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Crossing the Seas, Dharma Shastra & its applicability

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Dear Bhaskar prabhu Ji,

Humble praNAms.

>Bhaskar prabhu ji:-

>why dharma shAstra-s say A saNyAsi

>should not cross sea??





>From the viewpoint of the paramArtha, where is a

sanyasi (?), where is a sea (?) and where then comes

the question, whether a sanyasi may cross the seas or

not (?).


Clearly then, these are questions relevant from a

different viewpoint, with guiding principles from the



As we know, dharma in one place may be adharma in

another place. These were setup so as to be inline

with the psychological makeup of individuals,

families, societies, kingdoms etc and thus are kept

flexible accordingly keeping the brahmna jignasa as

the guiding star.

Withing the dharma-jignasa, there may be certain fixed

things also which are universal such as kindness etc.


Imagine this: A sanyasi goes to a foreign land.

A sanyasi will not keep quiet, will he ?

So, he starts preaching from what he had learned and

from what he knows.

Guess what - the people in the foreign land mark him

as a traitor and give him punishment thru the order of

the king.


That is why, in my opinion, it was prohibited for

sanyasis to cross into such foreign lands. In the

olden days, outside of the seas are such foreign



Not anymore.


Hence, this is not applicable now as it is, although

the idea is still valid.

The individual has to judge for himself/herself what

is best.

How does one know what is best ?

The answer lies in letting brahma-jignasa decide what

is best and not dharma jignasa alone.


Kind Regards,






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advaitin, Raghavarao Kaluri

<raghavakaluri> wrote:

> Dear Bhaskar prabhu Ji,

> Humble praNAms.


> >Bhaskar prabhu ji:-

> >why dharma shAstra-s say A saNyAsi

> >should not cross sea??

> Refer:-

> advaitin/message/25882


> Raghava:-


> From the viewpoint of the paramArtha, where is a

> sanyasi (?), where is a sea (?) and where then comes

> the question, whether a sanyasi may cross the seas or

> not (?).


Namaste Sri Raghava-ji

Humble Pranams.

>From the viewpoint of the paramArtha, where is the body, where is

the food, where is the water (to drink), where is the internet,

where is the 'Advaitin'?


Please don't tell me Sri Ragahava-ji you don't eat food, drink water

or use the internet. If you do any or all of these, which I am sure

all of us who post to this eGroup do, we are still in vyavahara and

all normal rules of the world (including rules of on-line conduct

stipulated by , as an example) and Dharma Sastra injunctions

apply to us.


Clearly then, these are questions relevant from a

different viewpoint, with guiding principles from the



Respectfully Sri Raghava-ji, Brahman as far as my limited

understanding of Scriptures go, is not a book or organization or

entity or an object to give us guiding principles.


I believe the question Sri Bhaskar-ji has posted is specfically

about stipulations in dharma shAstras and not from the paramArthika




Sundar Rajan

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I believe the question Sri Bhaskar-ji has posted is specfically

about stipulations in dharma shAstras and not from the paramArthika



praNAm Sri sunder prabhuji & Raghava kaluri prabhuji

Hare Krishna

Thanks for the clarification.


Yes, my intention is to know what exactly dharma shaastra's explanation in

these stipulations...Without proper explanation & logic behind it, if we

are still following the same ..then it does lead to * blind faith* without

proper understanding of the same...My main intention is to know whether

smruthi texts such as manu smruthi etc. need any time bound amendments??

coz. most of the injuctions of dharma shAstras have been conveniently

violated by upholders of dharma i.e. saNyAsin-s nowadays.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!!


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Namaste Shree Sundar Rajan Ji,


Humble praNAms.


Shree Sundar Rajan Ji wrote:-

>From the viewpoint of the paramArtha,

>where is the body, where is

>the food, where is the water (to drink),

>where is the internet,

>where is the 'Advaitin'?

>Please don't tell me Sri Ragahava-ji you don't eat

>food, drink water or use the internet.

>If you do any or all of these,

>which I am sure all of us who post to this eGroup

> do, we are still in vyavahara and

>all normal rules of the world

>(including rules of on-line conduct

>stipulated by , as an example) and Dharma

> Sastra injunctions apply to us.




Humbly, I must submit that you rushed into your reply

before reading my full post, Sir.

I never said any of those things and what I said is as



<make: statement-A>

<say that A is not the correct way>

<provide solution - B>


The very things I denied in A, you somehow thought

that I was asserting.


Thanks for letting me clarify my post...


Love & Kind regards,

















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Namaste Shree Sundar Rajan Ji


Please refer:



<make: statement-A>

<say that A is not the correct way>

<provide solution - B>


I thought, it would help if I gave further


First part- <make: statement-A>

is as follows from my original post:-



"From the viewpoint of the paramArtha, where is a

sanyasi (?), where is a sea (?) and where then comes

the question, whether a sanyasi may cross the seas or

not (?)."


Second Part- <say that A is not the correct way>

is as follows from the original post:-

"Clearly then, these are questions relevant from a

different viewpoint, with guiding principles from the



Third part- <provide solution - B> is as follows from

the origianl post:-

"As we know, dharma in one place may be adharma in

another place. These were setup so as to be inline

with the psychological makeup of individuals,

families, societies, kingdoms etc and thus are kept

flexible accordingly keeping the brahmna jignasa as

the guiding star.

Withing the dharma-jignasa, there may be certain fixed

things also which are universal such as kindness etc.


Imagine this: A sanyasi goes to a foreign land.

A sanyasi will not keep quiet, will he ?

So, he starts preaching from what he had learned and

from what he knows.

Guess what - the people in the foreign land mark him

as a traitor and give him punishment thru the order of

the king.


That is why, in my opinion, it was prohibited for

sanyasis to cross into such foreign lands. In the

olden days, outside of the seas are such foreign



Not anymore.


Hence, this is not applicable now as it is, although

the idea is still valid.

The individual has to judge for himself/herself what

is best.

How does one know what is best ?

The answer lies in letting brahma-jignasa decide what

is best and not dharma jignasa alone."


Of course, all of above is my personal opinion and

everything in it could be wrong. What is not wrong is,

though, my intention to help clarify Shree Bhaskarji's



Best Regards,













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The tenets of Dharma enshrined in the Vedas had come down to mankind

through Swayambhu Manu. Dharma is an all-encompassing principle and

hence no one is exempt from it. The logic of this scheme for human

conduct is that it differs for every individual. It takes into

consideration the fact that every person's make-up is different. Even

though human faculties are identical, each person is different

because of the latent impressions in the mind (Vasanas) acquired over

several lives. The Karma (the result of man's actions), which is

responsible for birth is different for each person and this makes him

unique. A qualified doctor prescribes medicine after assessing the

condition of the patient because what is good for one may be

disastrous for another. Similarly, Sanatana Dharma has devised a

system under which each individual can follow the tenets prescribed

for him. The regulations governing a priest's life will be different,

for instance, from that of a warrior's. But, both will ultimately

realise the same objective in their lives by discharging their

duties, according to Vedic way of life.


Dharma is not Static! Dharma (ethical law) is Not Static (From Manu

Smriti, 1.81-86) "The following passage brings out a very significant

characteristic of dharma, namely, that the concept and content of

dharma change in accordance with the changing circumstances. Ancient

tradition speaks of four ages (Yugas) - Krita, Tretaa, Dvaapara, and

Kali -their duration, respectively, 1,728,000; 1,296,000; 864,000;

and 432,000 human years. It is believed that each of these four

succeeding ages is characterized by an increasing physical and

spiritual deterioration. No one uniform set of dharmas can,

therefore, be made applicable to all the four ages. It is further

believed that when one cycle of four ages is completed, there occurs

the end of the universe, which is followed by a new creation and a

new cycle."


Essentially, everything that was practiced during the time of

Ramayana may not be all relevant for the present time. We should

remember the famous quoatation: "Lord, give me the courage to accept

the things that can't change and give me the strength to change those

things which can make me a better person; more importantly, give me

wisdom to discriminate between the two."


The traditional Sankara Institutions established certain governing

rules to protect the integrity of those instituitions. These rules do

vary by institution (all the five five Sankara Mutts are operating

under different rules and traditions) and the rules and chages in the

rules are left to the head of the institution - the acharyas. Once

they are established, they follow the rules and don't want to violate

the rules established by them. Acharyas are permitted to relax the

rules - they do bend but they never want to break the traditions.


It is my personal opinion, that 'Sanyasis should not cross the sea is

not stipulated in the Vedas but it was followed as a tradition in

early Sankara Institutions.' Some Acharyas have strictly followed

this tradition and for example, Paramacharya of Kanchi didn't cross

the sea. But this does not mean that all Kanchi Acharyas shouldn't

cross the sea. The head of a Sankara mutt is almost like the Pope of

Vatican and he is obligated to serve the followers of Hindu

Tradition. Given the fact that millions of Hindus live in the foreign

land, he is obligated to viist and preach them. Last time when I

visited India, I did visit Kanchi and got the blessing of the

Acharyas. Not everyone living in the foreign country is fortunate

enough to visit the homeland and get the blessings of the Gurus.

Given this fact, any Acharya who wants to serve the millions of

Hindus living abroad should be congratulated for his/her noble

action. Interestingly, Swamiji's messages do cross the sea and why

not his body?


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran



advaitin, bhaskar.yr@i... wrote:

> Yes, my intention is to know what exactly dharma shaastra's

explanation in

> these stipulations...Without proper explanation & logic behind it,

if we

> are still following the same ..then it does lead to * blind faith*


> proper understanding of the same...My main intention is to know


> smruthi texts such as manu smruthi etc. need any time bound


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