Guest guest Posted October 24, 2004 Report Share Posted October 24, 2004 tatasthaa : bindu ji tell us about ParamAtma ji bindu : ParamAtma? tatasthaa : ok ji bindu : so will we talk about ParamAtma ? tantrasiddhi : ok binduji haresh): yes ji bindu : 1st we will need a rule of thumb tantrasiddhi : rule of thumb? bindu : a unit of measure for example, JivAtma is the god of his own universe. Why? Each being exists in its own universe. How can this be? An ants universe is not known by a germ, nor is a sharks universe known by a snake a virus does not know the creature he has infiltrated, so these are separate universes. Fallen : but they live in the same universe even so......... tantrasiddhi : hmm yes. bindu : You guys do not see my life and i do not see yours, so we are in separate universes. bindu : Not so Fallen. The word is the SAME cosmos, not the SAME universe - now we know as i have described above that there can be an uncountable number of universes - consider numberless germs cusp : bindu prabhu, if i may bindu : sure Cusp? cusp : what are the indian (Sanskrit) terms for universe and cosmos? bindu : Jagat is Universe, I am not sure of the word for cosmos i do not use much Sanskrit, anyway. cusp : anyway, Jagat means that which changes. bindu : Consider numberless germs, numberless fishes and you can start to get a handle on the number of universes, not to mention the uncountable number of beings which we cannot even see; all these beings know stuff about their universe cusp Ok go on i don't think there are equivalents. tatasthaa : He breath outs innumerable universes. Fallen : But we are even in the same world, how can it be that not in the same universe? bindu COSMOS FALLEN, not Universe, not world; The sum of all those universes he breathes out is what is called the cosmos tatasthaa : jai radhe bindu : so then, those beings know stuff at their level He is the self in all, so he knows all ... << this is how he is omniscient. tatasthaa : yes. tantrasiddhi : hmmm yes. bindu : so he is also present in them all. tatasthaa : he is in them all. bindu : This is how he is omnipresent. bindu : ^o then this Sum of all these beings (NOT JUST IN THIS WORLD) but in all lokas,realms, worlds, existences, modes, and so on - all those selves are him bindu : so that sum of all those beings is The Atman - "NOT ParaAtma" tatasthaa : jai radhe bindu : ParaAtma is that one in whom all this appears - Think of it!!! Soem stupendous being has thought all this and it has appeared in him! cusp : Upanishad Says in the beginning, there was One he created the world in himself then went into it, so this one is the Atma or the Para atma? bindu : yes cusp but that one still IS, He has not gone anywhere cusp : hehe yes indeed. bindu : now ...let us talk NOT of Atman - but of ParamAtma before all this came tantrasiddhi : what is in the drop of water is in the ocean. bindu : now, all this that i have described above,is yes a mere drop, but lets us not make comparisons lets stay with ParamAtma tantrasiddhi : om tat sat, jai bindu : All this no matter that it is impossibly huge and stupendously filled with His Self - it is mere consciousNESS yet it is HE (the ParaAtma) who is Conscious of it. He exists before what appeared in him; what appeared is\was the consciousNESS, but He is its source, An example is, wetNESS is not Water... nor is water WetNESS - He is neither this nor that. tatasthaa : jai, the sun alone exists. bindu : Yes, Tantra. He is like the water, but "ONLY LIKE" it, He cannot be compared to anything at all. tatasthaa : bindu ji.. can i say something here bindu : surely tatasthaa tatasthaa : We can say that the sun alone exists; it is surely foolish to say the sun and heat and light exists.. because we know when the sun exists they exists automatically with the sun; but that doesn't mean we can say heat and light does not exist... because it only means the sun doesn't exist. cusp : jai bindu : Yes, provided there is something for the light\heat to travel in (i.e. time\space) in the ParamAtma there is no distance, no time; How can there be when he is all that exists as well as that which that which exists exists "IN"? In the Absence of Hearing - In the Absence of Seeing - In the Absence of Tasting - In the Absence of Sensation - In the Absence of Scent. - In the Absence of Thought - The Self Resides in Himself. tantrasiddhi : hmmm bindu : Conversely. In the comparison of sound to soundlessness, I appear. In the comparison of the seen to the unseen, I appear. In the comparison of what is tasted to the tasteless, I appear. In the comparison of Sensation to sensationlessness, I appear. In the comparison of Scent to the odorless, I appear. In the comparison of emptiness to fullness - cognition appears composed of all these. Thus the jiva appears; as does the whole of relativity. cusp : Hearer of hearing, the seer of seeing.... tatasthaa : jai radhe! Or beyond the hearer of hearing.. and the seer of seeing cusp : jai bindu : yes, now study this next carefully: The beginning of comprehension - The beginning of apperception - The Beginning of I-ness - arises from the speck-like particle of the beginning of the comparison of emptiness, to what is not. Look carefully at this part especially: "arises from the speck-like particle of the beginning of the comparison of emptiness, to what is not." But The Self (ParaAtma) is nothing like nothing compared to emptiness. Think; He is devoid of attributes: Yet all this appears in Him tatasthaa (4:29:42 PM): yes ji bindu : It is reflected in him as a mere speck and fragments into countless things and beings because consciousness is like a mirror of a mirror of a mirror forever ... hence atoms coagulate into forms and diversity appears to appear where there really is none tatasthaa : The Beginning of I-ness - arises from the speck-like particle of the beginning of the comparison of emptiness, to what is not. ARE U SAYING THAT THE MATTER IS ARISING FROM THE ANTI-MATTER? bindu Well, you could say that matter is arising from The Sakti instead. tatasthaa : YES YES JI!, hehe, arising from him, from HIS Sakti bindu : Think of it like this: In the empty total ParamAtma, there is a massive power existing as the potency of Null to manifest or hold anything.... due to that very emptines it exists, this is the Sakti. tantrasiddhi : what do u think of astral Travel, ji, when people travel leaving their body for example yogis. bindu : i person will only talk of astral travel in person, not here. tatasthaa : ok ji bindu : So this massive power fills infinity - it is Kali... it is Bhairava-Sakti tantrasiddhi : fills infinity hmmmmm. bindu : To go there the death of the jiva results, because there can be nothing but that, so then she (Sakti) has a tension we could call a vibration tantrasiddhi : Infinity is absebce of space ji. bindu : yes exactly Tantra, NON space - i.e. Nothing like nothing compared to emptiness. tantrasiddhi : vibration hmmmm movement between ends bindu : It REFLECTS thus consciousness arises, flashing in and out of existence see this page: This is an aproximation of what is occuring; see the third image down the page. So this flashing is called in Spanda Karika, "The Spanda Principal", or Spanda-Sakti; Utpaladeva and Ksemaraja have written of it in great detail. tatasthaa : jai radhe tantrasiddhi : hmmm very systematic ji, nice pageji bindu : It is the flashing in and out of existence of Sri-Krishna, it is the manifestation of the Yugas, the pulse of time; the primordial A-U-M.... He breathes in he breathes out tatasthaa : Jai radhe! bindu : He comes he disappears utterly. tantrasiddhi : like sexual intercourse. bindu : yes siva sakti yes, coming from his transcendental abode Fallen : Aum is the representative sound of sri Krishna. bindu : Yes, Om Sri Jai Ram! SO the lord manifests as the Cosmos which is Atman (in sri-Krishna ) who is ParamAtma Thus the consciousNESS arises out of "HE who is the only ONE who is Conscious" - i.e Sri-Krishna, does that answer your question? tantrasiddhi (4:39:59 PM): hmmm y cusp : jai tatasthaa : jai radhe tantrasiddhi : jai shambho, jai Kali! tatasthaa : In your explanation i even forgot my question. bindu : He exists prior to consciousness. tantrasiddhi : jai krishna tatasthaa : jai Radhe bindu ji haresh : jai Shri Krishna! bindu : Thu this embraces the Advaitin doctrine also. tatasthaa : well explained bindu : He is the only one, and sri-Krishna is Triumphant in Himself OM. tatasthaa : the question was what is ParamAtma, and i understood that it is krishna haresh : jai shri hari. tatasthaa : haresh ji haresh : yes ji tatasthaa : Did u understand that ji? tatasthaa : jai radhe krishna. Hope u would feel better tantra ji, take care, jai radhe tantrasiddhi : bye everyone ji. haresh : bye tantra ji tantrasiddhi : thanks ji. bye hareshji. tatasthaa : bindu ji, can u give me the key words from this? tantrasiddhi : bye and thanks @binduji. bindu : Welcome Tantra, always. cusp : siddha take care. tatasthaa In the ParamAtma there is no distance. this is one of the key phrases from the discourse cusp : Yes, yes, He is here and there...He reaches a place before you and leaves the place before you do....and He is always there in the present second, which means He is beyond time as the present second is eternal. lol. bindu : i will create a file and post it to my archive. tatasthaa : In the empty total ParamAtma massive power exists. This is the second key phrase. bindu : you will find it here on week One in November 2004: Ananta Yoga Archive tatasthaa : so this massive power fills infinity bindu: it is Kali... it is Bhairava-Sakti - this is the third point tatasthaa : so In the paramAtma there is no distance... in the empty total ParamAtma, massive power exists.. that massive power is called Kali. bindu : "A moving arrow always moves in a space equal to itself" so does it move? No, it does not and cannot move at all; hence the cosmos does not exist due to the fact that atoms, though they seem to move, do not move at all, just as our arrow, they do not move at all. haresh : Is it important to study all this learn all this? Just doing sadhna wont do the work? tatasthaa (4:53:33 PM): aw, i thought i was going somewhere.. but i am still standing still !!!!!! hahahaha, haresh ji don't u worry, just chant his name . cusp : hehe...when there is no second entity, how can any action take place...and when there is no action, there is nothing acted there is no meaning for act or actor or acted upon. bindu : So the self hides from himself so he can get the joy of finding himself in himself again and again!. However, who is the doer is the question an advaitin will ask. tatasthaa : krishna krishna krishna krishna. bindu : yes, Krishna. haresh : krishnaaa - mere shyamu sundaraa! tatasthaa : Another salient point is, She sakti has a tention that is called vibration bindu : No haresh it is not necessary to know all this, or to be a jnani.... but devotion is necessary He himself has said my devotees will come to Me no one else will. So your devotion can go to ParamAtma or remain totally devoted as you are able - give your all. It is all according to the being you are; but some need the full picture as i have given. haresh : thank you ji, and others? cusp jai tatasthaa : A summation might be: In the ParamAtma there is no distance, the empty total ParamAtma massive power exists. so this massive power fills infinity...that massive power is called Kali....all dynamism is attributed to Shakti ...that could be called a vibration; so far so good. haresh : jai ho nishu ji ki. bindu : the emptinesss is the potential - it is in comprehensible power cusp : oh, prabhu ji, The tree in the seed - The potential. bindu : m tatasthaa : it is the flashing in and out of existence of Sri-Krishna bindu : m tatasthaa : So: In the ParamAtma there is no distance, in the empty total ParaAtma massive power exists. so this massive power fills infinity...that massive power is called Kali....all dynamism is attributed to Shakti ...that could be called a is the flashing in and out of existence of Sri-Krishna. tatasthaa : why in and out ji, why it is not just a constant? bindu : You could say appearing and disappearing or the creation and dissolution if you want. tatasthaa : ohhh, ok. bindu : Or you could say it neither exists nor does not exist, since at a given phase of vibration it is not yet manifest as the next phase and the last phase is gone - hence what we see is already over, because time has passed so nothing is seen at all, because we are seeing the past. Light takes aeons to reach us from Alpha-Centauri for example. It also takes time from the screen to your eye\brain; so what you are seeing has gone already; so you are seeing nothing at al, OM! cusp : true..hehe we believe this for distant stars generally. bindu : IN the NOW before time, HE exists; NO ONE ELSE. Fallen : But we always see something. bindu (5:06:47 PM): Fallen it becomes this as it folds back into Him, hence it appears and resolves back into Him. cusp (5:06:58 PM): Stars that we see in the sky may not exist at this present moment, because the light from the star takes thousands of years to reach us... bindu : yes. tatasthaa : yes ananda.. bindu : Always the past tata. cusp : Similar is the case with what we see around. only the thousands of years is boiled down to zillionths of a second. tatasthaa : Yes and it would have moved.. we are just seeing the light. bindu : Yes, light\love is HIM. In Upanishad it says: "He is the light of light. He is that which lights up light Fallen (5:07:59 PM): he is not material light..... bindu : Material light is always reflection fallen, but the manifestation of physical reality has been proven to arise from light in the heart of the atom, So he pops as photons in atoms, but the photons only create matter when they collide so there must have been a first Photon to start it all in the 1st place, if that, then the light lighting that first photon arose in and from Him So HE IS LOVE\LIGHT! and atoms are built up from the photons; so science proves he exists! Again He is triumphant. bindu : Imagine, between all atoms is space, it is therefore connected to other space in all other supposed separate atoms, they are not separate nor is the non-existent ONE so Sri-Krishna in the Absolute Para-Brahman also, Om. He is invincible. Jai Sri _Krishna! cusp : jai tatasthaa : jai Radhe haresh : jai Radhe! tatasthaa : So does that mean Krishna comes and goes.. and we cannot see him ,, but just a trace that he has been there cusp (5:11:20 PM): He is a thief bindu : Yes tata.. cusp : Oh in fact we are always seeing him...we disappear along with Krishna and reappear with Him. bindu : yes that is right exactly cusp. So who are you? The Self is HIM. He is in all of US, He is the conscious ONE cusp (5:12:18 PM): He is the i. lol. Fallen : bindu, The Self is Him? haresh : He is going so we are also going because Krishna is within us cusp : not self prabhu, Self - Self with a capital "S" tatasthaa : But where do we disappear? cusp : the world of words is fun. tatasthaa : where does he disappear to? bindu : He does not disappear and appear elsewhere as the entire cosmos (which is all wheres and all places disappears along with Him, so we die until we realise Him. cusp : oh ma, we go into nothingness aka the transcendental, so we use the word disappear. I thought we are dead until we realise. Or rather we think we are dead hehe Krishna tatasthaa : Only Krishna is conscious! Fallen : We cannot disappear we always exist. tatasthaa : We are always in unconsciousness till we realise Him. When we realise, we can run with Him or rather we realise that we are running with Him. bindu : Now i will tell you a great secret bindu : think now about Time. cusp : see the past and future in the present. bindu : To Him any Time no matter how long is an almost invisible speck .. (THIS IS WHY WE think time is passing) it is why there seems to be seconds ... but before even a nanosecond is passed, the whole cosmos has gone and come many times (TO HIM), though these seem like microseconds. TO HIM. So we think a second passed, but who is the Conscious ONE? He is. cusp : haha...reminds me of the turtle.: or the snail, should i say. bindu : So in reality those seconds are ages long, we do not know it, But "HE DOES"! tatasthaa : but when we call Krishna.. he will hear it immediately because it is His name. bindu : The universe has come and gone trillions of times since we began this conversation! cusp : jai! bindu : SO then, Time - ALL OF IT is IN HIM, it is spread out in him Like a blanket. He transcends it totally. OM Jai Sri _ram Fallen : we do not have to say his name for him to listen tata...... bindu : Now who can refute these great truths here? No one. He is The Truth ONLY Fallen : keep your spirit up, i must go, Radha-Krishna. tatasthaa : jai radhe Krishna, jai radhe fallen ji, take care - jai radhe bindu : bye now, fallen. haresh (5:20:34 PM): radhe shyam fallen pprabhu ji bindu : so, are there any more questions? tatasthaa : ji, still iam not clear. but i will write down some doubts and ask u bindu (5:23:07 PM): sure cusp (5:23:21 PM): jai tatasthaa (5:23:29 PM): so one didn't become many? The One is still One; He is still one but he appears to be many as he moves quickly. bindu : Of course. cusp : ma the one is many but not many. lol he is one only! tatasthaa : jai, hehe, me is filled with Krishna, therefore my head is heavy. bindu : yes cusp, but watch out here: HE IS YOU YOU ARE NOT NOT NOT HIM. see? tatasthaa : yes ji bindu : An old saying goes bindu : You are He who is without thou! tatasthaa : i am him. but he is not me. bindu : NO. cusp : some one said : self-realization is - The death while being alive of that which lives after death bindu : He is you you are not Him. tatasthaa : He is me and i am not him. cusp : He is the you that imagines who you yourself the you, you imagine yourself to be, cannot be he. bindu : A good way to say it cusp, yes tata that is it. The attitude we must have inside ourselves because we live is this>>>>>> Pranams to Thou Oh Lord of My OWN Heart never say I never say me Say only Thou to Him- THOU. see? He is the lord you are not. so say Thou oh great lord .... Thou and only thou not ME, not I - Thou. See? cusp (: jai bindu : me? who is that? never heard of him. bindu : He lives in our own hearts as The Self, He ALONE EXISTS, so that same Self in all is Him cusp : hehe jaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! bindu : so have the attitude like this to all beings also. tatasthaa : IF I EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE I WILL CEASE TO EXIST! but since i never existed how can i cease to exist? HE ALONE EXISTS!! bindu : now see this, it will kill everyone. The Fruit of Realization tatasthaa : BUT JI IF THIS I IS OF HIM IT WILL EXIST FOREVER AND ETERNALLY bindu : read this tatasthaa (: BUT THIS I IS HIM. bindu : read, however you are right but He is The Master The i only exists because you live. when you die you will realize Him. tatasthaa : WHY THINK LIKE THAT JI? WHERE IS THIS I IN THE BODY? CAN WE POINT TO A CERTAIN PART? No! bindu : what body? Where?? tatasthaa : THIS I IS HIM This I is him ji bindu : he transcends existence tatasthaa : The Self is I, He is I, therefore one cannot take away the I or you - as long He exists I and you will exist bindu : Yes The Self is but you are not, You are not Him, He is you, but that one refereed to as not Mim but "ME" is the Jiva so be careful here. tatasthaa : ok ji. Thank you for wonderful explanation ji! Very nice bindu : one must be very careful with this tata tatasthaa : Jai radhe krishna, yes ji. bindu : Jai tatasthaa : Jai radhe bindu : What happens is this: He speaks, it is recorded in the log file. i know not what he will say, so now we have a gift from Him, which i will edit and make available tatasthaa : jai cusp (5:36:32 PM): jai tatasthaa : jai radhe haresh ji, Jai radhe ananda - i better get going.. bindu : see you tata tatasthaa : jai radhe krishna bindu : Namaste JI, Jai Hare Bol! tatasthaa : Jai radhe krishna cusp : Jagadananda Jai haresh : jai bindu : Jai Jai Jai Jai Jai Jai bindu : Sri Ram haresh : shyamu mei tuje mal mal ke nilaoon@prabhu ji haresh such a nice bhajan@prabhu ji Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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