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Is this World a Maya??

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Let me introduce to u all. me a jiva and this Body has a name, "Divakar


I'm the new person to this group and have a question to start with.


How can we justify that this whole world where we r staying is maya.

How can we think of it has maya- illusion and still do our duties. This

something is little difficult for me to understand.


Thanks in advance.



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Namashkar Shri Divakar ! welcome aboard!


YOU ask ....


How can we justify that this whole world where we r staying is maya.

How can we think of it has maya- illusion and still do our duties.

This something is little difficult for me to understand.


As I am now devoting my evenings (among other things) to read Shri

Ramana's thoughts on various subjects , it gives me great pleasure to

share this with you ... please allow me!


Bhagwan says....


" There is no doubt whatsoever that the universe is the merest

illusion. The principal purport of the Vedas is to make known the

true BraHman , after showing the apparent universe to be false. It is

for this purpose the Vedas admit the creation of the world and not

for any other reason. Moreover, for the less qualified persons

creation is taught, that is the phased evolution of prakriti(primal

nature), mahat-tattwa (the great intellect), tanmatras (the subtlest

essences), bhutas (the grss elements). the world, the body etc. from

BraHman while for the more qualified sileltaneous creation is taught,

that this world arose like a dream on account of one's own thoughts

induced by the defect of not knowing oneself as the Self. Thus, from

the fact that the creation of the world has been described in

different ways it is clear that the purport of the Vedas rests only

in reaching the true nature of BraHman after showing somehow or other

the illusory nature of the universe.Thus the world is illusory, every

one can directly know in the state of realizationwhich is in the form

of experience of one's bliss nature. "


Shri Ramana Maharishi ( Vichara Sangraham )



This whole world the illusion maker projects out of this [brahman].

And in it by illusion the other is confined.

Now, one should know that Nature is illusion,

And that the Mighty Lord is the illusion maker.

[svetasvatara upanishads 4.9-10]




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Namaskara Adi Shaktiji & group.


Shri Ramana Maharshi's words -

>Thus the world is illusory, every

> one can directly know in the state of realizationwhich is in the

>form of experience of one's bliss nature.


If only in the state of realization we can come to know that the

world is illusory.


Then still i'm the long way from it, how can still do, or rather

understand how to perform duties in this illusory world.

Also we are told that we are supposed to serve parents and others and

it our dharma.

If everything else is maya and even the parents are only of this

shareera(body), how still i should perform duties toward them.


I'm in the age of 26. And a beginner. So please write in simple words.

Can u give some simple analogies which will can give some pictures.


Thanks in advance.








advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>


> Namashkar Shri Divakar ! welcome aboard!


> YOU ask ....


> How can we justify that this whole world where we r staying is maya.

> How can we think of it has maya- illusion and still do our duties.

> This something is little difficult for me to understand.


> As I am now devoting my evenings (among other things) to read Shri

> Ramana's thoughts on various subjects , it gives me great pleasure to

> share this with you ... please allow me!


> Bhagwan says....


> " There is no doubt whatsoever that the universe is the merest

> illusion. The principal purport of the Vedas is to make known the

> true BraHman , after showing the apparent universe to be false. It is

> for this purpose the Vedas admit the creation of the world and not

> for any other reason. Moreover, for the less qualified persons

> creation is taught, that is the phased evolution of prakriti(primal

> nature), mahat-tattwa (the great intellect), tanmatras (the subtlest

> essences), bhutas (the grss elements). the world, the body etc. from

> BraHman while for the more qualified sileltaneous creation is taught,

> that this world arose like a dream on account of one's own thoughts

> induced by the defect of not knowing oneself as the Self. Thus, from

> the fact that the creation of the world has been described in

> different ways it is clear that the purport of the Vedas rests only

> in reaching the true nature of BraHman after showing somehow or other

> the illusory nature of the universe.Thus the world is illusory, every

> one can directly know in the state of realizationwhich is in the form

> of experience of one's bliss nature. "


> Shri Ramana Maharishi ( Vichara Sangraham )


> **********************************************************************

> This whole world the illusion maker projects out of this [brahman].

> And in it by illusion the other is confined.

> Now, one should know that Nature is illusion,

> And that the Mighty Lord is the illusion maker.

> [svetasvatara upanishads 4.9-10]


> **********************************************************************

> Aum!

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praNAms prabhuji

Hare krishna


You wrote:


If only in the state of realization we can come to know that the

world is illusory.




you can also analyse the illusionary nature of world from sAkshi which

stand as a witness to our avasthAtraya i.e. jAgrat (waking), svapna (dream)

& sushupti (deep sleep).


Again you said:


Then still i'm the long way from it, how can still do, or rather

understand how to perform duties in this illusory world.

Also we are told that we are supposed to serve parents and others and

it our dharma.

If everything else is maya and even the parents are only of this

shareera(body), how still i should perform duties toward them.




Kindly note prabhuji, there is a difference between dharma jignAsa & brahma

jignAsa. Following dharma helps us towards chitta shuddhi & prepares our

mind (antaHkaraNa) to realise our true nature. So, as long as, we are

thinking that V R encased in BMI, it is our primary duty to serve

wholeheartedly our parents & AchArya-s. Ofcourse, there is a stage where

we realise mAtA, amAtA, pitA apitA, vEda avEda etc. Till the dawn of that

ultimate knowledge, we have to to vyavahAra with IshvarArpita buddhi.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!


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When Bhagavan says the whole world is Maya and Illusory, it includes we i.e.

Divakarji, Maniji, Adiji, etc. etc. One cannot stand out of this world and look

at it as illusory. If he does, it creates a lot of problems. Then what we i.e.

all these "jis" should do? Yes, we are on the stage, and let us play our roles

well, as per the roles assigned to us, and this playig role well itself is

following Dharma.

Sanyasa does not mean wearing particular uniform or growing beard, etc. That has

no meaning. It is understandng the illusoriness of each individual icluding me,

and playing one's role with the attitude that the player is not the agent of any

action, nor is hethe enjoyer of any result of such action. It is all the Script.

Hope dear learned members can play their roles in correcting the role I have


Hari Om


adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:

Namashkar Shri Divakar ! welcome aboard!


YOU ask ....


How can we justify that this whole world where we r staying is maya.

How can we think of it has maya- illusion and still do our duties.

This something is little difficult for me to understand.


As I am now devoting my evenings (among other things) to read Shri

Ramana's thoughts on various subjects , it gives me great pleasure to

share this with you ... please allow me!


Bhagwan says....


" There is no doubt whatsoever that the universe is the merest

illusion. The principal purport of the Vedas is to make known the

true BraHman , after showing the apparent universe to be false. It is

for this purpose the Vedas admit the creation of the world and not

for any other reason. Moreover, for the less qualified persons

creation is taught, that is the phased evolution of prakriti(primal

nature), mahat-tattwa (the great intellect), tanmatras (the subtlest

essences), bhutas (the grss elements). the world, the body etc. from

BraHman while for the more qualified sileltaneous creation is taught,

that this world arose like a dream on account of one's own thoughts

induced by the defect of not knowing oneself as the Self. Thus, from

the fact that the creation of the world has been described in

different ways it is clear that the purport of the Vedas rests only

in reaching the true nature of BraHman after showing somehow or other

the illusory nature of the universe.Thus the world is illusory, every

one can directly know in the state of realizationwhich is in the form

of experience of one's bliss nature. "


Shri Ramana Maharishi ( Vichara Sangraham )



This whole world the illusion maker projects out of this [brahman].

And in it by illusion the other is confined.

Now, one should know that Nature is illusion,

And that the Mighty Lord is the illusion maker.

[svetasvatara upanishads 4.9-10]







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Thank you mani(ji)for the clarification.


Yes , the whole world is a stage and we are all actors and actresses.


BUT how does one play one's role ? As a mother , i must perform my

duty by my children. As a grandmother , i must do my best by my

grandchildren. While, my hands may be performing the Various tasks

like preparing the food, washing the clothes, changing the diapers,

cleaning the house and other emprical acts, the Mind must be firmly

established only in one thing i.e. that is 'self' as God. While

performing all these acts, discard the notion that I am the mother ,

i am the grandmother etc... the mind has to always abide in

the 'self' (which is the deity.)


Here, i would like to give the example of Sufi saint Kabir. As you

know , Kabir was a weaver. One day Kabir was weaving a pitambara for

the Lord, for his BELOVED Rama. He had to work the loom alone by

hand. He recited Rama Rama Rama Rama and went on weaving ceaselessly.

The cloth had become twenty yards long, but Kabir did not stop; his

thapas continued unabated; the pithambara was becoming longer and

longer. He was immersed in the simple act of weaving and

remembering the name of the God. (Rama nama smaranam), When Kabir

gave the pitambara to the temple priest for clothing the idol of

Rama, the pithambara was just the size, just the length and breadth,

not a finger breadth more!


Such is the 'stuff' real bhaktas (jnanis) are made of.



WITH A SON. but, kabir was a self-realized soul who knew that BraHman

lives in the inner cavity of the heart. So, although he performed all

worldly actions, his mind was always contemplating on the Self

as 'Rama' or 'Rahim'.


btw,Ramana Maharishi never wore 'ochre' robes; nor did he smear his

body with ashes ; he never shaved his head ....


but all shri ramana wore was a Loin Cloth (langoti) and carried a

kamandal. (water pot) ' but he was the Greatest of all sadhus ; his

mind was a place of pilgrimage. In his heart (not the physical)

flowed the river Ganges in the form of AMRITA-NADI. in his very

presence, one could feel the presence of all gods/esses. In fact, he

is no more but if you go to Ramanashram even today, you can feel the

divine presence of the Maharishi - in the 'silence' ... for, Ramana

always said 'he is not the body' ...


maniji, you make a good point when you say one should not be attached

to the fruits of one's action...


yes! Lord Krishna says in the srimad Bhagvat Gita ...


"karmanyevadikarasthu ma phaleshu kadachina"





Folks, today is Shri Ramanavami. Let us salute shri Rama, who was

called 'maryada' purushottam. Shri Rama played all his roles to

perfection . He was the 'ideal' man ... the ideal son, the ideal

brother , the ideal Ruler etc... He followed 'dharma' to the

letter 'T'...


In the Brhad-visnu-sahasranama-stotra, Uttara-khanda, Padma Purana

(72.335) it is said:


rama rameti rameti, rame rame manorame;

sahasra-namabhis tulyam, rama-nama varanane.


Lord Siva addressed his wife, Durga: "O Varanana (lovely-faced

woman), I chant the holy name of Rama, Rama, Rama and thus constantly

enjoy this beautiful sound. This holy name of Ramacandra is equal to

one thousand holy names of Lord Visnu (Visnu-sahasra-nama-stotram)."


join me in saluting


jai kothanda rama , jai pattabhi rama, jai kalyana rama, jai sita


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Namaste sri Divakar:


You have raised an important question that bothers everyone time to

time and 'practical vedanta' does provide the necessary help. In the

modern days we are quite accustomed to using the 'manuals'to conduct

tasks such as auto, cycle, appliances and house repairs.

Fortunately, Bhagavad Gita will serve as one of the best Manual (of

life) for conducting our duties and enjoying our life. Sometimes

manuals alone may not be helpful because we may need additional

tools and technical expertise to complete many tasks. Since life is

more precious, we seek help from wherever we can get it. Gita is a

very systematic manual and provides appropriate choices while

conducting the duties of our life.


Gita the practical vedantic manual describes what is transient and

what is permanant. Lord Krishna emphatically asks all of us to seek

the permanant peace and happiness. In practical vedantic

terminology, the world is 'transient' and is subject to change as we

proceed. As we proceed through the transient part of our life, our

efforts should be toward spiritual growth. As we spiritually grow,

we learn the art of detaching our interest from temporary pleasures

to more permanant happiness. If we rewind the video of our own

childhood, we could recognize that we have no problem in getting rid

of the possessions of racecars, dolls, etc. that we used to seek for

our pleasures! Some spiritual growth occurs as we grow older but

those who put more efforts have grown faster and better than others.


One of the best practical way of understanding detachment is 'bird

watching.! It seems they have been liberated before all of us, they

can fly wherever they want to go without looking for bargain air

tickets, they can stop whenever they like, they can eat and drink

whatever is available, and they don't look for a five star hotel to

stay! Interestingly they build the nests once a year just for

providing shelter and food to young chicks. After completing their

duties of raising the chicks, they once again continue their

journey! If we can learn the art of 'unselfish' living we can

understand that the world is transient and take the clues from the

birds. The bird watching also provides the subtle message that we

should learn to 'watch' our own life just like watching the birds.

The sages of the Upanishads and Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita tell

us that we should learn to become a 'witness' instead of assuming



Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran




advaitin, "Divakar Y" <divakar@g...> wrote:


> Then still i'm the long way from it, how can still do, or rather

> understand how to perform duties in this illusory world.

> Also we are told that we are supposed to serve parents and others


> it our dharma.

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