the social reconstruction, which is said also in the Bhagavad Gita. That is not mirror-image-ritual, but a completely terrestrial social problem. Jnaneshvara believed firmly in it that a natural, ganzheitliche society on the basis well of a connected family system can develop, on mutual understanding and for each other a standing been based. All philosophers, holy one, Seher and scientist have the well-being and luck of mankind to the common goal. Their whole life they all were long on the search for the understanding of the principles and laws of nature, the life and the highest reality. The scientists tried to discover and invent solutions for problems of the material world and expressed scientific laws and principles of nature in the form of equations and formulas of mathematics and physics. But the holy ones, the ways and the Seher, which were also large Visionaere, expressed the principles and laws of nature in their most poetic and clear language likewise. At the end we state afterwards that the laws must agree each society or nation with the rules of the life and nature, because the rules of nature are the laws of the cosmos, the law of the highest one, the creator, Brahmans. Actually that actually reflects the talent of philosophy Jnaneshvaras, which is at all times truthful and universal. If one studies the Jnaneshvari of full humility and concentration, one finds a masterpiece of philosophy, literature, poetry, Metaphysik, science, Spiritualitaet, religion, Yoga and a genuine manual for a content life, which lets different live also lucky. If the theories of the holy Jnaneshvara and those of the large masters of the past could form a part of the education system, it would help the students to develop reverence and attention and their parents to respect older humans and teachers. Beyond that it would prevent a breaking of families and home, what became world-wide everyday. The unit of science and religion can possibly bring over the medium education peace to the world and contributes for living together humans in a ganzheitlichen society to the necessary character formation. The international community of the intellectual ones, philosophers and guidance personalities can arrange the fate of the world, if it decides itself to take over the task peace and harmony to donate. It is at the time and corresponds to the requirement of the hour to integrate and convert into the practice philosophy Jnaneshvaras into the universal education system. Source: Now4You Online Magazine. URL: advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh> wrote: > advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh> > wrote: > > Namaste, > > Nirmalaji has informed me that the postings have been delayed > due to some technical problems, and expects to start them soon. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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