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June Topic: mAyA in the vedas: -Song to Holy Wisdom !

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Ken-knightji comments ...


" If you take a look at 'adi-shakti's'...OK. I know his

real name but am not telling.... post of today you

will find that he quotes a great RgVedic hymn of vAk. "


Dear-heart, adi_ shakthi16 is a fe-male and her real name is no big

secret - it is no revelation!!! smiles !!! what is in a name, anyway?

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose ...


on another note, kenneth-ji, it is my pleasure to bring to this

audience here the hymn to the sacred word , known as a song to the

holy wisdom, with an address to Brhaspati, "the lord of the holy

word" , the inspiirer of sacred poetry.



1. O Lord of the Holy Word! That was the first beginning of the Word

when the Seers fell to naming each object. That which was best anmd

purest, deeply hidden within their hearts, they revealed by the power

of their love.



2. The Seers fashioned the Word by the means of their mind sifting it

as with sieves the corn is sifted. Thus friends may recognize each

other's friendship. An auspicious seal upon their word is set.


3. They followed by sacrifice the path of the Word and found her

entered among the Seers. They led her forth and distributed her among

many . In unison the seven Singers chant her.


4.*** Yet certain ones, though seeing, may not see her., and other

ones, though hearing, may not hear her. But to some the Word reveals

herself quite freely, like fair-robed bride surrendering to her



5. One man they call morose, unbending in friendship, him they do

not send forward to competitions. He goes on his way deluded, his

endeavours sterile. Void both of fruit and flowers was the word he



6. No longer does the man who has abandoned a congenial friend

possess a share in the Word. *Vain is his hearing, whatsoever he

hears. He does not recognize the path of goodness.*


7. Friends, though endowed alike with sight and hearing , may yet in

quickness of mind be quite unequal. Some are like ponds that reach to

mouth or shoulder , while others resemble lakes deep enough for



8. When Brahmins sacrifice together in friendship, forming within

their hearts inspirations of their spirit, their wise resolves may

leave one man behind, while others, though reckoned as Brahmins,

stray away.


9. Those who advance not in this direction or that, who are not

knowers of Brahman or Soma-prsessers, they have obtained the word in

sinful fashion. Being ignorant, they weave a faulty thread.


10. His comrades all rejoice when their friend returns covered with

glory , proclaimed victor in the assembly. He frees them from their

sin, provides them with food. Prepared is he, fit for the compeition.


11. One man with utmost care creates the verses, another sings a song

in chanted meters. A third, the Brahmin tells forth the wisdom of






folks ! look at verse 4 in relation to verse 3. beautiful metaphor

indeed! The communication of the Word is like the *union* of man and

woman , for the word comes and offers herself as a bride to her

husband , to the one who is worthy to receive her. (something that

kenji has been stressing over and over again) The communicator , the

communication .... and no gaps in between!


The word UNITES ; The Word Divides !


A word is sacxred and powerful . Shabda is Sound; Sphota is eternal






satyameva jayate! (truth triumphs!)







enjoy the beauty and splendor of rg vedic vaks!

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--- adi_shakthi16 <adi_shakthi16 wrote:


> Dear-heart, adi_ shakthi16 is a fe-male and her real

> name is no big

> secret - it is no revelation!!! smiles !!! what is

> in a name, anyway?

> A Rose is a Rose is a Rose ...




All this time I have been discoursing with a lady and

I did not know it.

The feminine, the power of the powerful without which

the powerful is powerless, Shakti, consort of Shiva, I

prostrate and plead stupidity as the reason for my



Now I know that you in your limited form behind

adi-shakthi16 like a little Sufism so may I offer some

Rabi'a, the great lady Sufi poet, who one beautiful,

sunny day was beckoned by her maid to go into the


'Rabi'a, come into the garden to enjoy what the

Creator has made.'

>From inside the house Rabi'a replied:

'Come inside and meet the Creator.'


Or my favourite of all is her prayer:

'O God! If I worship Thee in fear of hell, burn me in

hell; and if I worship Thee in hope of paradise,

exclude me from paradise; but if I worship Thee for

Thine own sake, withhold not Thine Everlasting



So great lady, you have directed us to RV.X.71.4:

'One man hath ne'er seen Vak, and yet he seeth: one

man hath hearing but hath never heard her.

But to another hath she shown her beauty as a fond

well-dressed woman to her husband.'


This verse is crucial to our journey with YAska which

will begin with a posting tonight. When I first met

this 'metaphor' in the Upanishads I wondered where

such imagery had come from. Then came the study of vAk

and all was revealed.


In recent times there been a re-awakening to the

intuitive, feminine, aspect of mind. ( I do not mean

the superficial pyscho-babble emanating from some

universities). South Asian traditions have always had

this as central. Father Bede Griffiths, a Benedictine

monk, spent the second half of his life in India where

he encountered theo-philosophies that expanded his

patristic Christian modes of thought. He had a

profound experience of The Holy Mother and was able to

write of the need for an inner meeting of the male and


'......This meeting must take place at the deepest

level of the human consciousness. It is an encounter

ultimately between the two fundamental dimensions of

human nature: the male and the female — the masculine,

rational, active, dominating power of the mind, and

the feminine, intuitive, passive and receptive power.

Of course, these two dimensions exist in every human

being and in every people and race. But for the past

two thousand years, coming to a climax in the present

century, the masculine, rational mind has gradually

come to dominate Western Europe and has now spread its

influence all over the world.'

I don't necessarily agree with some of the qualities

he gives as masculine and feminine.


To make futher amends I am posting below a list of the

female Rshis(RshikA) and the references for their Rks.

Some people may not be aware that there are/were many


GhoshA (Kakshivati, Rgveda 10, 39), Sraddhã (KAmAyanI,

10, 151), SikatA (NivAvarI, 9, 86), Agastya-svasãA

(10. 60), SArpa rAjñI (10, 189), IndrasnushA

(Vasukra-patniI 10, 28), GodhA (10, 134), Nadi (3,

33), LopAmudrA (1, 179), ViSvavArA (AtreyI , 5, 28),

VAk (AmbhranI, 10, 125), YamI (VaivasvatI, 10, 10),

SASvatI (AngirasI, 8, 1), SaramA (DevaSunI, 10, 108),

SUryA (SAvitri, 10, 85). SachI (PulomI, 10, 159), JuhU

(Brahma-jAyA, 10, 109), DakshinA (PrajApatyA 10, 107),

Aditi (DAkshAyanI, 10, 72), RAtri (Bharadvaji, 10,

127), RomaSA (Brahma-vAdiinI, 1, 126 and 1 27) and

ApalA (8, 7)


Best wishes

If I have been admonished

Kenneth Knight

otherwise I am still Ken Knight




‘From this Supreme Self are all these, indeed, breathed forth.’







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