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Welcome back Ken-ji!


You write...


" I know that this thread ended but I am presently

trying to catch up with about 300 postings.

This thread caused me to return to the Rgveda."



How can a thread on 'Guru' End?


Ananta Mahima Guru Mahima


There is no end to singing the glories of Guru!


Similarly, How can a thread on Vedas end?


" Anantah vai Vedah", the Vedas themselves proclaim the Vedas are

endless !!!


Ken-ji, Yes! You are right ! one of the meanings of Guru is*heavy.*


Guru's words carry weight as they contain eternal wisdom. That is why

a Guru is venerated.


and thank you once again for referencing the hymns in the RG VEDA

to explain the Guru Tattwa.


yasya deve para bhaktir

yatha deve tatha gurau

tasyaite kathita hy arthah

prakasante mahatmanah



"Unto those great souls who have implicit faith in both the Lord and

the spiritual master, all the imports of Vedic knowledge are

automatically revealed." (Shvetasvatara Upanishad 6.23)


yes! there is an inner Guru and an outer guru !


Sri Ramana himself never had a human Guru, but he is on record as

saying that the mountain of Arunachala was his Guru. In his

devotional poetry he says that Arunachala was his Guru, his Self and

his God. So, his Guru did have a physical form, even though it wasn't

a human one.


Sri Ramana always taught that a Guru is necessary for everyone

who wants to realize the Self. When he spoke on this topic, he would

usually say that the Self takes the form of a physical Guru who

instructs the devotee and supervises his progress. At the same time,

the Guru is also the Self within. That inner Self, that inner Guru,

pulls the mind into itself, and if the mind is mature enough, the

inner Guru dissolves the mind completely. Both the inner and the

outer Guru are required to complete the work.


nitya sudham nirabhasam, nirakaram niranjanam


nity abodham chidanandam, guru brahma namamayam


I prostrate to that Guru, who is the Eternally Pure Brahman, free

from reflection, formless, taintless, eternally awake as Pure

Consciousness and Bliss.



Ken-ji, now that you are here, we expect you to elaborate more On

MAYA in the vedas and our chitta-ji himself has acknowledgeD that he

prefers the 'magical power of Maya ' to Her being described

as 'illusion' in Adwaitic literaure. Is Maya a myth or a mystery or

AN illusion or delusion?


I am slowly discovering 'words' have personalities after reading the

responses of some members! also, i am learning about the 'error'

theory! Error of perception, Error of coginition, Error of

understanding , Error of interpretation and the biggest Error of them

all -the Error of repetition! Comedy of errors! Smiles!!


any way did i hear someone say something about Philosophy and



Well, Srimad Bhagwat Gita is first a Treatise on Philosophy and then

only a Book on Religion!


Read this from the Srimad BhagwAt Gita...


"Thinking about sense-objects


Will attach you to sense-objects;


Grow attached, and you become addicted;


Thwart your addiction, it turns to anger;


Be angry, and you confuse your mind;


Confuse your mind, you forget the lesson of experience;


Forget experience, you lose discrimination;


Lose discrimination and you miss life's only purpose."


Bhagavad Gita




"There is no religion in which everyday life is not considered a

prison; there is no philosophy or ideology that does not think that

we live in alienation."


so, i am happy that Chiita-ji started with thoughts on western

philosophy and made a smooth transition to Eastern thought!


Love and regards













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