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Advaita and the brain

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Thank you Nairji for the kind words. But all this is only armchair

clarity - it doesn't percolate so much into my life which is trapped

by the ensnarement of ego with all its desires and attachments and







advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair> wrote:

> Namaste Chittaranjanji.


> Congrats. What a flourish, clarity and lofty thinking! You said


> all with these two sentences:


> "Thus, in the physical world, the brain is the cause of perception,

> not because of any intrinsic capacity in the brain to influence or


> influenced by the world, but because the Transcending Cause that

> orders phenomena manifests the brain as the seat of a certain


> nexus within the schema of the world. It is in this wise that the

> brain becomes a "cause" of perception.".


> PraNAms.


> Madathil Nair

> _


> "advaitin, "Chittaranjan Naik"

> <chittaranjan_naik> wrote:

> > It is generally believed that consciousness is an

> > emergent "phenomenon" arising out of certain processes in the

> brain,

> > and ................

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Namaste Chittranjanji.


That is the biggest understatement of the year so far.


Clarity is clarity whether of armchair or padmAsanA variety. We

often find that many who are considered spiritually accomplished or

advanced lack it badly.


And about ego, by being able to understand life's ensnarement in its

clutches, you have already gone a long way on the road to subduing

it. The rest is a matter of time, for which here is wishing all the



Please rest assured that all sincere expressions in philosophy are a

percolation of the spiritual into life. They are judged by their

clarity. Your post in question, as the ones we had before, is an

excellent example.




Madathil Nair




advaitin, "Chittaranjan Naik"

<chittaranjan_naik> wrote:

.........But all this is only armchair

> clarity - it doesn't percolate so much into my life which is


> by the ensnarement of ego with all its desires and attachments and

> intrigues.

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Namaste Venkatji,


You wrote:


I could follow you perfectly till you came to this

passage in your last message:



The brain/mind is the material cause of human

consciousness but Consciousness is the constituitive

reality of all this.



1. I understand material cause as the stuff of which a

thing is made. How can the stuff of consciousness be

Brain/ Mind?


2. If Brain/mind are the stuff of consciousness and

consciousness is the constitutuve reality of all this

- If 'all this' includes Brain/Mind as well, then

there is a problem of circularity.



Thanks Venkat for your careful reading. I was making

the contrast between 'consciousness' (lower case) and

Consciousness (upper case). The sort of awareness that

the human being has is based on the brain he happens to

have i.e. a certain visible spectrum, hearing range

etc. My expression of this fact as material cause was

an incorrect way of putting it and misleading. The

papers on Panpsychism can be found on



Best Wishes, Michael.

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advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair> wrote:

> Namaste Benji.


> I know that ancient flying machines are off topic here. Yet,


> is this irresistible urge to continue.


> A technological base starting from screwdrivers is our current

> demand. But, how about an Erich von Daniken scenario - although


> has been accused of scientific charlatanism? What Dr.


> presents (By the way, he is Honorary Director. Sorry my


> confused you to reading it Honourable, an adjective we normally

> reserve for less knowledgeable Ministers.)are well-framed


> in the form of easily recallable Sanskrit verses.


> Appreciate your good words about my alleged eloquence.


> PraNAms.


> Madathil Nair



Debunking one thing means debunking it all.


If one read the ancients one would understand that the stories of

pre Vedic flying machines is extant through many spiritual

literatures. For example the flying machine described by Ezekiel in

the Bible and his ride in it, and many other references to strange


The machines in the Ramayana predate the catastrophes that destroyed

the civilisations at that time and ushered in a new kind of humanity.

It is only today with genetic engineering and cloning that one can

understand the kind of beings existing millenia ago, particularly

prior to their final demise about 9000. B.C.E. Hanuman and the other

beings described in the Ramayana were perhaps the majority of

intelligent beings on the planet at the time.

There have been many advanced cultures on the planet, for example

Hiranyakasipu is reputed to have penetrated scientifically the heart

of matter, and that was yugas ago........ONS..Tony

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The birth of the 100 Kauravas in Mahabharatha is similar to the cloning or

test-tube method.

As the story goes, it was droNAchArya who did the job. Its interesting to

note that the meaning of the samskrita word 'droNa' in dronAchArya is



Sorry for the digression.

Hari Om




"Tony OClery" <aoclery

> The machines in the Ramayana predate the catastrophes that destroyed

> the civilisations at that time and ushered in a new kind of humanity.

> It is only today with genetic engineering and cloning that one can

> understand the kind of beings existing millenia ago, particularly

> prior to their final demise about 9000. B.C.E.

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Dear all,




It is understood that everything is there in Vedas whihc we have in

the present world. Vedas are far ahead to our normal human thinking.


Is it true ? I seek members to throw light on this aspect please.



With respects,

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The saying that "everything is there in Vedas - the past, the

present and future" is True with correct understanding. Vedas are

the direct revealations from the Brahman to the Brahman and they are

about the Brahman! Accroding to the Upanishads, the Brahman is the

knower of the Brahman. The rishis who attain the 'Self-realization'

hear (experience) the direct revealations (Vedas) at the feet of

mediation. The saying quoted above only refers to 'direct

revealations' and does not refer to any written texts. Those who

follow the Hindu Religion have great faith in 'Vedas - the

scriptural text.' They do believe that these scriptural texts speak

the Truth and contain everything that we need to know about our

past, present and future. Faith is an integral part of any religion

and Hindu religion is no exception.


But at the Upanishadic statement quoted above in the first paragraph

is True and it goes beyond faith and religion. Interestingly the

Upanishads make the bold clarification that one has to finally give

up everything - philosophy, scriptures and all external knowledge in

order to attain Self-realization. Advaita philosophers often quote

the pole-valut example - the jumper needs to give up the pole while

crossing, similarly self-realization requires give up everything!


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran


advaitin, "vasu145" <vasu145> wrote:

> Dear all,


> Namaste,


> It is understood that everything is there in Vedas whihc we have


> the present world. Vedas are far ahead to our normal human



> Is it true ? I seek members to throw light on this aspect please.



> With respects,

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Namaste Michaelji,


Thank you for your comments. I have found this topic of reflexive

consciousness and history very interesting, ever since I developed a

liking for history. Maybe one day the topic will be up for discussion.


With regards,




advaitin, ombhurbhuva <ombhurbhuva@e...> wrote:

> Namaste Chittaranji,

> Excellent post on the brain. There

> is a move against the idea that consciousness emerges

> as complexity increases. Chalmers inclines

> towards that countervailing tendency as does

> Rosenberg. Essays are to be found on Chalmer's

> consciousness site under the panpsychist heading. The

> core

> intuition would be that consciousness is not the sort

> of thing that could emerge or evolve. In broad

> advaitic terms everything is pervaded by

> consciousness as its constituitive reality. It is

> non-different from consciousness and therefore knows

> itself. However this knowledge is not reflexive, it

> does not know that it knows itself. This is the

> 'sat' stage. The pressure to express its nature is

> the mainspring of evolution and it gives rise to

> increased complexity. As to what the precise

> mechanism that allows the self-aware consciousness to

> pass over to the reflexively self-aware consciousness

> is could be debated for a long time. Prepare to trace

> the anfractuosities of the bicameral brain, language

> developement, short-term memory etc. Suffice to

> say that at a certain point the human begins to talk

> into his own ear - the 'cit' stage. The next stage

> is to trace consciousness back to its source -


> efflorescent ananda.


> The brain/mind is the material cause of human

> consciousness but Consciousness is the constituitive

> reality of all this. It is non-dual and is not

> evident

> due to superimposition. You say: "Thus, it would be

> true to say that something in the world is a cause of

> another only in so far as this is the manner of

> ordering the world, and not because the cause is

> something intrinsic in the object." This is a deep

> saying and no doubt we will return to these issues in

> the future.


> Best Wishes, Michael.

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