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AMANITVAM {Value of Values first Value}

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Hari OM! Jai Poojya Gurudev! all Rishis of the Yore


Respected members,




Amanitvam is the first value, it is derived from the Sanskrit word Manah meaning

self respect, Self esteem, extending to coneit or haughtiness. Thus manah means

an exaggerated opinion about oneself. Manah does not imply that one is without

qualifications but rather that whatever qualifications one has loom large in

one's mind as worthy of respect and regard from others. The one who has manah is

a "maani" The addition of "Twam" to "Maani" creates the noun manitvam. which

stands for the essence of the quality. The prefix A.. negates the

meaning of the

word So it is Amanitvam indicates the absence of self worshipfulness.


What causes me to make a demand for respect upon others? The cause is

not found in my solid respect for my own qualifications although

qualifications I may indeed have in good measure; but the cause is

found in a deep underlying doubt in my mind about my own

qualifcations. When I am completely certain that I have in full

measure the qualifications that I claim, I have no need to demand

other's respect for those qualifications. No matter how strange and

polysyllabic my name is. I don't demand respect from others for my

ability to spell my name. Inface commendation for this skill would be

insulting for one. I take for granted this ability and do not concern

my self with it.


Manitvam arises because I am doubtful about my qualifications.


Usually demand for respect leads to hurt, People give respect to

others for various reasons, because the person to whom the expression

is made is in a position of power, in such cases if the position comes

to an end, then the respect also goes away. Othertimes respect is

given because of the genuine appreciation of qualities in the other

person. However, respect voluntarily given is the subject to the whim

of the giver. What he finds convenient to give one day may be too much

the next day. Also the giver may cause his respectfullness if it is

not given back to him in kind. If he too has an ego that requries

extravagant support he may find it deflating to extend to another

without return in kind so he stops. A relationship in which there is

such a mutual demand for respect is likely to become a tuf of war all

the time. Hurt is the usual end result of the demand for respect.Hurt

is always a monkey's wound, Hurt is basically because of one's own

bloated ego.



We can say Amanitvam as Humility and humbleness,qualifications of a

person should speak for themselves, it is fine to have the abilites

and use them, One's attitude towards his accomplishments should be

like a flowering bush toward its blossoms. The bush simply blooms

because it is meant to bloom. It demands no respect and it calims no



Maanitvam is displaced when its foolishness is seen, If one can take

the time to analyse the factors involved, to see clearly, that

demanding respect from others cannot possibly bring me much comfort or

satisfaction, in spite of the reality of my qualifications, the we

have the value "Amanitvam". There are so many factors behind an

achievement, I cannot really say I created any of them. When you look

at the facts, this acheivement or accomplishments is because of

certain opportunities or certain skills which are provided to me at

the right time, it is given to us. For whatever ablities I seems to

have I shouldbe grateful. My demand for respect from others will go

away when I see its foolishness.



By analysing we may say that, we should try to see things as they are,

When someone fails to respond to me in the way in which I would have

them respond, I just watch my own reactions and think about the

senselessness of my expectations in all their 100% absurdity, Actually

what I really want is not an expression of respect from others, but

because such an expression will make me feel more comfartable about

myself. The real problem here is the basic feeling of inadequacy and

self doubt which is made worse not better by harbouring manitvam.


Ego only goes under the light of certain understanding and Ego can be

kept to the minimum useful level, which is necessary to conduct our

day to day affairs, Once we realise the foolishness of "Manitvam" we

will have the value of "AMANITVAM"


With Love & OM!


Krishna Prasad

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