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Dear Lord of the world, I would like to write of you

Not for my own vainglory, but for you. Please allow this.


Having lived much in this world, which is also you

Please make me forget myself and remember only you.


Having seen the fragmentation of your Dharma,

please use me as your tool.


Over the years I have noticed your Will

Operating in what appears to be my life

There is the realization that is not my life

and never was.


Since I was small, Dear Lord, life has continually shown me

That there is not any possibility of communication with you

If I do not exist, hence there is the requisite of language

If the truth of your existence be made known here in this world.


Dear Lord, some of those reading this already know you, and some may

only know a little,

Yet others may know nothing what-so-ever about you;

for all these and for my own heart I pray that you allow this day to

be your revelation.



The Gayatri Mantra


Om Bhur Bhuvah swah;

Om tat savitur varenyam

Bhago devasya dhimahi

dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.





We meditate on the supreme effulgence

Of the three universes.

May it enlighten our consciousness.



Oh Great Lord, by the very fact of your existence, the light of your

own consciousness comes into being as infinite light revealing itself

to no one but you.


Oh Lord by reference to you, and by the implication of you existing

as the knower of this supreme consciousness all these myriad forms

appear as if by magic in you.


They appear with infinite variation snowflake-like; yet all are of

one light shining in consciousness, - lit up by The One Self; just as

a man may note the infinite variety of the snowflakes, the snowflakes

are all of one snow.


May the truth of your great being be set down here, may not confusion

result and may it be clear to all.


All white – The Snow…..

The same --- there is no difference;

Difference consists in appearance only..

Difference lies in mistaking the individual for the snow.



Oh great Lord, the same it is with mankind –

Mistaking itself for The One – mankind does not see;

Nor does the individual know –

Neither One, nor all know the Sameness –

The Oneness of your single-consciousness.



Who am I ?


Oh Great Lord, men would like to know who you are, but this desire is

given them by you, yet they mistake it for their own.


You gave them this desire, because the very fact of your existence

manifests the question, which asks who am I? -- in your

transcendental being, hence variety of being and form is manifested

in you and seeks to define you.


Each single speck, each single object, each single being --- from the

very smallest to the greatest –

>From the very simple to the most complex --- every single existent

thing and being, in and on every level. Along with the realms and

levels and paths of life upon which these exist, come into being,

disappear and die as if they never were……


Each single speck, each single object, each single being --- is but

a statement in you ---

A tried-on attempted definition of You, that You create to be

yourself but You soon find that no creation has any hope of being the

definitive ultimate definition of Who - or what You are, because you

are the creator of all that exists….


Yet Great Lord you do not willingly create them; These spring up

spontaneously due to the fact of the Sakti existing in the

Transcendental Absolute as the potential --- as the primordial

omnipotent power of the unformed moment, pregnant ---- existing as

the mother of the Universe …… out of which and within which are

manifested all these forms.


But Grandfather of truth, it is you who are conscious of these as

they come into being in you….. So Great Lord the question enters our

hearts upon the moment of conception….


Oh Great Grand Father of the world, who are You?

>From countless ages past, this questioning entity has driven the

chariot of existence, asking: Who am I? Who is the Lord? How did I

come here? Where do I go? Who made the 1st one like me? We look

backward into the distant past and the evidence of our history, shows

that we have evolved, but the question remains how did consciousness

spring up in an empty world?


For aeons we have invented scenarios to explain how we came, great

hypothetical dogmas have rang out in all ages, Gods have been lifted

up by men and discarded in the thousands…. Great tides of religion

and consciousness have lashed a wounded world, and scarred the race

of men, such that they do not trust each other - even though they are

of one flesh and one form … just as the snowflake is of one snow.


Oh Great Grandfather, please make the way forward clear to us this




For countless ages men have named you …. Inventing countless names

and attaching meaning to each, which was dependant upon or explained

one principal which they saw as active in the world, giving different

definitions and meanings relative to the noted event, or equivalent

process noted in the day-to-day existence and living of life.


Oh Great Lord, Names, Names, Names, uncountable numbers of words;

divided into countless syllables; Names given to things; to objects,

to places; and to each being…… each name, each word -- an attempt at

description – no one ever realized that you were the thinking ONE….


No one ever guessed Great Grandfather of the all the world, that all

those words were created by you yourself as attempts to define who

you are, or had become when an object or event was perceived in a

mind by you.


Men walked the earth, each eye seeing from a different point of view,

the same things. Each mind like an indwelling eye, interpreting what

was seen according to the effect the environment would have upon the

point of view.


Oh Great Lord, No-one saw that the different beings were merely you

yourself, seen from a different point of view; as if the viewing

consciousness had focused in a different way thru different colored

cellophane, making it seem that there were countless permutations of

your consciousness, oh Great Lord when in reality they were of one

Consciousness…. Just as the snowflake is of one snow……


These myriad minds sprung up from different perspectives of self,

flash and sparkle like gems in sunlight but the light flashing out,

revealing what is perceived in them is You yourself Oh Great Lord….

In each there is no Self … there is only you in all…. So today please

tell us who you are…..



The Lord Of Time


Who will know what I am?

I who have thrown the cosmos into infinity

Like a scattered bag of marbles

into the playground of myself.



Could that one who knows me be anyone but myself, since I am the ALL-



One knows me on the wings of the breath

of a god who has lived forever.

Yet to me that forever is but a moment

and the god flings out existence on those wings.



You men have spoken of me as the Krishna – as the lord of Time --- as

Siva, Maheshvara etc.. names which indicate particular states,

qualities, and manifestations of the One in its descent towards the

many; for there are many Rudras. His names are many, 1,008 being

given in the sixty-ninth chapter of the Shiva Purana, and in the

seventeenth chapter of the Anushasana Parvan of the Mahabharata.


But as said above, all those names and words, along with the worlds

and realms in which the connotations of each one has predominance,

were created by me, "IN" me. All were said by me in the form of you.

Each arose spontaneously in time due to my interaction with myself.

But you thought you were the actor, and therefore the creator of them…


It seems the in-breath lasts no time at all

before the out-breath begins yet again.

In mere moments eternity has passed

While the Universe dies and is born on my breath.



If I am The Infinite formless one, wherefore does my breath arise and

in what? How can the primordial Spanda Sakti Vibrate in what? Between

what and what does or can it occur? What vibrates? What pulses in I

who exist beyond forever? What causes the Pranavam… (the primordial A-



Oh Great Grand Father, is it not apparent that you yourself are the

Pranavam? Are you not the un-struck sound manifesting as ParamAtma?

The realization of which is caused by the Soul turning to you?






Endless ages unfold endlessly

but I am before and after them all.

To Me eternity is a mere speck

While light blasts out of me!



What is this unfolding, but my very existence existing? Is not this

light, which seems to come out of Me, existing in Me eternally,

before and after what was framed in the light of consciousness?



Yet moments, hours, days and years

follow one-on-another infinitely.

Seeming to last as long as it takes

but they are nothing in me.



Time passes, Time may end, but all that passes, passes in Me, am I

not the observer of the clock? Compared to I who am the Eternal One,

knowing all, what is a moment or many ages of ages? Nothing – nothing

at all --- like nothing compared to emptiness.


However what is not understood, is that that which is beyond

definition, has not yet nor ever will be defined, hence it is like

nothing… Yet conscious!!! Why? How is it possible to know of it or

talk of it, unless it is known? And if know - to whom is it know

except I The Self -- who am able to imagine it?



You see, you feel, you experience - Time

Looking ahead, looking behind.

Who understands Me before

beginning to know Time's unfolding?



There in the middle --- in the centre of knowing, lies the seed of

knowing existing as intent to know (otherwise known as Will)…Who

might that be --- since knowing is not yet known, that one must to

all intents be infinite, as there is not yet definition since Time

has not yet arisen.


An infinitesimally short -

halt of the clock , hidden in Now, I am.

Can you not see that those moving

Though they move eternally, to Me do not come?



Here in the centre I am … today I will say I am Krishna, tomorrow I

may say I am Yahweh or Lord Buddha, Allah also!


Aeons pass, these to Me are not

Neither do they exist, because I am beyond.

All that seems to exist, though existing eternally

Cannot surpass my duration

For I am Forever, and beyond.



It is written in Upanishad that I create the world, then my Sakti

goes down into the world and enters all the females, I then come and

enter all the males, and begin embracing her in all the beings.




Quote from Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad



1. In the beginning this was Self alone, in the shape of a

person (purusha). He looking round saw nothing but his Self. He first

said, 'This is I;' therefore he became I by name. Therefore even now,

if a man is asked, he first says, 'This is I,' and then pronounces

the other name which he may have. And because before (purva) all

this, he (the Self) burnt down (ush) all evils, therefore he was a

person (pur-usha). Verily he who knows this, burns down every one who

tries to be before him.


2. He feared, and therefore any one who is lonely fears. He

thought, 'As there is nothing but myself, why should I fear?' Thence

his fear passed away. For what should he have feared? Verily fear

arises from a second only.


3. But he felt no delight. Therefore a man who is lonely feels

no delight. He wished for a second. He was so large as man and wife

together. He then made this his Self to fall in two (pat), and thence

arose husband (pati) and wife (patni). Therefore Yagnavalkya

said: 'We two are thus (each of us) like half a shell. ' Therefore

the void which was there, is filled by the wife. He embraced her, and

men were born.


4. She thought, how can he embrace me, after having produced me

from himself? I shall hide myself.' She then became a cow, the other

became a bull and embraced her, and hence cows were born. The one

became a mare, the other a stallion; the one a male ass, the other a

female ass. He embraced her, and hence one-hoofed animals were born.

The one became a she-goat, the other a he-goat; the one became a ewe,

the other a ram. He embraced her, and hence goats and sheep were

born. And thus he created everything that exists in pairs, down to

the ants. (the modern version would be germs\virii due to the fact

that in the days when this was written they did not have microscopes)


5. He knew, 'I indeed am this creation, for I created all this.'

Hence he became the creation, and he who knows this lives in this,

his creation.


End Quote:

>From this is born the idea of Radhe-Krishna, Siva-Sakti, Bhairava-

Bhairavi and all the other permutations and descriptions of Godhead.


Yet I have not been, nor shall I ever be.

For I was never not, to begin.

Yet events seem to unfold and you are lost again

looking forward, looking back.



The moment you look for me you are lost. The moment you look at

yourself you are lost The moment you think I am somewhere else other

than in your own heart you are lost. All these lost states are cause

by the fact that, the one who seeks me as you, is myself!


This means I am existing disguised as you, so when you seek me

elsewhere but in your own heart, you cannot go anywhere at all but

into a deluded state in which you think you will find me existing in

an imaginary place.


But how can anywhere you appear to be going be the place you find me,

if I am the one seeking myself disguised as you?


Since Time itself appears as Me and all that passes, passes in Me,

what will appear cannot be other than Me myself, hence what you will

find when you find Me is Myself! I The One who never left!


Sitting in the ashram meditating on me

Lying on your bed contemplating me

watching your breath, and Mind.

Beginning and ending that practice.



Nothing is occurring, since it is but myself!


Nothing – nothing at all --- like nothing compared to emptiness.


Time is passing, you think -

Measuring the moments by Time.

Looking back, looking forward

you do not know that to me, eternity is over.



What can pass in I who am the all in all? Nothing…..


Nothing – nothing at all --- like nothing compared to emptiness.


Before it begun, before it was

Longer than eternity, more than a moment.

Impossibly longer than Time

Though you do not know, a single breath.


Each breath comes swiftly, followed by another

Each moment disappears whence it came.

Who knows those short specks?

Perhaps each is an eternity to Me?


Before a moment in Me passes

The Universe becomes and dies.

Though one would think Time has passed

Time no matter how long, to Me is nothing.


Nothing – nothing at all --- like nothing compared to emptiness.


Moments seem therefore, to extend

Time seems to be, yet it isn't!

Yet you are lost in Me, lost in Time!

Come, look at a moment, Who am I?


For a moment I am Sri Krishna! For another Yahweh… in another tick

Allah… again I am The Buddha


What is that thing you call Time?

That in which moments unfold.

In which things are, then are no more

What is that to Me? Nothing, it was not.


Nothing – nothing at all --- like nothing compared to emptiness.


Before it was, I was, who else could see this?

How could an unfolding be known - except by one beyond?

You watch time become, yet you think it passes

How can that be, when always there is you?


The riddle is; who is this You?

What passes when moments go, who watches?

Always in the Now, beyond Time

Watching it unfold, Lost in Time!


It is I the unknown One – existing in all beings as The Self!


Thinking something must occur

When you realize Me, as if I am in Time.

It cannot, because I am beyond those moments

requiring but an infinitesimal halt to the Clock.


Yet what will not stop, when nothing began?


Nothing – nothing at all --- like nothing compared to emptiness.


A mere glimpse, a tiny breach in Times fabric.

An aberration of Mind, suspended cognition.

Recognition of extended infinity -

Being expanded omnipresently.



Realization will come only with acceptance of Oneness. Only with

acceptance of The Self - not otherwise.


But devotion to God, to Sri-Krishna, to the Guru or whatever name you

give Me, is the only way to remove the limitations of the individual

mind. The reason for this is that the individual can only exist by

limitation --- the individual is like a cut out lump of stone from a

mountain it is made of the same stone, but it is not the mountain.


The limitations of the consciousness of the individual are what

define it AS an individual; hence it cannot ever realize me while it

thinks it exists. Nor will its intellect be able to understand me,

because I am the omniscience itself … Omniscience is all knowledge

(hence the individual has no knowledge it belongs to the

omnipresent) --- who but an omnipresence could be the knower of

omniscience? If that omnipresence is, then that which is known is

himself ….. this means the knower, knowledge and known are the Same




Omniscient ParamAtma meditating as Time

Knowing any duration of Time is lost.

Lost in infinity, meditate forever

Or realize I am beyond Time!



A being sits and meditates, he believes he is meditating… This is not

so at all… For even as we meditate until the final realization, there

is the idea that I am meditating; there is the consciousness the

meditation is taking place. Who has this consciousness? Who is aware

of meditating?


It might be said that when a being goes into Samadhi he becomes

unaware of the world and has therefore entered the Para-Brahman, but

this is not so… That man loses consciousness of the world around him

and may even lose all awareness of even existing. But this is not

final realization.


The state of no-mind and hence no consciousness, is merely a state of

ignorance dormant in itself. Realization consists in consciousness of

all states and modes from within all states and modes of

consciousness. It is full-blown consciousness of consciousness, it is

not Unconsciousness.


Recognition of the true nature of the Lord (Today we will call Him

Sri Krishna..) existing as Time (remember Krishna showed Arjuna his

cosmic form which exists as Time Arjuna saw him eating up everything

and became terrified)



Watch the moments unfold, know them eternally

Know that each breath lasts an Aeon.

Though each seems no time at all

Seeming this way, because you are eternal!



Do not fear The Lord who is your own Self, But do not think you are

him. Thinking YOU are him is projecting who YOU think YOU are upon

him. This is called the superimposition of selfhood (i.e ego) upon

the Absolute….


What remains projected by him upon your death, or the death of all of

us is the ParamAtma ….. Lord Sri Krishna Existing as all this,

knowing and in disguise as all the beings.



Each second an unfurled eternity

Each being a god in decay.

And the very Cosmos, Time's Being

Is no more, nor ever was!



But know also that the ParamAtma cannot be known except that The Self

come into being and exist within the living, as the indwelling self.



But who will know Me

Knowing beginning in the unknown?

Yet I am before Time

After there is only Me!



I am the knower of myself, I realize myself in myself as myself. NO

one else can realize me this is why no one can know another's

thoughts, or experience another's love or pain.. There is but One



This is the paradox of knowledge., but Love is the bridge to

omniscience, because transcendental love is the key to the Intellect

of the Self.


It is I, who am the knower of the moments.

I, who am the knower of the knowing.

I, before a seconds tick,

Beyond, though my heart beats for years.



Asking who is Sri Krishna? Who is Radhe Maa? Who am I? You cannot

know at all, unless you understand my unity. Understanding this you

will know I am the Self.


Living, though I never was

countless beings live and die in Me.

They, measuring life by moments

do not understand.



As long as you dwell in the body and refer to it as yourself, as long

as you refer to I and call that yourself, you will be bound by

duration and time passing, because in your decision to BE, you limit



Who can see that Sadhana is over at the end of a moment.

Who can know that Time began again, on the in-breath.

It seems a moment no matter how long has duration

To Me it is so little that it is non-existent.



Who must do Sadhana? No one but the one who thinks he Is. No one but

the one who exists.


Therefore know that a moment -

No matter how small or great -

Is really eternal, containing the Cosmos

Supported by the total, in that moment.



Asking who is Sri Krishna? Who is Radhe Maa? Who am I? You cannot

know at all, unless you understand my unity. Understanding this you

will know I am The Self. Manifested as the ParamAtma. Having names

without number. Displaying a variety within me that is so great that

it will never be possible to count it.


Who will know that I am The Omnipresent One?

Who sees I am The Eternal One?

Existing beyond, before and in between

I am the Consciousness of the Cosmos.


Knowing all, who will know what I am?

None, but The Omnipresent One.

Omniscient Atman, Time's Lord!


There flashing, a great light!

A true consciousness!

A bright bindu rides on the brow of god!

A seeming spark, yet infinite.


A Quote from Tirumantirum


2689: When the Lights of Siva and Shakti Blend in Jiva Light As unto

the Light of Lord That in Him reposes; Is the Light of His Shakti

Grace, When the three lights Sun, Moon and Fire Within shines by Yoga

Way, The Lord, indeed, nears you, As one Light in your inner Light.


2690: Lord's Light and Jiva's Light Merge Within The Light within is

but Jiva; The Lord too who stood within was a great Light Effulgent;

Flashing as lightning in the astral sphere, That Light with Shakti's

Light and Jiva's Light into one merged.


2691: Dancing in the Darkness of Pasa, Siva Light Enters Ummara

Shakti The Lord that is Light Effulgent, Entering the dark arena of

Pasa Dances as Light in that darkness; As the Forehead-Eyed God thus

dances, He as Light Effulgent in Ummara Shakti merged.


2692: Siva's Light Becomes Sakti's Light of Grace Those who thus went

by the Secret Way of Yoga, Reached Sakti of dark fragrant tresses;

Primal Parai She is; One with Lord of Celestial's Light She is; -The

Light beyond the Pure Void; That Light of Her forever dispelled

Pasa's creeping darkness.


2693: Even Skeptics Can Reach that Light if they Seek in

Devotion "God there is; God there is none" Thus the men of world

diverse hold; Will they who hold "Primal there is none," Ever reach

Siva State? Even they who say, "We saw not God" If in devotion stand,

He as Light Effulgent in them is; He the Light of Astral Sphere

(Chidambaram) within.


2694: He Who Receives Siva's Light Becomes Jivan Mukta, Rid of Mayaic

Darkness The light Effulgent that glows afar Is the Lord that spreads

His beams as unto the Sun; When He the Maya's darkness dispels, Jiva

in this body, a Jnani-Renunciate becomes (Jivan Mukta).

2695: Jiva Purified by Siva's Light Unites in Him His Holy Form is of

shimmering coral-hue; He wears the holy ashes pure white; He is

crimson as pure gold and coral ripe; He is the Primal Lord; When I,

dispelled of my darkness, Shone as coral red, He, the Dancing Lord,

In me in union stood.


End Quote


The one realizing this has Tirumantirum as the validation of the

truth of realization.

>From Sri-Jnaneshwari Chapter 11 verse 15.

(the numbers in brackets are references to Bhagavad-Gita)


Arjuna said:

15. Lord, I see, within your body, all gods and hosts of beings

of different species, Lord Brahma seated on his lotus seat, seers all

and Nagas divine.


Arjuna said:


0 Lord, glory to you! Because of your grace ordinary people like me

have been able to see your universal form (251-255). O my Master, you

did another good thing, which gave me great joy. It is that I saw

with my own eyes that you are the support of this created world.


O God just as there are forests inhabited by beasts on the plateau of

a mountain, I see on your body innumerable worlds. Like the cluster

of planets in the sky or birds' nests on a big tree, gods and heavens

are seen on your body.


O Lord, I see in your body all the gross elements as well as the

creatures which are their products (256-260).


So there is also Satyaloka in your body, and is he not the same god

Brahma? If I look in the other direction, I see Kailasa with Lord

Shiva and goddess Parvati in another part of your body. Not only

this, but, O Lord, I see you also in your body. The families of

Kashyapa and other seers and the nether world along with the Nagas

are also to be seen in your universal form. Why need I say more?


0 Lord of the universe, all the fourteen worlds seem to be portrayed

on the wall in the form of each one of your limbs and all the

innumerable denizens of these worlds are to be seen in these

portraits. I am thus beholding the fathomless glory of your being



The enlightened Lord of himself

Birthing being, light pours forth into nothingness.

Sitting in himself, there The Great Siva-Lingum

Shines, unimaginable rays shoot forth.


Like a struck gong, a mighty star throbs!

Four rays begin as one, as if a great eye opens.

There seems a solar eclipse,

but the great shining eye engulfs it!


There stands Great Siva! There is Atman's form!

Yet beyond there is a light!

It is as if struck in the pitch-black of a nowhere;

Yet the light rays do not move, there is simply an extension.


The center is still, the arms of the rays are seen.

There is a dark bindu, light leaking from around the edges.

The light, holy beyond explaining

The source of Time, the source of light!


No more than this, is there to know.

To the end I have come!

Who will know Me? In myself?

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excellent ! truly beautiful !




bindu <binduau wrote:



Dear Lord of the world, I would like to write of you

Not for my own vainglory, but for you. Please allow this.

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