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Time for a Story ----what is BraHman?

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One day, Brighu, the son of Varuna approached his

father and asked him: "Father! Will you enlighten me

about Brahman?" Sage Varuna replied endearingly: "Son,

none can enlighten anyone on Brahman. One has to

experience through meditation. Go and do meditation and

carry on self-enquiry. I bless you."


Brighu went into a forest and sat for meditation. He used to carry

on self-enquiry too. He used to contemplate on

several questions related to the spiritual world. One

day, he thought: 'What is the most essential thing

that is necessary for the existence of all living

beings in general and man in particular? It must be

food', he decided. Man lives, grows and works only

because of food, the most essential thing for life is

food, so food is Brahman." He ran to his father and

said: "Father, I know what is Brahman. Food is

Brahman." Varuna replied with a smile: "No, my son, food is

not Brahman. Go and meditate."b


Brighu went to the forest and continued his tapas for some more

time. One day he thought, 'food may be essential, but

unless there is energy, how can the food be digested?

What is that energy? It must be prana (vital air) so

prana is Brahman.' So, he went to his father and said:

"Father, I know what is Brahman, Prana is Brahman." Varuna

replied: "No, my son, go and meditate for some more



Brighu obeyed his father's command. He continued his

meditation. One day he thought, 'Food is essential, prana is

essential, but what is more essential? Unless one has desire

to live and to eat, of what avail is food and prana?

The seat of desire is mind. So Manas is Brahman' he

decided. Brighu reported about his discovery and said:

"Father, Manas is Brahman." Varuna smiled and said: "Son,

no, Manas is not Brahman. Go and do tapas for some

more days."


Brighu continued his meditation. One day he thought 'Food is

essential, prana is essential, manas is also essential, but what is

still more essential? Unless one is able to distinguish and

discriminate between good and evil, of what use is this life?

What is the seat of this discriminating faculty? It is

intellect, vijnan.' So vijnan is Brahman", he decided.

Brighu went and told his father: "Father, vijnan is

Brahman". Varuna once again said: "Son, no, vijnan is not

Brahman. Go and do tapas for some more



Brighu once again continued to do tapas. One day he

thought, 'Food gives strength, parna energises, manas

causes desires, and vijnan endows man with

discrimination (viveka). But, I must find out what is the

ultimate goal of man's life. I have to experience it'.

Having thus resolved, he went into deep meditation



One day, he experienced an ineffable joy and he sat

utterly unconscious of the outside world. That day,

Varuna came to the forest in search of his son. He was

happy to see his son in samadhi. From the effulgence

which shone on Brighu's face, he knew that his son had

realised that 'Bliss is Brahman'.


source- chinna katha


Aum Sat-Chit-Aananda Murthaye Namaha!!!!!



mantranam matrka devi sabdanam jnanarupini

jnananam cinmayatitta sunyanam sunyasaksini

yasyah parataram nasti saisa DURGA prakirtita


OH goddess, you reside in all mantras in the form of letters, in

all words in the form of wisdom and meaning. In wisdom, you reside as

the bliss of consciousness, and in silence you reside as the ULTIMATE

SILENCE beyond which no greater exists. There you are known by the

name of the "reliever of difficulties."(durga)



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so, bala-ji?


why did you think i narrated the story here?


who is your best teacher ?


It is called "EXPERIENCE" (anubhavam) - or better

still "Realization" (anubhuthi)


knowlege, wisdom are all ok... they are at best only Ornaments...


Realization is what matters in the ultimate analysis ...


Arivadhu enil arivil unarvadaam. Arivil mattum ezhbhavai yaettu

suraikkai. . . "



perception that is important... one may read all the scriptures

(vedas/upanishads etc) but if one does not realize the "self" what is

the use ?


Tat Twam ASI!

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Exactly what I've been saying in all my posts all along, sir, if you

noticed. Do you have anubhuti sir? Could you teach me? I cannot take

Sanyas right now, but want to know only the truth. I have no interest

in any other thing/God/Siddhi.


Satyameva Jayate Naanrtam

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Hey bala-ji!


since you are only "22" against my 60 years of age, i am taking the

liberty of addressing you thus !


first, i am no 'sir' ... this body has a 'female' form - incidental



I have 'anubhav' (experience) but 'anubhuthi" ??????????????


You say you only want to know the "Truth" ...


AS our beloved poet Khalil Gibran says ... "Say not, 'I have found

the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.'


let me ask you this - What is the "truth" ? anyway ?


Truth IS..........................


Anyway what is this paper you presented that you won accolades? just



love and blessings

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you only want to know the Truth?


here it is ...


This is What Sage Vasishta advised Lord RAMA...


"Adore the Self by the Self; Worship the Self by the Self; Behold the

Self by the Self; and be firmly Established by the Self in the

Self ."


no gods here; no siddhis here !


While contemplating on this , be Self-less -


love and blessings







-- In advaitin, "Balaji Ramasubramanian"

<balajiramasubramanian> wrote:

> Exactly what I've been saying in all my posts all along, sir, if


> noticed. Do you have anubhuti sir? Could you teach me? I cannot


> Sanyas right now, but want to know only the truth. I have no


> in any other thing/God/Siddhi.


> Satyameva Jayate Naanrtam

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Your seniority is the very reason for my question and it becomes more

pertinent. (It is amazing how internet savvy you are at 60! My

grandma simply refuses to use the internet. She sends an occasional

email to someone staying abroad, with my help!)


With regard to 'what is Truth?'


'I don't want you to tell me that truth or any truth (if one must say

there is A truth). I wish to realize it myself. I want to know only

the path to realize this truth from you (if you know it, have tread

it, and can help me move along when I ask for help).'


It is obvious from your age that you have lots of worldly experience.

I look for specific worldly advice from my elders, whenever in need.

(Just like what Shri Ramji did to correct me on my erroneous usage of

words in reply to Sri Dennis) But I am looking for Anubhuti (or

anubhava, whatever you wish to call it) in a person, in treading the

path to realize the truth. I am looking for one, who tread such a

path of wisdom and realized the truth. And from him/her I wish to

learn only that path!


Satyameva Jayate Naanrtam

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Namaste dadiji, (I hope you don't mind me calling you that)


I told you again, I don't want you to tell me the truth!


Oh, and that question you asked me on my paper,


Dadiji please.... It is an academic matter to be discussed in

academic forums. It would be incongrous and against the spirit of the

group to discuss it here. To satisfy your curiosity, however,


My papers' titles are:


'Temperature Compensated Four Quadrant Analog Multiplier Using OTAs',

September 2002


'Novel Adjustable duty cycle Astable circuit without first cycle

timing error', February 2003


'Wide input voltage range, Low voltage, FGMOS based four quadrant

analog multiplier.', August 2003


'Wide differential input range Operational Transconductance Amplifier

for Low voltage Low power, wideband applications', November 2003


'A novel Current conveyor cell, with high compliance, for low volatge

applications', January 2004


I am currently working on another research paper. Please, let us not

digress into that any more. But since you digress, I bring the point



"I cannot tell you their contents of these novel ideas. But surely, I

can help you tread a path to do such research yourself. This is what

all great professors do. So does even my professor. Will you be my

spiritual professor?"


Satyameva Jayate Naanrtam

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advaitin, "Balaji Ramasubramanian"

<balajiramasubramanian> wrote:

> Do you have anubhuti sir? Could you teach me? I cannot take

> Sanyas right now, but want to know only the truth. I have no

> interest in any other thing/God/Siddhi.




Do we have a Nachiketa in our midst? Dear dear Balaji, you are only

22 and I appreciate your enthusiasm for truth. But if you want to

find the truth, then focus on why you cannot take to sanyas. I am not

here recommending sanyas to you, but I am repeating the words of the

wise that vairagya is absolutely necessary for a seeker of truth.

When you want the truth and you are ready to sacrifice everything for

the truth, then the one who will show you the truth will definitely

come. When the soul is ripe, the Guru will come. It maybe that your

hunger expresses your readiness.


I do not have the qualifications to teach you, but being older than

you (in this life, though you may be an older soul) I offer you some

words of advice. You are asking people to come to the path of direct

experience rather than engage in scriptural study. You are right of

course, but people will still not follow your advice. There is a

reason why we are the way we are, and why each one of us takes to his

or her own path. The momentum of unnumbered ages will not go away

with a simple call. Can you discern the unseen adrshta of people? The

wise do not give ineffectual advice. One must be able to recognise

the way of the world. Such recognition usually comes when the Guru

gives intitiation, and the authority to teach. But right now, do we

want to become teachers or seekers?




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Namaste Chittaranjanji.


Good advice.


About your last question quoted below, we are neither teachers nor

seekers because we aren't competent to teach (brahmavidyA) and there

is nothing to seek as the sought is what we already have.


Then what are we? We are sharers. Let us find joy in sharing what

we know and keep this satsangh flowing smoothly without generating





Madathil Nair



-- In advaitin, "Chittaranjan Naik"

<chittaranjan_naik> wrote:


But right now, do we

> want to become teachers or seekers?

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Namste Chittaranjanji,


Your advice is well taken. My reason for not taking up sanyas is due

to my responsibility towards my parents. My viragya is not so ripe at

this stage. Can't I develop viragya as I grow in the path to

realization and then take up sanyas as and when necessary? I do not

see the point in sanyas right away. (I am not Shankara, who illumined

the the universe with his great wisdom - the Jagat-guru. I am not

even close to any of his followers.)


My second question is, Is it necessary to take sanyas institutionally

to declare to the world that I have viragya? Doesn't that immediately

attach an identity to one, which is exactly against the spirit is

Sanyas, by declaring to everyone that here I am with vairagya. Look

at me.


While I recognize that sanyas will surely aid in the path to

liberation, I fail to see the necessity.


Satyameva Jayate Naanrtam

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Namaste Nairji,


You write wise words. Yes, there is joy in sharing and peace in

satsangh. And strife in needless debate.







advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair> wrote:

> Namaste Chittaranjanji.


> Good advice.


> About your last question quoted below, we are neither teachers nor

> seekers because we aren't competent to teach (brahmavidyA) and


> is nothing to seek as the sought is what we already have.


> Then what are we? We are sharers. Let us find joy in sharing what

> we know and keep this satsangh flowing smoothly without generating

> controversies.


> PraNAms.


> Madathil Nair

> ________________________


> -- In advaitin, "Chittaranjan Naik"

> <chittaranjan_naik> wrote:


> But right now, do we

> > want to become teachers or seekers?

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shri chitranjanji,


There is 'joy' and 'peace' in everything in Satsangh or otherwise...

For if you have peace and joy within, how can external strife affect

you?The lotus is a beautiful flower whether it is in a muddy pond or

while floating in the pristine waters of the Sacred river Ganges ...


Our newest member Bala-JI reminds of young Narendra when he first

came to visit shri Ramakrishna ... so, you know the rest of the

story ... how Naren became Swami VIVEKANANDA -full of disctrimination

and ananda!


here is a thought from yoga vasishta ...


He is silent in useless arguments, he is deaf to useless talk, he is

a corpse in relation to unrighteous actions, he is very much alive in

righteous actions, he is brilliant in exposing what is auspicious and

in a moment he reveals the greatest truth. All this is natural to the

wise man. He does not have to strive to acquire these qualities." (p.



enjoy !


Yaa Devi Sarva bhuteshu "shanti" rupena sanstita !

namastasyai namastasyai om namo namsthuthe!


To the Devi who resides in all beings as "peace" , salutations !












-- In advaitin, "Chittaranjan Naik"

<chittaranjan_naik> wrote:

> Namaste Nairji,


> You write wise words. Yes, there is joy in sharing and peace in

> satsangh. And strife in needless debate.


> Pranams,

> Chittaranjan




> advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

> <madathilnair> wrote:

> > Namaste Chittaranjanji.

> >

> > Good advice.

> >

> > About your last question quoted below, we are neither teachers


> > seekers because we aren't competent to teach (brahmavidyA) and

> there

> > is nothing to seek as the sought is what we already have.

> >

> > Then what are we? We are sharers. Let us find joy in sharing


> > we know and keep this satsangh flowing smoothly without


> > controversies.

> >

> > PraNAms.

> >

> > Madathil Nair

> > ________________________

> >

> > -- In advaitin, "Chittaranjan Naik"

> > <chittaranjan_naik> wrote:

> >

> > But right now, do we

> > > want to become teachers or seekers?

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Namaste Adi Shakti Maa,


I recognise the truth of your statement. At times, I feel this inner

joy in a large measure, but then it eludes me in the trying moments

of my life.... which is a sure sign that I have a long way to go.

When I mentioned about strife in debating, I wasn't refering to brave

young Balaji, but to my own incapacity for sustained argumentation.






advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>


> shri chitranjanji,


> There is 'joy' and 'peace' in everything in Satsangh or


> For if you have peace and joy within, how can external strife


> you?The lotus is a beautiful flower whether it is in a muddy pond


> while floating in the pristine waters of the Sacred river

Ganges ...


> Our newest member Bala-JI reminds of young Narendra when he first

> came to visit shri Ramakrishna ... so, you know the rest of the

> story ... how Naren became Swami VIVEKANANDA -full of


> and ananda!


> here is a thought from yoga vasishta ...


> He is silent in useless arguments, he is deaf to useless talk, he


> a corpse in relation to unrighteous actions, he is very much alive


> righteous actions, he is brilliant in exposing what is auspicious


> in a moment he reveals the greatest truth. All this is natural to


> wise man. He does not have to strive to acquire these qualities."


> 669)


> enjoy !


> Yaa Devi Sarva bhuteshu "shanti" rupena sanstita !

> namastasyai namastasyai om namo namsthuthe!


> To the Devi who resides in all beings as "peace" , salutations !


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Dear Sri Chittaranji, Namaste

"Satsangatwe nissangatwam

nissangatwe nirmohtawam

nirmohatwe nischala tatwam"

Hari Om


Chittaranjan Naik <chittaranjan_naik wrote:

Namaste Nairji,


You write wise words. Yes, there is joy in sharing and peace in

satsangh. And strife in needless debate.







advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair> wrote:

> Namaste Chittaranjanji.


> Good advice.


> About your last question quoted below, we are neither teachers nor

> seekers because we aren't competent to teach (brahmavidyA) and


> is nothing to seek as the sought is what we already have.


> Then what are we? We are sharers. Let us find joy in sharing what

> we know and keep this satsangh flowing smoothly without generating

> controversies.


> PraNAms.


> Madathil Nair

> ________________________


> -- In advaitin, "Chittaranjan Naik"

> <chittaranjan_naik> wrote:


> But right now, do we

> > want to become teachers or seekers?




Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman

and Brahman.

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