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Adi Sankara

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Voice of Sankara

Following are some Shlokas, by Sri Adi Sankara. You would find the Shlokas

presented in Sanskrit, with equivalent phonetics in English, alongwith their



Anatma Sri Vigarhana

This Prakarana (section dealing with the vanity of all acquisitions),

consists of eighteen verses including the last two which deal with the fruit of

mastering and thinking on it. The style is simple in diction and sublime in

ideas, and accords well with the style of Sri Sankara's Mohamudgara.

Bhaja Govindam

Adore the Lord, adore the Lord, adore the Lord, O fool! when the appointed

time (for departure) comes, the repetition of grammatical rules will not,

indeed, save you.

Bhavani Bhujanga Stotra

I bow to that embodiment of ambrosia which is Consciousness and Bliss

incarnate. It melts the orb of the moon and drinks (the moon-light).

Dakshinamurthi Stotram

Dakshinamurti is one of the radiant human forms which Lord Siva the Supreme

Spirit takes out of His infinite mercy (Daksinya) to uplift the ripe soul from

bondage. The banyan tree under which he is seated typifies the microcosm in the

tiny seed of the tree and the vast expanse of its branches, leaves and roots

that evolve from it respectively thereby illustrating how the Universe evolves

out of the Supreme Spirit who willed in the Upanisadic words `Bahusyam', `May I


Dasa Shloki

Neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor air, nor ether, nor sense-organ,

nor their aggregate (am I) because they are inconstant. That which is the one

established in sleep, that one which remains (after the sublation of all else) -

that auspicious absolute (Self) I am.


That alone is knowledge which brings about tranquillity of the senses. That

alone is to be known which has its significance established in the Upaniuads.

Dvadasalinga Stotram

Somanath temple in Gujarat is one of the twelve abodes of Uivalinga of

hallowed memory. A `linga' is so called because it `points to' the Supreme


Ganesha Pancha Ratna Stotra

The one Absolute, called Brahman by the Vedas, transcends our faculties.

Yet it comes within our grasp and comprehensive in any form, shape and

characteristic that we choose to invest it with. So God is worshipped in any

form which a devotee wishes to, and he is considered to be still within the

Hindu fold.


Devi is but the kinetic aspect of the Supreme Self that brings about the

creation, sustenance and dissolution of the Universe. This is evident in all

Devi stotras.


Worship Govinda who is supreme bliss, real, knowledge, infinite, and

eternal, who is free from Akasha (and other upadhis), who is the highest light,

who was eager as a child to crawl in the cow-pen, who is really free from

difficulties, but who appears to be in difficulties


One's body may be handsome, wife beautiful, fame, excellent and varied, and

wealth like unto Mount Meru; but if one's mind be not attached to the lotus feet

of the Guru, what thence, what thence, when thence, what thence?

Hanumat Pancharatnam

I now meditate of Hanuman, the son of Vayu, who is free from all desires

for the enjoyment of objects, in whom the tears of joy rolled down coupled with

horripilation, who is pure in heart, who is foremost among the messengers of

Rama, and who is dear to the heart.

Jivanmuktananda Lahari

Seeing, like pictures, the people of the city consisting of men and young

women of different forms clad in attractive dress and decked with ornaments of

gold, Realising that he is actually seeing them and mixing merrily with them.

Kanakadhara Stotra

May the sportive glances of the auspicious goddess (Lakshmi), which, as the

she-bee would rest on a TamAla tree adorned with buds, resort to the body of

Lord Hari who has the horripilation as the ornament and which have all the

riches, be the bestowers of auspiciousness unto me.

Lakshminarasimha Pancha Ratnam

If you wish to earn the affection of your master then always worship the

man-lion (form of the lord). One who is keen on seeing an adorned image (in a

mirror), (always) decorates the object (first).

Maya Panchakam

Maya which is skilful in accomplishing the impossible brings about the

distinctions of the world. Euvara, and jeva in my consciousness, which is unique

and eternal, partless and impartite, and which is free from all distinctions.


This hymn in nine verses in the Bhujangaprayata metre in on paiauranga, the

form of Vishnu in the shrine at Pandaripura (modern Pandarpur) in the

Maharashtra State. There is an interesting anecdote relating to this deity and

to a devotee of that deity, namely, Pundarika.

Pratah Samarana Stotram

This is a prayer consisting of three stanzas in which the mind (manas)

speech (vak), and body (kaya) of the individual are sought to be dedicated to

the supreme Spirit. The first thoughts, words and actions of everyday exert a

great influence on the life of the individual.

Shatpadi Stotram

Oh Lord Vishnu! Drive away (my) immodesty, quell (my) mind and dispel the

mirage of objects of worldly pleasure. Spread out compassion (in me) for all

beings. Make me cross the ocean of worldly existence (to the shore, viz. mokua)


Sivapradha Kshamapana Stotram

In the beginning, owing to the effect of Karma (acts good and bad done in

previous births), as I lie in the mother's womb, kaluúa (the sin) takes hold of

me (kalayati).

Sri Annapurna Stotram

Oh! Mother Annapurna! renderer of the support of compassion, the bestower

of eternal happiness, the donor of gifts and protection, the ocean of beauty,

the destroyer of all sins and purifier, the great goddess, the purifier of the

family of Himavan, and the great deity of Kasi, (thou) grant us alms.

Sri Meenakshi Pancharatnam

I remain ever bowing to that (goddess) Minakui, an ocean of compassion, who

is radiant like the multitudes of rising Suns, and is resplendent with the

bracelet and necklace and is having reddish lips (like the bimba fruit), with

shining rows of smiling teeth, and decorated with silk garments, and is having

the feet worshipped by the gods Vishnu, Brahma and Indra and is of the form of

the reality and is auspicious.

Srimad Achyutashtakam

Oh, the unlapsing Lord, the unswerving Being, Hari, the supreme Self, the

handsome Sri Rama, the dark-blue Krishna, the best Purusha, the all-pervading

God, the One enveloping all and residing in all, Bhagavan possessing the six

essential characteristics, the unabated and unobstructed Lord, the Lord of

Goddess Sri, may You ward off all our sufferings and pains.

Subramanya Bhujanga Stotra

May Ganesa who, though always a child, can destroy the mountain of

obstacles, who though having the face of an elephant is worshipped by lions (or

by Siva with five faces), who is sought after by Brahama, Indra, and others, who

is auspicious, and whose greatness is immeasurable, bless me with prosperity.


One of the chief disciples of Sankara composed an octad of verses in praise

of the Master. The metre he has used in this composition is the difficult but

beautiful totaka. Hence he was himself given the name Totakacharya...

Umamaheshwari Stotram

This hymn of praise is devoted to Lord Mahesvara who is the inseparable

companion of Uma who represents his uakti. The nondifference between the Sakti

and Saktiman is given an anthropomorphic form in the half male female

Ardhanareuvara in temples.

Upadesa Panchakam

Study the Veda every day; do properly the karma prescribed therein; through

that (act), worship the Lord ; give up the thought of doing an act with desire

(for its fruit); shake off the group of sinful deeds; consider (mentally) the

defect in worldly pleasure; strive for the desire (for the knowledge) of the

Atman (Self); get out of your home without delay.

Yati Panchakam

Ever revelling in the (actual experience of the import of) Vedanta-vakyas,

fully satisfied with mere bhikúána (food got by alms), moving about, free from

grief at heart (free from grief and full of kindness for all), blessed, indeed,

are those (yatis=ascetics) clad in the loin-cloth.






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