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Ovi 41

As wind and motion go together,gold and shine go together,Siva and Sakti go

together.They form one whole.

Note: In Tantraloka the same idea is explained thus---`There is no Siva

without sakti,nor sakti without Siva,.

Ovi 42

As fragrance is associated with musk, heat with fire,so too, Sakti is

exclusively with siva.

Ovi 43

When night and day arrive at the abode of the sun,(they cease to exist) in

that way( Siva and Sakti ) their duality is found unreal in the Supreme Brahman.

Note: In the presence of the sun, who is solid effulgence only,night and day

exist not.It is all light;so in the Supreme Brahman ,the dual existance of

Siva and Sakti does not survive.

Ovi 44

Nay,Siva and Sakti (in their state of unity)become jealous of the

well--established status of the letter of Pranava(OM).

Note:it is said that the entire universe is nothing but the expansion of the

Pranava,the sound (OM) which is akin to the original sound(mu~ladhvani ) when

the first movement(spanda) started by the will power of Siva who being tired

of remaining single wanted to become many.The Siva (bindu) created Sakti

(bij).It is by this division of Siva and Sakti that there arises the creative

ideation(sankalpasrsti).When the vibrations started,first the world of words

(sabdabrahman) originated.It is constituted of language(sabda) and the ideas and


objects(artha)they denote.From this are evolved the Tattvas of mind and matter

in all the their various forms as also their lords, i.e. their directing

intelligences and the five forms of matter.Thus as explained in Mandukya

upnishad,all that is past,present and future is varily OM'In other words all

that was

,that is and that shall be,cognised by our forefathers,by ourselves is the

expansion of OM'only which is,unchanging in all three periods of time.

Siva and Sakti in their united aspect merrily destroyed all that created by

the Pranava`OM'.How that is done is explained in the next verse.To give human

touch to the whole episode,it is stated that Siva and sakti became jealous of

and antagonistic to Pranava seeing his glorious expanse became jealous of and

that they prepared a nice sweet dish out of him and had a nice feast.

comments --This description of the word as origin is also described in Bible

as `in the beginning there was the word And the word is God.Also the devouring

of OM reminds a description in Purushsukta that the rishi,s tied Purusha to

the sacrad pillar and sacrificed Him to the fire.


Let it be;`to the Siva and his consort who having devoured a sweet

dish(shira)of names and forms has brought to light the underlying meaning of


oneness,I bow', says dyanadeva.

Note :Shira is a special kind of dish prepared with flour,sugar and

ghee(clarified butter).The illustration the sweet dish is the world of different


and names.When that is consumed and finished what remains is the Supreme.


In mutual embrace both get dissolved(in the Supreme) thereby turning the

entire darkness(ignorance)into light(pure knowledge).

Ovi 47 While trying to determine their nature the gross form of speech

(Vaikhari) along with the other form of speech(para) get dissolved in the way


along with the sea gets submerged in waters at the time of the dissolution of

the universe.

Ovi 48

The frantic wind gets absorbed in the cavity of the sky or the sun along with

it`s brilliance gets consumed in the conflagration at the time of the deluge.

Comment ---If anyone read in the washington post on saturday about the recent

discovery of the `dark energy ,theory will see the identical description of

the dissolution of the universe.


In that way,while observing them closely,the seer and the act of seeing cease

to exist.To such an omnipresent couple again i bow.


In their stream the one who is thirsty of knowledge not only does not get

water of knowledge to drink but gets swept of to death.

Note:Anyone trying to understand the reality gets dissolved into it.The

knower and knowledge get merged in it.


Such being the state,were i to remain distinct(from distinctionless Siva and

Sakti)just to bow,it would be formally attributing distinction to them.

Ovi 52

My bowing is like a gold ornament paying regards to gold from which it is not



Were the faculty of speech to pronounce the word `speech,the one pronouncing

and the pronounced would be distinct;yet the word `speech' will not be

contaminated by such distinction.


(in the manner of speaking)the Ganga meets the sea,there is an distinction of

gender(the Ganga is feminine and the sea is masculine according to Marathi

grammer);should that lead to any distinction in their water?






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The ShivaSakti worship brings the unity in diversity beautifully. The

following segment of an article with the title "The Lord Shiva and

His Worship," by Swami Sivanandaji reinforces the substance presented

by Nirmalaji.


Siva and Sakti are essentially one. It is said in the very first

verse of Kalidasa's Raghuvamsa that Sakti and Siva stand to each

other in the same relationship as the word and its meaning. Just as

heat and fire are inseparable, so Sakti and Siva are inseparable.

Lord Siva cannot do anything without Sakti. This is emphasised by Sri

Sankaracharya in the first verse of Saundarya Lahari.

Sakti is like the snake with motion. Siva is like the motionless

snake. Waveless ocean is Siva. Ocean with waves is Sakti. The

transcendental Supreme Being is Siva. The manifested, immanent aspect

of the Supreme is Sakti. Siva is attributeless. He is Nishkriya.

Sakti is with attributes. She creates. Sakti is compared to a rope

made up of tricoloured threads.

Mother Kali dances on the breast of Siva. She has terrible form but

She is not really terrible. She is all-merciful and gentle. She wears

a garland made up of the skulls. What does this mean? She wears the

heads of Her devotees. How loving and affectionate She is to Her


Kali is the Divine Mother. She is the Sakti or power of Lord Siva.

She is the dynamic aspect of Siva. Siva is the static aspect. Lord

Siva is like a dead corpse. What does this signify? He is absolutely

calm, motionless, breathless, with His eyes closed in Samadhi. He is

actionless, changeless. He is untouched by the cosmic play or Lila

that is eternally going on, on His breast.

He is absolutely dead to the world. He is beyond the three Gunas.

There is no duality, no plurality, no relativity, no differentiation

between subject and object, no distinction, no difference, no

Triputi, no Dvandvas, no Raga-Dvesha, no good and evil in Him. He is

ever pure, Nirlipta (unattached). And yet He is the source,

substratum, support, first cause for this universe. He simply gazes.

Sakti is vitalised. She works and creates. In His mere presence Sakti

keeps up the play of this universe or Lila. The whole world is a mere

vibration or Spandana in Him. He is superconscious and yet He has

cosmic consciousness. He constitutes all the names and forms and yet

He is above all names and forms. This is a great marvel and a supreme

mystery which cannot be comprehended by the finite intellect.

Without Siva, Sakti has no existence and without Sakti, Siva has no

expression. It is through Sakti that the Impersonal Supreme Being

Siva or Nirguna Brahman becomes the Personal Being or Saguna Brahman.

Siva or Nirguna Brahman becomes the Personal Being or Saguna Brahman.

Siva is the Soul of Durga or Kali. Durga or Kali is identical with

Siva. Siva is Satchidananda. Durga or Kali is Satchidananda Mayi.

Siva and Sakti are one and neither is higher than the other. Sakti is

Chit, Chidrupini, Chinmatra Rupini.





Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



advaitin, slimaye@a... wrote:

> Ovi 41

> As wind and motion go together,gold and shine go together,Siva and

Sakti go

> together.They form one whole.

> Note: In Tantraloka the same idea is explained thus---`There is no


> without sakti,nor sakti without Siva,.

> Ovi 42

> As fragrance is associated with musk, heat with fire,so too, Sakti


> exclusively with siva.

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For Hindus, Sakti represents the eternal invisible vibrant force and

many Hindu prayers symbolizes this theme. Here is an example of a

bhajan glorifying Sakti:


Om sakti, Om sakti, Om sakti pahiman

brahma sakti, vishnu sakti, siva sakti rakshaman

Om adi sakti, maha sakti, para sakti pahiman

icca sakti, kriya sakti, jnana sakti rakshaman


This prayer bhajan recognizes the presence of Sakti in all manifested

forms of the unmanifested Nirguan Brahamna!


Anyone who sings the above bhajan with total devotion will be able

recognize the vibrating force responsible for our existence!




Ram Chandran

advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <ramvchandran>


> Namaste:


> The ShivaSakti worship brings the unity in diversity beautifully.

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