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Sri Ramana on Nirvikalpa, Samadhi, Turiya

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Here is one quotation:






Question: "Is samadhi the same as Turiya, the fourth state?"


Sri Ramana Maharshi: "Samadhi, Turiya and nirvikalpa all

have the same implication, that is, awareness of the Self.

Turiya literally means the fourth state, the Supreme

Consciousness, as distinct from the other three states of

consciousness: waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. The

fourth state is eternal and the other three states come and go in it.

In Turiya there is the awareness that the mind has merged in its

source, the Heart, and is quiescent there, although some thoughts

still impinge on it and the senses are still somewhat active. In

nirvikalpa, the senses are inactive and thoughts are totally absent.

Hence the experience of Pure Consciousness in this state is intense

and blissful. Turiya is obtainable in savikalpa samadhi."


If any other quotations confirming or refuting the above are

known to any of the readers, kindly post them. Thanks.






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Sunderji, I have no quotations. I have only my strong and logical

conviction that all states are nothing but turIya just like all

ornaments are gold. There is only our ignorance between us and this

simple understanding. The experience part of all this (like samAdhi

of whatever denomination) is a real bonus and a reminder of /pointer

to this Truth.




Madathil Nair



advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh>



> In Turiya there is the awareness that the mind has merged in its

> source, the Heart, and is quiescent there, although some thoughts

> still impinge on it and the senses are still somewhat active. In

> nirvikalpa, the senses are inactive and thoughts are totally


> Hence the experience of Pure Consciousness in this state is intense

> and blissful. Turiya is obtainable in savikalpa samadhi."


> If any other quotations confirming or refuting the above


> known to any of the readers, kindly post them.

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Atman, distinct from the five sheaths (kosas), other than the three

bodies (sariras) witness of three states (avasthas).


There are three states of experience of the Jiva viz., the waking,

the dream and the deep sleep, corresponding to the three Gunas or

modes of Nature, namely Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas respectively. Nothing

else exists apart from that Infinite called Turiya the fourth, which

is the Eternal Witness of the waking state and the ego, identifying

itself with it and the gross body (and appearing as the intellectual

sheath), enjoying the subject, object and their relationship created

by Atman from the mindstuff and illumined by its own effulgence; and,

of the state of deep sleep sunk in which the ego remains dormant as

the sheath of bliss or casual body, experiencing ignorance and bliss.


It is Turiya, the Eternal Self, a Consciousness in which there is

no `I' or `mine'. It is Existence, Consciousness and Bliss Absolute.

It is one's own nature or Swarupa, which is Anandaghana or compacted

Bliss (of supreme Reality). When one knows this and relates the three

states to their Witness consciousness, by sublating them, the waking

state will be resolved into dream; dream will be merged into deep

sleep; and the deep sleep will be reduced to Turiya or Pure

Consciousness. Thus the three bodies, gross, subtle and casual are

also negated along with their respective three states of

Consciousness and the three gunas or modes of Nature corresponding to

them are also transcended; and one stays in his own true nature as

Turiya or Atman.

cdr bvn

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advaitin, "B VAIDYANATHAN"

<vaidyanathiyer> wrote:


> Atman, distinct from the five sheaths (kosas), other than the


> bodies (sariras) witness of three states (avasthas).

> .....




This however is incomplete for your description only reaches the

Saguna stage if that's the right word. Ramana says that Sat-Cit-

Ananada are qualities therefore it is qualitative and unreal

ultimately. Bliss of any kind is also an unreal impedimentary

experience of energy.

On bodiless Moksha the 'Creation' disappears and therefore could

never have happened the is only Nirguna............ONS...Tony.

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>From Talks:


617. "There are five states for the individual. They are:

(1) Jagrat, (2) Swapna, (3) Sushupti, (4) Turiya, (5) Turyatita. Of these

jagrat is the waking state. . . . . Deep sleep is nothing but the

experience of pure being. The three states [1,2 and 3] go by different

names, such as the three regions, the three forts, the three deities, etc.

The BEING always abides in the Heart.... If in the jagrat state the Heart

is not relinquished, the mental activities are stilled and Brahman alone is

contemplated, the state is called the TURIYA. Again, when the individual

merges in the Supreme it is called the TURYATITA. The vegetable kingdom is

always in sushupti; the gods (celestials) are always in Jagrat; man has all

three states; but the clear-sighted yoi abides only in the TURIYA, and the

highest yogi remains in TURYATITA alone."









Here is one quotation:






Question: "Is samadhi the same as Turiya, the fourth state?"


Sri Ramana Maharshi: "Samadhi, Turiya and nirvikalpa all

have the same implication, that is, awareness of the Self.

Turiya literally means the fourth state, the Supreme

Consciousness, as distinct from the other three states of

consciousness: waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. The

fourth state is eternal and the other three states come and go in it.

In Turiya there is the awareness that the mind has merged in its

source, the Heart, and is quiescent there, although some thoughts

still impinge on it and the senses are still somewhat active. In

nirvikalpa, the senses are inactive and thoughts are totally absent.

Hence the experience of Pure Consciousness in this state is intense

and blissful. Turiya is obtainable in savikalpa samadhi."


If any other quotations confirming or refuting the above are

known to any of the readers, kindly post them. Thanks.






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>From TALKS:


187. D. I maintain that the physical body of the man immersed in samadhi

as a result of the unbroken "contemplation" of the Self, may become

motionless for that reason. I may be active or inactive. The mind

established in such contemplation will not be affected by the movements of

the body or the senses; nor is disturbance of the mind the forerunner of the

physical activity. Whereas another person asserts that physical activity

certainly prevents Samadhi or unbroken contemplation. What is Bhagavan's

opinion? You are the abiding proof of my statement.


M. Both of you are right: you refer to sahaja nirvikalpa Samadhi and the

other refers to kevala nirvikalpa Samadhi. In the latter case the mind lies

immersed in the Light of the Self (whereas the mind lies in the darkness of

ignorance in deep sleep): and the subject makes a distinction between

Samadhi and activity after waking up from Samadhi. Moreover, activity of the

body, of the sight, of the vital forces, and of the mind and the cognizance

of objects, all these are obstructions for one who seeks to realise kevala

nirvikalpa Samadhi.

In sahaja samadhi, however, the mind has resolved into the Self and

has been lost. The differences and obstructions mentioned above do not,

therefore, exist here. The activities of such a Being are like the feeding

of a somnolent boy, perceptible to the onlooker but not to the subject. The

traveller sleeping in the moving cart is not aware of the motion of the

cart, because his mind is sunk in darkness; whereas the sahaja jnani

remains unaware of his bodily activities because his mind is dead, having

been resolved into the ecstasy of chidananda (bliss of Self).



1.mind alive 1.mind alive 1.mind dead


2 sunk in 2.sunk in light 2.resolved in

oblivion the Self


3 like a bucket 3.like a river

with the rope discharged into

left lying in the ocean and

water in a well. the identity



4.to be drawn 4.a river cannot

out by the be redirected

other end of from the ocean.

of the rope.











Here is one quotation:






Question: "Is samadhi the same as Turiya, the fourth state?"


Sri Ramana Maharshi: "Samadhi, Turiya and nirvikalpa all

have the same implication, that is, awareness of the Self.

Turiya literally means the fourth state, the Supreme

Consciousness, as distinct from the other three states of

consciousness: waking, dreaming and dreamless sleep. The

fourth state is eternal and the other three states come and go in it.

In Turiya there is the awareness that the mind has merged in its

source, the Heart, and is quiescent there, although some thoughts

still impinge on it and the senses are still somewhat active. In

nirvikalpa, the senses are inactive and thoughts are totally absent.

Hence the experience of Pure Consciousness in this state is intense

and blissful. Turiya is obtainable in savikalpa samadhi."


If any other quotations confirming or refuting the above are

known to any of the readers, kindly post them. Thanks.















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yes mr Tony you are right.When this Light of Turiya dawns at Its own

time, the darkness of the beginning-less ignorance will disappear

with out leaving any traces of it. (Realising his true nature as

Eternally Pure, Ever Enlightened, Eternally Free and Existence

Absolute) the illusion of Maya which is non-existent, as also the

bondage caused by it will perish. With the complete destruction of

ego sense as `I' and `mine', one will enjoy the ineffable peace (that

pass the all understanding), when he is established in his true

nature as Sachidananda Siva. Those who know call this Unexcelled or

Untrammelled Bliss and Self-Realisation. To stay established with the

firm and unshakable conviction that his real nature is Existence,

Consciousness, Bliss Absolute, after veiling darkness of primeval

Nescience has been dissolved by the grace of the Sadguru, who is

verily the Supreme Being pervading the entire indivisible cosmos, is

the mark of a Jivanmukta or a man liberated even while alive. In this

state, the Gnani (seeing everywhere the Non-dual Brahman and knowing

that the ignorance of the other jivas is also not real and they are

also ever liberated from the very beginning) considers all their

illusory superimpositions due to Maya as mere shadows and appearances

(and is not affected by them in the least).


cdr b vaidyanathan

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