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The Lord Of Time

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The Lord Of Time


Who will know what I am?

I who have thrown the cosmos into infinity

Like a scattered bag of marbles

Into the playground of myself.


One knows me on the wings of the breath

of a god who has lived forever.

Yet to me that forever is but a moment

And the god flings out existence on those wings.


It seems the in-breath lasts no time at all

Before the out-breath begins yet again.

In mere moments eternity has passed

While the Universe dies and is born on my breath.


Endless ages unfold endlessly

But I am before and after them all.

To Me eternity is a mere speck

While light blasts out of me!


Yet moments, hours, days and years

Follow one-on-another infinitely.

Seeming to last as long as it takes

But they are nothing in me.


You see, you feel, you experience - Time

Looking ahead, looking behind.

Who understands Me before

Beginning to know Time's unfolding?


An infinitesimally short -

halt of the clock , hidden in Now, I am.

Can you not see that those moving

Though they move eternally, to Me do not come?


Aeons pass, these to Me are not

Neither do they exist, because I am beyond.

All that seems to exist, though existing eternally

Cannot surpass my duration

For I am Forever, and beyond.


Yet I have not been, nor shall I

For I was never not, to begin.

Yet events seem to unfold and you are lost again

Looking forward, looking back.


Sitting in the ashram meditating on me

Lying on your bed contemplating me

Watching your breath, and Mind.

Beginning and ending that practice.


Time is passing, you think -

Measuring the moments by Time.

Looking back, looking forward

You do not know eternity to Me, is over.


Before it begun, before it was

Longer than eternity, more than a moment.

Impossibly longer than Time

Though you do not know a single breath.

Each breath comes swiftly, followed by another

Each moment disappears whence it came.

Who knows those short specks?

Perhaps each is an eternity to Me?


Before a moment in Me passes

The Universe becomes and dies.

Though one would think Time has passed

Time no matter how long, to Me is nothing.


Moments seem therefore, to extend

Time seems to be, yet it isn't!

Yet you are lost in Me, lost in Time!

Come, look at a moment, Who am I?


What is that thing you call Time?

That in which moments unfold.

In which things are, then are no more

What is that to Me? Nothing, it was not.


Before it was, I was, who else could see this?

How could an unfolding be known - except by one beyond?

You watch time become, yet you think it passes

How can that be, when always there is you?


The riddle is; Who is this You?

What passes when moments go, who watches ?

Always in the Now, beyond Time

Watching it unfold, Lost in Time!


Thinking something must occur

When you realize Me, as if I am in Time.

It cannot, because I am beyond those moments

requiring but an infinitesimal halt to the Clock.


A mere glimpse, a tiny breach in times fabric.

An aberration of Mind, suspended cognition.

Recognition of extended infinity

Being expanded omnipresently.


Omniscient Atman meditating as Time

Knowing any duration of Time is lost.

Lost in infinity, meditate forever

Or realize I am beyond Time!


Watch the moments unfold, know them eternally

Know that each breath lasts an Aeon.

Though each seems no time at all

Seeming this way, because you are eternal!


Each second an unfurled eternity

Each being a god in decay.

And the very Cosmos, Time's Being

Is no more, nor ever was!


But who will know Me

Knowing beginning in the unknown?

Yet I am before Time

After there is only Me!


It is I, who am the knower of the moments.

I, who am the knower of the knowing.

I, before a seconds tick,

Beyond, though my heart beats for years.


Living, though I never was

countless beings live and die in Me.

They, measuring life by moments

Do not understand.


Who can see that Sadhana is over at the end of a moment.

Who can know that Time began again, on the in-breath.

It seems a moment no matter how long has duration

To Me it is so little that it is non-existent


Therefore know that a moment -

No matter how small or great -

Is really eternal, containing the Cosmos

Supported by the total, in that moment.


Who will know that I am The Omnipresent One?

Who sees I am The Eternal One?

Existing beyond, before and in between

I am the Consciousness of the Cosmos.


Knowing all, who will know what I am?

None, but The Omnipresent One.

Omniscient Atman, Time's Lord!


There flashing, a great light!

A true consciousness!

A bright bindu rides on the brow of god!

A seeming spark, yet infinite.


The enlightened Lord of himself

Birthing being, light pours forth into nothingness.

Sitting in himself, there The Great Siva-Lingum

Shines, unimaginable rays shoot forth.


Like a struck gong, a mighty star throbs!

Four rays begin as one, as if a great eye opens.

There seems a solar eclipse,

but the great shining eye engulfs it!


There stands Great Siva! There is Atman's form!

Yet beyond there is a light!

It is as if struck in the pitch-black of a nowhere;

Yet the light rays do not move, there is simply an extension.


The center is still, the arms of the rays are seen.

There is a dark bindu, light leaking from around the edges.

The light, holy beyond explaining

The source of Time, the source of light!


No more than this, is there to know.

To the end I have come!

Who will know Me? In myself?

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