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Some Wonderful Writings on pure Advaita

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It is not my intention to come here preaching of to get into debate

about anything at all but here is some wonderful Advaita Writing i

thought i might make available.


with respect and love







hi manoo


hello sir


now i will tell you how the state of existence is like a dream do you

have time?


Yes sir


m, A man goes to sleep and thinks he dreams he awakes and thinks he

has awoken or he falls asleep and sleeps soundly. He comes and goes

to other places thinking he has come or gone


He walks around as if he is moving between this place and that all of

this occurs in both the dream and the waking states....

He meets people and has experiences of all descriptions and believes

he lives and dies. He meets many others who appear to be having an

experience of life, who go through the same things he does.


In the case of a realized person this is not the same


It is written in many books that there are the states of waking

dream and deep sleep; Trika Saivism talks of the Turiya state, this

is the state of the one who has realized the truth; it is called a

fourth state but it is not because it is the place from which and IN

which, all the other states appear. It combines and embraces all



Now then i will tell you how this works


A body thought of as the self of a person (the one who is thought of

as the jiva, soul, i , me and the normal way in which a man thinks of

himself or someone else) is always involved as, and thought of

as, "the self who is involved in the actions" performed in all



The I one thinks is ones-self - defined as "a referred-toME" in

the mind-space of the body in the case of the waking state, and

defined as mere presence in a dream, is always thought to be the self

of the jiva, soul, I....


Now this I-who-one-thinks-is-ones-self goes about as if existing as a

real entity or being and is always referred to as "I" by the Jiva or

Soul and is also thought of as the total jiva, soul Or "I"


This is where the problem named "existence of I" arises in both the

dream and the waking state.


This means that in all states there must be placed an "I" who is

present in all the states and experiences had in the states of waking

and dream, so that those states can be said to have been experienced

by someone who exists.


If this was not so then it could not be said that "I" Had the

experience of the Waking state, or of a dream ..... or of having

slept soundly or of having had any experience what-so-ever.


In short this means, an "I" must be placed in all states if they are

to be known to have been experienced.


If that "I" was not placed there --- there could be no experience of

any state except the Turiya because the foundation of the other

states is the Turiya state. Do you see?



Yes but, why does The Real "I" existing as The Turiya tend to

differentiate and show such an huge variety of experiences even

though it itself is non-dual and ONE?



Oh you shall see, Now i will describe it.


What is not understood is this....

That "I" that is placed in any state is the cause of the Cosmos or

realm/loka within which it is placed... This means that because it is

put there, that Cosmos appears or comes into being (The Cosmos is

created by placing that "I" into the State) This happens because in

order to have the experience of that state the Real Self appears as

the Cosmos in which is placed the Jiva/soul or "I the being" called

me this man.


Think about this a moment

This is why there are such huge variety of dreams, and is also why

the Cosmos a given being experiences in any state, appears to be a

different one to the one someone else experiences.


I am saying that while an "I" of any description is thought, imagines

or projected into being the Absolute Self appears as the Cosmos

(though it isn't) and the Jiva is placed in it.


do you follow>?


Yes ...



simply put it means the Self Creates the Cosmos so that the Jiva can

go there and be in a state, else where would the jiva exist? It would




I the absolute, creates cosmos which is Him and through Jiva it

reflects itself to experience what is Him ?



Yes that is exactly and precisely what is happening


Now because the will of The Absolute is locating itself in the jiva,

the jiva appears to be living in and experiencing the state of either

dream, deep-sleep or waking because the Real Self Has manifested as

the Cosmos for the jiva to go into and the cosmos appears real due to

that; as does the dream appear real to the dreamer also.


However a man lies down and goes to sleep and his outer world

disappears totally, he is oblivious to it. He awakes and remembers he

had a dream - or he says i slept soundly not remembering the state of

his mind as he lay dormant in the state of laying inert or in

dreamless sleep.

Does this mean that the dream world (the Astral Plane) is real and

the waking world false, or does it mean that the waking world is real

and the dream false?


Does it mean they are both false --- or it does it mean that they

are both nothing more than reflections of each other?


If they are reflections of each other then neither is real ... but

this causes the question ... From where did the reflection originate

in the first place?


In the first place it must have begun in order to begin to exist as

a reflection - this means the reflection must be caused by something

outside the mirror.


Now then it is obvious that the consciousness which appears as

perception in all beings, is due to interaction with the cosmos or

the senses. for example without the jiva (who must have senses in

order to experience being in a state) being placed in one of the

states in order to experience there could be no state at all



If he had no senses he could not and would not experience any

state .... this does not mean there would be no experience of that

state ... it means HE who is the JIVA. would not experience it.

because due to the fact of there being no senses in the case of the

missing jiva there could be no perception had by anyone; and

therefore no Cosmos would exist for that man who had no senses.


Now then in the case of the Turiya , it is not another state in which

a Jiva is placed or projected by the will such as the dream, waking

and deep-sleep states, and for that reason cannot be called a state.


Nor is any idea of selfhood projected, visualized or imagined as

existing in it. In the Turiya all and every kind of combination of

emptiness and imagination, both real and imagined in either the

physical or metaphysical existences, exist or do not exist.


It is a completely free state of manifestation of anything existing

coming into being or having existed or not existed, being in

existence, potential existence, or partial existence existing as pure

consciousness. The mind of the one who has realized this resides in

it permanently no matter if the body is asleep, walking about or

dead. He has become Infinite Being.


It is the state of The Being of The Absolute. In other words it is

the actual being-ness of The Absolute.


Now then in the case of The Absolute... He is still aware of the

things a normal person sees and experiences, but they are seen and

known is a totally different way.


He does not see them as if a being that could be thought of, or even

imagined as having any form is having the experience of the things,

or of the Small Cosmos in which the body of the man who has realized

the Absolute is existing.


It is a case of the Absolute actually seeing and experiencing the

things which exist inside That Absolute. The Realized one has entered

the Absolute and is Conscious as it.


He sees the body of the man who has realized him; He sees the bodies

of all beings; He sees the states of dream and waking and also deep


He sees the man who has realized him lay down to sleep but he never

goes to sleep. He sees the dream happening but is never unaware of

the room in which the man sleeps; nor is he unaware of the deep-sleep

even as the man sleeps.


He is aware at all times of who he is.


In the case of the man who thinks he is the jiva or soul or "I this

being" that one thinks he exists and goes into a Cosmos or state as

that I-who-he-thinks-he-is and the cosmos appears for him to exist in



For example one cannot go anywhere if nowhere exists can he? So the

cosmos appears out of him first and moves backward in Time until the

jiva appears inside it, such that Time also appears out of The

Absolute and therefore everything is in him but he-who-thinks-he-

exists-as-jiva never realizes it.


So then he is the source of the reflection called consciousness. is

this clear?



Yes, but where does dead man stand in this picture?



The dead man disappears once the mirror gets broken and dissolves

back into dust. For example if the man ceased to move there can be no

reflections to expand the Cosmos out of him.


If is the movement of the heart and the thought in the man that makes

the Cosmos appear out of the Absolute when this movement stops the

jiva dissolves. Such that this is called stopping the Vital Breath.


This is why the thought and dream will not stop while a man lives.

The breath goes in and out you see, the heart beats. This makes the

reflections; when you breath not you die. Even for the realized being

there are dreams and a heartbeat. He thinks, but he lives beyond the

body knowing the body is the window through which the Self comes.


When he decides his work is done he stops the dream by remaining

still and enters mahasamadhi. The prana has stopped you see....






Now we all understand the law of cause and effect and know that when

these laws are not operational in the body, the body dies; for

example if he ceases to move he dies, or he stops it by killing the

body - he dies.



now i must go for an hour i will be back there will be more on this.


Be sure to READ PART TWO of this discourse





Oh okay sir I will send you the poem ..sir i must say in case of my

brothers death. your words solaced me beyond limit Thanks may be

because they were core truth That which is ...





How Existence is Like a Dream Part 2.





Time moves in both the dream and the waking state as the field in

which the experience occurs as i said before; so the cosmos appears

out of him first and moves backward in Time until the jiva appears

inside it.


Thus the dream progresses as does the waking experience of being,

sleep occurs or dream to preserve the continuity of time having

passed, and hence existence as having passed or existed such that the

existence of I does not end till ones Clock has run out and he

thinks he is living either in the dream or the waking state.


For example: If the heart ceased to beat both states would disappear

for him. If time did not unfold out of him, there could be no place

in which to be, thus the universe expands and exists by the flux of

the movement of the atoms also; without them there is no universe

appearing at all. If the movement of the atoms stopped there could be

no universe at all.


Movement of the bowels, movement of the blood, movement of the prana,

movement of the breath - all must exist in order that a being of any

description exist - Time exists as the unfolding Cosmos, this is the

fragmented Atman (but it only appears to be fragmented)


But let us get back to the individual being who thinks he exists as

the "I" who is either dreaming or waking or sleeping


The heart continues to beat and the blood screams through his veins,

the breath goes in and goes out, the atoms in his body flux and spin,

his sleeping body moves on the bed or his body walks around in his

life, without action he dies, his acts are either his body acting or

his heart beating, his blood flowing in his veins or the prana in his



He eats, his system digests and so forth, he cannot exist without

movement; so then this is his state, he looks at the movement and

thinks it is he who is moving; but he looks only at a local area in

the whole and does not notice that all the other beings are also

existing in the same state.


He never sees that the true nature of the reflections are

reflections of the particle of The Atman which decided it was an "I"

causing it to become objectified and projected in the Absolute by the

decision to look at a single particle as himself.


Each of those beings appear in such diversity because he looked at

one as himself, this split or fragmented or reflected an infinity of

selves into being; this infinite number of selves or possible selves

hidden in the creative urge of all beings which makes them procreate,

is existing due to his wanting to exist as a self or Jiva.


When the jiva is gone he knows who he is! Once he realizes who or

what he is, there is the recognition and understanding that The Self

in all beings is none Other than The Same Self; at that point he can

get into the Turiya state; he cannot get there any other way.


First he must become himself then he can know his own Conscious Self

as nothing but the State itself. This means the state and the Self



The reason behind this is this...

He who has manifested all these selves by existing... cannot merge

with the source of the manifestation (i.e. himself) unless he resolve

his diversified self back into his own conscious being.


It is like a peanut that has been crushed- you can see fragments of

peanut- but you cannot reassemble the nut - he must reassemble the

nut back into infinite being- put it back where it came from


So that the fragments are gone...

Now this implies there is a Self who is composed of the reconstituted

fragmentation. This is not the case at all, because when all

fragments are resolved where can one exist in contrast to many (i.e.

one appears due to NUMBER) when number is gone where is counting?

Either of One or Zero?


When The Self is counted there can be no reference to another to give

it limit ..... it is after all Infinite.... thus the whole is

resolved into The One and ONLY Self


He does not see another, if he did then he would not be in himself

he would be counting others, such as one and two and so on.


So then if he looks at jiva as himself he has seen Jiva ("I") over

there inside his Absolutely Infinite Being.. and by that act of

seeing himself as jiva the whole fragmentation of himself is existing



So then the Turiya is the state of looking at all as ones-self... not

just of looking at the understanding that The Self Dwells in all

beings, but also that Time appears in the self. This means all beings

appear in The Self. He is not only in them as the very self of all,

but they are existing in him...


So to be in the Turiya, is to remain still in the Infinite and know

that YOU-THE-SELF-ARE-THAT-INFINITE in which all appears (even the

body of the man which has realized the truth) is to be the state

itself in which all states occur in the Self, not merely in the body.

Because the place that the dream body or the physical body is

existing in, is The Self, and is in The self.


This shows that it is to sit as if not existing in and as The

Infinite Absolute and look at dreaming and waking and deep sleeping

of all beings as occurring within that self who is sitting in that -

and As that Absolute. Thus he is formless conscious awareness looking

at his own consciousness appearing in him


He is thus the state and the occurrences in the state. So there in

the Turiya state (which cannot really be called "in" or "a state " as

such) there is no being there.


There is Infinite Self, non-formed and free from existence while

alive, that one who has attained this has become jivamkuta


He is awake in dream, in waking he is awake to himself. He goes

deliberately into deep sleep while he is dreaming to change the dream

as he wishes, or he does not. He is awake in the world and dreams at

the same time He is conscious on and as all levels and beings at all

times because Time is appearing in him - yet saying the word "within"

cannot be correct...because he is limitless and has no outside nor

any inside; thus he is all that exists or does not exists - he is

truly aware of his infinite nature for it is His Very Self.




Now to wake up in the dream or to remain awake in deep-sleep, or to

become realized in the waking state one must wake up to who one

really is ....


How to do that?

There are a million books millions of blabber mouths all saying blah

blah blah


Few know, even fewer can tell it. many want to know, many think they

know, Only He Himself knows


Many want to tell others....... they do not see The Self is talking

to The Self in The Self as The Self


Others want to be gurus, teachers and saviors etc.. blah blah blah -

fools all


He is awake in Himself there are no others.


So then to awaken to The Self of The Self .....


Get away from any designation of selfhood - Get away from any

designation of any description also that sees duality of any

description - become infinite,

If you attach being to any form of any sort - you will create the

Cosmos and go into the Cosmos as that being and lose your infinitude.

Because infinity transcends the NUMBER ONE and the number zero also


Zero anything's or one of anything - implies the rest, so empty mind

will not help you either.


Infinity is not a number - nor countable


So BE it!

Or be bound to dream and waking, eternally living and dying again

and again as what you think you are.


Understand that all those forms are appearing within you, all those

times, all those lives, all those events all the stars, all the

supernovas and black holes; all are within you. So wake up!


Stop pretending you are a stupid limited individual - stop being a

Being - but you cannot while ever you think other beings exist- even

if you think you are it and still think there are others than you

then you exist.


There is no other - there are no others - there never were - never

can be.


I am all is what YOU must realize- You Must Say deep in your

Consciousness "I AM ALL THAT EXISTS!"


But it is no good thinking you are all, if you imagine there are any

other beings, things, events, times, objects, planets, stars or

anything else who or which are not part of you.









Looking up we see the blue sky



below the mist......



Above the sky.......



Looking into the mind.. Mist.........



Looking into love.........



A sky .....





In a clear sky there are no clouds.



With the leap of faith knowing pervades being.



Loving we Know peace......



Intellectualizing we see mist






Above Love.......Thus are we



able to let go of knowing.









The blue sky signifies looking into the true NOW in which the world

has not appeared as is described in How Existence is like a Dream the

world is like a dream the mist is the movement of Time and its non-

reality, the mind is clouded by emotion and confusion results



If we look for clouds we see clouds if we do not look they will blow

away but it might take time because the sky is vast


be the sky because when you look at the sky visualized in your mind

you have become it and have clarity when you look for the clouds you

are the mind



Quotes from Chapter Three of The Avadhuta Gita




4. How shall I speak of desirelessness and desire?


How shall I speak of non-attachment and attachment?


How shall I speak of Him as devoid of substance


and insubstantiality?


I am the nectar of knowledge,


homogenous existence, like the sky.



6. It is neither gross nor subtle. It has neither


come nor gone. It is without beginning, middle and end.


It is neither high nor low.


I am truly declaring the highest reality -


I am the nectar of knowledge,


homogenous existence, like the sky.





so then picture an inner space as described above and enter it as

it... become non-formed and infinite. Om!



You will soon notice all that exists, exists within that infinite




However what is not understood is the fact that what is deliberately

imagined by the imagination is not imaginary at all, it is actually

the Will picturing things ...



One would think therefore that one is imagining this empty sky, or

imagining that all beings live in it, but this is not the case at

all, because the thing imagined is a thing IMAGED IN, or Projected IN

or ON something else. Where is what is imagined existing, if not IN

the ONE who imagines? It si therefore IMAGED IN, or CREATED IN the

ONE who imagines.



For example the Christian Bible says "In his image created He Him"

this means he imagined him in himself - it is unproductive to think

it means "He created him as looking like him", as is the common

interpretation of that passage.



Why? Because if God is Omnipresent as it is said, He, She or It is -

where could that god put man that was not IN him – IN his own

Omnipresent Self? And if Man appeared or was imaged IN Gods OWN SELF,

then all of every other being is also in HIMSELF else God is not

omnipresent is he? and if not then his very foundation which is his

so-called omnipresence is contradicted and undermined by this fact

and GOD is killed by this fact. Om!



So the ONE who imagines is no-one but The Absolute God (who is The

Self in ALL beings) because none can exist in omnipresence but ONE;

NONE but "THAT ONE" - thus all are so-called beings who think they

are separately existing is nothing but imagination existing like a

dream within a dream of duality.



So Mr. Self imagine that space as being yourself Oh God, because it

is true, OM!



Another thing that is not realized is that the space is actually

conscious it does not require any being of any form or description or

with any attributes in it to be conscious as that being... for

example all beings appear within THAT space AS the Conscious Beings

which are conscious of the space.



BUT - all beings though their physical presence seems to give them

identity, are inhered by the Very Same Self who is The Same ONE in

ALL of them, due to the fact that it is the Presence in the space

within all beings that IMAGINES what is IMAGED IN or projected into

that inner space and appears as perception and thought and is then

called MIND.



The thought that The individual Mind exists as either an I or a

presence in the inner space. is like saying that A space can be cut

of from SPACE by a Knife made of Space.



To think simply, the fact that there is space in atoms means that all

space in all atoms is conjoint in such a way as to then think of

individual space as not worth mentioning, because not only is the

space conjoint, but the matter is also conjoint because that matter

does not end at the perimeter of a given atom it continues to the end

of the Physical Universe, all-be-it as different atoms such as oxygen

and so on, but it is still matter which also has space in it.



This means that the so-called mind does not exist except as the space

in all atoms , yet if we remove all the atoms which appear to break

up that space, we would also then remove the Cosmos it can then be

seen that the space was not broken up at all because it permeated

every atom of existence.



So then where else is that One Which is conscious of the MIND

existing and what is it but infinite Being exercising its Will over

the Matter which is imagined IN or IMAGED IN itself!



This action of exercising the Will is not applied to what has already

appeared but is applied to what has not yet appeared… In effect it is

To Image IN. or Imagine a scenario occurring in the INNER space not

as a modification of the previous one but as a brand new one, out of

which the attributes of the NOW appear as the events and

circumstances thought and appearing to be real, while in reality they

are not real at all.



Now to the nature of this nebulous Will..



What is not understood also is that the Space in an individual (if it

has any reality at all) is in fact the Will itself. SO as is said in

the books: He is limited in his efficacy due to non-contemplation of

who he is. i.e. Siva.



This means in order to be Jiva he must Deliberately limit his

efficacy in the sphere of Will, because the Will and The Self are ONE-

AND-THE-SAME --- while it is said that Siva has complete freedom of

Will and Action in all Ways. It is also said that without his Sakti

(creative power) Siva is powerless.



This means nothing can come into existence except by an act of will,

for example no idea can be expressed in the creation of a new object

without the application of Will to draw the design or to bring the

elements of the idea together into a whole such as would produce a

car or a newspaper or any productive action at all … for example the

body cannot deliberately act without Will. There will be only random

movement, one would survive or one would not according to where he

wandered, life is not like that at all for any being.



For example how can an inert piece of matter or meat such as a being

have any Will? How can something imaginary have any being in itself

due to it being imaginary?



Further, if only one being exists As that space then The Will is in

it - AS it!





So being that it is imaginary IMAGE IN the Absolute…. The space in

which an object such as the Cosmos or a stone appears is the mirror

or presence of that object. While the Absolutely Conscious ONE, is

the knower or one who imagines it as such and such. This means that

Absolute WILLS IT.


BY Imagining it BY Imaging IT – BY Projecting IT!



SO then How to Imagine? How to create? If a thing is the center of

its own existence then the imaging of it is its creation! Its

existence and its presence!



How so?



The Will is used to picture the thing Imagined appearing as if out of

nowhere IN The Self The presence by Appearing in the INNER space of

the Present Jiva and thus being dragged as it were into existence by

the presence of the Watching God! Thus the thing imagined (IMAGED IN)

the present presence will be drawn to the God who Wills thus and

appear in Time near the Body clothing of the Jiva within which this

Will is being exercised.



The Creation of the thing is therefore nothing more than its

projection BY Will.



But one would be forgiven if it was said that this is mere

imagination and can never come about or eventuate in the so-called

reality of the outer world. Well then in the case of the Realized one

there can be and is no such thing as the outer world. To that ONE

There is mere imaging, mere Illusion,


All appearing in that ONE such that there is no outer reality at all.



Imagination (and therefore the Whole Cosmos) is realized to be

nothing other than manifest Will


Shining in that ONE. The fabric then of the So-called Consciousness

is therefore created from purest Will!



But who can exercise such massive Will as this that upholds and

projects the Whole Cosmos into being?






I have said elsewhere, that any particle of any sort that can exist,

any Concept etc… Causes the Cosmos for its place of existence; i.e.

Will expresses or projects Time by Imaging (by Imaging a thing as

existing IN SPACE) This then creates the Time in eternity in which

the Thing will appear and then the thing appears as itself IN that

Time! Time-Space therefore unfold as a result of this.



This means that the ONE who refers to something, or anything as

existing is the instigator of its existence.



So then if The Will thinks I am this man, women or being, or refers

to An "I" who has attributes which are not Sheer Will, he has limited

his efficacy in both action and freedom of Will.



It is thus impossible to use The Will to create anything out of thin

air, unless He has Realized Himself in Himself as Sheer Will only.

i.e. he has seen he is non-different from His Own Sakti


Or creative energy or power etc. and has realized that which appears

to be diverse things are nothing other than the potency of That

Absolute Will.



This means that that which appears to be real such as this Cosmos

(because it is mere potential only) is in decay because the Will has

not been kept in it once it manifested in that Will/Space/Sakti


As the expression of that Will. In short this means that anything

manifested in this world will of course only last so long as the Will

which created it is in operation within it. On the other hand nothing

can be created in this world that is eternally existing because IT IS

NOT the Will itself but its manifestation only.



Only The Will which is non-different from the Absolute itself can

exist eternally, while everything existent must first be predicated

upon Time itself; inherent then in the existence of anything is its

non-existence due to time having to pass for the existence of the

thing to begin. All things therefore end. But the Will of The ONE

Self remains outside its creations/manifestation which exists as




Again: this Cosmos is nothing but a dream, more than this… it is an




How does the Imaginary fabric begin?



It Begins by the existence of non-existence existing in The Absolute.



This non-existence is like a black-hole in nature but has not come

about by anything physical, (in fact that which we call black holes

might be the Minds of those that have attained empty mind sucking the

whole cosmos into themselves.) or they may be the generators of

existence who knows? We will never know we can only surmise.



Yet this non-existence of which i speak is to be thought of as

absolute absence of either existence or non-existence nor both

existence and non-existence. It is utter moment. Pregnant and implied

with all the power of all the energy that all the Super-generators we

call supernova and such combined. It is the force which powers the

stars. Which in itself is without limit due to its self perpetuating




It has no physical parallel nor manifestation except that that which

is manifested as the WHOLE Cosmic manifestation (both micro and macro-

cosmically speaking) is its manifestation, yet in itself it simply

cannot be depleted by creating or powering this whole Cosmos.



This is named Omnipotence. It belongs only to the Omnipresent

Omniscient ONE Self. and Can be used by no other. Thus we pray to God

He/She/It does not Kill us! We pray for his help while not knowing we

are actually IN him or that that which we call WE, which implies many

or "I" this "ME" is an aspect of his own character The whole sum of

all beings Being what is Called Atman.



So that ONE who has realized Himself in Himself can be the only one

who has conscious power of decision to create or not. While we who

are thinking we exist as so-and-so and such and such cannot and do

not. We think that by positive thinking and Creative visualization

that we can bring about what we want but this is not True because the

Will IS him! It has nothing To Do with the One who thinks he is the




Yet while the Jiva is the god of his own universe, he is not the god

of all universes, nor could he even conceive of being that god unless

he becomes THAT GOD which is impossible without losing himself

totally, such that it is said that by the grace of God he will give

us moksa. (Freedom while alive)



So then that which the god called Jiva can bring about is limited to

that which does not undo him as that Jiva i.e. destroy the barriers

of the efficacy that defines his existence as such and such a god in

the Absolute… OM!



This is the absolute root of the ego or jiva. Recognizing this The

ego/Jiva is convicted of his inefficacy and impotence. Thus is it

said you are not the doer!!!!




I am not what you Think I am.

A pair of jeans and a t-shirt I'm not my clothing - this wonderful

organ, skin over these bones - i am not that Clothing. These bones

and these organs and meat - I am not. I am not what you think I am.


These labels given and attached to me so that you can exist - I am

not. This idea - this concept of I - I am not - neither am I the sum

of those labels and clothing. Nor am I the one who seems to be the

actor - I am not who you think I am.


I am not the clothing the body wears nor am I the body itself. I am

not who you think I am. I am not the one referred to in the

sentence "I played Golf today"; Nor am I the other referred to in the

sentence "I Love You".


I am not who you think I am- i am not an idea or something designated

either; I am not empty, nor am I full; I am not who you think I am;

Nor am I this mind which appears as thought & nor am i a container

which thinks. I am not who you think I am; Nor am I the absence of



I am not emotion, I am not hearing, sight nor taste nor feeling. I am

not who you think I am. All those are labels for the clothing -

clothing for the body; clothing for the bones; clothing made of meat.

I am not who you think I am.


Thoughts of clothing - thoughts of i-ness all clothing hiding the

naked truth of who I am. Come to me naked discard your clothing throw

away the rags of your ego.


Whose ego? Whose clothes? Whose veils? Hiding what? I am not who you

think I am; nor am the thinker! Neither the Will nor the actor nor

principal; I am not who you think I am.


When the thinker thought no more when all the rags are torn away, who

remains? Naked and empty - what is empty? I am not who you think I



I am not a thing - nor a being - nor a state - nor consciousness - I

am not who you think I am. The rags - the clothing, the tattered mish-

mash of rent cloth worn by the beggared ego is not who I am.


I am not the witness who is clothed in the beauty of beingness. I am

not who you think I am. Nor am i the one who refers to you as "I" in

your mind. All that is but clothing hiding your non-existence.


Remove your clothing. I am not who you think I am; I am far to great

to be covered by Clothing. I am not who you think I am. I was never

born - I never existed; I am not who you think I am.


I am no ones clothing nor any clothing seeming to be covering me.

Something in you says "I Am" but I am not who you think I am. Who

says that? To the ends of existence I am - But I am not who you think

I am.


A designation, a conception appears in me and says "I" to this is

added the clothing - it is clothed in I-Ness and refers to that as "I

Am" so and so and "I Am That" But I am not who you think I am.


Say in yourself, "I am Not that one I refer to as me"; Say, I am not

this one referring to that either - Say, "I Am Naked Reality" Those

clothes are the rags of my shattered Ego!


Understand - I am not who you think I am! Nor am I the one who thinks

he thinks- be beyond, become naked! - remove your clothing - come to

me naked of self - empty of ego, for I am not who you think i am.




Willing to see the self as the clothing there is the pushing out of

the clothing as the representative of I-Ness I who refers to I

becomes I and puts on that clothing He then grows a body to clothe

that idea - and also clothes it to become nothing but rags.


A shell that clothing - this to represent THAT - Identity comes - a

beggar in rags stinking of putrid rejection of its' own self -

trading rags for naked reality.


He pushes out saying I will become - I will arrive - I will be - I

am not who you think I am. But he pushes and pushes, he tries to turn

inside out but inside out clothing is still clothing. I am not the



He arrives in the ashram pushing a cart labeled John - But John is

the clothing I am not who you think I am!


Carrying a great pile of books and wonderful awards along with piles

of PhDs and doctorates, John arrives with labels attached - To

Clothing - I am not who you think I am. I am not who you say I am - I

am not who you constantly tell yourself you are.


The King arrives! I ask, who are you? He replies: I am the King! I

say you are not who you think you are! You are not that Clothing - I

am not who you think I am.


Along comes the Police, where is John they ask? I answer he is that

pile of rags over there - but he is not who he thinks he is, nor is

he who he seems to be. - I am not who you think I am.


Along came a great sportsman, he asked Where is a magic cricket bat?

I answer, How can a pile of rags swing a bat? YOU are not who you

think you are, and nor am i who you think I am.


I am not the clothing worn by the ego. I am not the ego. I am not the

Cosmos, which is nothing more than the clothing worn by empty Naked



I am Reality itself in all my Nakedness, i have no clothing where I

am there are no Tailors; I am naked reality and truth. I am not who

you think I am.




I am The Self, the one you cannot see who by referring to the

clothing as itself becomes the Jiva, who is the one referring to

another layer of clothing as itself.


This goes on in you, Naked reality is clothed in the Body of the I Am

and begins to speak as if it were what it looks at. It looks at the

clothing only and in shame runs away from itself!


A beggar in rags is the Jiva, clothed in other rags carried for

aeons... Stinking putrid rags of tattered clothing centuries old!

Saying THIS! This is ME!


But I am not who you think I am.


I am naked reality, I do not wear any clothing... I am The Self - not

covered with rags. I have no baggage, because I carry no rags. I

Never had any. I was never born. But I am NOT who you think I am.


I am naked reality, all things exist in me. I am the Conscious One.


Imagine now an emptiness, let your mind (your clothing) go. DO not

push yourself forward into it .... subside instead... Take off your

clothing, get rid of the rags.


Stand out in nothing - in no place as naked reality, and notice all

the things that it is possible to think or know are in you along with

every being... Every other place... Let your clothing subside and

stop showing it to me..


I am The Self who points at Himself and says "I" - I see myself and

say I. Hearing you I hear only myself! Taste, feel, love Myself.. I

am the Self. I do not push out the rags and by that push you away.

You are my very Self. How can I reject myself?




I am naked Reality, but I am not who you think I am!...


I am The Conscious ONE. I am The Self. I am not who you think I am.




But look and see I do not wear any clothing I am naked reality, look

for The Self and you will not find yourself; look for me and you will

lose your clothing! You will see that tattered rag called you.


Let the rags fall to the dust! Don't pick them up again... But the

Will remains wrapped up in the rags! What now? I am not who you think

I am!


Who decides to throw away the rag? Not You, YOU are the RAG! I am The

Self I am Naked reality. Wrapped in rags!


YOU had not Will, nor had you love, rags are but rags hiding your


I am Naked reality, you had not being nor life. I am the Indwelling

Self in ALL beings! I am Naked reality Full of consciousness.


I am Naked Reality Only I am Conscious, no clothing has ME. I am The

Self wrapped in the rags!




Throw away the rags, Get rid of the labels, rip off the covers, come

to me naked of self, I am Naked reality, do not cover me with rags!.


I am The Will - A diamond you have covered in i-ness and wrapped in

rags. Stop trading in rags and colors of rags. I am not the clothing.

I am not what you think!


I am The Self.








hi bindu




Did you like the Naked reality file?




yes it is very nice. a good analogy





so your new mantra will be ... this.>>


Say in your self: I (meaning you yourself) am Naked Reality - But i

am not who i think i am.


i.e. I am Naked Reality - But i am not who i think i am.


This will be The Mantra of Ananta Yoga




ok. it is good


bindu: I want you to discard all other mantras use this only



tyrone: Do you mean this mantra to be used as in japa yoga?




yes, chant it always inside, do you have any questions about the new




no not at the moment


bindu says:

so how are you?



I'm good. but my knee got banged up in soccer. i cant move it that

well it seems strained.


bindu says: You should stay off your feet.




ya i hope it'll be better for tomorrows game . i was probably too

rough in that game anyways. i should've played the ball more


bindu says: Did you put ice on it?




ya it gets a little better as time goes on


bindu says:


What did your coach say?




nothing much. he told me to ice it. But we lost the game 4-2.


bindu says:


m, did it swell?




i dont think so. i did Hatha yoga too this morning. a set of asanas

was focusing on my calves and my knee. so maybe that helped it not be

so bad


bindu says:


it might not actually tyrone


bindu says:


it might just stretch the damage and undo the healing whereby the

damage has begun - the body is rebuilding tissue




ya but i did the yoga before. the game in the morning. but i know

what you mean. its hard even to lie down normally


bindu says:


yes, if you think about muscle tissue it heals in layers and strands

like string laid out flat like a rug when we damage it the strands

get broken and heal by reattaching


when we stretch, we rip the healing strands again, so don't do

stretching till it is totally healed




ok thank you. My school is bothering me. Its just so much work. it

feels like to do good you have sacrifice so much



bindu says:






i will stay silent because i have nothing left to say



bindu says:


We will talk about love ok?






bindu says:


I will invite Scott and Hari




hari has been added to the conversation.




Scott has been added to the conversation.



bindu says:


Now that ego is shown for what it is we will talk about Love. Love is

existence, while The Self is Naked Reality devoid of existence.. The

Self is Siva... but Siva bereft of Sati is a terror beyond endurance -

Sati is love - Love is existence.


Loving the Self itself (The Self loving The Self) is different from

loving the rags of ego. why? Anyone?




um, because the love of others is seen in duality. while the love of

the Self is seen in non duality so there is peace


bindu says:


m, very well put ty


The bliss of The Self arises from the realization, that bliss is the

love. Being that the all is The Self and that all selves in all

beings are The Same Self, loving that way is inclusive of The Self.


Loving exclusively one being.. is loving the rags, such that it is

identical to loving the Jiva.


Who is loving? In The Self, who is naked reality? The joy/bliss falls

as the soma juice down to the mind. and love/light/truth

results/radiates out of the one who has realized the naked reality.


Whereas in the case of the Jiva, the love is only for rags to rags

this perpetuates the Jiva's existence, ego to ego.

Nothing shines out of the Jiva for others that do not love the rags.


Strokes are given, bolstering and shining the rags, and making it ok

to be and wear the clothing, because it is mutually agreed by the

lovers who love like that ..... it is agreed that we will love the

rags and be rags together in our destitution of Self.


Loving as the naked reality, all the selves of THE SELF in ALL

beings, is not loving the rags, it is loving The Self.


Succoring and bolstering and uplifting the ego is putting the rags

before The Self... it is trading Naked Reality for rag. Love can

transcend this easily, by loving itself - loving itself in all beings.


Do not lovers seek love? Why?


Because love is their very existence, but the egoic love is mere

death in disguise; death of the realization of the Naked Reality of

The Self.


Say I am Naked Reality.... I will not put on any clothing... I am not

what i think i am.


NOR is anyone else, who i think they are! All are The Self. Does

anyone want to say anything? any questions?




i have none


bindu says:


Can i be any clearer in how i have presented this? Love such as love

for The Self is transcendent and will allow one to transcend the Jiva.




As i understand it, the love that some have for others and not

understanding that oneness of everything, those people and their

deluded love get dried up or go through the ups and downs of samsara.



bindu says:


Yes, they are reborn again and again seeking me, but when I find them

(they DO NOT FIND ME!), they will be freed - I cannot be found. I am

naked reality - I am not who anyone thinks I am; such that I cannot

be found. I am the Self




i see what you mean.



bindu says:


You see what The Self who is The Self in YOU means, He sees YOU, you

do not see Him - The YOU is Him, YOU are not Him HE is YOU!





yes. there is just one. so there's no need or reason to worry



bindu says:


Yes, All anyone can do is go to the edge of the fire and throw away

his rags and wait, The Self will come, HE will find YOU; NONE can

find Him.


He is Naked Reality. How to get to this edge???



Many ways are prescribed



Seva... service to the guru... but who knows the true nature of the




Mediation, but who knows how to meditate like this>>> "I am naked

reality - But i am not who i think i am."



Renunciation, but who knows that renunciation is not giving up ...

but is acceptance..



Purification of the mind... but who knows that means non-judgment and

forgiveness ... not scrubbing a mirror...



Grace, but who knows that means accepting ones unreality of self



The Self is the GURU, the GURU is not The Self, Service is done to

The SELF He is the


GURU. The Self is The meditation, He is Naked reality and Mukti....



Renunciation is to give up the rags, not by rejection of anything,

but by acceptance of the fact of non-self.. only this constitutes

giving up the rags. In This way the rags are replaced with the

shining light of truth. That One who relaizes Himself in ALL beings

becomes a beacon to other parts of himself.



Purification of the mind is the recognition of non-difference, it is

not rejecting all evil thoughts or evil deeds, it is understanding of

the non-dual consciousness. Not by discriminating against one form of

consciousness over another .... it is removing preference ... it is

pure acceptance and Love.


Grace is not to think God is responsible for you. It consists in

letting go of being anything He could be responsible for, and

ACCEPTING that the rags that are seen as The Self by the Jiva, are

nothing but filthy rubbish...


Grace is acceptance of the worthlessness of Jiva. It is letting go of

the rags by an act of faith in The Naked reality .... Without faith

there can be no realization... Faith is trust in The Self. This is

grace. The grace of god will not come without trusting the gift. For

example if I give you a gift to accept it you must trust that I would

not give you a snake in a box.


But grace is not rejecting the rags it is recognition and acceptance

of what they hide.


TRUST, without it the ego comes clothed in rags.... rags clothed in

rags looking like rags. This cannot be any more simply put than this.

Any questions?





i havent any. but you have made things more clear.


bindu says:


The idea fof rags is funny, it makes me laugh, but it works a treat

as a device to get the ego exposed





yes the word is appropriate.



bindu says:


We put forth these rags and call it the Self or me "I", as if it is

the real self, and push it out as ego; we go to meet people we

present the rags and say I am blah; they say here are my rags!



Look at the world of fashion!!!! Look at the bodies!!!! look at the

world!!! ALL rags. All are worthless but for The Self. Only this will

set us free of rags. The rags are transformed and washed in the truth

of The Self.


I am Naked reality, I am The ONE-and-ONLY Self, all else is rag,

without me..


IN all beings there is no such thing as Them-selves.... I am The Self

in the being of ALL beings... even Gods and Buddhas - I am Naked

reality; I am The Self!








jaya shiva


bindu says:


Everyone competes to be the best raggedy ego, how funny! But I The

Self worship myself AS ALL beings.... All Japa rises to me; all

Bajans are sung BY Me to ME


No one else sings; No one worships, But I The Self IN The Self of ALL

beings it is Only I., The naked reality worshiping myself AS that

Self IN all, doing Japa and singing Bajans


To Myself!


I am all gods. Everyone worships Me, but they are fictitious beings

for I am The ONE Self who dwells in ALL BEINGS, Therefore i worship

My Self!






This is devotion and transcendental Love, OM!



Only via this can one reach the Naked Reality of The Self



Why? because the pride of selfhood is gone, the ego has been stripped

of the rags which define it as existing. This is devotion to the ONE

and ONLY GURU. Who is none other than THE ONE SELF IN ALL. OM!



So with deep respect and love That Self says I am Naked Reality - but

I am not who you think I am. Only in this way can the rags be

replaced with the truth



with love and deep respect for no one at all but the ONE

and only SELF



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