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difference between Samkaras and Vasanas

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Can anyone tell me the difference between Samkaras and Vasanas. Can i say the

CITTAM (chitta) is the subconcious mind or not?


I also like you to explain to me with your words what the ANTAKHARANA is and all

its parts / proccess?


THank you and Hari Om!







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Namaste Sri Henry:


Samkaras are subtle imprints (impressions) that are made in the mind-

stuff (chitta) whenever we do actions. These are also known as

Vasanas. I would recommend Swami Chinmayanandaji's book, "Self-

Unfoldment" published by the Chinmaya Mission. (contact

http://www.chinmaya.org and search for the books by Swamiji). This is

a good beginner text for understanding the basics of Vedanta.


I suggest that you read the following book by Swami Sivananda for

deeper understanding of Samskaras;


Mind - Its Mysteries and Control- by Sri Swami Sivananda

(An Electronic version can be downloaded from the web site of DIVINE



URL: WWW site: http://www.SivanandaDlshq.org/


I have provided several paragraphs that describe Samskara but I

recommend that you read the entire book to get clearer picture on the

interrelationships and Vedantic terminology.




Ram Chandran


Chapter 14: Samskaras


What Is Samskara?

Vritti (whirlpool, thought-wave) arises in the mind-ocean. It

operates for sometime. Then it sinks below the threshold of normal

consciousness. From the surface of the conscious mind wherein it was

uppermost for some time, it sinks down deep into the region of the

subconscious mind (Chitta). There, it continues to be a subliminal

action and becomes a Samskara (impression). A conscious action-

whether cognitive, affective or conative-assumes a potential and

hidden (Sukshma and Avyakta) form just below the threshold of

consciousness. This is termed a Samskara.


Memory-a Revival Of Samskara

The Samskaras (impressions) are embedded in the subconscious mind or

Chitta. The subconscious mind is otherwise known as the unconscious

mind. Subjective mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind and Chitta

are synonymous terms. The seat of this subconscious mind is the

cerebellum or hindbrain. You can recall the past experiences from the

storehouse of Samskaras in the subconscious mind. The past is

preserved even to the minutest detail. Even a bit is never lost. When

the fine Samskaras come up to the surface of the conscious mind back

again as a big wave, when the past Vritti comes back to the surface

of the conscious mind again by recollection, it is called memory or

Smriti. No memory is possible without the help of Samskara.


How The Samskara Is Formed

An experience in the sense-plane sinks down into the depths of the

subconscious mind (Chitta) and becomes there a 'Samskara'

(impression). A Samskara of an experience is formed or developed in

the Chitta at the very moment that the mind is experiencing

something. There is no gap between the present experience and the

formation of a Samskara in the subconscious mind. A specific

experience leaves a specific Samskara. The memory of this specific

experience springs from that particular Samskara only, which was

formed out of that particular experience.


When you perceive an orange and taste for the first time, you get

knowledge of an orange. You know its taste. You know the object,

orange. A Samskara is formed in the subconscious mind at once. At any

time, this Samskara can generate a memory of the object, orange and

knowledge of an orange. Though the object and the act of knowledge

are distinguishable, yet they are inseparable.


Cyclic Causation Of Thought And Samskara

An object awakens or revives Samskaras in the mind through external

stimuli. Hence, a Sankalpa or thought arises subjectively from

within, without a stimulus from outside. When you think of a cow

which you have seen before, you repeat the word 'cow' mentally. Then

only, the mental image comes. Then, a thought is formed. Samskara

causes Sankalpa, and Sankalpa causes Samskara, just as seed is the

cause of the tree, and tree is the cause of the seed, in turn. There

is cyclic causation on the analogy of seed and tree (Bija-Vriksha-

Nyaya). A Vritti in the mind produces a Samskara, and a Samskara, in

turn, causes again a Vritti. Owing to the force of stimuli

(Udbodhaka, Vyanjaka) either from within or from without, the seed-

like Samskaras again expand and give rise to further activities. This

cycle of Vritti and Samskara is Anadi (beginningless), but has an end

when one attains Divine Knowledge and liberation. They get Laya

(dissolution) into Prakriti. They cease to produce any effect on the

Jivanmukta. The Samskaras should be fried up by continuous Samadhi.

Then only you will be free from births and deaths.




advaitin, HENRY ALZAMORA <aparokshdo>


> Can anyone tell me the difference between Samkaras and Vasanas. Can

i say the CITTAM (chitta) is the subconcious mind or not?


> I also like you to explain to me with your words what the

ANTAKHARANA is and all its parts / proccess?


> THank you and Hari Om!







> Net: La mejor conexión a internet y 25MB extra a tu correo

por $100 al mes.




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Namaste Sri Chandran:


Hello and thank you so much for your reply! I thank you indeed. I will certainly

read that link and i will learn more, if i have more question can i ask you? If

only i entered into Samadhi i would not be here bothering you people... and i

thank you so much for your assistance and for all here,


with Divine Love,




Ram Chandran <RamChandran wrote:


Namaste Sri Henry:


Samkaras are subtle imprints (impressions) that are made in the mind-

stuff (chitta) whenever we do actions. These are also known as

Vasanas. I would recommend Swami Chinmayanandaji's book, "Self-

Unfoldment" published by the Chinmaya Mission. (contact

http://www.chinmaya.org and search for the books by Swamiji). This is

a good beginner text for understanding the basics of Vedanta.

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