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Vag Bhushnam- Ornament of Speech- Bhatruhari- To ANANDA-JI !!!

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Respected Ananda-ji,


You do not post often but when you do post , you delight this

audience with your brilliant insights written in a Language of Music

and melody - full of Sweetness . .


I am glad you introduced Bhatruhari to this audience. Swami

Vivekananda was rather fond of quoting from Bhatruhari's 'Vairagya i

Shatakam' ...


Bhatruhari also composed a set of Hundred verses Called "Niti

shatakam" on ETHICS.


i want to dedicate this sloka to you for you are tryly endowed with

the Gift of speech which is 'music' to the Ears!



The verse given below is taken from Bhartrihari's Niti Shatakam:



keyoorA na vibhooShayanti puruShaM hArA na chandrojjwalA

na snAnaM na vilepanaM na kusumaM nAlaMkRutA moordhajAH |

vANyekA samalaMkaroti puruShaM yA saMskRutA dhAryate

kSheeyante khalu bhooShaNAni satataM vAgbhooShaNaM bhooShaNam ||


What is the best ornament that decorates a human being?


Armlets do not (really) decorate a person, neither do garlands even

as radiant as the moon. Nor again, does the act of bathing or

smearing, or flowers, or ornamented hair. Speech that bears

refinement is the only one thing that really adorns a man. All other

ornaments diminish indeed. The ornament of speech is the (only)

ornament (that counts).


Yes! Language is a Fine art! One can use the 'skills of Language' to

spread a message of love or can use the same skills to sow seeds

of 'discontent!' and i bow to Ananda-ji for his messages of Love and

enlightenment! May your tribe increase.




Ananda-ji, please allow me to share with you all somethin I read in

Swami Muktananda's "I AM THAT" book on THE FOUR LEVELS OF SPEECH!


"Paravani, Vaikari, Madhyama, Pashyanti


"That inner vibration, which is the source of all

sound, is called by the scriptures paravani or paravak,

supreme speech. The paravani level of speech exists

within all of us. Ordinarily, we are aware of only one

level of speech. We are aware only of the speech of our

inert physical tongue, just as we are aware only of our

physical body and senses. yet the pysical body is only the

body of the waking state. Within the pysical body is

the subtle body into which we enter when we dream.

Beyond that is the causal body, in which we experience

deep sleep. And beyond the causal body is the

supracausal body, the body of pure light, in which we

experience the state of true meditation, the transcendental

state called turiya. Just as we have these four bodies,

one within the other, we also have four levels of

speech, which are linked with the four bodies.


The name of the gross level of speech, the speech of the

physical tongue, is vaikari. The second level of speech is

called madhyama; it corresponds to the subtle body and

is located in the throat region. The third level of

speech, called pashyanti, corresponds to the causal body

and is located in the region of the heart. The fourth

and highest level of speech is located in the navel

region. That is Paravani. Paravani is the level of sound

as pure, unmanifest Consciousness, the level of the

Self. It pervades everything, extending from east to

west, from south to north, from above to below. It is

within all of us; it is spanda, the inner creative

pulsation which continually vibrates. The entire universe,

with all its forms, was born from that pulsation of

paravani. Infinite syllables and words and sentences exist

within paravani in the form of vibration. A peacock egg

contains all the colors of a peacock's feathers in a

potential form. Similarly, all words and syllables exist in

paravani in an undifferentiated seed form. That seed,

which contains all words, is the pure aham, the perfect



All mantras come out of paravani. Paravani is nothing

but Parashakti, the supreme energy which creates the

universe. Its nature is movement without any underlying

support. The Ishwara Pratyabhijna says that the Self is

immobile; it is always still, but paravani gives it the

appearance of movement. Shiva, the supreme Reality, is

completely tranquil. It is only because of his Shakti, his

energy, that there is movenent. It is because of Shakti

that Shiva has awareness of himself. That self-awarenss is aham

vimarsha, the throb of pure I-consciousness, and it is from that

original throb of self-awareness that the creation of the universe

begins. The pure aham is paravani. So paravani is the creative

pulsation of the Self. it is Kundalini, the inner spiritual

energy. It is the Universal Consciousness, the all-pervading supreme



when we contemplate this, from the gross level to the level of

paravani or paravak, we come to see that all sound is

synonymous with energy; Parashakti, the Kundalini Shakti

that is the universe itself, the knower, the known, and the means. We

see that this is one with Paramashiva; the energy of Shiva;

ShivaShakti. With a sudden burst of realization, we come to truly

understand the nature of Self!!!!!



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