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Vinyaka chathurthi

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Thank you shri Vidyanatha iyer ji for this wonderful artcle on tis

auspicious day.


Adi Sankara who has composed devotional songs of great beauty, packed

at the same time with a true philosophical perspective, praising all

the well-known forms of God worshipped by the Hindus, has sung five

``verse-gems'' in adoration of Lord Ganesa.


According to the Puranas, Ganesha - the Lord of the Ganas - the

attendants on Siva - is a unique manifestation of Brahman. His

supremacy is clear from the fact that even the Trinity, the three

primal manifestations of the Absolute, viz., Siva, Visnu and Brahma,

are hampered in their work if they do not first pay homage to Ganesa.

It is from Him that all other Gods derive power to bless and grant

boons to devotees.





Mudaakaraatta Modakam sadaa vimukti Saadhakam

Kalaadharaavatam sakam vilasiloka Rakshakam

Anaayakaikanaayakam Vinaashitebha Daityakam

Nattashubhashu Naashakam Namaami Tam Vinaayakam


I prostrate before Lord Vinayaka who holds modaka in his hand with


joy, who bestows salvation, who wears the moon as a crown on his

head, who is

the sole leader of those who have no leaders, who destroyed the


demon named Gajasura, and who quickly destroys the sins of those who

bow down

to HIM.




Natetaraati Bhikaram Navoditaarka Bhaasvaram

Namatsuraari Nirjaram Nataadhikaapa Duddharam

Sureshwaram Nidiswaram Gjeswaram Ganeshwavaram

Maheshwaram Samaashraye Paraatparam Nirantaram


I resort to that Lord continuously who is frightening to those who

are not

his devotees, who shines like the rising sun, to whom all the Gods

and demons

bow, who removes the great distress of his his devotees, and who is

the Best

among the best.


Samasta Loka Shankaram Nirasta Daitya Kunjaram

Daretarodaram Varam Varebhavaktra-maksharam

Kripakaram Kshamaakaram mudaakaram yashaskaram

Manaskaram Namaskritam Namaskaromi Bhaasvaram


I bow down to the shining Ganapathi who brings happiness to all the


who destroyed the demon Gajasura, who has a big belly, beautiful

elephant face,

who in Immortal, who gives mercy, forgiveness and hapiness to those

who bow

to Him, and who bestows ame and a well-disposed mind.


Akimchanaartimaarjanam chiramtanokti Bhaajanam

Puraripurva Nandanam Surarigarva Charvanam

Prapanchanaasha Bhishanam Dhananjayadi Bhushanam

Kapoladaana Vaaranam Bhaje Puraana Vaaranam


I worship the ancient elephant god who destroys the pains of the poor,

who is the abode of "Om", who is the irst son of Lord Shiva

(destroyer of

the Triple Cities), who destroys t5he pride of the enemies of the

Gods, who

is frightening to look at during the time of the world's destruction,

who is

fierce like an elephant in rut, and who wears Dhananjaya and other


as his ornaments.


Nitaatankaanta Dantakaantim Anthakaanthakaatmajam

Achintyaroopamantaheenam Antharaaya Krinthanam

Hridantare Nirantaram Vasantameva Yoginaam

Tamekadantameva tam Vichintayaami Santatam


I constantly feflect upon that single-tusked god only, whose lustrous

tusk is very beautiful, who is the son of Lord Shiva the god of

death, whose

form is immortal and unknowable, who tears all obstacles, and who


forever in the hearts of the yogis.


Mahaa Ganesha Pancharatnam AadareNa yonvam

Prajalpathi Prabhatake Hridi smaram Ganeshwaram

Arogataam Adoshataam Susaahitim Suputrataam

Samaahitaayurashabhutim Abhyupaithi Sochiraat


He who recites every morning, with devotion, these five gems about


Ganapathi, and who remembers in his heart the great Ganesha, will

soon be

endowed with a healthy life, ree o all blemishes, will obtain

learning, good

sons, longevity and spiritual and material prosperity.



www.adishakti.org/miracle_photo/flame_in_modka.htm - 123k - Cached -


Aum Gam Ganapathaye namaha!


to be continued













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Shri Ganesha: Saguna and Nirguna Brahman


"No other religion offers such insight into the intricate workings of

our universe than Hinduism. More importantly, no other religion

offers the grace of a God that is within us as well as within all

things outside of ourselves, that is both within form as Saguna

Brahman and beyond form as Nirguna Brahman and that may be known my

the devout seeker even in this life. Little wonder that the Sanatana

Dharma, the Eternal Path, has withstood the ravages of time and

stands today as the most advanced system of philosophy and devotion

on the earth. It is fully in accord with, and in fact its sages

clearly anticipated, the advances of 20th Century science. Hinduism

today stands as the religion of the village community as well as the

urban family - an enlightened faith for all men in all times. The

single most unifying force within Hinduism is Lord Ganesha, son of

Siva/Sakti, beloved Deity of over 600 million Hindus.


It is an incontrovertible fact that Lord Ganesha is real, not a mere

symbol. He is a potent force in the universe, not a representation of

potent universal forces. Of course, Ganesha belongs to all mankind,

not to Hindus alone, though not all men on the planet call Him by our

name, Ganesha. ... To some Chinese He is Kuan-shi t'ien or Ho Tei,

the large-bellied God of Happiness. To the Polynesians He is God

Lono. The Tamils call him by the affectionate term Pilliar, Noble

Child. The Tibetians know Him as ts' ogs-bdag, and the Burmese

worship Maha-Pienne. In Mongolia His name is Totkhar-our Khaghan.

Cambodians offer worship to Prah Kenes, and the Japanese supplicate

Vinayaksa or Sho-ten. By some He is envisioned as the feminine Mother

Nature, and even non-believers seek to understand Him through

personifying His great powers as Fate, Destiny or Numen, The Greeks

called Him Janus and sought His blessings at the outset of any new

venture. ... In one form or another, Lord Ganesha is honored

throughout the world. Hindus worship Him at countless pujas performed

daily on every continent. In temples and home shrines Ganesha is

worshipped today in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Malayasia, Java, Bali,

Borneo, Tibet, Burma, Siam, China, Indo-China, Japan, Trinidad and

Tobago, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands, Africa, Europe and North



Abundantly built. Lord Ganesha is said to contain within Himself all

matter, all mind. He is the very personification of material

existence. We look upon this physical world as the body of Lord

Ganesha. Hindus do not believe that God is in heaven, aloof from His

creation. We believe in the divine immanence of God, that He is non-

different from the world that He has created. In seeing and

understanding the varied forces at work in the physical universe, we

are seeing and understanding the powers and the being of Lord

Ganesha. God is everywhere. Lord Ganesha is everywhere in this

physical universe. In looking upon the world and all that happens in

it and in our daily lives, we are learning to see God everywhere.

There is nothing that exists apart from God. If we know that, then

life becomes a joy, for we know that all that happens, whether it

brings sorrow or happiness, whether we personally wanted it to happen

or not, still we know that all that happens is right and good. This

is a wonderful spirit for all Hindus to carry into our daily lives -

a complete trust that all that happens is for the best, a full

knowing that God's Will prevails everywhere.


Symbols of Lord Ganesha




The swastika is a sign of auspiciousness, a lucky cross associated

with the good fortunes given by Lord Ganesha. It is said that the

swastika has the crooked arms due to the fact that the path toward

our objectives is not always straight, but filled with change and





The noose, usually held in Ganesha's left hand, is unlike the more

warring weapons of the other Deities. It is a gentle implement, used

to capture and then hold obstacles or difficulties, to direct us

along the right path much as a rider guides his steed by the use of

the bridle and reins.




The modaka is a sweet, round cake made of rice and sugar, and offered

in Ganesha worship, The modaka is looked upon as the sweetest of all

things sweet: as Siddhi, the gladdening fulfillment or joy hidden

within everything.




The single broken tusk held in Ganesha's fourth hand is considered

the symbol of sacrifice. For the elephant the tusks are beauty and

pride and strength. But, in order to save the Mahabharata, Ganesha

broke His own tusk. Thus He teaches us the noble principle of

personal sacrifice."


Shri Ganesha: Saguna and Nirguna Brahman




Akhuratha - One With Mouse As His Charioteer

Lord Ganesha, with a huge body, has a small mouse as his

charioteer. The hugeness matters little when the study of life

principles is considered. The soul may be the greatest or the

smallest. This represents life in its totality and Lord Ganesha is

suggestive of these cosmic aspects.


Alampata - The Eternal

By whose puissance this world of illusion is manifest, whose

creation is this universe, who is the Lord of all gods and creation,

he is the Eternal, Lord Ganesha.


Amit - One Who Has No Comparison

Ganesha is the embodiment of 'OM', the symbol of the Great

God. He is the Eternal Sprit, the Beginning of all beginnings,

beyond comparison.


Anantachidrupamayam - Infinite and Consciousness Personified

He who is the root cause of the worlds, who is uniquely manifest in

the hearts of all, can be realised only by concentrated meditation.

Lord Ganesha, the Infinite, is beyond distinctions and beginning.


Avaneesh - Master of the Whole Earth

As a rotund, elephant-faced figure, Lord Ganesha is the Lord

and Master of the whole Earth. He is the protector of the visible

world and leader of the helpless, destroying all evil and obstacles.


Avighna - Without Obstacles

The mighty, massive Ganesha, mounted on his vehicle, bestows

everything desired if his devotees chant his name with fervour and

devotion. He is also responsible in keeping away all obstacles from

their path.


Balaganapati - The Beloved Child

Lord Ganesha is adored by all the gods, even by the four-faced

Brahma, and Lord Indra. As the elephant- faced child, he is the

colour or the rays of the rising sun.


Bhalchandra - Sporting The Moon Crest

A moon crest adorns the forehead of Lord Ganesha. It denotes a pot of

nectar, providing divine coolness to the wearer. It is also denotes

intelligence and mental enlightenment, the moon being the symbol of

mind and peace.


Bheema - Gigantic

The massive Lord Ganesha reposes on the jewelled throne with

the snare, the hamulus and the lotus flower in his hands. On his

forehead reposes the moon. He is four armed, has a single tusk, a

trunk askew, a pot belly and he is gigantic.


Bhoopati - Lord of the Lords

Bhoopati, also called Ganapati, is the Lord of the lords, the Master

of the ganas or celestial hordes. He is worshipped by

Brahma himself and is worshipped in all the three worlds.


Bhoovanpati - Lord of the Lords

Bhoovanpati is the Great God Himself to whom even the Trinity -

Vishnu the Protector, Shiva the Destroyer and Brahma the Creator -

pay obeisance and propitiate Him to save the world from evil.


Buddhinath - Lord of Wisdom

Lord Ganesha, the Lord of wisdom, is the repository of all

knowledge. His illimitable erudition makes even Goddess

Saraswati and Sage Narada bow their heads in awe.


Buddhipriya - Bestower of Knowledge

Buddhipriya, the repository of knowledge, bestows guileless

discretion to the worshipper. As ruler of the Mooladhara Chakra or

plexus, he arouses a person's latent energy or life force to take him

to the Divine Light.


Buddhividhata - God Of Wisdom

By chanting Lord Ganesha's name day in and day out, one gets

richer by imbibing all knowledge and wisdom from him, who is of

enlightened heart and unwavering wisdom.


Chaturbhujeti - Four-Armed

The four-armed Ganesha is an embodiment of truth, discretion, having

control over money power and bondage. These four arms represent the

four castes: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishys and Shudra, symbolically

indicating his divinity.


Devadeva - Lord of All Lords

Lord Ganesha is the Master of all. He is always worshipped in

the three worlds by all, and is the first to be reverenced among the



Devantakanashakarin - Destroyer of Demons

Lord Ganesha, the destroyer of evils, slew the powerful demons, re-

establishing righteousness and peace in the three worlds.


Devavrata - Accepter of All Penances

The elephant-faced Ganesha is propitiated by all as He is

Auspiciousness personified. he is the granter of boons and

responds to penances of his devotees.


Devendrashika - Protector Of the Gods

Lord Ganesha, Protector of the gods, is their beloved. With a

large form, who has the mouse as his vehicle, he is the embodiment of

peace and tranquility - the giver of peace to all.


Dharmik - One Who Favours Charity

The Great Lord Ganesha is gentle, forgiving and compassionate. He

likes to prod man with his goad to the path of righteousness and

truth so that he can learn to be charitable.


Dhoomravarna - Smoke-Coloured Body

The smoke-hued Ganesha is the beloved Lord of gods and mortals. His

body is sometimes compared with a red lotus. His

hands are ornamented with gem-studded bangles and his whole

smoke-coloured image is enchanting.


Durja - The Invincible

Lord Ganesha, the elephant-faced, pot-bellied Lord is Infinite

Strength and Power personified. He is deathless, has no

beginning or end - he is invincible.


Dvaimatura - Son of Two Mothers

Goddess Parvati created a child from the perspiration that came off

her body. She lowered him into the River Ganga and he grew into a

large being. Both Parvati and Ganga claimed to be his mother.


Ekaakshara - Of The Single Syllable

Lord Ganesha is the symbol of a single syllable 'OM', the symbol of

the great God. He is also known as Pranava, the sound from which the

world emanated.


Ekadanta - He Of Single Tusk

The round, massive Ganesha sports a single tusk, a broken

one, which symbolises him as beyond the rules of cosmic

orderliness, as he is the cosmos itself. The broken tusk represents

the shedding of the ego.


Ekadrishta - Single-Tusked

The single-tusked Ganesha stands for one direction. He gathers

information from various directions, but having decided his course of

direction, he does not waver. The single tusk represents the non-

dualistic nature of reality.


Eshanputra - Son Of Shiva

Lord Ganesha is the elder son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. He is

the elephant-faced son, having a simple broken tusk and trunk

that is askew. He is the delight of them.


Gadadhara - Wielder Of The Mace

As Gadadhara, Lord Ganesha wields powerful weapons for destroying

demons of evil. The gada or mace is the divine weapon used to wipe

out evil and slay the asuras.


Gajakarna - Elephant-Eyed

The elephant-eyed Ganesha is the embodiment of goodness and virtue,

his size belying his non-violent nature. The small eyes radiate

wisdom and compassion, powerful, yet gentle.


Gajanana - Elephant-Faced

Lord Ganesha in the form of Gajanana, with an elephant face,

is deemed to be a very auspicious symbol, warding off possible

mishaps and troubles. he stands for power and strength.


Gajananeti - Elephant-Faced

The elephant-faced Lord Ganesha is one-tusked, has a large

body with a huge belly, and is capable of destroying all obstacles.


Gajavakra - Elephant Trunk

Ganesha with his twisted trunk is symbolic of his vast knowledge and

powers of discrimination, vital for spiritual progress. The curved

trunk is shaped like 'OM', also symbolic of the life force energy.


Ganadhakshya - Lord Of The Celestial Hordes

Lord Ganesha is the Chief of the group of gods, the celestials. He is

the Lord of all he surveys, the Master of the earth, the universe,

the cosmos, all creation.


Ganadhyakshina - Lord Of The Celestials

Lord Ganesha is the Lord of the gods and is the beloved of all. As

the Chief and Supreme God among gods, he is worshipped by all.


Ganapati - Lord Of The Ganas

Lord Ganesha is also called Ganapati, the Lord of the celestial

hordes. He is the Supreme Deity, Lord Almighty, who rules over the

entire kingdom of the gods.


Gaurisuta - Son Of Gauri

Gauri is another name of Goddess Parvati. Gaurisuta is Lord

Ganesha, the deft son of Gauri. He enlightens and causes his

mother's face to blossom with his love and devotion.


Gunina - Lord Of All Virtues

Gunina, the Lord of all virtues, is Grace personified, making

everything auspicious. His immense grace and radiance is supreme and

ethereal, and is adored by one and all.


Haridra - The Golden One

Lord Ganesha, although smoke-coloured, is the Golden One, as

he has a moon crest on his forehead, a sacred thread in the form of a

serpent round his body, cheeks anointed with a vermilion paste,

glowing golden like the rays of the sun.


Heramba - Beloved Of The Mother

Lord Ganesha is Heramba, the fire-headed Protector of the

weak. He is his mother's beloved, and is her protector.


Kapil - Tawny-Coloured

The tawny-coloured elephant-faced Ganesha is the God of wisdom who

teaches that the path of success and achievement is through the use

of intellect, and that through wisdom alone can one reach salvation.


Kaveesha - Lord Of Poets

Ganesha is the Lord of wisdom from whom emanates knowledge that is

divine. All poets invoke his grace before picking up their pens, for

he is the Lord of poets from whose divine pen flow divine words.


Kirti - Lover Of Music

Lord Ganesha is Nada Brahman, Lord of music. He is the repository of

knowledge and a mine of virtues from whom emanates illimitable

erudition, and cosmic music and rhythm.


Shambhavi - Son Of Parvati

Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shankar and Goddess Parvati.

He is the playfully deft son and is adored by his parents. He

enlightens and causes his mother's face to blossom with love

for him.


Shashivarnam - Moon-Complexioned

He who is attired in a white garment and who is all-pervading, is

Lord Ganesha, the elephant-faced Lord with a moon - complexion that

glows brightly, indicating mental enlightenment, the moon being the

symbol of peace.


Vishwamukha - Lord Of The Universe

Lord Ganesha is the Supreme Reality, the Atman of all. He is the

witness of all that is happening in the world. He is the Lord of the

universe, the Supreme Being who has no beginning, who has no end.


Yagnakaya - Accepter of Sacrificial Fires

The clam and majestic Ganesha, with the strength and power of an

elephant, is the Lord of the universe. He evokes great love and

accepts the sacrificial fires offered to him by gods and mortals.


Kripakaram - Who Is Merciful

Lord Ganesha, as Kripakaram, wavy with profound kindness, is

the sea exhibited by his eyes. He is ever merciful and the beacon of

divine light.


Krishapingaksha - Black-Yellowish-Brown-Eyed

Lord Ganesha, whose eyes radiate power, compassion, wisdom and love,

is omnipotent and infinite. His small eyes dazzle with the exuberance

of the light of a million suns.


Kshamakaram - Adobe Of Forgiveness

Constant and regular chanting of Lord Ganesha's name is a sure path

for atonement of sins. He is the adobe of forgiveness, the seat of

compassion, and most forgiving. Repose faith in him and he will

protect you.


Kshipra - Quick-Acting

Handsome of appearance and red in colour like the hibiscus flower, he

holds his broken tusk, noose, goad, and sprig of the wish-fulfilling

tree in his hands and a pot of precious gems in his trunk.


Lambakarna - Large-Eared

The large-eared Ganesha is a mine of information gathered from all

directions. His large ears are used for winnowing information,

retaining only the essentials.


Lambodara - Huge-Bellied

The big-bellied Ganesha is the symbol of the whole universe - all

that is conceivable in the whole cosmos - from which all events of

the world emerge. It is symbolic of his capacity to assimilate the

whole information.


Mahabala - Extremely Strong

Lord Ganesha, with his huge body, is symbolic of the cosmos or

the universe. He is extremely strong and powerful, endowed with

intellectual prowess.


Mahaganapati - The Omnipotent And All-Powerful

Lord Ganesha, the Almighty, the Supreme Infinite, is omnipotent and

all powerful. His infinite form is beyond man's comprehension, and is



Maheswaram - Lord Of The Universe

Maheshwaram, from whom the universe is born, is the Eternal

Brahman. All the elements - earth, fire, air, water and ether - are

manifest in him. He is the Supreme Lord of the universe.


Mangalamoorti - The Auspicious

Lord Ganesha is the personification of all that is auspicious. He who

was worshipped by Lord Shiva before his vanquishing Tripurasur, by

Lord Vishnu before his tying of Bali in the rope, by Lord Brahma

before creating the world, by Parvati before her slaying the demon

Manisha, is Mangalamoorti.


Manomay - Conqueror Of One's Heart

Lord Ganesha is the God of all people, big and small, educated

and illiterate. He is compassionate and forgiving, wise and

intellectual. With his huge body, gentle eyes and calm countenance,

he fills one's heart with love.


Mritunjaya - Deathless

the Infinite Lord Ganesha has no beginning or end. He is deathless

and the root cause of the creation. He is the embodiment of 'OM', the

symbol of the Great God who has no end and is invincible.


Mudakaram - Abode Of Joy

Lord Ganesha is the home of Siddhi and Buddhi, the repository

of knowledge and the adobe of joy. He bestows happiness and

welfare to all.


Muktidaya - Giver Of Eternal Peace

Muktidaya is Lord Ganesha who grants security to his devotees,

thereby providing eternal peace. He destroys all the obstacles that

one may face when entreated by his devotees.


Musikvahan - He With The Mouse As His Vehicle

Lord Ganesha, with his massive body, favours the mouse as his beloved

vehicle. The mouse, known to cause great havoc, is kept under the

control of Ganesha by serving as his vehicle.


Nadapratithista - Lover Of Music

Lord Ganesha is symbolic of the music and rhythm of the cosmos. He

loves music and some times a veena is one of the

attributes seen in his hands. He is the patron of music and dance.


Namasthetu - Destroyer Of All Sins

Lord Ganesha is the sea-fire to end the sea. He purges the

devotees of all sins by and impieties by his holy fire.


Nandana - Son Of Lord Shiva

Nandana, son of Lord Shiva, is the mind-born son of Lord Shiva, or,

as popularly believed, the creation of Parvati. He is the elder son

of Shankara, and the beloved of his mother, Uma.

Nideeswaram - Master Of All Kinds Of Treasures

Lord Ganesha, the repository of knowledge, is adorable, with

his plump body, his tusk broken and single. His is the Lord of

all wealth - material as well as spiritual - endowed with intrinsic

qualities that command the respect of all.


Pashin - One Who Sits Like A Rock

Lord Ganesha is Infinite and Consciousness personified, solid

and unwavering like a rock, who is unshakeable, Invincible, the seat

of infinite power, the pure essence of luminous mind.


Pitambar - Wearer Of Yellow Clothes

Lord Ganesha, who wears clothes of white and yellow, personifies

purity and uniqueness. With a deep knowledge of the self, he is the

eternal sprit who is changeless yet causes change all around.


Pramod - Lord Of The Place

As Pramod, Lord Ganesha is the only refuge of the shelterless

as he is Lord of the place. He is the Lord of the gods, the

repository of wisdom, the seat of spiritual awakening, from whom

creation has come.


Prathameshvar - One Who Holds the First Place

Lord Ganesha, the eternal spirit, the Brahman, is the God of

Auspiciousness, holding the first place. He is the Beginning of all

beginnings, worshipped by Mahesha and other gods.


Purush - The Supreme Authority

Lord Ganesh is Purush, the Supreme Authority. He is the Omniscient

Lord Almighty who rules over the entire universe. He is the Ultimate

Reality, the One Truth, the Manifest Spirit.


Rakta - Red-coloured

Lord Ganesha's body hue is compared to the red lotus and his

tusk to the vermilion blood marks when it is thrust into his enemies

for destruction.


Rudrapriya - Beloved Of Shiva

Lord Ganesha, the beloved son of Shiva, is the Master of all,

whose virtuous qualities are orisoned by even the creator, Brahma. He

is Shiva's revered and noble son.


Sarvadevatman - Accepter Of Celestial Offerings

As Lord of the gods, Lord Ganesha is happy to accept the loving

offerings of the celestials. They adore and worship him, and as their

master, and he bestows his grace on them.


Sarvasiddhanta - Provider Of Adeptness To His Disciples

The repository of wisdom and knowledge, Lord Ganesha bestows success

on his devotees. He who chants his name continually will be sure of

being blessed with the ability to be adept in all his actions.


Savatman - Blesser Of The Universe

He who dwells in every heart in a secret manner, by whose command

this entire world exists, who is Infinite and the Enlighter of the

hearts, by knowledge, he is Sarvatman, Lord



Shoorpakarna - Large-Eared

Lord Ganesha is the Lord with large ears. These large ears serve the

purpose of gathering information from all possible directions. Like a

winnowing basket, His ears are receptive and attuned to every

mortal's cry of woe or praise.


Shuban - One Who is Auspicious

A prayer to Lord Ganesha precedes all worship for he is auspicious

and nothing can take place without invoking his name. For, he is the

remover of obstacles in one's path, and the guarantor of success in

all ventures.


Shubhagunakanan - Mine Of All Virtues

Lord Ganesha is the Lord of all treasures and virtues, symbolic of

perfection and infinite beauty he is compassionate, forgiving,

endearing and protector of all that is good.


Shwete - White Colour

The huge-bellied Lord Ganesha, with an elephant face, a

single-tusk which is askew, has his body and clothes white, being

worshipped on the shore of ocean of milk with white flowers. His face

beams the beatitude.


Siddhidhata - Bestower Of Success

The chanting of Lord Ganesha's name will pay rich dividends in the

form of being bestowed with success. The Lord is the bestower of the

desired abilities.


Siddhipriya - Bestower Of Boons

Siddipriya is Lord Ganesha who grants the desires and boons of

his devotees. Being compassionate and large- hearted the

elephant-faced Ganesha fulfils the wishes of worshippers.


Siddhivinayaka - Bestower Of Success

Lord Ganesha's huge pot-belly is symbolic of wealth and

success. He bestows both on his devotees, being the kind and

compassionate Lord who grants them boons and showers them with



Skandapoorvaja - Older Than Skanda

Ganesha is the older son od Shiva and Parvati, and brother of

SKanda (Karthik). He is the destroyer of the asura's pride, and

protector of the weak and helpless. He protects and loves his brother



Sumukha - Of Auspicious And Pleasant Visage

His strange visage is in the form of 'OM' the sound symbolic

of the cosmos in its entirely. He is the symbol of auspiciousness.


Sureshwaram - Lords Of All The Gods

Sureshwaram is Lord Ganesha as Head of the ganas or celestials. He is

the Being, the Foremost Being, the very cause of the creation of the

cosmos Lord Almighty.


Swaroop - Lover Of Beauty

Lord Ganesha, the Master of resourcefulness and perfection in

all spheres, is a lover of beauty. His awkward body signifies that

outward form has no connection with inner beauty and spiritual



Tarun - The Youthful

The youth Ganesha, ever youthful, is Wisdom personified. His

huge body takes on the colour of red like the noonday sun, depicting

the strength of youth.


Uddanda - Punisher Of Evil

Uddanda is Lord Ganesha as punisher of evil. He also forgives those

who seek his pardon. He is the vanquisher of demons and remover of

all obstacles.


Umaputra - Son Of Uma

Uma, another name of Pravati, desired to have a son. Lord Shiva

granted her wish and Ganesha took form. He is the beloved son of Uma,

her delight, and obedient servant, ever ready to serve her.


Vakratunda - Askew-Trunked

Lord Ganesha, the single-tusked one, is attribute with an askew

proboscis or trunk, which symbolises power, capable of destroying all

obstacles and evil.


Varaganapati - Bestower Of Boons

Ganesha is the bestower of all fruits of desire and granter of all

adeptness that his worshippers seek. He is magnanimous and forgiving,

being a wealth of knowledge and wisdom.


Varaprada - Granter Of Boons

Lord Ganesha grants boons to his devotees. He is most efficacious. He

gives knowledge to the seeker of wisdom, prosperity to those desiring

wealth. issues to the childless, and guidance of spiritual



Varadavinayaka - Bestower Of Bounty And Success

The massive Ganesha, the granter of boon to his devotees, is the

guarantor of success in all ventures. His devotees need never fear

failure. As the benefactor of his devotees, he is greatly adored by



Veeraganapati - The Valiant Warrior

The red-complexioned Ganesha is sometimes attributed with

eight pairs of arms, holding a bow, arrow, goblin, spear, hammer,

mace, pick-axe, serpent, banner, trident, discus, good, noose, battle-

axe, sword and shield all signs of a valiant warrior.


Vidyavaridhi - respository Of All Knowledge

Lord Ganesha is the God of wisdom. He incinerates ignorance by his

divine fire and enlightens by his knowledge. He is a goldmine of

knowledge and wisdom.


Vignahara - Destroyer Of Evils

Vignahara is Lord Ganesha, who like a vigorous wind, scatters

away and destroys the dark clouds of evils. His name's ever

recollection removes all sins.


Vignaharta - Destroyer Of Obstacles

Lord Ganesha is a veritable scepter that destroys all obstacles. He

is the destroyer of multitudes of obstacles, destroyer of all



Vighnanashin - Destroyer Of Obctacles

The askew-trunked Ganesha, also called vighnanashin, is the

destroyer of all impediments. He is the destroyer of darkness

created by obstacles.


Vighnaraja - Lord Of All Obstacles

The veritable scepter to destroy all objects, Lord Ganesha is

invincible. He is the inimitable jungle fire who destroys the

jungle of troubles for his devotees. He is the destroyer of

multitudes of obstacles.


Vighnarajendra - Lord Of All Obstacles

The noble Ganesha is the king of all factors causing obstacles. He

causes obstacles for the demons and enemies, causing them to stumble

and be vanquished.


Vighnavinashanaya - Destroyer Of All Afflictions

The four-armed Ganesha is sometimes attributed with eight pairs of

hands that are symbolic of destruction of evil. He protects his

devotees by destroying all afflictions.


Vigneshwar - Lord Of All Obstacles

Vigneshwar, the only sun to destroy the darkness caused by

obstacles, the only fire to incinerate the jungle of impediments, the

only Garuda to browbeat the haughty snakes of troubles, is the Lord

of all obstacles.


Vikat - Of The Monstrous Figure

Lord Ganesha, the most adorable one, adored by all gods, is

endowed with a huge, monstrous body, symbolising unity of the

primeval forest denizen with man combining the physical energies of



Vinayaka - Lord Of All

As Vinayaka, Lord Ganesha is the Supreme Leader of all, being

endowed with special qualities. He is the Chief of all the celestial

demi-gods, and is ever adored by them.


Yashaskaram - Giver Of Frame And Glory

Lord Ganesha is worshipped by both the devas and the asuras,

for he is the Lord of the gods. He gives prosperity, fame and glory

to all the worlds, shining with a lustrous glow.


Yashvasin - The Popular

The pot-bellied, askew-trunked single-tusk Ganesha is popularly the

beloved of all. He is the subject of those who sing his praise, the

jewel from whose face flows nectar.


Yogadhipa - Lover Of Meditation

Lord Ganesha is the fountainhead of wisdom, the Great God,

that Eternal Truth, that Eternal Reality. His name is chanted

at the beginning and end of meditation at all times."


www.adishakti.org/miracle_photo/flame_in_modka.htm - 123k - Cached


Today is a very Auspicious Day .....


Life itself is Meditation. Begin your day with prayers to your

ISHTADEVATA and end your Day with prayers to your ishta-nishta. In

between, dedicate everything you do to the Lotus feet of the





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Dear All:


What could be the real reason why "chartrythi" must have been chosen

for GaNesha, rather than aShTami, pancami, ekaadashi, paurNimaa or

any other day for that matter?


Any thoughts other than the internet cut & paste would be appreciated.


Thanking you in advance for sharing your thoughts.


Dr. Yadu

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well, yadu-ji!


was that a trick question ?


we all know about 'Purusharthas' ?


don't we?


so why is Sri Rama Navami held in the month of Chaitra?


Chaitra is the first month of our Hindu Calendar


and Dharma is the first Purushartha


and of course, Lord Rama is synonymous with Dharma


and when do we celeberate Ganesha Chaturethi ?


in the month of Bhadrapada .


what is the leading principle in this month?




and it falls on the fourth day of full moon fortnight (shukla paksham

chaviti) which means though man seeks means of enhancing livelihood

without hurdles (vighnyaas) the end is to seek salvation (the purity

of full moon fortnight and the fourth day stands for the fourth

principle of moksha). Any worldly pursuit perceived with purity of

mind leads to salvation.


and believe it or not, i got this explanation from THE HINDU DAILY!!!


WHY should i not believe the Hindu daily which is one of the leading

dailies of South india ?


or may be you have some 'original' explanation...


i am waiting with 'baited' breath!!!















-- In advaitin, "ymoharir" <ymoharir> wrote:

> Dear All:


> What could be the real reason why "chartrythi" must have been


> for GaNesha, rather than aShTami, pancami, ekaadashi, paurNimaa or

> any other day for that matter?


> Any thoughts other than the internet cut & paste would be



> Thanking you in advance for sharing your thoughts.


> Dr. Yadu

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Greetings Yaduji!


You always have unusual perspective on many things specially

connected with our scriptures ...


why don't you come right out and share what you know about vinayaka

chathurthi instead of posing such 'teasers' ?


spirituality is not about one 'upmanship'... it is about sharing what

you know with others !!!! that is why i enjoy reading the messages

posted by Sri Vaidyanathan iyer from the hindu daily!!! they may

be 'cut and paste' but they have their value and significance rather

than long winded messages which only exhibit the 'debating' skills of

the poster or the short cryptic messages that you post sometimes!!!

smiles!!! i myself am guilty of posting 'cut and paste ' messages but

at least i am happy these messages are coming from great acharyas

like Kanch periyavaal and not some self styled pundits on the

internet. sorry, this is my honest feeling!!!





















advaitin, "ymoharir" <ymoharir> wrote:

> Dear All:


> What could be the real reason why "chartrythi" must have been


> for GaNesha, rather than aShTami, pancami, ekaadashi, paurNimaa or

> any other day for that matter?


> Any thoughts other than the internet cut & paste would be



> Thanking you in advance for sharing your thoughts.


> Dr. Yadu

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advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>



> and believe it or not, i got this explanation from THE HINDU



> WHY should i not believe the Hindu daily which is one of the


> dailies of South india ?




Nameste adi-Ji:


Answer to your above question was given by our seers in the

concluding mantra of yajurveda, which was incorporated in



hiraNmayena paatreNa satyasyaapihitataM mukham |


Thus it is up to the saadhakaa to evaluate the validity of all that

is perceived.


If the is not practiced then all the efforts regardless of the

subject matter/knowledge has little of no meaning.


That is why aacharya emphasided "ca anta siddhaH svaanubhuuti



AchArya Madhva explains pramaaNa as follows - "shAstrArtha yukto

anubhavaH pramANam uttamam.


Meaning – Best reliable pramANa, is the experiential pramaana that is

in line with



samartha raamadaasa swaami says in the manobodha (also known as

manaace shloka) (advise to his own mind) -


aviddya guNe maanavaa umajenaa |

bhrame cuukale hiita te aakaLenaa ||

prixeviNi baandhale druuDha naaNe |

pari satya mitthya ase koNa jaaNE ||


Meaning - It is due to our ignorance that we cannot understand the

truth. It is the bhrama (illusion) that leads us away and prevents

us from realizing our own good. Accepting the counterfeit currency

without evaluation can only lead to "aj~naana".


My teacher us to say, "You are cleaver if you believe in only half of

what other person is saying, however, you can become genius if you

can figure out which half to believe."


How does this relate to our the topic of this month?


If bhakti is not coupled with knowledge then it becomes and remains

as "blind faith" which need no further elaboration.


However, every saadhakaa has a choice he/she desires to practice.


If the knowledge is sever on a platter all the time, especially

without any efforts from the receiver, then it falls into the

category of "easy come easy go".


IMHO - internet resources are just a good starting point and should

not be the end point that gets carved in stone.


Just my cryptic thoughts of 1 & 1/4 Cents.




Dr. Yadu

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Thank you Yadu-ji !


This is the kind of messages i like to read from you- not one

liners!!! smiles!!!


you are absolutely right about Blind Faith ...


if you had read my message that i had posted a few days ago , i also

said Jnana without Bhakti is Lame and Bhakti without Jnana is Blind .


However, the question arises who to believe, what to believe and how

to believe.


i agree that 'internet' is a good starting point ... but of course ,

it is not the only source of knowledge ! that is why

practical 'sadhana' becomes so important!! but there again, we differ

what constitues real 'sadhana' .... there is no one Path to reach the

Mountain top! is there ?


You still have not answered your own question and that is why is

Vinayaka Chaturthi celeberated on Chaturthi? Another explanation that

i read on the internet is that the planetary constellations resemble

an 'elephant' during the 4th day of the Bhadrapada fortnight!


anyway, these things are not important ...


my request to you is this ... please be willing to share your

knowledge and expertise and experience ( just like our sunderji does

among Others ) and please do not offend 'cut and paste' artistes like

me!!! smiles!!! by cutting and pasting, one day i will become the

guru's guru!!! To cut and paste also requires a certain degree of

skill and research abilities!!


btw, i luved youer explanation of 'bhaaratiya' in my group! that was



love and regards

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Namaste and greetings to all in this season of



advaitin, "adi_shakthi16"

<adi_shakthi16> wrote:

About Ganesa -

>even the Trinity, the three

>primal manifestations of the Absolute, viz.,

>Siva, Visnu and Brahma,

>are hampered in their work if they do not

>first pay homage to Ganesa,

>who tears all obstacles, and who

>dwells forever in the hearts of the yogis.


To recall what happened in the case of Siva-

Siva's(Brahman's) attempt to enter into the abode

of the Goddess whose gate-keeper was Ganesa,

without first allowing for purification that was going

on, ended rather in a tricky way...

Indeed...it is wonderful that even Siva has to

first pay homage to Ganesa.


We have a series of festivals now...

...first Vinayaka Chathurthi, then of the


and then followed by the festival of lights (Diwali).

This sequence could be a sheer coincidence or with a


Spacing of days between each could also be a

coincidence or with a purpose....


(a)Removal of


Is there is a purpose in this sequence...?


Best Regards to all,






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Dear Raghava,


i am flattered that you found something meaningful on my Cut and

paste message of Adi Sankara's verses on Sri Ganesha!


YES! i also found something very divine in Shri Vaidyanathan's cut

and paste message from the Hindu Daily on Vinayaka chathurthi! He

mentioned something about Vinayaka Agaval!!!!


Do you all know how Avvaiyaar under what circumstances She composed

this great hymn to Lord Ganesha?


Avvaiyar , was a great devoee of Lord Ganesha .


One day, she was performing Puja to her Ishta-Nishta Vinayaka!


Avvaiyyar then heard that Sundarar, another shiva devee was

proceeding towards Mount Kailash, THE ABODE OF SHIVA-SHAKTI!




She wanted to complete her Puja to Lord Ganesha in a hurried

manner ... but Sri Ganesha appeared before her and assured her that

he will personally take hher to Kailaash before Sundarar reached

there and to perform the puja with full devotion, faith. and one -

pointed concentration! Avvaiyyar did as the Lord told her to do! At

the end of Puja, SRI GANESHA LIFTED HER UP and she reached Kailash

before anyone else ! In gratitude, she rendered the Vinayaka Agaval!

There is an esoteric meaning to this story !!!! For ordinary

devotees, it takes forever to reach the Sahasara chakra ; they are

stuck in the Muladhara chakra!!! For *uttama* devotees , it is as

easy as as 123!!! kailash here reprsents the 'sahasra' chakra- the

UNION of divine shiva-shakti!


i think your explanation has a lot of validity!


First remove all the obstacles... through Niyamas etc...


Then atma-shuddhi through Parayanam of Devi Mahatmyam during the

nine days of Navaratri ...


YES! the demons that Devi slew are the internal demons in all of

us ...


1) chanda-munda - Greed and coveteousness


2) shumbha-nishumbha - anger and attachments


3) Raktabija - lust -seeds of desire


4) Mahisasur - stubborn 'e-go'


etc etc ....


by constantly praying to Devi we are asking her to purify our mind in

those nine days!


and then comes Deepavali !


Yes- light signifies - knowledge!


and whenver you do deepa-ARADHANA, YOU ARE ASKING THE lORD TO REMOVE

THE IGNORANCE! ( 'the ' is important - only ignorance is you are not

the self)




i bow down to you shri raghava! although an advaitin is not supposed

to bow down to another! but i am a devi bhaktin first then only an



love and regards


advaitin, Raghavarao Kaluri

<raghavakaluri> wrote:

>> ..first Vinayaka Chathurthi, then of the

> Goddess(Dassera)

> and then followed by the festival of lights (Diwali).

> This sequence could be a sheer coincidence or with a

> purpose...

> Spacing of days between each could also be a

> coincidence or with a purpose....


> (a)Removal of

> obstacles...(b)purification...©light...

> Is there is a purpose in this sequence...?



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