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The path inward---Nisargadatta Maharaj.

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Namaste All,


10. The Path Inward

"Go within. Your normal inclination is to come out through the

senses and see the world. Now reverse: "I am not the body, I am not

the mind, I am not the senses." Then you are stabilized in

consciousness. After that, all further things happen automatically.

Know that in this world nothing is permanent; search out what you

were before this temporary state came and what you are after it

goes. During that temporary state everything appeared to be correct;

the plot was totally believable, but the story is completely

fictitious. When the waking state is gone, sleep begins; when sleep

is gone, the waking state begins. When both are gone you are at

home. Why should these states leave you? Because they are foreign to

you, because they are not you. There is no question of being

responsible for anything that happens in the world. It is only by

taking delivery of responsibility that suffering comes.Just be as

you are, don't imagine or picturize. Your body and your image have

changed continuously all during your life; any experience you have

is not real. Whether you are crying or laughing, this is the image

for that moment only - the next moment it will be changing. So long

as the body is there this passing show will be there. Finally, that

very consciousness through which you see the world will quit. The

days are numbered of this body and consciousness.Consciousness is a

great fraud; it is the cause of all suffering. It all begins with

self-love, the need to be present. This love of being, love of self

is the nature of the seed, the sperm. Consciousness is latent in

that, in the condition we call birth. Then, out of the food essence

comes the taste 'I am' and consciousness flowers. You are and so the

world is. But, don't get entangled in the branches and the leaves -

go to the seed. Without the seed the tree will not be there. Find

out where that seed came from. That state cannot be witnessed by

you... only what is other than you can be witnessed by you. Still,

in that state of no-knowingness, without eyes, you must abide.This

is real liberation: to know that you are nothing. All your

knowledge, including yourself, is liquidated; then you are

liberated. When the devotee subsides into nothingness, the world and

God also subside into nothingness. You come to the conclusion that

in the final analysis your balance sheet is nil"




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Namaste Tony and all members,


thank you for this nice introduction of our real

Self....the "nothing"...


the mind and the perception of the world are based on the

same "nothing"....there is only one "nothing"....


the perception of the self (body mind intellect) is at all the

time "One" with the world appearing....without Oneness, how could it

possible to perceive something?...means....how could we perceive

something what is not ourself?....or

how could we be seperated from this our "dream perception"....?...


how could something be outside of our perception...?


the "Oneness" in perception.....and the perception of our real

Being "Nothing".....normally can't be perceived at same time....i



the knowledge about this "Oneness" in perception don't bring

automatically the perception of Being the " Nothing".


I think that all perceptions, included the perception of "Oneness"

with the world....are possible because of Maya.....which let enter

some "form" to the "Nothing".


It's true...we are One with all our world appearence.....and it's

true....this whole appearence is Maya.


To live in constant consciousness about the reality or non-reality of

appearance....means with awarness of the "Nothing".....i beleive is

what can bring liberation....in "daily life"....


Thank you for any response.....

Surely there are some issues which can be discussed....i'm just on

the path to "Nothing"....


with love



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