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wishing you all an Auspicious Saraswati Puja !

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Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning , has always been a favorite ishta-

devata ( ishta-devi?) of mine from childhood.


For some reason, i was always captivated by her beautiful form- In my

parent's home in Delhi, we have a beautiful picture of Goddess

Saraswati drwan by the famous artist Ravi Verma - she is seen holding

a Veena in her two hands , a rosary in another and the book of vedas

in her fourth hand! that is how i always remember this Goddess of

learning and wisdom - " sahityam ( literature) and sangeetham (

music" !!


and then of course, Saraswati's beautiful VAHANA - the Swan -

representing the discriminating intellect ! what a great symbolism!


tvam siddhis tvam svadha svaha

sudha tvam loka pavani

sandhya ratrih prabha bhutir

medha sraddha saraswati


"You are siddhi, nectar, Svaha and Svadha, O purifier of the worlds.

You are twilight, night, effulgence, opulence, intelligence, faith,

and Saraswati."


we kids always loved the 'navaratri' puja as this meant not only time

off from school but also lot of fun going around , visiting people's

houses and taking part in Ram -lila celeberations.


My brothers of course loved Saraswati puja for a different reason.

This is the day when my mother would request all of us to

completely 'abstain' from reading any books or performing any

scholarly activity!


My mother used to place the Ravi verma's picture of Saraswati devi on

a pedestal and decorate her with a beautiful garland of white jasmine

flowers and ask us kids to place all our books, musical instruments

etc! My brother would keep his 'guitar on the altar, my sister

her 'harmonium', my other brother his ' paint brushes' , another

brother his 'cricket' bat and i, of course, my 'Salangai' ( bells

that you wear on your feet during dancing) and my Calculus BOOK! my

mother used to place her 'sitar' ( covered with Dust -WITH FIVE KIDS,

WWHERE IS THE TIME TO PLAY THE SITAR? - gets cleaned now ) and my

daddy his typewriter!


This was the day, my mother made sure my dad never touched a book -

even he was not allowed to read the daily newspaper! This was kind of

a real holiday for my dad because being the editor of a newspaper ,

all he did was 'read and write' and had very little time for family



Yes ! this is how i remember Saraswati PUJA - NO STUDIES just for one

day! !Next day, on vijayadasami day, my mother would remove all the

books and write 'sri rama jeyam' all over and bless us all! On


joining school or starting to learn arts/fine arts etc)-


This is the sloka that is recited before starting any scholarly

venture ...


Knowledge Goddess Saraswati


Saraswati Namastubhyam, Varade Kamarupini,

Vidhya Arambham Karishyaami, Siddhir Bhavatu Mey Sada


Padma-patravisalakshi Padma-kesara varnini

Nityam Padmalaya Devi, Sa maam Patu Saraswathi.


Oh Goddess Saraswati, my humble prostrations unto Thee, who are the

fulfiller of all wishes. I start my education with salutations to

myriad-formed Sarswathi, the bestower of boons, may she always grant

me success! That goddess with eye like lotuspetals, coloured like the

pollens of the lotus, ever residing in the lotus, may she protect me!


Having now migrated to U.S.A some 26 years ago, my kids and i have

left many of the customs behind but the heart still longs for the

simple 'joy' the observance of these various festivities brought!

and one always remembers the "good old days" !


It is my pleasure to share with you this well known hymn to Goddess

Saraswati by shri shri Adi ShANkara Bhagavadapada!






maanaso vaimalyadaayini manoine i


sundara-gaatri susheele


tava charanaambhoruham


narnaami sadaa ii


O Goddess, You live in the lotus of purity,


You make the mind pure, and You are known by the inner mind.


You are beautiful as well as virtuous. I offer my salutation at Your

lotus feet at all times.


Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiye Namaha"

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