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not-two means two is Nothing

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Advaita means not-two. To use language and its dualities of subjects

and objects to explain what "not-two" means is a serious exercise in


The supreme-simplicity of this not-two is not only beyond language,

words, but also what language is: thoughts, the mind.

Advaita means that there is only Reality. Literally everything else

has to be Nothing, Papaji's "Nothing Every Happened" Nothing,

Reality's Nothing.

Everything that is imaginable, like language, thoughts has to be

Reality's Nothing. This even includes the very imaginary outside, and

its imaginary outside-universe.

Because the Vedas is language it has to use the duality of subjects

and objects to explain Reality, Self, Atman which is non-duality.

In the Bhagavad Gita, for example, Krishna tells Arjuna that they

are the same Self. Arjuna is a mind, thoughts, that tells Arjuna

that he and Krishna certainly cannot be one and the Same. So

Krishna has to try and outflank futility and use language and its

dualities of subjects and objects to explain desires and attachments

and billions of lives …. reincarnations.. to the futile limits of

language when literally Everything is the Same – the Self, Atman,

call it Consciousness.

The Story here is the futile story of why Papaji can tell us with

absolute certainty that "Nothing Ever Happened" – because literally

Everything is Reality's Nothing: thoughts, fiction, the mind.

That literally everything imaginable is just thoughts, Nothing, the

mind, may be difficult for the mind to understand as we spill each

others blood and break each other bones but it is the Supreme Truth.

Unlike five-thousand years ago, today we have all sorts of

imaginable things like physics, thermodynamics, computers, movies

and even hypnosis that can tell us why literally everything has to be

the Same Nothing that language has to call its thoughts, fiction,

words, the mind.

To understand the following language all the reader has to do is

remember that other than Reality there is only Reality's Nothing:

fiction, thoughts, words.

Now for the story of the Supreme Comedy that Papaji's "Nothing Ever

Happened" gives us : When it comes to language, thoughts, fiction:

only Nothing matters.

only Nothing matters:

Fiction is "Nothing." Fiction is nothing but thoughts. Each word in

language's dictionary is just a thought. When fiction is

taken "Seriously" it is the Supreme Comedy. So much so that the

word "Serious," and "Important" and "Certain," are just synonyms for

this Supreme Comedy.

That the only thing we can take Seriously -- the only thing that can

matter, the only thing that can be Certain and/or Important -- is

words, thoughts, fiction, is this Supreme Comedy.

The Comedy is supreme because from every imaginable and possible

direction, and every word, the more fiction, words, are taken

Seriously or Certainly the funnier it has to be when words are

finally Realized to be Nothing but thoughts, fiction, language.

This "Nothing" is not the same as our language's nothing. The Supreme

Comedy is that – pardon the verbal absurdity – language's "nothing"

cannot exist. It can no more exist than can any of its other words

that are all the Same, fiction.

Language's "nothing" cannot "exist" because there is Reality's

Nothing. Without Reality's Nothing there can be no fiction, words,


In fiction the only possible duality is the impossible one between

thoughts and no-thoughts. This only-possible duality, Duality, is

impossible because no-thoughts cannot be a duality with anything, let

alone the Nothing called thoughts.

Fiction's Rules

Language tells us that it would be an oxymoron if fiction had a

rule. But the Supreme Comedy is that "rules" is just a word, and

thus fiction, Language. Reality, Now, is beyond anything and

everything that is Imaginable, like rules, and thus only fiction,

words, Language can Comically have rules, and then some. The Supreme

Comedy is that the fiction we call Language is the very

personification of the rules that it needs to define or Certify,

emotionalize and if need be even deify its words with its Certain

if not Cocksure or Categorical meanings, grammar, spelling and


RULE 1: This rule is a Catch88 that is fiction's law of Futility:

When we take fiction, thoughts, Seriously then this "Seriously" is

(becomes) a Serious exercise in Futility.

(A Catch88 is least four Catch22s superimposed on each other)

RULE 2: Fiction is like any other word, thoughts, Nothing. Another

word for fiction is thus "dream." It should thus not be surprising

that a dream works exactly like fiction, because they are the Same:

In a dream Everything – the subject, verb and object: the Dreamer,

the Dreaming and the Dream (Everything that is Dreamed)

literally "~Everything" has to be the "Same." So too in fiction:

Everything – the Observer, the Observing and the Observed – is/are

one and the Same. Everything is the Same because thoughts can only be

thoughts: the mind can only be what its thinks, Imagines, dreams.

RULE 3 : TIME - In fiction, as in dreams, all dualities,

differences and doers are imaginary. Since "nothing" exists in

fiction, or fiction is Nothing, it can have no Dualities no matter

how Different, Important or Certain they have to be. Since fiction

is Nothing, it cannot have a Duality like outside or inside, and so

what is imagined to be outside has to work as an inside. Fiction

cannot have Dualities like past and future, time. Once fiction is

imagined or defined or ~emotionalized it is total and complete, and

thus, without time, it is "predestined."

RULE 4: Since time is imaginary, it can work any way that is wants.

Neither the future or the past never exist but this cannot prevent

them from defining Futility and creating Chaos as they keep changing

each other future-changing-pastly. In dreams, as in fiction,

anything in the past can just as easily change the future as the

future can go back and change the past.

RULE 5: CONTROL - Since fiction cannot have Dualities -- other than

the impossible or Comical Duality of thoughts and no-thoughts --

there can be no Duality like control or no-control, choice and no-

choice. In fiction, as in dreams, all characters and their actions

are imagined. Since there are no doers, and thus they cannot be doing

anything, they also cannot control or choose anything that they are

(not) doing. It is absolutely no coincidence that our

dictionary's "realities," and "fiction" and "dreams" are exactly

like a movie -- because they are all the Same, Nothing, fiction. In a

movie there are no characters or actors on the movie screen so they

cannot be doing anything on the movie-screen which they can control.

So too there are no actors, characters or doers, in either dreams or

language's-dream – the Totality of Thoughts that our dictionaries

have to call "reality," that is nothing but thoughts, fiction and

otherwise language's "mind" intellect, ego.

RULE 6 : Imagination, thoughts, language, has limitless potential

for infinite possibilities for its fictions. There are literally no

limits to the numbers of ways that Imagination (the Totality or

Universes of thoughts) can make the "Singularity" called thoughts

different when in Reality they are not only the Same but also


RULE 7: On limitless levels and to fathomless depths of Chaos and

Futility: nothing can ever appear to be what a mind is (can imagine)

because literally everything is not only the Same, but also Nothing.

RULE 8 : As with dreams, and movies, so too with fiction. No matter

how frightening a nightmare may be it is still just a dream. So too

with fiction. Just like in a novel, and exactly like a movie or on

TV: No matter how Important, Certain and Serious thoughts make

fiction, no matter how much fiction matters, no matter how emotional

fiction gets, no matter how much pain, agony, torture or even

pleasure fiction needs, no matter how much fiction is deified, no

matter how solid or material fiction is, no matter how many rapes,

mutilations and murders there are; no matter how many houses and

even suburbs are looted and burned; no matter how many cities are

annihilated, countries plundered, oceans drained and planets and

worlds destroyed, and even universes obliterated, fiction still has

to be fiction. Indeed this is the Supreme Comedy but only if it is

taken Seriously, otherwise it is just fiction, Reality's Nothing.

RULE 8 There is no freedom from fiction. Fiction is Nothing, but

thoughts – there is no such thing as "freedom" with any type

of "nothing." One simply has to stop taking thoughts, like freedom

and choice, Seriously to be rid of them, fiction. Only when

thoughts are no longer Serious or Certain can they stop working as

the impenetrable-barricade that Catch88ly prevents a mind from Self-

Realizing that it is what it thinks: Language's-dream, Imagination,

the Totality of Thoughts – literally everything that has come out of

our language's first thought: the Big Bang.

The Word.

The Bible, and indeed everything else Imaginable, keeps trying to

tell us the same message. Just to start with, the Bible tells us at

least four times that we materialize words to make "Language" and not

the word "God" omnipotent: "In the beginning was the Word, and the

Word was with God, and the Word was God. He (God, Word) was with God

(Word) in the beginning"

And because, for most of us Minds, this is obviously not enough the

Bible then continues over and over: that Language literally

materialized everything imaginable like light, day, night, evening

and morning, water…. seas, land, plants… living creatures, wild

animals each according to its kind….until "…the heavens and the

earth were completed in their vast array."

The Bible thus starts by telling us about the Supreme Comedy from yet

another direction: Language will literally materialize words for us

if thoughts make them Important or Certain enough. In other words,

the mind, Language, the-imagined, can materialize its thoughts,

words. And it is this Catch88 verbal ability Language has to

materialize words that makes it ~omnipotent and thus a very proper


It is as simple as a child literally materializing a popsicle by

simply asking for one. It is as simple as a Dick Tracy having a

thought, imagining a word, so that the future can then have a wrist-

watch-phone. It is as simple as thinking the words "atomic-bomb" and

then poof goes a city or two. It is as simple as imagining the Big-

bang and then finding a universe, or visa-versa. What makes this

Supreme Comedy supreme: in Reality Nothing has ever happened, not

even a poof, let alone the Big Bang. Nothing has ever happened or

will happen or can happen because literally Everything is the "mind"

or Imagined in the mind - nothing but thoughts. And so "nothing" can

happen because Everything is, exactly like the Bible is telling us

over and over, just words, Imagination, fiction.

In other words, there is Reality and then its Nothing: the

Imagination that is fiction, thoughts, the Totality of Thoughts,

Imagination. And another word for fiction, thoughts, is Language

that, just like the Bible tells us over and over again, is omnipotent

because it can Certainly and Literally emotionalize, deify, manifest

and even materialize any word a mind, is, can imagine. The words

that Language materializes may be exactly like a movie and thus feel

very Certain and even bloody Important and thus "real," with

emotions, and blood, but emotions are just another word for thoughts

which is/are still fiction no matter how "real" thoughts, emotions,

and blood make it.

For those of us Minds who do not get this simple persistent,

repetitive "beginning" message the Bible then goes and becomes a

Serious exercise in Futility. For this exercise the Bible becomes

just a long parable for the "molecular-dream," the mind, that the

Bible calls its prodigal-son.

The Bible takes this prodigal-son on a Serious exercise in Futility

as Evil, Anger and Hate chase Righteousness all over the place, like

Sodom and Gomorrah and then even into the likes of movies and novels

like the Apocalypse and Armageddon. This chase has to feed Futility

until Evil, Anger and Hate gets tired of acting Righteously to Wake

up and Realize the Supreme Comedy: that all along this Evil, Anger

and Hate has only been chasing itself, Righteously.

The Futility that is this Supreme Comedy is also a Catch88 because

once this Word, "god," is emotionalized, and then deified, and then

omnipotently materialized, then there is no word, or collection of

words, not even books, and especially bibles, let alone libraries

full of books, and not even wars, nor world-wars that can ever

immaterialize this word "god," let alone all its miracles and

materials, like churches and temples. The Supreme Comedy or Catch88

is that other than "Awakening" or Realization there is literally

nothing, no thoughts, not even the thoughts we call miracles, that

can immaterialize what Language has omnipotently materialized. And

if there were some sort of miracle that could de-deify and

immaterialize this word "God" back into just a "Word" it could only

work if it, this miracle, first de-deified and then immaterialized

its Dualistic or verbal-opponent: evil or d-evil.

Once thoughts, emotions, materialize this "Word," God, then just

like the Big Band itself Futility follows with all sorts of even more

Comical or Catch88 verbal-opponents like cults and religions,

angels and devils,… and all the seminaries, universities,

universes, books and bibles that this Supreme Comedy needs to be a

Serious exercise in Futility; but only if it is taken Seriously.

While there is not one single word in the dictionary that is more or

less of a word than any other, book-languages, omnipotent-languages,

makes them so Different and so Certain that they, words, can

literally become emotionalized, like cute and ugly, love and hate;

and even deified, like Zeus and Isis; and then materialized, like

wind and water. If words become even more Different and thus Certain

then book-languages can even solidify them into Language's matter

like sand and ice, rock and steel.

Language can not only emotionalize, deify, materialized words but it

can un-change, immaterialize, eliminate, vaporize, kill, expunge

and even annihilate anything the non-existent past future-changing-

pastly cannot or must not Certainly and Catch88ly and Comically have

for its even more non-existent future.

There are stories that tell us that a word like "slut" can be so

Serious, so emotionalized, so Righteously Important, that it can

literally stone an otherwise perfectly holy, chaste and pure woman to

death. And then there are words that can kill even better, like

Jehovah. Stories tell us that there was a time when those who dared

to speak the word Jehovah – a "Word" like "god"- had to be

Righteously stoned with Evil, Anger and Hate because by uttering this

word they – words – were "telling" us that "Jehovah" is -- like the

Bible tells us over and over – Nothing, but a "Word."

This insufferable and incessant future-changing-past, Futility and

Chaos screams at us that although words have literally killed

billions there has never been a word that has ever made a death less

final. Not even words like truth, lie, freedom, slavery, justice,

innocence, forgiveness and even repentance … While just one word can

kill and if need be start wars, and world-wars, there has literally

never been a word, or any combination of words, not even the whole

dictionary, not even libraries full of books, that have ever made not

even a single death less final. Thus the omnipotent powers of our


What the Bible, and everything else, does not tell us very well is

that we get the thoughts that we call words, language, from our

dreams; the "atomic-dreams" we associate with Language's Catch88

word "sleep." It is no coincidence that movies dreams, fictions,

thoughts, have the same rules and thus are exactly the Same. This is

only because Language's-dream, the mind, is just an imaginary-facade

for its sleep-dreams -- the same imaginary-facade Newtonian Physics

is for quantum-physics. We do not "remember" that language's-

dream, Imagination, the mind, is the fiction of our dreams because

there is nothing to remember. #1 Memory is thoughts, mind, the never-

present of past and future. We can, however, Wake up to our

dreams and Realize that memory is just another word for the thoughts

the mind needs to be what it thinks, be it memories, dreams or


Like hallucinations, dreams, memories and thoughts are the Same:

Indeed all minds routinely "exchange" thoughts and memories depending

on the thoughts, memories, minds unpredictably and

uncontrollably "get" out of Nothing. Minds can only do this because

memories and thoughts, and emotions, are the Same. If there was a

label that memories had, that thoughts did not, then a mind would

have some claim that they, memories and thoughts, are not the Same.

But there is no such label. Indeed there are no labels that are

attached to emotions or dreams that would allow thoughts to separate

them from thoughts, memories, fiction. If this is the tip of the

subject that memories need to be thoughts and emotions then hypnosis

is its proverbial-iceberg.

Non-book Languages

Non-book languages also create their fictions out of the same

Imagination of limitless potential of infinite possibilities which

is the Totality of Thoughts -- but, unlike book-languages, they

cannot seem to get Important or Certain enough to be omnipotent.

Because they are not omnipotent they cannot make their words Certain

or Serious enough to materialize them.

Because they are not omnipotent Non-book languages more or less try

to scream at its minds that any and all attempts to take any

language, fiction, thoughts, Certainly or Seriously can only be a

Serious exercise in Futility: the Supreme Comedy.

Of the limitless numbers of non-book languages there are at least

five that can help us Realize that in Reality all fictions,

thoughts, are a Supreme Comedy when taken Seriously. Each one of

these languages start with its own Singularity that is otherwise all

the Same, Nothing – fiction.

Most of us are more or less aware of at least four of these


All four try to tell us Minds exactly the Same story: when it comes

to fiction there is a singularity that makes Everything the Same:

The Observer, the Observing and the Observed are one and the Same.

In other words, doers, differences and Dualities are imaginary

because all is the Same. They have to be the Same because regardless

of what a mind thinks, it has to be what it thinks, dreams, Imagines.

The first language belongs to physics. Physics is the essence of the

Supreme Comedy when it tells us Minds that everything in the

Universes that is Certain owes all its Certainty to the supremely-

certain and thus rock-solid Uncertainty Principle.

The singularity that makes everything in physics' the Same is the

word "neutron."

The second language belongs to computers. The singularity that makes

everything in computers the Same is called "ones." These "ones"

belong to the computer's binary language of ones and their nothings,

zeros: ones and zeros.

The third language is that of movies. The singularity that makes all

movies the same is "light" -- the light, sound, projected onto the


The fourth language is hypnosis. The singularity behind hypnosis is


The fifth language belongs to the Supreme Science. The "singularity"

that makes Everything the Same in this Supreme Science is what the

Supreme Comedy is all about: thoughts.


The language of physics starts its story with its singularity

called "neutron."

The story of this neutron is the Supreme Comedy but only if it is

taken Seriously, Certainly or Importantly.

What physics doesn't tell us very well is what the Bible tells us

over and over: this "neutron" is just a "Word" like "God" that we

can Certainly imagine, emotionalize and if need be deify.

Materializing this word "neutron" is another story. It is a parable

for the Bible's prodigal-son: an especially Serious exercise in


The methods-of-science that Language calls physics keeps trying to

tell us minds, from all its "directions," that if we must have a

Language that materializes words then the least this Language should

do is materialize physics' matter, mass. Physics keeps trying to

tell us Minds that no matter how much the methods-of-science have

tried to materialize mass, or matter, it is still no more "certain"

let alone "solid" than, at best, some sort of quantum or probability

cloud. Thus the Supremely Certain: Uncertainty Principle.

Our senses, thoughts, tells us Minds that matter uses energy,

like light and sound, to "communicate" with matter. But from all

its directions physics tells us Minds that energy is matter. So

matter is the communication of itself to itself – there is no

duality, or, the Duality of energy and mass is imaginary, as is the

thought, word, "communication."

Einstein's famous equation goes further. If mass is energy then it

also has to be everything else in Einstein's equation: E = mc2.

Mass, matter, is thus also the same as "c," speed, which is

distance and time. So not only is mass the same as energy but also

distance, space, and time. Thus in spite of all its apparent

Dualities, like energy and matter, space and matter, matter and anti-

matter, physics keeps trying to tell its minds, from all its

directions, that Dualities are imaginary, because there are no

Dualities because they are the Same, mass, energy, space, time…

neutrons, thoughts, words.

For those of us Minds who do not get this simple message there is no

choice but to exercise Futility. When futility is exercised further

physics Seriously and Certainly tells us that this mass, space and

time all work together like a potent elastic band. This is so that

motion can increase or stretch any specified amount of mass to

infinity as time slows to nothing, and space, distance, also shrinks

to this same nothing. Regardless of how accurate an atomic-clock can

keep our watches, time, as well as distance and mass, not only

change but they are constantly changing, and then some. What physics

calls its motion makes time, distance and mass change not only from

nothing to the infinite, but from the infinite back beyond nothing

into all the negatives of Black Holes.

Like Black Holes, imagination, mind, fiction, language, physics, has,

according to fiction's Fifth Law, no limitations as to how seriously

a mind can exercise for the Futility it needs to be what it

isn't. And so if a mind can imagine a Black Hole then, sooner or

later it, Language, will have to omnipotently materialize one even

though this would be complicated. It would be complicated because

Black Holes cannot materialize anything because they immaterialize

literally Everything; especially the dictionaries that keep Languages


Physics tries to tells us Minds that if there is any "mass,"

matter, in the universe, then it is a probability-cloud called

a "neutron." Physics then tells us Minds that neutrons cannot exist

because they must have anti-neutrons. This inherent quality of all

matter – that in spite of Imagination, mind, thoughts, it can no

more exist than can our dictionary's "nothing" – is just the start

of the Supreme Comedy for physics' neutron.

Physics' Futility starts when matter cannot exist otherwise it would

have its anti-matter, which it Certainly needs to exist. Physics'

first-Duality of antimatter-matter more or less defines the same

Catch88 Futility that is the only- possible-impossible Duality of

thoughts and no-thoughts.

The next level of the Futility that Dualities need to be impossible:

if matter did somehow find its antimatter it would not exist even

better because the two would have to cancel each other back into the

Nothing, the "empty-space," they need to be probability-clouds in

the first place. The next level of futility: if matter, neutrons,

did "exist" then not only are all of their anti-neutrons missing but

also at least nine-of-ten of the neutrons have to be missing even

better, and Certainly not inside of Black Holes.

Once physics' language turns a neutron into a "mist" or probability-

cloud it also has to turn into a mist, or "~mystify," what this

probably-cloud needs to "exist": its "nothing" or "empty-space." This

probability-cloud, neutron, and its empty-space is thus Physics'

second-Duality. After Physics mystifies this empty-space it tells us

that it is exactly like the neutron because it also cannot exist.

Physics tells us that its empty-space cannot exist because it is just

a warp in time, matter, energy, space and thus cannot be "empty."

Once the language we call physics mystifies its second-Duality

others follow rapidly and infinitely like the Big Bang itself --

limited only by how Seriously thoughts can fuel the futility they

need to be neutrons. With enough futility Dualities follow rapidly

to allow the neutron to masquerade as anything and everything

Language, Imagination, can in turn Certainly materialize into its

Universes: like wrist watches that are also video-cameras and also

cell phones, and anything else a mind can Certainly find a

word, "Name or Form," for so that it, Language, can then either

emotionalize, mystify or deify or materialize it, the word, like


The Fifth Law of Fiction -- that deals with its limitless potential

of infinite possibilities -- allows Futility to create all the Chaos

it Certainly needs to venture into limitless levels and unfathomable

depths of Futility and Chaos with this singularity that physics calls

its neutron.

The Fifth Law of Fiction allows a neutron to "miraculously" split

into two probability-clouds or mists called an electron and proton to

create physics' third-Duality. This has to be miraculous because

protons and electrons are attracted to each other so that they can

also be repelled from each other. They have to be attracted to each

other so that they can then form probability-clouds called atoms.

This attraction is also a Catch88 repulsion that the same electron

and proton needs not to *collapse back into a neutron, ( and then a

neutron-star and then a Black Hole). (* More than anything else this

attraction-repulsion between two particles that are the same,

neutron, screams at us that all Dualities – like attraction and

repulsion, and the opposite-poles of the same magnet -- are just as

impossible as is the imaginary first duality between thoughts and no-


Neutrons, and otherwise electrons and protons, can in different

quantum combinations break up into, or unite into, or masquerade as,

other Certain differences like quarks, leptons, baryons, mesons,

fermions all of which can always come out of Nothing and return into

the Same Nothing that all the one-of-ten neutrons would Certainly

return into if they could just find their antineutrons.

For those of us Minds who must take physics even more Seriously,

physicists have all sorts of strings, superstrings, tunnels, funnels

and even worms.

The Fifth Law of Fiction then also allows neutrons, electrons and

protons, to combine with all sorts of quantum leaps and probability

clouds to Certainly form atoms and their isotopes that in turn can

combine with all sorts of different bonds and probability and quantum-

clouds to form molecules, and their isomers, and compounds and

composites that the mind, thoughts, can dream, imagine or remember

for all the Certainties in the Universes, including neutron stars.

With enough one-of-ten neutrons, neutron stars can always collapse

under the force of non-existent ~gravity into Black Holes. Gravity,

like space, also does not exist. Physics assures us Minds,

Certainly, that gravity cannot exist, because it is Certainly a time-

warp in space, and time. It is this same gravity, which does not

exist, that keeps telling physicists, Certainly, that about nine-of-

ten neutrons in the universe have to be missing but Certainly, and

Seriously, not inside of Black Holes.

Black Holes then take thoughts at least one futile leap further by

doing the impossible on top pf the impossible. Black Holes can not

only slow the speed of light that is impossible – because for light,

energy, there is no such thing as time and thus speed -- but they,

Black Holes, make light go "backwards" anyway. Black Holes make

light go backwards anyway so that "time" can then, with its light,

go backwards into the negative "space" that somehow has to be even

more Certain inside of these Black Holes.

If enough thoughts feed the Futility that thoughts need to be

neutrons then physics can give us its "universal laws."

There are two "universal" laws physics makes Certain, Certifies. The

first law is the Uncertainty Principle. The second law has to do with

change, disorder, Chaos, thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics is a part of physics that deals with change.

Thermodynamics tells us Minds that despite everything in the

universes that needs the Uncertainty Principle to be Certain there

can be no order in the universe because for thermodynamics the very

meaning of change is disorder, specifically Chaos. Thermodynamics

tries to tells us Minds that everything in the universe has to be

changing future-changing-pastly from the utter order of Nothing,

the "Unified Field," into change, disorder -- the utter Chaos that

originated with physics', the universe's, first thought: Big

Bang. If there is order it thus has to be the thoughts, mind,


The Uncertainty Principle turns mass, particles, into mists that are

probability or quantum-clouds. This Uncertainty Principle also allows

any particle, or probability-cloud, to Certainly come out of Nothing

and disappear back into the Same, Nothing, even without its anti-

particle. Particles can do this at any unpredictable and

uncontrollable time provided they follow their Uncertainty

Principle, Certainly.

For the Futility thoughts, words, need to be neutrons this

Uncertainty Principle certifies, assures and even insures physics

that not only is all energy always both waves and particles, photons,

but all particles, including planets, are also always waves. Waves

are also exactly like particles in that they can also come and go out

of Nothing so that they can also not exist even better.

Physics assures its Minds with adamant Certainty that although a

wave has to always be something else ( a particle or photon) it

always has to be one, or some other, when Observed – never ever


Physics is trying to tell us Minds the same story about the Observer

as it tells about matter. Matter uses matter to "communicate" to

itself. There is no duality, subject and object are, or is, the Same,

as is the verb communication. In exactly the Same way the Observer

(the mind, thoughts) can only Observe differences in Itself. The

Observer is Observing Itself, its thoughts. If the Observer wants to

be, or thinks it is, a Wave it will Observe a Wave; and if the

Observer is looking for a particle then it has to think like a

Particle to be, or find, a Particle. Physics is screaming that the

Observer can only observe what it thinks – its thoughts are what it

Observes. If the collection of thoughts -- molecular-dream --

that Language calls a mind, ego or intellect, cannot Realize this

simple message then it, the intellect, obviously needs more thoughts

so that they can feed the Futility and Chaos that thoughts need to

be the something else that we call neutrons.

This "Observing is Observer is Observed" phenomenon applies to

Everything, even big things, like the universe. The universe thus

can, in turn, help thoughts exercise the Futility physics Certainly

needs for its Uncertainty Principle.

The universe is held together by its non-existent gravity that makes

it expand by contracting. Gravity works with the same impossible

Catch88 Duality that electrons and protons need to be simultaneously

attracted and repelled to/from each other. Gravity makes the

universe contract by expanding at or beyond the impossible speed of

light in such a way that the Observer is always at its center, which

the universe also cannot have.

The universe cannot have a center, at which the Observer always has

to be, because the Big Bang has Thermodynamically and Uncertainly

made it into an expanding sphere with a non-existent past for its

inside, and an even more non-existing future for the outside.

Thus if the Observer is at the center of the universe, which cannot

have a center (because the past never exists) then either the

universe or the Observer cannot exist – or: both are like thoughts

and do not exist, except in imagination, fiction, language. If both

do not exist then Everything is the Same. And regardless of any

thoughts a mind or intellect can Certainly be, have: the

Observer, the Observing, and the Observed – the Universes, ity –

are the Dream in which the dreamer, dreaming and the dream has

eternally been the Same.



Then there is the second language whose singularity is not "neutrons"

but another word, thought, "ones." This second language is the binary

language of computers.

"Ones" work as well as do neutrons to certify or emotionalize,

mystify and/or materialize, and if need be even terminate, vaporize,

immaterialize and if need be kill everything Imaginable in the


All the fiction, thoughts, that minds or intellects have ever

created, in the form of novels, movies, recordings and everything

else, can be digitalized into the computer's binary-language of ones

and no-ones, zeros. There is more. There is literally nothing a

mind can imagine that cannot be converted or translated into the

computer's binary language of ones – from animated movies to computer

generated movies, or anything a mind can future-changing-pastly add

or subtract, edit, adjust, clarify, create or simply change so that

history can ly have its documentaries.

These "ones" can work so well for fiction, language, imagination,

deception, that there is absolutely no imaginary reason why computers

cannot be hooked up directly to the mind that Language also calls a

brain. When thus connected -- like in the movie "The Matrix" -- a

computer can create everything in the imaginary outside universe that

a mind, "brain," could ever want to imagine, feel, taste, hear,

sense, see and smell without it ever having to wake up to its

comatose body, let alone the computer.

Computers try to tell us Minds what is otherwise the obvious Catch88:

The only possible difference between any hallucination and

observation, perception is, or is in, the mind, thoughts – because it

is the mind. Only the mind can choose or decide what will be its

thoughts and what will be its neutrons that need observation and

sensations – when in Reality there can Comically be no choice, only

the thoughts that are not only all the Same but also Nothing.

The computer has what Language calls "memory": ones and its

Nothing, "zeros." To a computer "memory" has to work exactly like

a "thought" or dream or "observation" otherwise it could not work.

If memory was different to a thought then a computer literally could

not function unless it had some sort of threes-and-zeros for its

observations, twos-and-zeros for its "thoughts" so that its "memory"

could be ones-and-zeros.

>From all its different directions physics, and its computers, are

trying to tell us Minds that another word for imagination, mind, is

fiction, deception. For the material or Language's-dream, ity, to

be the mind (to exist "in" the mind) these deceptions, fictions,

have to be stacked on top of each other so a mind can Seriously

imagine the ultra-sophisticated materials, compounds and composites

atomic-clocks need to help super-computers make their billions of

calculation per (elastic) second, to simpler materials, compounds and

composites, down to molecules, and then down to the atoms and then

sub-atomic particles until we get to the first thought, imagination

or deception: the neutron; that cannot exist because it not only

needs space, which cannot exist, but also an antineutron that except

for the first imagination, deception, doesn't exist even better.


In hypnosis a Mind is talked into doing things or into perceiving or

not-perceiving things that they are also told to either remember or

forget in any imaginable combination. Thus a hypnotized mind can be

told to remember or not remember that it is hypnotized. Hypnosis,

words, can also tell its mind to remember or not remember a

hypnotized event after the event occurs. Or the hypnosis can tell its

mind to remember something a little different or even something

totally different from the hypnotized event that did, or did not

happen depending on the hypnosis, its memories, and its events.

Hypnosis thus works exactly like a computer connected to mind that

Language also calls a "brain."

Like a computer connected to a mind, brain, the mind's or

Language's hypnotist can make the mind do or not do, remember, or

not remember, perceive or hallucinate anything; and then create

everything in the imaginary outside universe that the mind could

ever want to Seriously imagine and thus hallucinate to feel, taste,

hear, sense, see and smell without the mind ever having to wake up to

its hypnosis.

Like computers, hypnosis tries to tell its Minds the obvious: the

ONLY possible difference between any dream , hallucination, and

perception is in the mind because it is the mind. Hypnosis screams at

us the loudest that all three -- the mind, perceptions or

observations and hallucinations -- have to be the Same: thoughts.

Hypnosis is just a thought. Hypnosis is just an imaginary control

over the way a mind determines what is a (dream) memory,

hallucination or observation when in Reality not only are they all

the Same but also Nothing. Since the mind Catch88ly dictates all

the differences between memory, thoughts, hallucinations and

perceptions it can make no difference as to how many ways a mind

wants to Seriously differentiate between the thoughts it calls

dreams, hypnosis, hallucinations and perceptions, computers or


Computers and hypnotists are just two of the ways a mind can use to

Comically, Importantly, differentiate between its hallucinations and

observations. Drugs, education, indoctrination, brain-washing and

religions are just some of the other ways.

When it comes to materializing its words, hypnosis goes far beyond

all the omnipotent Languages that universities, seminaries, basic-

training, military academies, brain-washing, FBI and CIA or KGB,

together with or without drugs can come up with.

Hypnosis is the quintessential language because it screams the

loudest that there is no doer. It screams that there are only

thoughts, the mind. If the mind has thoughts about perceptions then

the mind becomes its perceptions. If the mind has a thought about

hypnosis then it becomes the hypnosis. If the mind has a thought "I

am Me, the doer" then this thought becomes "the Doer." The mind has

no limits with its thoughts – it can even have the thought "I cannot

be hypnotized," or the more absurd or Comical thought: "I am not a


To recover the topic: It is absolutely no coincidence that thoughts

work exactly like subatomic-particles, neutrons, that come out of

Reality's Nothing only to return into this Same Nothing unpredictably

and uncontrollably. Control is just a word and thus a thought. A

mind can no more control thoughts because it is the thoughts. The

mind can no more control the way thoughts determine hallucinations

and observations -- than can the imaginary characters on the movie-

screen change the way they play their role when the movie is

replayed. If there is no control, and never has been any control, of

thoughts, or anything else imaginable, then it can make absolutely

no difference as to what criteria – computers, hypnotists or even

drugs – a mind, thoughts, uses to differentiate between its

hallucinations and observations because in Reality they are not only

the Same but also Nothing.

Hypnosis is also proof that thoughts and memories are one and the

Same. If they were different a hypnotist could not tell a mind to

forget what it will do and otherwise remember something that it will

not do.


The mind can thus imagine at least five ways it can be controlled

when there Catch88ly can be no control.

ONE: It is, and is thus controlled by thoughts; or the mind can

Catch88ly think it controls what it is, thoughts.

TWO: The mind can imagine physics so that its thoughts can then be

controlled by imaginary neutrons, the brain.

THREE: The mind can imagine computers so that its thoughts can be

controlled by imaginary ones.

FOUR: The mind can imagine that its hallucinations and observations

are controlled by a hypnotist, drug, a cult, religion or even

money. Or it can imagine it is controlled by the mega-corporations

that work as the façade for the monopoly that the Greeks invented,

and then Rome improved, and then all sorts of wars to end wars

perfected: democracy.

FIVE: The mind can imagine it is an imaginary character on a movie




There is only one field of endeavor that has tried to find some sort

of order to the "observer sees what it is" Chaos that is Language's-

dream, ity, the Totality of Thoughts, Imagination.

This single field of endeavor is what has been called the Supreme


This science is "supreme" because it is the study of the roots of all

Chaos and Futility: thoughts. It is also supreme because it studies

thoughts at every imaginable level: the thoughts of atomic-dreams

that Language calls sleep-dreams, the thoughts in

language's "awake" state that is the molecular-dream we call mind;

and Reality's "Awake" state: the no-thoughts of dreamless-sleep.

The Continuous and the Quantum

Until recently Newton's Laws of motion defined the physics in which

everything, like time and space, was continuous so that mass could

then be rock solid. When thoughts improved the methods-of-science

then physicists were shocked to discover that when things slowed down

then time and space was no longer very continuous. There was nothing

continuous because there were all sorts of gaps not only between

particles but also energy. These gaps defined what physics calls

quantums. Physics then discovered that neutrons were

compartmentalized into quantum's probability-clouds called atoms,

and then atoms were in turn compartmentalized into molecules.

And then what was previously rock-solid, mass or matter, was totally

uncertain because it was, at best, these quantum or probability

clouds called atoms and their molecules. The Uncertainty Principle

followed quickly with the Chaos that then, more than ever, needed


The Uncertainty Principle "revealed" that Newtonian Physics was just

an imaginary façade or surface of the more Certain quantum-physics.

Over five thousand years earlier a few sages around the Indus River,

in India, discovered the same Uncertainty Principle.

Their "uncertainty principle" revealed to them that Imagination, the

Universes – the Totality of Thoughts -- was the imaginary façade or

surface of compartmentalized-thinking dreaming. They thus

discovered that thoughts worked exactly like neutrons that are

compartmentalized into atoms and molecules.

The Supreme Science

Over five thousand years ago a few ~sages in the forests around the

Indus River, in India, woke up to something that is so Supremely

simple that to this day it is at least one Catch88 dimension beyond

the imagination of ordinary minds, and at least three Catch88

dimensions beyond the more handicapped ~certain-minds, ~intellects.

When it comes to this subject of Nothing, fiction, the more Certain

a mind is with the thoughts that it Comically needs not to be

thoughts the more handicapped it has to be to Realize that it, the

mind, is thoughts.

Back then a few of these sages woke up to "Nothing." This Nothing

is not language's "nothing" but Reality's Nothing – the Nothing

without which there can be no language, thoughts, fiction.

This Nothing from which all thoughts, neutrons and ones come and go

became the foundation of the Supreme Science.

Back then these sages were bothered by the insufferable and

incessant Chaos they observed through their senses. They observed,

for example, that they could rarely agree with each other completely

about anything, let alone everything. To some of these sages it

appeared that the information they got from their senses had more to

do with hallucinations than observations.

To find some order to their senses, or observations, these sages

were forced to turn their attention from the Duality of observations

and hallucinations of their "outside" or universe to the sort

of "inner" or dream universe. They observed their thoughts.

When some of these sages observed their thoughts their mind went

blank and they Woke up. These relatively rare sages that Awoke to the

Silence that was no-thoughts, no-mind, were what I will call ~Saints.

A Saint is simply a Now-mind. A Now-mind is what it thinks. A Now-

mind is aware that it is what it thinks because its thoughts are not

compartmentalized into a molecular-dream that Language calls its

mind, intellect or ego.

When their mind was not creating thoughts, like dreams and their

Universes, it left the background of thoughts that was the Silence of

no-thoughts, Reality, the Everpresent Now.

After Waking up to mindlessness, dreamless-sleep, Reality, the

Silence of Now, these Saints Realized that the mind – collection of

disconnected thoughts -- was obviously just a collection of thoughts;

otherwise, a dream generator. The dream they could have called the

Supreme Comedy but instead they called it Maya, illusion, or Lila, a


Back then these sages did not have a dictionary with the word movie

or neutron. Had these sages had the word movie they would have

Realized that Maya and Lila is the Same as the word movie.

The mind, these sages Realized, generated dreams or thoughts that

included everything that was in the imaginary-inside, with its sleep-

dreams or atomic-dreams, and also the imaginary-outside – the

Universes of thoughts, the molecular-dreams that together defined

Imagination, Language's-dream, the -universes which are the senses,

and their sense-objects.

When they studied their thoughts these Sages became aware that

thoughts were not continuous. These sages discovered that in

language's awake-state thoughts appear to be continuous but when

the mind slowed down, with meditation, there was always a gap between

thoughts. These gaps work exactly like physics' quantums.

These sages then discovered what physics would need neutrons to

discover over five-thousand years later: that thoughts were like

neutrons that are confined to atoms and molecules. While neutrons can

be confined to atoms and molecules thoughts can be confined to their

atomic-dreams and molecular-dreams. The atomic-dreams are language's

sleep-dreams, and molecular-dreams are Language's "minds, intellects

and egos."

They then discovered that the only thing that made Saints appear

different from ordinary or -minds, was that their thoughts were

somehow not confined, to anything, let alone the molecular-dream that

Language Certainly calls its mind, intellect, ego. In other words,

while ordinary-minds could not believe that they, their mind, is what

it thinks, Saints did.

These sages also discovered that like sub-atomic particles these

disconnected or quantum thoughts came out of Nothing only to return

into this same Nothing totally uncontrollably and unpredictably – and

thus their, the Supreme Science's, uncertainty-principle.

Saints did not start the Supreme Science for their was nothing for

them to start, let alone study.

Saints Realized that they were Awake and after they were Awake there

was absolutely no doubt that everything that was not this

Awakeness, Silence, had to be some sort of noise, illusion, Maya,

or Lila, a play, imagination, thought or dream, movie.

The followers of these Saints started the Supreme Science.

Saints had no words or thoughts to share about the Reality that made

them Awake to dreamless-sleep. Once they were Awake to their

dreaming, language's-dream, they had nothing to teach any more than

we can teach someone in our dreams. Once they Awoke to (Be) Reality -

- the Silence of no-thoughts --then thoughts, words, became some sort

of Noise, Chaos, fiction. Language had no words for this Reality

mostly because, to Language, Reality had to Catch88ly be the empty-

space, Void or Silence in which Language had to be some sort of

noise or disturbance that defined the Supreme Comedy that is Futility

and Chaos that dreams need not to be what they are: thoughts.

Reality has an integral-language that is Everpresent and otherwise

non-verbal, non-emotional and non-sensory. This integral-language of

Reality is everpresent Joy. These Saints, like Buddha, were/are

this Joy that words like Peace, Harmony, Love can point to. This Joy

is otherwise an unimaginable "Freedom" from thoughts; it is an

unfathomable and ineffable Silence or Mindlessness that foreign words

would try and name Nirvana, Samadhi.

Those receptive-minds who went without thoughts long enough became

receptive to the Joy these Saints were, sort of radiated. Those minds

that could not be without thoughts were either Catch22ly ~oblivious

or Catch88ly ~multi-oblivious to this Everpresent Joy that these

Saints were/are Everpresently.

It was these receptive followers who also wanted to wake up to, or

Realize, Reality who started the Supreme Science, the study of

thoughts. These receptive followers had a notion that if they could

somehow sort of outflank Futility and use thoughts to "understand"

thoughts then they could get rid of them and thus Realize or wake up

to Reality, Samadhi, Nirvana. So they studied their thoughts and this

study became the Supreme Science.

When they observed their thoughts these sages stumbled on the Big

Bang of dualities. They discovered non-duality, Advaita, in which

subject , verb and object -- the Observer, the Observing and the

Observed -- are all the Same.

While all sorts of intellects around the world have been

materializing all the infinite numbers of Dualities that

universities, religions and their politicians and preachers Seriously

need to materialize bigger-monuments for all their better-wars, and

crusades, these sages of the Indus River studied this Non-Duality.

When they observed their thoughts it dawned on them that the

Observer, the subject, and thoughts, the object, were the same –

there was no duality. Dualities were created when the mind started to

generate its dreams, fictions, that included the thought: "I am these-

thoughts and not those-thoughts." These-thoughts then became the

word "me" and then those-thoughts became the word "that" or "it" to

manifest, imagine or dream the only-possible-impossible-duality,

Duality: the observer, "me" and the observed, "that" or "it,


When these sages set out to find some order to the inner-universe of

their mind they were not disappointed. Indeed to call the surprise

they got from Awakening into Silence mind-blowing would be the most

monumental misunderstanding any language could emotionalize let

alone materialize. Universe-shattering would be more fitting. It was

more like the universe-shattering Joy that can only come when gravity

finally finds the imagination or energy it has never had to suddenly

implode all its ten out or ten antineutrons and neutrons – with all

their insufferable and incessant Dualities -- back into its Big


When these sages awoke to the same Silence of Saints then everything

imaginable, all thoughts and their minds, bodies and Universes

vanished to leave the Totality of Everything – the unimaginable and

ineffable Joy or/of Awareness, a Supreme Awakeness, Silence,

Nirvana. While the body came back afterwards it was in a dream or

Maya that was a Now-mind, or a working-mind, not a thinking-mind

that bodies need to fear and hate, bleed and break.

When these Saints Awoke to Silence, Awareness, Reality, it had so

much order that it was not only obliviously beyond their wildest

dreams, but it was multi-obliviously beyond any language that

minds could imagine, by a Catch88 magnitude of at least three.

1: First magnitude: In Language's-dream that I call ity, which we

otherwise call our bodies and their outside-universes, not only

does a mind rarely agree with any one thing completely, let alone

most things, but it often does not agree with its own observations

as its everchanging emotions, thoughts, continuously keep altering

its opinions, observations, memories, dreams, hallucinations and

perceptions. In contrast to the Chaos of our outside or -universe

all "observers" of the mindless "inner" or Now, Reality, Silence,

Awakeness, always agree completely with not only a few things but

indeed with absolutely Everything about, and in, this Silence, Now.

2: Second magnitude: all Observers are in such complete agreement

about this Awakeness and its ineffable Silence and its

overwhelmingly unimaginable and undeniable Joyful intensity that they

have to be the Same, "Observer.'"

3: Third magnitude: Not only are all "Observers" of Silence the

Same "Observer" but they are this Silence, Awakeness, supreme-

awareness or Reality; as is Everything else a mind can imagine, be.

So much so that there can be nothing else but this Silence or

Awareness, Now, Reality, other than the noise or Chaos we call dreams

or fictions but only because they are Reality's, Silence's, Nothing.

These sages thus woke up to what the language of physics and

computers would be screaming at us over five thousand years later:

the "Observer is the Observing and the Observed." There is no doer,

only thoughts, fiction. Not only is there no doer but there is no-

two, there is no Duality only One, Advaita,( "pantheism?"

or "monism?."). The mind is what it thinks, "observes." Fiction

improves into Chaos and Futility when we take our fictions Seriously

with thoughts like "I am not these thoughts" that then have to be

projected to an imaginary outside so that the thought " I am these

thoughts" can be the imaginary "me" in an imaginary inside.

After they woke up to (be) Reality -- Nirvana, Samadhi, Ecstasy or

Bliss -- Everything else was a pathetically mundane Maya, Lila

for at least four mindless reasons:

First Reason: Compared to NOW, Reality, Silence, anything with

language's "name" and "form" is, at best, a disturbance for this

Silence. This disturbance is called Maya or illusion and Lila, a

play, that today's dictionaries would have to call a movie.

Second Reason: If anything and everything with "name and form" has to

be the movie called Maya, then anything that changes "name and form"

had to be an even better or more-potent Maya, a dream, or movie.

Third Reason : anything that adds disorder to change, to thus turn it

into Chaos, had to obviously be an even more-potent Maya, a dream

or Movie.

Fourth Reason: When fathomless depths of Chaos are stacked upon

limitless levels of Chaos and Futility then this has to literally

scream that anything with "name and form" that changes on limitless

levels and to fathomless depths has to most obviously be Maya or

Lila, Movie – that is the Supreme Comedy when taken Seriously


These Indus River sages of old did not discover anything unusual.

If we observe young infants then awareness will tell us that all of

us Minds are "born" as Now-minds.

What is spiritually intuitive to an infant can be beyond the realm of

fiction for any thinking or -mind, let alone an important-

intellect. What -mind, let alone genius, could stop thinking long

enough to be aware that "it" -- the mind -- no longer knows

itself, "god," so it should ask someone who was just there, a

newborn, about "god." What mind can accept that with death, as

with deep-sleep, it Wakes up. These simple examples came from

otherwise ordinary infants.

We are "born" as Now-minds that can learn or imagine any language

imaginable. And then book-language, Language, and its inherent

Dualities of subjects and objects, mind and matter, matter and

energy, matter and spirit, inside and outside, past and future, --

comes along with its Certain, Serious or Cocksure dictionaries to

Omnipotently materialize all sorts of further Dualities of bodies and

sexes, societies, races, culture, cults and their religions,

education, sciences and humanities that feed all the Chaos that

Catch88ly turns a Now-mind into the thinking-mind that the Supreme

Comedy needs to be not only supreme but also a verbal or intellectual


All this is the Supreme Comedy but only if you take all this

seriously; otherwise it is just words, fiction.



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