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Something to Think about on this beautiful MOTher's Day!!!!

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Namaste Adiji.


Going upthread, I notice that it is one of my posts that prompted

your quotes. Thanks, therefore, for the timely advice and reminder.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "adi_shakthi16"

<adi_shakthi16> wrote:

> i am reminded of this when i read the responses


> "One often contradicts an opinion when what is uncongenial is


> the tone in which it was conveyed."

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no not at all !


i just chose to link it to yours because i know you are 'easy to

please' and 'hard to offend' and i know you for a longer time than

others !!


but seriously, this happens in all specially where there

are Scholars and knowledgeble people ...




that uLtimately one by one members leave or remain silent as they

cannot have the Last word!


as s moderator , nairji, You do not want too many 'casualties'do

you ?


we have already seen RANJAN-JI leave; Prabhuji is offended because

somebody addressed him as a NIhilist and now we have a woman member (

savitriji) the only one who stands up to all the scholarly men

saying that she wants to end the discussion here .


Balaji is conspicuous by his absence .


so on and on ...


But, if adi shankara himself were to read all these 'back and forth'

responses , he would be smiling and saying to Himself ...


Did i really say that ?


or did i really mean that?


but anyway , this discussion is better than quarelling about who

should recite the Gayatri mantra ?


only brahmanas ?


or can women and shudras recite the Gayatri mantra too ?


i can take the liberty of writing to you because i know you respect

all women( ignorant ones like me too) and you worship Devi also in





adi shankara himself says in Viveka chudamani ( stigji, forgive me !

i am still not convinved that adi shankara is not the author - smiles)



Bliss is a crest jewel protected by the ego serpent with three heads

(the three gunas). Cut these heads asunder with the sword of

discrimination ; and as these heads reappear again and again, the

serpent itself must be destroyed. Then alone will the jewel be

attained. ( viveka chudamani -verse -302)



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God, whose love and joy

are present everywhere,

can't come to visit *YOU*

unless *YOU* aren't there.




God *is* visiting you,

because you *aren't* there.






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On Mother's Day, it will do good for us to think of and

contemplate on shri jaganmAtA. In shrilalitAsahasranAmA,

the first name is shri mAtA, the divine Mother. It is at

the behest of the divine Mother that the universe is created.

The triumvirate of brahma, viShNu and maheshwara do their

activities of creation, sustenance and destruction at the

command of shri mAtA. In saundaryalaharI verse 1, shri

shankara says that without Her (shri parameshwarI), there

would not be even spandana in shiva. The whole creation

is shakti.


Thus, while we properly pay our respects to our mothers

for their role in shaping us and our personality, the

real mother which we should be contemplating on and

pay reverence to is the divine Mother.



Gummuluru Murthy


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welcome Home, shri Murthyji!


one of these days, we should exchange notes on our travel

experiences ! i visited kanchi , thiruvannamalai, tanjore, tiruchi,

madurai etc in less than 10 days and was fortunate to visit shiva,

shakti temples and abode of Skanda. I have heard about so many

different gods and goddesses in hinduism but whoever heard of 97

varieties of Dosa ( indian pancake) ? This was in kshetra Madurai!

This indeed is Maya - creating many out of one!!! smiles!!



but, on another note, i am delighted you mentioned the name of Jagan

Mata on mother's day!


Yes, our womb mother only gives us physical birth ! but it is Jagan

mata or jagat janani who gives us spiritual birth.


i was delighted to read these nectarean words ...


IN saundaryalaharI verse 1, shri > shankara says that without Her

(shri parameshwarI), there > would not be even spandana in shiva. The

whole creation > is shakti.


Yes ! something which every shakta loves to quote over and over



in fact, in devi bhagvatam, Jagan mata herself says...


The Devî said:--"Hear, ye Immortals! My words with attention, that I

am now going to speak to you, hearing which will enable the Jîvas to

realise My Essence. Before the creation, I, only I, existed; nothing

else was existent then. My Real Self is known by the names Chit,

Sambit (Intelligence), Para Brahma and others. My Âtman is beyond

mind, beyond thought, beyond any name or mark, without any parallel,

and beyond birth, death or any other change or transformation. My

Self has one inherent power called Mâyâ. This Mâyâ is not existent,

nor non-existent, nor can it be called both. This unspeakable

substance Mâyâ always exists (till the final emancipation or Moksa).


Mâyâ can be destroyed by Brahmna Jñâna; so it can not be called

existent, again if Mâyâ does not exist, the practical world catinot

exist. So it cannot be called non-existent. Of course it cannot be

called both, for it would involve contradictions. This Mâyâ (without

beginning but with end at the time of Moksa) naturally arises as heat

comes out of fire, as the rays come out of the Sun and as the cooling

rays come out of the Moon. Just as all the Karmas of the Jîvas

dissolve in deep sleep (S'usupti), so at the time of Pralaya or the

General Dissolution, the Karmas of the Jîvas, the Jîvas and Time all

become merged, in one uniform mass in this great Mâyâ. United with My

S'aktî, I am the Cause of this world; this S'aktî has this defect

that it has the power of hiding Me, its Originator.


I am Nirguna. And when I am united with my S'aktî, Mâyâ, 1 become

Saguns, the Great Cause of this world. This Mâyâ is divided into two,

Vidyâ and Avidyâ. Avidyâ Mâyâ hides Me; whereas Vidyâ Mâyâ does not.

Avidyâ creates whereas Vidyâ Mâyâ liberates."


http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/dg/dg02.htm - 13k - Cached -


Aum sree Matre Namaha!

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