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welcome Back Sada-ji , Bala-ji and of course Chitta !!!!Thanx!!!!

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Believe it or not, i was just thinking of you when i wrote that

quaint little sentence ...


" I am the PREMA in GOPI'S hearts."


i was just parodying on Vibhuti yoga! smiles!


Do you remember you remember about mentioning Vibhuti Yoga in another

context in responding to one of my posts ?


YES! in chapter 10 , Vibhuti Yoga,Lord Krishna says


in verse 32 ...


Among Creations, I am beginning , the middle and also the end, O

ARJUNA ; among Sciences I am the science of the Self and i am the

logic of all arguments.


Yes !Someone ( may be Sunder-ji- my best Resource) can quote that

famous verse of Sankara Bhagvadapada where he lists three types of

arguments - Jalpa - where there is an attempt to smother the

opponents by vehement criticism and bitter rejoinders , spoken with

arrogance. in the case of Vitanda, the discussant tries to expose ,

fair or foul means, both the real and the imaginary fallacies in the

argument of the opponents and the aim being to destroy the edifice

built by the other. ( we witnessed this type of argumentation in last

month's discussion) and Finally VAAADA - this is a fine technique

where one is stating one's position by sticking to facts with a view

to directly arrive at the TRUTH ....


Thank you Sadaji- with one post, you have established beyond a

reasonable doubt, what a Great 'Logician' You are!!!


(yomam pasyat sarvatra sarvan ca mayi pasyati - who seems me

everywhere and everything in me - then there is no more individual

little 'i' left - that is true bhakti.


sarva bhuutastam aatmaanam sarva bhuutaanicha aatmani - one self in

all beings and all being in oneself - that is the culmination of

jnaana )


Thank you, dear Sada-ji!


here is one from Little me to YOU!


brahma-bhutah prasannatma

na socati na kanksati

samah sarvesu bhutesu

mad-bhaktim labhate param (srimad bhagvatam)


"One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the

Supreme Brahman. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is

equally disposed to every living entity. In that state he attains

pure devotional service unto Me."


Only Gopis knew how to 'surrender' completely!!!!





Hi BALA-JI! welcome back- Believe me , i did miss your presence in

this and my groups. I know that you always stressed on 'Anubhuthi' in

your earlier posts on the message board in this group!



MISSING! greg-ji would have certainly luved your input as You would

have certainly strenthened the Discussion with your inputs!


anyway, since you enjoy the nectar of Bhakti, here is one from me to



YES! Please read this ...


Kabirj's famous couplet ( doha)


"Guru GOvind DONOM Khade kakee lagoom paaya

balihaaree gurudeva ki jin govind diyo jaaya"


Here in this verse, the poet says both the Lord ( Govinda) and

Gurudeva blessed me with transcendental vision! To whose Lotus feet i

am going to offer my humble salutations first?


and then Kabir-ji says


I surrender myself to Lotus feet of my Gurudeva through whose

unlimited compassion and divine mercy I have attained God-



Yes, dear -hearts! We all should bow to the lotus feet of Sri Sankara

BHAGVADAPADA for his wonderful compositions on Bhakti and treatises

on Advaita ...



That brings me to our beloved Chitta!!! Thank you for your words of

support, encouragment and inspiration!!!


YES!!! chitta, MAYA is reality ! you should have seen my emotional

state last night !!! i could not sleep a wink as i was worried about

my daughter's family in hurricane zone of florida ! !selfish of me,

is it not? but that is how 'earth' mothers are but OUR DIVINE MOTHER

is made of Different stuff! She is full of compassion for all her

children- with her 'ABAHAYA' MUDRA , she says 'do not fear' and with

her 'Varada Mudra' , SHE says ' i will grant you boons' ! well, SHe

has answered my prayers ! Hurricane Jeanne is now a category One

storm as it approaches Orlando - and it is stll a 'threat' and

a 'menace ' but at least , She has lost much of her 'fury' !!! Yes,

now i understand Nairji's statement about Mother Nature and

her 'wrath' ! Nothing like a MOTHER NATURE scorned !!! ( folks! let

us be kind to our environment )


now , on another note ... You agreed with Harshaji on Sri Ramana's

statement !! if you recall, in last month's discussion, i had

mentioned how Sri Ramana had labelled Sankara's philosophy as Tantric



This is interesting .... after reading some of the posts here , one

gets the impression that There are Two Sankaras !!! one who wrote the

Bhasyas and the other who wrote all the poetic compostions on the

gods/esses !! but how can this be? He is Lord SANKARA in human form -

purna - complete, perfect and indivisible! thank you for mentioning

this - you and sunder-ji in private emails!!!


Maya is 'real' - I REITERATE!we need to roll up our sleeves and do

our 'bit' to help the victims of Florida , Haiti and the Bahamas etc

who have been devastated by the Hurricanes this past few weeks !!

Send contributions to your favorite charity on the web !


As our beloved Mahatma said " Knowledge and devotion, to be true have

to stand the test of renunciation of the fruits of action."


WE cannot close our eyes as 'vedantins' say that all these calamities

are acts of God/ess and it is all 'maya' .... DEAR HEARTS! bEHIND



Prakriti Rocks!!!


love and regards

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