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taj-jnAH pashyanti buddhyA parama-balavato mAyayA-ktaM


buddhA-vantaH samudre prati-phalita-marIcy-AspadaM

vedhasas-taM /

yAdRg-yAvAn-upAdhiH pratiphalati tathA brahma tasmin


prAptA-darshAnurUpaM prati-phalati yathA-vasthitaM

sat-sadaiva //


tat-jnAH vedhasaH : The knowers of the Self

pashyanti : realise

buddhyA : by their wisdom

taM patangaM : the individual soul

mAyayAktaM : to have been made to appear by mAyA

pratiphalita-marIcy-AspadaM : as only a ray, reflected

antaH samudre buddhau : in the ocean of consciousness

parama-balavataH : of the omnipotent Self.

brahma : Brahman

pratiphalati : reflects

tasmin : in the medium

yAdrK yAvAn upAdhiH yathA tathA : according to the nature

and content of it (the medium)

ayaM : (just as ) this (object)

pratiphalati : reflects

prApta-Adarsha-anurUpAM : variously according to the

mirror on hand.

Sat : The Reality (however)

Sada eva : all the time

yathA avasthitaM : is what it is.


Note 1: The object that is reflected remains as it is,

irrespective of the various reflections. So also the

Ultimate remains the same, irrespective of the

multiplicities that we see.


Note 2. Recall Rg Veda X-177 here. The Acharya must have

given this shloka as a paraphrase of that famous rik. See




eko bhAnus-taTasthaH pratiphalana-vashAt


nAnAtvaM yAty-upAdhi-sthiti-gati-samatAM cApi tadvat

parAtmA /

bhUteshh-UccAvaceshhu prati-phalita ivA-bhAti


vacchinno yaH paraM tu sphuTam-anupahato bhAti

tAvat-svabhAvaiH //


ekaH bhAnuH : The one Sun

taTasthaH : impartial (to every object)

pratiphalana-vashAt : by virtue of reflection

anekodakAntaH : in several waters

nAnAtvaM yAti : becomes multiplied

(yAti) : (and also) obtains

upAdhi-sthiti-gati-samatAM : equality with the status of

rest as well as movement of the medium.

tadvat : So also

parAtmA : the Supreme Self

AbhAti iva : seems to be

svabhAva-avacchinnaH tAvat : affected by the natural


pratiphalitaH : of reflection

uccAvaceshhu : high and low

bhuteshhu : in living beings .

paraM tu yaH : But the same Self

sphuTam-anupahataH : when perfectly in the ‘unaffected’


bhAti : shines

svabhAvaiH tAvat : by its own natural properties.


PraNAms to all students of Adi Shankaracharya





Prof. V. Krishnamurthy

My website on Science and Spirituality is http://www.geocities.com/profvk/

You can access my book on Gems from the Ocean of Hindu Thought Vision and

Practice, and my father R. Visvanatha Sastri's manuscripts from the site.

Also see my webpages on Live Happily, the Gita Way at


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