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GUNA BRAHMINS! not JATI ! Manishaapanchakam

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shri ramachandranji!


what is so great about becoming a 'brahmin' and why should that ever

be such alofty ideal?


the goal should be to be a better human being , loving, caring and

above all understanding!



btw, i am a brahmin iyer woman and i am least proud of that! i am

more proud of the fact that i am a good mother, a woman with a social

conscience, a loving daughter, a conscientious and productive worker

on my job... ! so on and so forth!


if by brahmin, we mean the 'caste' brahmin , i don't even want to be

part of that discussion specially in a list dedicated to 'adi

shankara' - the greatest of all gurus!


Advaita, the non-dualistic philosophy expounded in detail by Shri

Shankara, does not recognize differences between people based on

*caste, creed, religion, gender etc* since we are all the

manifestations of the same Brahman.


The scene is set in Varanasi (Kashi/Benaras), the ancient sacred city

of India, and the home to the famous kashi visvanatha temple.

Adi shankaraachaarya, the expounder of the advaitic, non-dualistic

philosophy, was on the way to the temple after finishing his bath.

Suddenly he saw a chandaala (an outcaste), on the way, and beckons to

him to keep a distance, as per the practice and custom in those days.

That outcaste is none other than the Lord sha.nkara (Shiva) Himself!

At such beckoning, the Lord addresses his devotee sha.nkarAchArya, in

the first two stanzas (the prologue), as under:


annamayaadannamayamathavaa chaitanyameva chaitanyaat.h |

yativara duuriikartuM vaaJNchhasi kiM bruuhi gachchha gachchheti ||


O great ascetic! Tell me. Do you want me to keep a distance from

you, by uttering 'go away' 'go away' taking me to be an outcaste ?

Is it addressed from one body made of food to another body made of

food, or is it consciousness from consciousness --- which, O, the

best among ascetics, you wish should go away, by saying

`` Go away, go away''? Do tell me.


pratyagvastuni nistaraN^gasahajaanandaavabhodhaambudhau

vipro.ayaM shvapacho.ayamityapi mahaanko.ayaM vibhedhabhramaH |

kiM gaN^gaambuni bimbite.ambaramaNau chaaNDaalaviithiipayaH

puure vaa.antaramasti kaaJNchanaghaTiimR^itkumbhayorvaa.ambare ||


Answer me. While the supreme Being is reflected in every object as

the sun's reflecion could be seen in the placid waveless water bodies

why this doubting confusion and differentiation i.e. whether one is a

brahmin or an outcaste ? who is the superior one etc ?. Is there any

difference in the reflection of the sun in the waters of the Ganges

or in the water present in the street of an outcaste?

Likewise, is there any difference when the water- containers happen

to be golden vessels and earthen pots ?


(Immediately shankaraacharya realises the presence of the Lord

Shankara before him (who has apparently shown Himself with a view to

removing the last vestige of imperfection in His devotee) and reels

off the following 5 stanzas-constituting 'maniishhaapa.nchakam.h'-

ending with a further stanza in the form of an epilogue).


jaagratsvapnasushhuptishhu sphuTataraa yaa saMvidujjR^imbhate

yaa brahmaadipipiilikaantatanushhu protaa jagatsaakshiNii |

saivaahaM na cha dR^ishyavastviti dR^iDhapraGYaapi yasyaasti che\-

chchaaNDaalo.astu sa tu dvijo.astu gururityeshhaa maniishhaa mama ||


If one is convinced firmly, that he is that very Soul which manifests

itself in all the conditions of sleep, wakefulness and dream, in all

the objects from the great Brahma (the creator) to the tiny ant and

which is also the vibrant, but invisible, witnesser of all, then as

per my clear conclusion, he is the great teacher/preceptor, be he a

twice-born (i.e higher castes) or an outcaste.




brahmaivaahamidaM jagachcha sakalaM chinmaatravistaaritaM

sarvaM chaitadavidyayaa triguNayaa.asheshhaM mayaa kalpitam.h |

itthaM yasya dR^iDhaa matiH sukhatare nitye pare nirmale

chaaNDaalo.astu sa tu dvijo.astu gururityeshhaa maniishhaa mama || 2||


I am quite convinced that he is the great Master, be he a Brahmin or

an outcaste, who, dwelling on the pure and infinite Brahman thinks

of himself as that very Brahman, of whose manifestation the whole

Universe is,though apparently the Universe is assumed to consist of

different things, due to ignorance and the three Gunas (Satva, Rajas

and Tamas).



shashvannashvarameva vishvamakhilaM nishchitya vaachaa guro\-

rnityaM brahma nirantaraM vimR^ishataa nirvyaajashaantaatmanaa |

bhuutaM bhaati cha dushhkR^itaM pradahataa saMvinmaye paavake

praarabdhaaya samarpitaM svavapurityeshhaa maniishhaa mama || 3||



I am fully convinced by the Preceptor's words that the entire

Universe is a transitory illusion and that the human body is given to

constantly meditate on the infinite and supreme Being with a serene

and unquestioning mind and thus to burn in that sacred Fire the sins

with which the human is born.



yaa tiryaN^.hnaradevataabhirahamityantaH sphuTaa gR^ihyate

yadbhaasaa hR^idayaakshadehavishhayaa bhaanti svato.achetanaaH |

taaM bhaasyaiH pihitaarkamaNDalanibhaaM sphuurtiM sadaa bhaavaya\-

nyogii nirvR^itamaanaso hi gururityeshhaa maniishhaa mama || 4||


In my considered opinion that Yogi is great who has clearly grasped

within himself the truth and quality of the supreme Being through

which all our activities are performed and whose effulgence is hidden

by ignorance [of an ordinary person] even as the sun's halo is

covered/hidden by the clouds.


yatsaukhyaambudhileshaleshata ime shakraadayo nirvR^itaa

yachchitte nitaraaM prashaantakalane labdhvaa munirnirvR^itaH |

yasminnityasukhaambudhau galitadhiirbrahmaiva na brahmavid.h

yaH kashchitsa surendravanditapado nuunaM maniishhaa mama || 5||


I am convinced that whoever has his mind dwelling upon the Great Being

who is being worshipped by Indra and other gods and is thus

completely at peace with himself has not only understood Brahman but

he is himself that great Brahman!



daasaste.ahaM dehadR^ishhTyaa.asmi shaMbho

jaatasteM.asho jiivadR^ishhTyaa tridR^ishhTe |

sarvasyaa.a.atmannaatmadR^ishhTyaa tvameve\-

tyevaM me dhiirnishchitaa sarvashaastraiH ||


Oh Lord ! In the form of body I am your servant. In the form of life,

O three-eyed one, I am part of yourself. In the form of soul, you

are within me and in every other soul.I have arrived at this

conclusion through my intellect and on the authority of the various




in this advaitin list, we need to remember only one thing and that is


"in the form of soul, You are within me and every other soul."


This is the only correct interpretaton of adwaithgis philosophy ....

all these esoteric discussions about viveka chudamani , upanishdic

dictum 'purnamidam' etc... , shankara's bhasyams are of no use unless

one reconizes this basic ground rule!


LOVE to one and all!
























Hae you heard of Narayana guru? SRI NARAYANA GURU


"Another movement that deserves study is the movement founded by

Narayana Guru, the Ezhava (avarna) saint of Kerala. The Ezhavas are

one of the "backward" success stories in South India, and Narayana

Guru's appropriation and reformulation of Shankara's philosophy into

a global egalitarianism gave the Ezhavas a firm belonging within the

mainstream Hindu fold. He advocated education above all else; he

built schools and ashrams. Since they were not allowed into temples

in those days, he built temples. Interestingly, Narayana Guru had a

Sanskrit education. In Kerala apparently, Sanskrit education was not

impossible for avarnas.


His first temple inauguration is well known: Dramatically, he rose

from the waters in the heart of the night and brought forth a Siva

Lingam. After three hours in meditation, with tears cascading down

his face, he installed the holy icon, while the entranced crowd

chanted "Om Namah Shivaya". Some Orthodox Brahmins challenged his

installation. After all, what right did an Ezhava have to install an

icon? But he responded: "I've installed only an Ezhava Shiva!" Those

words resonate with all well-meaning Hindus who wish to see spiritual

inequality end. He also played a role in the Vaikkom satyagraha. His

movement lives on in Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.


(borrowed from a web source)














advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <RamChandran@a...>


> Namaste Sri Balaji:


> I find your speculative statements such as - "None of us here is

> eligible to be called brahmin" is inappropriate. This advaitin list

> family consists of nearly 800 members, some of them possess the

> necessary credintials to be called as brahmins and everyone in the

> list is certainly eligible to become a brahmin! Is anyone stopping

> them to become a brahmin?


> Warmest regards,


> Ram Chandran


> Note: The saying, "If we spill the grains, we can pick them back

> without much damage, but if the words are spilled, it can't be


> back!"


> advaitin, "Balaji Ramasubramanian"

> <balajiramasubramanian> wrote:

> > PS: So from what I had written earlier about Brahmin and not

> brahmin,

> > none of us here is eligible to be called brahmin. But soceity


> > itself so. Hence, I use the vyAvahArika term here (being that of

> > jAti, which is very unfortunate).

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