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An Advaitin View of God

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The one who seeks to guide or help another in spiritual matters

should be able to go to any level to help the person at that level,

i.e., he should not be sitting on a mountain saying do this do that,

nor should he try to drag a person there. Nor should he have an

attitude which is holier-than-thou. (spiritual ego)


He should go to that persons level and look at how they are stuck.

Then he should give them his hand and lead them (only if they are



"From what you tell me and what I see from you, you are such a man. I

am honored to know you!". This man should also have the ability and

the tools to give to others which are suited to their situation. For

example: He cannot give a person who is a Christian - Hindu tools,

nor can he give a Moslem person Christian or Hindu tools. He should

not put one religion over another, nor any god, nor philosophy . He

should give each what will assist him towards God in his own path,

not try to drag him to another unless he asks for this.


All gods, all beings are created for each of the paths upon which God

walks, all are paths of God which lead to God ... after all we all

agree there is but one God , we simply call him by different names

and prescribe different rituals and observances to be applied in his

worship. But the prescribed rituals and such, are what comprise the

path of a given religion. These rituals and modes of worship of God,

are modes of his own worship of himself.


Who are we to say one way in which He worships Himself is in error?

Only a being desiring separation from him could think such a thing.

Hence behaviour which would condemn another religion or path is an

act of arrogance performed by the ego in an attempt to justify the

existence of its separation from him.


More trouble comes when we try to justify our rejection of each other

by saying our path is the only path upon which God walks.. If the

claim that our path is the only true path were true, then our believe

in The One Omnipresent God (no matter what our religion) is

contradicted and is nothing more than the empty claim of a dry and

dead religion, because we have rejected some aspect of him existing

as that other path, or the people who walk that path and worship him

in that way. No he worships himself in every way we can imagine; and

in ways we could never imagine.


As Shiv Sutra says : He should be able to be free in all levels and

modes of his own being and be able to come and go from those levels

at will -having true freedom in will and efficacy at all levels. This

way he can reach and help all aspects of The Self who is none other

than his own self dwelling in all beings as the self.


Thus that man will be a humble man. Without that humility he cannot

do this. Humility will be limited in some way according to his

devotion (which is nothing more than humility) to The Self - or to

his God whoever that god may be. Humility in this way is not

humiliation, but is recognition of the existence of The Self walking

on all paths as The One Manifold and Omnipresent Self in all beings.

>From this Spiritual Realization of who He is can result.


This Manifoldness, this omnipresence existing as The Self in all

beings. is in this way also omniscient, being that is is He (God) who

is know as The Self in ALL Beings everything which those various

selves might know or come to know; also in this way he is the ONE

TRUE EXPERIENT of all the knowables such as joy, love, a

compassionate heart and devotion to himself via the actions of beings

who understand who he is; hence He is existence-consciousness-bliss.

The Great Lord of Being Sri-Satchitananda.


Love is the measure of the Intellect (buddhi). With little love for

The Self who dwells in all beings as The Self there is low spiritual

intellect , because knowledge of The Self comes from devotion to The

Self . With great love there is merging with The Self . Hence a man

with great wisdom but without love being expanded as the cosmic

display of The Self cannot get the intellect of the Atman. Love is

the thing that bridges the distance of the whole of Lords

manifestation... love is the bliss... love is the consciousness...


Hence little consciousness comes from little love, great awareness

and realization comes from great love. Final merging into existence -

consciousness - bliss ( Satchitananda) comes from purest devotion.

This pure devotion or Para-Bhakti is the bridge to infinite being and

conscious realization of The Self.

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