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Acharyopasanam{Value of Values}- to Shri Bhaskar Prabhu-ji!

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Shri Bhaskar Prabhu-ji !


Season's Greetings!


First of all, let me take this opportunity to thank you for taking

the extra time and efforts to translate Sanskrit words into English

for the benefit of non-sanskrit knowing members . ( complying with

the requests of Lady Joyce and shri Dennis-ji)!


Bhaskar-ji, i must place on record my admiration for your great

devotion to your guru and his UPADESHA!



'Acharyavaan Purusho veda' (Chandogya upanishads)


'Only the one who has a Guru attains Self realization'.


Shri Sureshvaracharya in his Vartikam (commentary)

entitled 'Manasollasa' on the Dakshinamurthy stotra of Adi Shankara

proclaims the oneness of the supreme and the Guru -


Ishwaro Gururaatmeti Murti Bheda Vibhagine |

Vyomavat Vyaaptarupaaya Dakshinaamurtaye Namaha ||



There is no distinction between Ishwara, the Atman and the Teacher.


Also, in Taittriya Upanishads , in the chapter on Siksha Valli, the

Teacher advises the student at the conclusion of the study ...


satyaM vada - Speak the Truth.


dharmaM chara . Practise Virtue. (righteousness)


svaadhyaayaanmaa pramadaH . Do not neglect your daily Study.


aachaaryaaya priyaM dhanamaahR^itya - Offer to the Teacher whatever

pleases him!


so, Prabhu-ji, it is so heartening for me to see you holding on to

you what believe to be your Guru's teachings and that is a great

start! and i am pleased to see you sharing his instructions on

Shankara's philosophy with all of us in this forum! Whether we all

agrree with you or not is of no consequence! what is important is ,

Yoyu believe in Your guru and his teachings and that is what is






shadangAdi vedo mukhe shAstra vidya,kavitvAdi gadyam supadyam karo ti

manaschennalagnam gurOrangripadme tataHkim tataHkim tataHkim tataH



The Vedas with their six auxiliaries and knowledge of sciences may be

on the one's lips; one may have the gift of poesy; and may compose

good prose and poetry;but if one's mind be not attached to the lotus

feet of the Guru what thence, what thence, what thence, what thence?


on this day dedicated to Guru, IT IS MY PLEASURE TO SHARE ALL THESE



Guru brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devoh Maheswaraha

Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Shree Guruve Namaha


Guru is Brahma; Guru is the Vishnu; Guru is Shiva

Guru is the Absolute Brahman incarnate. Obeisance to Guru!


Aum Sri Gurave Namaha!

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Namaste adi_shakthi,


thanks for your email....


yes...it's necessary to have a Guru....

i think even the Guru is praying everyday to the Guru of Guru's..


let's continue praying...


with love



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praNAm mAtAji

Hare Krishna


Thanks for all your kind words...yes, without guru karuNa I am

nothing....HIS is all ...mine is nothing...


dvaMdvAtItam, gagana sadrushaM kEvalaM jnAna mUrthiM ...Humble prostrations

unto lotus feet of my beloved parama guruji H.H. Sri SatchidAnandEndra

Saraswati & my beloved guruji Sri Sri Ashwatha Narayana Avadhani & Sri Sri

Chandramouli Avadhani.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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