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A daughter asks for forgiveness .... devi apradha kshamapana stotram!

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na mantram no yantram tadapi ca na jane stutimaho

na cahvanam dhyanam tadapi ca na jane stutikathah

na jane mudraste tadapi ca na jane vilapanam

param jane matastva danusaranam klesaharanam


Neither do I know chants nor do I know methods, nor do I know how to

make prayer. I don't know how to invoke you nor how to meditate, I

have no knowledge of any songs. I don't know any signs (mudras) and I

don't know the method of imploring deep pleading. But I know one

thing for sure, if I follow you (within the folds of your love) I

will be released from all my troubles.


vidher-ajnanena dravina-virahenalasataya

vidheya sakyatvat-tava caranayor-ya cyutir-abhut

tad-etat ksantavyam janani sakaloddharini sive

kuputro jayeta kvacidapi kumata na bhavati.


O, Kind Mother (the Liberator of all without discrimination), I don't

know the method of doing puja and I am also lazy by nature. I also do

not have the capacity to do the right kind of prayer, With all these

shortcomings, if there have been any mistakes, please overlook them.

Because a son can be bad, however, it is not in the Mother's nature

to be bad.


prthivyam putraste janani bahavah santi saralah

param tesam madhye viralataralo ham tava sutah

madiyo yam tyagah samucitamidam no tava sive

kuputro jayeta kvacidapi kumata na bhavati.


O, Mother, on this earth you have many good sons and daughters but

out of all these I am the most bad child of yours 0, Goddess, you

have forsaken me because I have not concentrated on you, this is not

reasonable, Because a son can be bad, however, it is not in the

Mother's nature to be bad.


jaganmatarmatastava caranaseva na racita

na va dattam devi dravinamapi bhuyastava maya

tathapi tvam sneham mayi nirupamam yatprakuruse

kuputro jayeta kvachidapi kumata na bhavati


O, Mother of the Universe, I have never rubbed your feet or done any

sort of service, I have not given you wealth, but even strangely

enough, you are bestowing your grace on undeserving me Because a son

can be bad, however, it is not in the Mother's nature to be bad.


parityakta deva vividha-vidha-seva kulataya

maya pancagiter-adhikam-apanite tu vayasi

idanim cen-matas-tava yadi krpa napi bhavita

niralambo lambodara-janani kam yami saranam.


O, Paravati Ma, Mother who has given birth to Ganesh, while I do

prayers to other gods, I remain busy with different kinds of works,

all gods have left me because I 'm eighty-five years, and I can not

give them all the prayers. I am despaired and I can not expect any

help from them. If you also leave me at this time where shall I go

for support except to you?


svapako jalpako bhavati madhu-pakopama-gira

niratanko ranko viharati ciram koti-kanakaih.

tavaparne karne visati manuvarne phalam-idam

janah ko janite janani japaniyam japa-vidhau


O, Mother! If anybody hears even a word of your chant, the result is--

even the meanest man can utter the sweet pronunciation of this chant

like honey and he becomes a very proficient speaker, The poorest man,

you will find suitable work for him (The poorest man enjoys millions

of pieces gold ) When even a word of your chant has such a result,

the ones who are doing it regularly and methodically, we can not

fathom what the result will be, and who is that mortal who can know



cita-bhasmalepo garalam-asanam dik-pata-dharo

jata-dhan kanthe bhujaga-pati-hanr pasupatih

kapall bhutego bhajati jagadlrgaika-padavim

bhavani tvatpani grahana-paripati-phalam-idam


O, Goddess, Bhavani, the Adi-Goddess, the one who rubs his body with

ashes and whose fool is poison, and the one whose body is nude, and

has matted hair and a necklace of cobras and a hung skull in his

hands as an alms bowl, gets that name of Jagadeesh (the Lord of the

World) what is the reason for this? How did he get such an immanent

position? It is only because of the union with you, and by this his

importance has increased


na mokshas-yakanksa bhava-vibhava-vanchapi ca na me

na vijnana-peksa sasimukhi sukhecchapi na punah

atastvam samyace janani jananam yatu mama vai

mrdani rudrani siva siva bhavaniti japatah


O, the Mother whose countenance is like the moon! I do not have any

desire for deliverance (moksha), I do not have any desire for worldly

wealth. I do not have any craving for knowledge. I also do not want

happiness. . . so I have this prayer that the rest of my life may

pass in uttering all the names of the Goddess.


naradhitasi vidhina vividhopacaraih

kim ruksa cintana-parair-na krtam vacobhih

syame tvameva yadi kincana mayyanathe

dhatse krpam-ucitam-amba param tavaiva


O, Mother! Shayam, (the blue-bodied one), I could not do methodically

your puja or prayer with various religious articles (demeaning

oneself before the Godgess). Always my meditation was not crystal

clear because it had the hurdness. What fault did I have with all

these shortcomings? You bestow on me the greatest grace which is only

deserving of you. such a merciful mother can give shelter to such an

undeserving son.



apatsu magnah smaranam tvadiyam, karomi durge karunarnavesi.

naitacchathatvam mama bhavayethah, ksudhatrsarta jananim smaranti.


O, Mother! Durga! The ocean of mercy! I am remembering you because I

have got all around me the difficulties. I did not pray before this.

Kindly don't consider this prayer of mine as my wickedness, because

the child who is suffering from hunger and thirst, only remembers the



jagadamba vicitram atra kim, paripurna karunasti cenmayi

aparadha-parampara-param na hi, mata samupeksate sutam


O, Mother of the universe. I am not surprised, because of your

complete grace. A son may do fault after fault, but the mother never

ignores him.


matsamah pataki nasti papaghni tvatsama na hi

evam jnatva mahadevi yatha-yogyam tatha kuru


O, Mahadevi, Great Goddess, there is no sinner like me on the earth

and there is no other person condoning the sins except you. Knowing

all this, you do whatever you think is reasonable.



well, beloved adi shankara bhagvadapada is asking for forgiveness


but, I am also asking for forgiveness !


just for son, substitute 'daughter' KUPUIRI INSTEAD OF KUPUTRA



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