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Guru Poornima- Vyasa Puja day!

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Who is a Guru?


Our very first Guru is our own MOther who gives us birth. A child is

reciting the 'so-ham' mantra even as a fetus in the mother's womb. It

is from the mother , the child learns about the World and the

environment right from its cradle days. The first five years are very

imoprtant in a child's life, psychologists say! These are the

FORMATIVE YEARS. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Gandhiji says much of his 'interest' in spirituality was due to his

mother's influence on his life during his early childhood. .


Abhimanyu learned about the 'science of warfare' while he was still

in his mother's womb. we all know how he knew how to get into

the 'chakravyuha' in the enemy's camp but did not know how to get out

of it and died as a result! do you think a formal guru would have

helped here?


and then of course , we have Ashtavakra who listened to his father's

spiritual discourses while still in his mother's womb. So much so

that at one point of time, the baby from the womb spoke up and

corrected the mistakes in his father's presntation. The father cursed

the baby and the baby was born 'crooked' and 'bent' in eight places.

( ashta-eight, vakra- crooked and bent) !


A famous hindu verse goes like this ...


Mata Pita acharya devo bhavaha!




We all know the story of KARTHIKEYA AND GANESHA where GaneshA circled

his parents Parvati and Parameshwera three times on his little mouse

and won the prize.


adi shankara sings in his Annapurnashtakam stotra


Mata cha parvati devi pita devo maheshvarah

Bandhavah shivabhaktashcha svadesho bhuvanatrayamh


Goddess Parvati is my mother. God Maheshvara is my father. All

devotees of Siva are my family. All three worlds are my home.


Where does the Guru FIT in this scheme of things? Our spiritual birth

occurs only when we approach a self-realized guru!


there is a hindi saying which goes like this

This is subtly illustrated by another famous verse known to all



Guru Govind donu khade, kisko laagu paay,

Balihari Gurudevaki jinhe Govind diyo bataay.


The Guru and Govind(God) are present before me, to whom shall I bow

down first? Glory to the Guru since he showed me Govind.


yes, the key phrase is one who leads you to God/govinda!


Please, read the famous verse from srimad bhagvat gita on the group



tadviddhi praNipaatena pariprashnena sevayaa .

upadekShyanti te GYaanaM GYaaninastattvadarshinaH ..

Bhagavad-Gita 4:34


Learn that by humble reverence, by inquiry and by service.

The sages who have seen the truth will instruct thee in wisdom.


The key phrases are 1) by submissive inquiry in a mode of humility 2)

service 3) one who has seen the TRUTH (TATTWA DARSHANA) !


AND that is the key phrase -Tattwa Darshna - one who has seen

the 'truth' or realized the truth!


The following sloka describes the true qualities of Guru...


Brahmaanandham Parama Sukhadam

Kevalam Jnaana Murthim

Dhvandhvaa Theetham Gagana Sadhrisham

Tathvam Asyaadi Lakshyam

Ekam Nithyam Vimalam Achalam

Sarvadhee Saakshi Bhutham

Bhavaatheetham Thriguna Rahitham

Sadhgurum Tham Namaami.


Meaning: This sloka tries to describe the qualities of a true Guru. A

real Guru has the following qualities. He experiences the supreme

Bliss of Brahmaananda (transcedental divine bliss). He enjoys and

confers changeless supreme happiness. He is beyond space and time

(there is nothing higher than him). He is the embodiment of wisdom

which is the basis for all types of knowledge. He transcends the pair

of opposites (such as happiness and sorrow, gain and loss). He is

more Omnipresent than space itself. He is the very embodiment of the

Divine principle, which is the inner meaning of the four great

pronouncements Prajnaanam Brahma, Aham Brahmasmi, Thath Thvam Asi and

Ayam Aathma Brahma. He is One without a second (ekam). He never

changes under any circumstances (nithyam). He is without any type of

impurity (vimalam). He is steady and motionless(achalam). He is the

witness of everything. He transcends mental comprehension and verbal

explanation. He is beyond the three gunas (sathva, rajas and thamas).

I offer my humble salutations to such a Guru who possesses all these



Even a great saint like Adi Shankara received spiritual instruction

from a Guru!


the very first verse in Viveka Chudamani reads


sarva-ved'ànta-siddh'ànta-gocaraü tam agocaram gov'indaü

param'ànandaü sad-guruü praõato'smy aham. 1


I prostrate myself before Govinda, the true Guru and ultimate Bliss,

who is the unattainable resort of all scriptures and Vedanta.



shankara's real guru's name was Govindapada and Govinda also IS NAME

for lord Krishna. Point is GURU IS GOD IN HUMAN FORM!


But, do you seek the GURU or the Guru seeks you out?


When you are Ready, the guru appears!


Till then, what do you do?


Medidate On Lord Dakshinamurthy, the guru of all gurus!

vaTaviTapisamiipe bhuumibhaage nishhaNNaM

sakalamunijanaanaaM GYAnadaataaramaaraat.h .

tribhuvanagurumiishaM dakshiNaamuurtidevaM

jananamaraNaduHkhachchhedadakshaM namaami ..


I offer my profound salutations to Shri maha dakshinamurti, the

remover of the worldly (samasric) bonds binding us, Who is to be

meditated upon as the one sitting under a banyan tree and bestowing

knowledge (GYana)instantly on all the sages (and the devoted



Meditate on sree 'Dakshinamurthy' (sree Lalita Devi herself is

described as 'dakshinamurthyrupa-swarupini' -she is your indwelling

guru) and He will show you the way.


Once , a disciple asked Shri Ramana who his Guru is, shri Ramana

replied Lord ARUNACHALA himself appeared to him in a dream and

advised him to take shelter at his feet in Thiruvannamalai!


Shri Ramana himself says after self-realization who is the Guru and

who is the sisya- they merge into one!!!


The great theosophist J.Krishnamurthy discourages the concept of

Guru and only believes in the term 'waypointer' -marga darshaka!!

true! Unless the student is ready , no guru can accomplish any





Adi shankara says in his famous Guruvashtakam


"The Vedas with their six auxiliaries and knowledge of sciences may

be on the one's lips; one may have the gift of poesy; and may compose

good prose and poetry; but if one's mind be not attached to the lotus

feet of the Guru, what thence, what thence, what thence, what thence?"


Take our beloved kenji for instance! do you think he could have

written that brilliant exposition on Rig Veda WITHOUT THE GRACE OF

HIS ATMA GURU, Anandamoyi maa and Sree Saraswati devi!


Kalidasa himself became a great Poet only because of the grace and

benediction of Matangi devi who spoke through him in the

famous 'Shymala Dandakam'?


and adi shankara himself says at the end of Saundarya lahari in the

last sloka that he was just the instrument and it was Devi herself

who spoke through him!


GURU AND GOD/ESS- it is their grace and mercy that directs us on the

spiritual path and that is why tantriks address Guru as Gurudeva !


gurur-brahmA gurur-vishNuH gurur-devo maheSvaraH;

gurus-sAkshAt param brahma tasmai SrI gurave namaH.


The guru is Brahma, the guru is Vishnu, the guru is deva Maheshvara.

Clearly the guru is the supreme Brahman, to that Shri Guru hails -


(please read professor v.krishnamurthy's wonderful explanation of

this sloka in his website science and spirituality)


Because the guru gives mantra to a disciple and because she or he

embodies the spirit and life of that mantra in an unbroken lineage to

the Rishi who first perceived it, she or he is held in the utmost

regard in the tantrik tradition.


According to the 13th chapter of the influential Kularnava Tantra,

there is no difference between devata, mantra and guru.


"Devata in truth is the same as mantra; mantra in truth is the same

as the guru. The fruit of the worship of the devata, mantra and guru

is the same."


Sage Vyasa is the Adi Guru! It is he who has given us the Vedas,

puranas, Mahabharata etc... and Shankarcharya gave us the wonderful

treatises on those vedic texts and commentaries on Gita, brahma

sutras etc...


on this day, join me in this Guru Vandana ...


Sankaram Sankaracharyam Kesavam Badarayanam;

Sutra-Bhashya-Kritau Vande Bhagavantau Punah Punah


I adore Lord Siva, Lord Vishnu, Bhagavan Vyasa and Sri Sankaracharya.

I again and again prostrate to Sri Vyasa who wrote the Vedanta

Sutras, and to Sri Sankaracharya who wrote the commentaries thereon

(Guru Vandanam).



For the recitation of the Vishnu Sahasranama, the author sage Vyasa

is to be invoked first as the 'Rishi' special. In fact, Vyasa is an

incarnation of Lord Narayana Himself.


vyaasaaya vishhNu-roopaaya vyaasa roopaaya vishhNave |

namo vai brahma nidhaye vaasishhThaaya namo namaH || \


and one of the names of Lord Vishnu is 'Agranih' one who leads us





on this day of Gu- ru ( one who removes darkness ) . let us offer

manasika prayers to


1) Adi Shankara bhagvadapada- Jagadguru




3) Shri Ramanuja and Shri Madhavacharya










AND of course kanchi paramacharya !


AND SALUTATIONS to a host of other upagurus who lead us in the path

of spirituality!


Hara Hara Shankara !


Jaya Jaya Shankara!




jai Gurudeva! ( saadar pranaams to my own manasika Guru braHman-


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advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>


> Who is a Guru?




Thank you for the anthology on the glory of Guru.


The Guru Gita extols this further:


The Guru can potect one even the wrath of god Shankara!

But from the Guru's wrath, even Shankara is helpless to protect!!

Therefore, surrender to the Guru in every way you can.






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thank you kindly, sunder-ji!


you write one para


> The Guru can potect one even the wrath of god Shankara!

> But from the Guru's wrath, even Shankara is helpless to protect!!

> Therefore, surrender to the Guru in every way you can.



and it is worth a Thousand words!




Even if one lacks scriptural knowledge he/her can still attain

liberation just with the help of his/her 'her devotion to his guru.


we all know of Shankara's disciple Totaka -he was toidiculed by other

disciples for his 'slowess' and lack of 'intelligence' but Shankara

took Totaka under his wings and mentored him.


here is verse from Totashtakam which totaka composed to honor his

guru, ADi shankara!


Totaka pleads with all humility


I have neither understood even one branch of knowledge clearly, nor

do I possess any wealth, O Guru . Quickly bestow on me the compassion

which is natural to You . O Preceptor Shankara, be my refuge.


YES! a bhava of 'surrender or sharanagati is very important while

approaching the lotus feet of Guru! Why was shri hanuman able to

cross the ocean on e one giant leap ? because he had only 'Sri Rama

nama ' ON HIS LIPS!



"Na guroradhikam tatvam,


Na guroradhikam tapah


Na guroradhikam jnanam


Tasmai Sri Gurave namah"


There is no philosophy higher than the Guru. There is no tapas higher

than the guru. There is no knowledge higher than the guru. My pranams

to such esteemed Gurudeva!


Guys, this is my favvirite topic! sorry for getting carried away!


Guru is Shiva sans his three eyes,

Vishnu sans his four arms

Brahma sans his four heads.

He is parama Shiva himself in human form"

............................... ............~ Brahmanda Puran


AND guess what!


Guru is like ' moonlight on a dark night!'


the moonlight falls on a dirty waters of pond as well as on the

pristine waters of the river Ganges! but is it the fault of the

moonlight if the 'reflection of the moonlight' in the dirty pond is

not as crystal clear as in the pristine water of the river ganges?

so, to be a good disciple also one needs 'qualifications' !


Ekalavya never had a formal guru ! dronacharya would have never

accepted Ekalavya as his diciple. By just concentrating on the stone

statue of his Guru Dronacharya , EKALAVYA through Shradda (devotion)

and dedication acquired supermacy in the art of 'archery' and was

able to even surpass ARjuna in this vidya! this is called'Guri' - eka

chitta - steadfast concentration!!!



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Continuing on the discussion regarding Guru Purnima I wish to bring

the group's attenion to the following web-site

(http://www.yogamalika.org/yogahome.html) and a speech titled "What

is Faith?" by Swami Paramarthananda delivered on Guru Purnima day.


As some of you on the forum may already know, Swami Paramarthananda

is well-known as a erudite, lucid and superb exponent of our

scriptures (in English), very closely following Sankara's

interpretation. The yoga malika folks have done a great job by

posting His Uddhava Gita and Gita classes on the net as audio files

as soon they happen in Madras. He also discusses 'generic' topics on

New Year, Guru Purnima day etc - you can check them out using the



Swamiji presents a profound and deeper understanding of Shraddha in

this year's speech, questioning our understanding of it, compares

and contrasts modern science's interpretaion of faith etc. I am sure

you will enjoy it!



Sundar Rajan


advaitin, "adi_shakthi16"

<adi_shakthi16> wrote:

> thank you kindly, sunder-ji!


> you write one para



> > The Guru can potect one even the wrath of god Shankara!

> > But from the Guru's wrath, even Shankara is helpless to protect!!

> > Therefore, surrender to the Guru in every way you can.



> and it is worth a Thousand words!


> yes...


> Even if one lacks scriptural knowledge he/her can still attain

> liberation just with the help of his/her 'her devotion to his



> we all know of Shankara's disciple Totaka -he was toidiculed by


> disciples for his 'slowess' and lack of 'intelligence' but


> took Totaka under his wings and mentored him.


> here is verse from Totashtakam which totaka composed to honor his

> guru, ADi shankara!


> Totaka pleads with all humility


> I have neither understood even one branch of knowledge clearly,


> do I possess any wealth, O Guru . Quickly bestow on me the


> which is natural to You . O Preceptor Shankara, be my refuge.


> YES! a bhava of 'surrender or sharanagati is very important while

> approaching the lotus feet of Guru! Why was shri hanuman able to

> cross the ocean on e one giant leap ? because he had only 'Sri


> nama ' ON HIS LIPS!



> "Na guroradhikam tatvam,


> Na guroradhikam tapah


> Na guroradhikam jnanam


> Tasmai Sri Gurave namah"


> There is no philosophy higher than the Guru. There is no tapas


> than the guru. There is no knowledge higher than the guru. My


> to such esteemed Gurudeva!


> Guys, this is my favvirite topic! sorry for getting carried away!


> Guru is Shiva sans his three eyes,

> Vishnu sans his four arms

> Brahma sans his four heads.

> He is parama Shiva himself in human form"

> .............................. ............~ Brahmanda Puran


> AND guess what!


> Guru is like ' moonlight on a dark night!'


> the moonlight falls on a dirty waters of pond as well as on the

> pristine waters of the river Ganges! but is it the fault of the

> moonlight if the 'reflection of the moonlight' in the dirty pond


> not as crystal clear as in the pristine water of the river ganges?

> so, to be a good disciple also one needs 'qualifications' !


> Ekalavya never had a formal guru ! dronacharya would have never

> accepted Ekalavya as his diciple. By just concentrating on the


> statue of his Guru Dronacharya , EKALAVYA through Shradda


> and dedication acquired supermacy in the art of 'archery' and was

> able to even surpass ARjuna in this vidya! this is called'Guri' -


> chitta - steadfast concentration!!!



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