Guest guest Posted May 17, 2004 Report Share Posted May 17, 2004 Thank you nairji ! Yes , you mother has done a great job of raising her sons ... ( Rajan and Narendra ) My salutations to her . Janani Janmabhoomicha Swargatapi Gariyasi mother and motherland are dearer than heaven it is now my pleasure to bring to you an excerpt from shri Ramakrishna'S Kathamritham on the 'devotion' of gopis towards Krishna . "At the request of Krishna, Uddhava had gone to Vrindavan to console the cowherds and the gopis, who were sore at heart because of their separation from their beloved Krishna. The kathak said: When Uddhava arrived at Vrindavan, the gopis and cowherd boys ran to him eagerly and asked him: "How is our Krishna? Has He forgotten us altogether? Doesn't He even speak our names?" So saying, some of them wept. Others accompanied him to various places in Vrindavan still filled with Krishna's sweet memory. They said: "Here it was that Krishna lifted up Mount Govardhan, and here He killed the demons sent by the evil-minded Kamsa. In this meadow He tended His cows; here on the bank of the Jamuna He sported with the gopis. Here He played with the cowherd boys, and here in the groves He met the gopis secretly." Uddhava said to them: "Why are you so grief-stricken at Krishna's absence? He resides in all beings as their indwelling Spirit. He is God Himself, and nothing can exist without God.But", said the gopis, "we do not understand all that. We can neither read nor write. We know only our Krishna of Vrindavan, who played with us here in so many ways." Uddhava said: "Krishna is God Himself. By meditating on Him, man escapes from birth and death in the world and attains liberation." The gopis said: "We do not understand big words like liberation. We want to see the Krishna of our hearts." The Master listened to the story from the Bhagavata with great attention and said at last, "Yes, the gopis were right." Then he sang: Though I am never loath to grant salvation (the song represents Krishna's words), I hesitate indeed to grant pure love. Whoever wins pure love surpasses all; He is adored by men; He triumphs over the three worlds. Listen, Chandravali (one of the Gopis of Vrindavan)! I shall tell you of love: Mukti a man may gain, but rare is bhakti. Solely for pure love's sake did I become King Vali's door-keeper Down in his realm in the nether world. (An allusion to the story of Vali, narrated in the Purana. He was punished by the Lord for his excessive charity and was condemned to rule over the nether world. But he succeeded in extracting from the Lord the boon that He would be his door-keeper.) Alone in Vrindavan can pure love found; Its secret none but the gopas and gopis know. For pure love's sake I dwelt in Nanda's house; Taking him as My father, I carried his burdens on My head. Characteristics of divine love The Master says ... "The gopis had ecstatic love, unswerving and single-minded devotion to one ideal. Do you know the meaning of devotion that is not loyal to one ideal? It is devotion tinged with intellectual knowledge. It makes one feel: 'Krishna has become all these. He alone is the Supreme Brahman. He is Rama, Siva and Sakti.' But this element of knowledge is not present in ecstatic love of God. Once Hanuman came to Dwaraka and wanted to see Sita and Rama. Krishna said to Rukmini, His queen, 'You had better assume the form of Sita; otherwise there will be no escape from the hands of Hanuman (because Rama and Sita were Hanuman's Chosen Ideals).' Drown in the ecstatic love of Krishna -prema ! Govindam adi purusham aham bajami! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 19, 2004 Report Share Posted May 19, 2004 Namaste Adiji and Sunderji. Shri Narendran has replied you both as quoted here below: QUOTE Many thanks for your message and for forwarding all those wonderful messages from Sunderji and other bhakthas. Much as I appreciate your invitation to join the "Advaitin" group, for reasons already made clear to you, I will be grateful to be allowed to remain as a non-member and appreciate your beautiful elaboration of advaita philosophy on the web. Sunderji's suggestion on Japa yagna is valuable indeed. May Lord give all of us the consistency required to perform this yagna to His satisfaction. It would indeed be a pleasure to read the articles on vairagya shatakam and nirvana shatakam, if you could let me know the advaitin reference numbers of these messages. I must confess that I have not read Prabhoda Sudhakaram so far. I will look for this book when I am in India next time on leave. Let me also make one thing clear. I do not want to differentiate between Bhakthi and GnAna. Bhakthi is nothing but the love for GnAna (the realisation of Truth). I think most people differentiate between Bhakthi and GnAna, only because they confuse GnAna, the realisation of one and only Truth with knowledge of scriptures. Again this is not to discount the importance of the scriptures, but mere knowledge of scriptures need not necessarily lead one to the realisation of Truth. When the non- duality of Truth is realised purity of heart naturally follows as one sees everything including oneself as part of that Truth. The praise of Truth that emerges from that purity of heart is Bhakthi. Karmas of such a person will not naturally stray from the path of Dharma and karmayoga will become his natural conduct. Here lies the integration of the three forms of YOga that GItha prescribes. KarmayOga is submission of senses and physical activites to the Truth, BhakthiyOga is turning the mind with full of love towards the Truth and JnAnayoga is the intellectual submission to the Truth. How can anyone with body, mind and intellect stay attached to only one form of yOga and neglect the other two. The differentiation is only for the convenience of the devotee, so that one can choose the path which is most convenient to him/her depending upon the dominance of physical, mental or intellectual activities of the person. Krishna to me is the personification of AtmagnAna (or the knowledge that the individual self is Siva - Sivoham). That is why the Vaishnavites claim that Siva is the foremost devotee of Vishnu. Without NArAyana prasAda Siva turns to JIva. From a different angle, only Siva with his full VairAgya is entitled to NArAyana prasAda. Here comes the importance of VairAgya or detachment for NArAyana prasAda. You may note that SankarAchArya SwAmigal in the SivAnAnda Lahari praises Hari as worthy of greatest worship in the following Sloka. BAnathvam Rshbhatvam arddhavapushA BhAryAthvam AryApathE GhOnithvam SakhithA MrdangavahadhA chEthyAthirUpam dadhau TvatpAdhE nayanArpanam cha krdhavAn tvatdhEhabhAgO Hari PUjyAtpUjya eva hi na chEt kO vA thathanyO'dhika: (Oh Lord, the spouse of Arya (PArvathi dEvi) - Lord Hari taking the various forms of the state of being BAna at the time of Tripuradhahana, the state of being Rshaba (Nandi), the state of being half the body as wife, the state of being boar (remember the story where Brahmadeva took the form of a swan and Vishnu took the form of a boar to find the head and feet of Lord Siva), the state of being Sakhi (as Mohini after KsheerAbdhimadhana, playing the Mrdanga during pradohosha period to the Lord's ThAndava and bestowing the eye at Thy Feet (remember the story where Vishnu while doing a SahasranAma PUja found himself short of one flower and submitted his own third eye) and becoming part of Thy body - if he is not worthy of the greatest worship who else is? Except for an Advaitin as great as AchArya SwAmigal, who else can write a SlOka like the one above bridging all the Indian religious schools of thought? Look at it from the Saivite angle. Vishnu is only the constant memory of Siva's own Self. All that Siva needs to do for NArAyana's blessings is to remember only one's own true Self. So, is the self great or his own memory of himself great? Without self where is the memory of one's own true form? How foolish to differentiate between the two. Worship of one leads to the other, regardless of which one worships. As for the DEevi bhakthas, DEvi is the power of the Lord to create, sustain and destroy. Is anyone's power different from himself. Therefore, why see DEvi as different from the Lord? But one should know that the power to create and destroy can be used to take oneself nearer to the Truth as well as to be away from the Truth. That is perhaps the reason for the Hindu preference to see the Lord as Sustainer rather than Creator or Destroyer. It should be noted that for Saivite, the SamharAsakthi of Lord Siva meditated upon is more in a sense of detachment from the worldly feelings (Destroyer of desires and negative thoughts) and not as Destroyer of the physical world.So, she is vidhyAvidhyArupini. Worship her as VidhyArupini, she takes you to the Lord. Taken in the wrong sense, the same power of Lord can also lead one away from the Truth to delusions of ego & conflict. Siva is the Self, Vishnu the Chitta, Devi the mind and Brahmadeva the intellect of the Cosmic consciousness. The unity of all these is the Advaitic concept. A detached self, pure heart, controlled mind and intellect devoted to the Lord are all essential components in realising the Truth. To me that is the advaitic concept. UNQUOTE PraNAms. Madathil Nair Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 19, 2004 Report Share Posted May 19, 2004 Thank you nairji for bringing your brother Nrendra's golden words to this cyber satsangha. Narendraji writes... " Bhakthi is nothing but the love for GnAna (the realisation of Truth). I think most people differentiate between > Bhakthi and GnAna, only because they confuse GnAna, the realisation of one and only Truth with knowledge of scriptures. Again this is not to discount the importance of the scriptures, but mere knowledge of scriptures need not necessarily lead one to the realisation of TTruth. When the non- duality of Truth is realised purity of heart naturally follows as one sees everything including oneself as part of that Truth." Thank you so much. He could not have stated it better. There is a famous passage from Brihadaranyaka Upanishads King Yajnavalkya is speaking about what constitutes "true love" to his wife , MAITREYI, a woman of great wisdom . " Truly it is not for the sake of husband that the husband is dear , but for the sake of the SELF . and it is not for the Sake of the wife that the wife is dear, but for the Sake of the SELF. AND IT is not for the sakee of sons that the sons are dear but for the sake of sons that the sons are dear but for the sake of the self. Indeed, my beloved Maitreyi, it is the Self that should be seen, the SELF that should be heard, the SELF that should be reflected upon, and the SELF that should be known." This knowledge of the Self is the eternal flame that is burning in the heart of a jnani as well as a bhakta as well as a karma yogi. Nrendraji writes ... That is why the Vaishnavites claim that Siva is the foremost devotee of Vishnu. True - Siva is the formost devotee of Lord Vishnu. and Vishnu is also the foremost devotee of Shiva. in the strimad bhagwat gita , chapter 10 , verse 23, lord krishna decalares - "among the Rudras, I aM shiva." There is a story in the puranas how Vishnu got the 'sudarshan chakra' Every day lord vishnu used to offer thousand lotuses to lord shiva during worship. One day shiva wanted to test vishnu's devotion- so, Lord Shiva hid one of the lotuses. During worship, Lord Vishnu discovered that he was one lotus short, in order to complete his worship, vishnu was about to pluck one of his eyes to offer to lord shiva, then shiva stopped him and was so pleaed with vishnu's devotion that shiva named vishnu "padmalochana" -the one with the lotus eyes- shiva also prsented vishnu with the sudharshan chakra ! If you see the reclining position of Anantha padmanabha swami ( mahavishnu) in any vaishnava temple , his right hand will be offering Abhisekham to the shiva-linga! Lord vishnu is always contemplating on shiva in yoga nidra. as far shiva, he is always meditating on Shiva. and as far Parvati, she is always meditating on Shiva. and as far as BRAHMA, SHIVA AND VISHNU are concerned , they are all under the spell of Devi ! Narenderaji observes So, she is vidhyAvidhyArupini. Worship her as VidhyArupini, she takes you to the Lord. again, nectarean words . Devi herself says in chapter 20 of Tripura rahasya ... (31-40) "I am the abstract intelligence wherefrom the cosmos originates, whereon it flourishes, and wherein it resolves, like the images in a mirror. The ignorant know me as the gross universe, whereas the wise feel me as their own pure being eternally glowing as 'I-I' within. This realisation is possible only in the deep stillness of thought- free consciousness similar to that of the deep sea free from waves. The most earnest of devotees worship me spontaneously and with the greatest sincerity which is due to their love of me. Although they know that I am their own non-dual Self, yet the habit of loving devotion which is deep-rooted in them makes them conceive their own Self as ME and worship ME as the life-current pervading their bodies, senses and mind without which nothing could exist and which forms the sole purport of the holy scriptures. Such is my Transcendental State. "My concrete form is the eternal couple - the Supreme Lord and Energy - always in undivided union and abiding as the eternal consciousness pervading the three phenomenal states of waking, dream and sleep, and reclining on the cot whose four legs are Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Protector), Siva (the Destroyer) and Isvara (Disappearance) and whose surface is Sadasiva (Grace) which is contained in the mansion known as 'fulfilment of purpose' enclosed by the garden of 'Kadamba' trees in the jewel island situated in the wide ocean of nectar surrounding the cosmos and extending beyond. 'Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, Isvara, Sadasiva, Ganesa, Skanda, the gods of the eight quarters, their energies of her gods, celestials, serpents and other superhuman beings all manifestations of myself. However, people do not know ME because their intellect is shrouded in ignorance." Yes, Lalitha Devi is atma-vidya! Lalitha Devi is maha-vidya ! Lalitha devi is brahma-vidya ! finally, This " Siva is the Self, Vishnu the Chitta, Devi the mind and Brahmadeva the intellect of the Cosmic consciousness. The unity of all these is the Advaitic concept. " on this note, i take leave many thanks to narendraji ! Hari Aum Tat sat! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 19, 2004 Report Share Posted May 19, 2004 oops! forgive the error! it should read , as far Shiva, he is always meditating on Vishnu and not as far Shiva, he is always meditating on shiva . advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16> wrote: > Thank you nairji for bringing your brother Nrendra's golden words to > this cyber satsangha. > > Narendraji writes... > > " Bhakthi is nothing but the love for GnAna (the realisation of > Truth). I think most people differentiate between > Bhakthi > and GnAna, only because they confuse GnAna, the realisation of one > and only Truth with knowledge of scriptures. Again this is not > to discount the importance of the scriptures, but mere knowledge of > scriptures need not necessarily lead one to the realisation of > TTruth. When the non- duality of Truth is realised purity of heart > naturally follows as one sees everything including oneself as part > of that Truth." > > Thank you so much. > > He could not have stated it better. > > There is a famous passage from Brihadaranyaka Upanishads > > King Yajnavalkya is speaking about what constitutes "true love" to > his wife , MAITREYI, a woman of great wisdom . > > " Truly it is not for the sake of husband that the husband is dear , > but for the sake of the SELF . > > and it is not for the Sake of the wife that the wife is dear, but for > the Sake of the SELF. > > AND > > IT is not for the sakee of sons that the sons are dear but for the > sake of sons that the sons are dear but for the sake of the self. > > Indeed, my beloved Maitreyi, it is the Self that should be seen, the > SELF that should be heard, the SELF that should be reflected upon, > and the SELF that should be known." > > This knowledge of the Self is the eternal flame that is burning in > the heart of a jnani as well as a bhakta as well as a karma yogi. > > Nrendraji writes ... > > That is why the Vaishnavites claim that Siva is the foremost > devotee of Vishnu. > > True - Siva is the formost devotee of Lord Vishnu. and Vishnu is also > the foremost devotee of Shiva. > > in the strimad bhagwat gita , chapter 10 , verse 23, > > lord krishna decalares - "among the Rudras, I aM shiva." > > There is a story in the puranas how Vishnu got the 'sudarshan chakra' > > Every day lord vishnu used to offer thousand lotuses to lord shiva > during worship. One day shiva wanted to test vishnu's devotion- > so, Lord Shiva hid one of the lotuses. During worship, Lord Vishnu > discovered that he was one lotus short, in order to complete his > worship, vishnu was about to pluck one of his eyes to offer to lord > shiva, then shiva stopped him and was so pleaed with vishnu's > devotion that shiva named vishnu "padmalochana" -the one > with the lotus eyes- shiva also prsented vishnu with the sudharshan > chakra ! > > If you see the reclining position of Anantha padmanabha swami ( > mahavishnu) in any vaishnava temple , his right hand will be offering > Abhisekham to the shiva-linga! Lord vishnu is always contemplating on > shiva in yoga nidra. > > as far shiva, he is always meditating on Shiva. > > and as far Parvati, she is always meditating on Shiva. > > and as far as BRAHMA, SHIVA AND VISHNU are concerned , they are all > under the spell of Devi ! > > Narenderaji observes > > So, she is vidhyAvidhyArupini. Worship her as VidhyArupini, > she takes you to the Lord. > > again, nectarean words . > > Devi herself says in chapter 20 of Tripura rahasya ... (31-40) > > "I am the abstract intelligence wherefrom the cosmos originates, > whereon it flourishes, and wherein it resolves, like the images in a > mirror. The ignorant know me as the gross universe, whereas the wise > feel me as their own pure being eternally glowing as 'I-I' within. > This realisation is possible only in the deep stillness of thought- > free consciousness similar to that of the deep sea free from waves. > The most earnest of devotees worship me spontaneously and with the > greatest sincerity which is due to their love of me. Although they > know that I am their own non-dual Self, yet the habit of loving > devotion which is deep-rooted in them makes them conceive their own > Self as ME and worship ME as the life-current pervading their bodies, > senses and mind without which nothing could exist and which forms the > sole purport of the holy scriptures. Such is my Transcendental State. > > "My concrete form is the eternal couple - the Supreme Lord and > Energy - always in undivided union and abiding as the eternal > consciousness pervading the three phenomenal states of waking, dream > and sleep, and reclining on the cot whose four legs are Brahma (the > Creator), Vishnu (the Protector), Siva (the Destroyer) and Isvara > (Disappearance) and whose surface is Sadasiva (Grace) which is > contained in the mansion known as 'fulfilment of purpose' enclosed by > the garden of 'Kadamba' trees in the jewel island situated in the > wide ocean of nectar surrounding the cosmos and extending beyond. > > 'Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, Isvara, Sadasiva, Ganesa, Skanda, the gods of > the eight quarters, their energies of her gods, celestials, serpents > and other superhuman beings all manifestations of myself. However, > people do not know ME because their intellect is shrouded in > ignorance." > > Yes, Lalitha Devi is atma-vidya! > > Lalitha Devi is maha-vidya ! > > Lalitha devi is brahma-vidya ! > > finally, > > This > > " Siva is the Self, Vishnu the Chitta, Devi the mind and Brahmadeva > the intellect of the Cosmic consciousness. The unity of all these is > the Advaitic concept. " > > on this note, i take leave > > many thanks to narendraji ! > > Hari Aum Tat sat! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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