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The Perfect Sage - (pUrNamadah pUrNamidam... revisited (April 04 topic))

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Salutations RamChandran,


Your comments are well put and resounding in as far as any word can attest to

That. Your point brought to mind the story of the story of the holy saints

who were involved in a very subtle and sublime disputation wherein each one of

them spoke of his own system with courage and conviction and maintained that it

was better than all the rest. But they could reach no conclusion and so asked

Brahma :


"Lord! We are sages who know all about the world and beyond, but each one's

way of life differs from that of the others because the dispositions of our

minds differ. Some of us are always in Nirvikalpa Samadhi, some engaged in

philosophical discussions, some sunk in devotion, some have taken to work, and

others seem exactly like men of the world. Which is best among us? Please tell


We cannot decide ourselves because each thinks that his way is the best."


Brahma answered, "Best of saints! I also would like to know. There is

Parameswara who is the All-knower. Let us go and ask him." Collecting Vishnu on

their way, they went to Siva, and asked him about the matter. Having heard

Brahma, Siva divined the mind of Brahma and understood that the Rishis were


in confidence and so that any words of his would be useless. He then said to

them, "Hear me, Rishis! Neither do I clearly see which is the method, let us

meditate on the Goddess - Her Majesty Unconditioned Knowledge - we shall

then be able to understand even the subtlest of truths by Her Grace." On Hearing

these words, all of them, including Siva, Vishnu and Brahma, meditated on

Her Divine Majesty, the Transcendental Consciousness pervading the three states

of life.


Thus invoked, She manifested in Her Glory as the Transcendental Voice in the

expanse of pure consciousness. "Speak out your minds, O Rishis! Be quick, the

desires of my devotees will always be fulfilled immediately." After paying

homage to the Most Auspicious and proffering salutations over and over from all

sides and everywhere, the Rishis put forth their question. "Kindly tell us of

Thy relative form and Thy transcendental state, Thy prowess, and Thy identity

with jnana. What is the proper and perfect means for attaining Thee, and the

nature and result of such attainment? What is the utmost finality of

accomplishment, beyond which there remains nothing to be accomplished? Who is

the best

among the accomplished sages? Salutations again to Thee! Creatrix, Goddess of

ultimate knowledge began with great kindness to explain it clearly to the sages:


"Listen, sages! I shall categorically explain to you all that you ask. I

shall give you the nectar drawn out as the essence from the unending


of sacred literature. I am the abstract intelligence werefrom the cosmos

originates, whereon it flourishes, and wherein it resolves, like the images in a

mirror. The ignorant know me as the gross universe, whereas the wise feel me as

their own pure being eternally lowing as 'I-I' within. This realisation is

possible only in the deep stillness of thought-free consciousness similar to


of the deep sea free from waves. The most earnest of devotees worship me

spontaneously and with the greatest sincerity which is due to their love of


Although they know that I am their own non-dual Self, yet the habit of loving

devotion which is deep-rooted in them makes them conceive their own Self as

ME and worship me as the life current pervading their bodies, senses and mind

without which nothing could exist and which forms the sole purport of the holy

scriptures. Such is my Transcendental State."


The Supreme One Transcending All, further avers, "He who is, from his own

experience, capable of appreciating the states of other jnanis including the


among them, is certainly a perfect sage...He who feels himself pervading

all - be they ignorant or emancipated - is a perfect sage...He who knowing the

trammels of bondage, does not seek release from them and remains in peace, is a

perfect sage...The perfect among the sages is identical with Me. There is

absolutely no difference between us."


It is purely in the context of this rendering, that I Salute you and bow to

your response. Perhaps this rendering will aide in loosening the 'knot' that

binds us to the impulse of attempting to tie knots where ropes do not exist.


Best Regard,





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