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In Defence of Chaturanga - the Game of infinite possibilities !!!!!!!!

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Bhaskar Prabhuji asks ...


(Do you play chess prabhuji?? )


Chitta responds


(No, I never felt an attraction for that game.)


OH! OH! how disappointing ! iF members would see my profile , i have

listed 'chess' as one of my hobbies.


The beauty about Chess is it can be played anywhere , anytime and all

you need are two players and a chess Board! and now in this internet

age, you can play it on-line too! in fact, that is the only way i

communicate with my son-in-law on line , who always wins hands down !

( between you and me, I just let him !!! i do not use all my moves!!



As someone wisely put it


" The ultimate Truth can never be won. That is why the game of Chess

is so facinating."


SO true in the context of present discussion!


anyway, i want to share with members here this fascinating

explanation on the Symbolism of the game of Chaturanga ( chess) in

the context of hindu religion.


Chess is known as 'chaturanga' in Sanskrit - the word Chatur

means 'four' and 'anaga' means 'limbs' ....


please read on...


"The translations or symbolic meanings of the Sanskrit terms:

chaturanga = four elements of material (fire, air, water and earth),

ratha (chariot) = earth (prthivi), ashwa (horse) = water (apas)

hastin (elephant) = wind or air (vayu), mantrin (wise man) = fire

(agni), rajan (king) = ether (akasha)."


Now on the importance of the term'chatur' or Four in hindu dharma


"THE Indians have many different terms in mythology, religion and

philosophy with chatur: chaturveda (4 Vedas), chaturyuga (world

seasons), chturvarna (4 castes), etc.


By the name "chaturmaharajikas" (means 4 great kings) the Buddhists

call the gods of fire, water and earth who dwell in the North, South,

East and West, with their suites upon the horses in four different

colours. With the term chaturmaharajikas I have immediately brought

in connection the term "chaturangi" (means four kings) as one calls

in India the four-handed chess. For that chess, two names exists,

chaturanja and chaturanji. It used to be played by four players with

pieces in four colours. The white and black are the allies against

the yellow and green. In that game, even the kings could be captured

as common pieces. To me it has been clear at once that the term "four

kings" is in connection with the elements. The pieces are arranged in

the North, South, East and West, each group being coloured

differently - just the same case as with the elementary gods - with

the Kings and their suites. "


PLEASE raed this fascinating article on the Origins of Chess -A



http://www.goddesschess.com/chessys/ bidev1.html


The author Bidev goes on to say ...


"It is clear without further explanation that the factor light

(sattvam) is symbolized by the white pieces, the factor "tamas" or

darkness, by the black ones and the middle factor moving (rajas) is

potentially between the white and the black pieces. i.e. - between

light and darkness.


The Indian conception of the world of the Universe is a game,

undertaken by a supreme deity (Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva) 1) The

dualists, (the School Samkhya) consider this game performed by the

primeval material (prakrti) without any participation of the gods.

They differ the static and dynamic stadium of the Universe. In the

former there are three factors, light motion and darkness, entirely

drawn within their limits, completely quantitatively balanced, so

that neither is more or less than the other. (R. Garbe, Die Sampkhya-

Philosophie, Leipzig, 1917, S 283-284).


In the dynamic stadium, the middle factor motion (rajas) starts its

activity and in that way causes the game of the world's development.

The material from the state of repose passes into the state of

activity, the three factors begin the struggle for supremacy, the

result of which is the evolution of material and all the rest of the

Universe. For tat dynamic stadium of material, the Indians have a

technical term - lil + game. Chess is apparently a small but

excellent illustration of this Indian theory."


whatever it is, for women of my age, (60+) , it is a game with

infinite possibilities- one way to AVOID - "ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE" -

keep your brain cells active. Smiles!!!


I don't know if Chitta has seen Satyajit Ray's film 'Shatranj Ke




In this film, Satyajit Ray cleverly uses the game of Chess as a

Metaphor for cross cultural power negotiations between The BRITISH

AND THE NAWAB RULER. It is the British who choose and dictate the

rules of the game chess is played.


QUEEN VICTORIA triumphs! The ruler of Awadh goes into exile.


ANYWAY,KING YUDDHISTRA LOST HIS 'ALL' in the game of Chess. and IN

THIS DEBATE ON 'REAL AND UNREAL' , Bhaskarji and chittaji and Sadaji,

may i ask " what is the use of gaining the whole world ( Jagat) and

losing one's soul ( atman) in the process." Cheers!!!


Love and regards

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