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Atmananda on Detachment

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We all know that detachment or dispassion is a pre-requisite

to Advaitic realization. Speaking for myself, I view my lack of

detachment as the primary obstacle to realization. Attachment, ego

and ignorance all seem to be synonyms. If one goes, so do the others.


Hence, getting rid of this attachment would seem the great

struggle in life, much as the Christian is supposed to struggle with

sin and guilt.


Therefore, the following words of Sri Atmananda from the

Discourses published on Dennis' site should be most relevant.



>Dispassion is not only possible, but is present in all

>your states. You can see it, if you direct your attention

>that way. You say you are attached to objects in the

>waking state. But what happens to that attachment, when

>you go into the dream state? Likewise, what happens to

>the objects of the dream state, when you come back to

>the waking state? Leaving these two states, you go into

>the deep sleep state, where there are no objects at all.

>So there is dispassion throughout; and there is no

>necessity to cultivate it. Even in the waking state,

>when you are thinking of one object, are you not

>dispassionate as far as the rest of the world is concerned?



What intrigues me is that he seems to say that we *already* have this

detachment but don't realize it. This is similar to what many gurus

say, that we are already enlightened but don't realize it. It makes

it all seem too simple. Something to ponder...


Hari Om!


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Benji writes...


"Speaking for myself, I view my lack of detachment as the primary

obstacle to realization. Attachment, ego and ignorance all seem to

be synonyms. If one goes, so do the others."


this is so true . Benji, how many people will readily admit to this ?



Yes !!getting rid of the attachment is the greatest struggle !!


why this so ? because of 'fear' .... fear of losing...


here is verse which swami vivekananda was often fond of quoting ...


bhoge rogabhayaü kule cyutibhayaü vitte nçpàlàdbhayaü |

màne dainyabhayaü bale ripubhayaü råpe jaràyà bhayam ||

÷àstre vàdibhayaü guõe khalabhayaü kàye kçtàntàdbhayaü |

sarvaü vastu bhayànvitaü bhuvi nçõàü vairàgyamevàbhayam ||


In enjoyment, there is fear of disease;


in social position, there is fear of falling off;


in wealth, there is the fear of (hostile) kings;


in honour, there is the fear of humiliation;


in power, there is the fear of foes;


in beauty, there is the fear of old age;


in scriptural erudition, there is the fear of opponents;


in virtue, there is the fear of traducers;


in body, there is the fear of death;


everything in this world pertaining to men is attended with fear;


renunciation alone leads to fearlessness.


Vairagya shatakam -Bhatruhari




ON ANOTHER NOTE, thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world

of 'atmananda's ' philosophy!!


You know me !! i am intense and passionate in my search for the

Ultimate Reality!!! lol!!!!



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