Guest guest Posted February 22, 2005 Report Share Posted February 22, 2005 praNAms to all truth seekers Hare Krishna Sri Shankara bhagavadpUjyapAda sadgurubhyo namaH Sri SatchidAnandEndra Saraswathi paramagurubhyo namaH Sri Ashwatha NarayaNa Avadhani sri gurubhyo namaH I hope this would be the last but one part in this series. In the Part-II we've seen how shankara without any ambiguity distinguish two type of jnAna & its results. Though there are plenty of quotes from shankara bhAshya which are clearly gives the picture of bifurcation of vastu tantra & purusha tantra jnAna, due to space/time constraints I've picked only few of them. Those who are interested to know more about it, kindly study in detail the samanvayAdhikaraN bhAshya & in kArika's advaita prakaraNa bhAshya. In this part I shall try to bring out the references of shankara bhAshya wherein he explicitly deals with very very important aspect *anubhava* & in the next part I'll take standard terminologies of PY such as dhAraNa, dhyAna, samAdhi etc. & its contextual meaning in the bhAshya vAkya samucchaya. Since we have already talked a lot about YS's samAdhi & vEdAnta's Atma jnAna, it is also required to know what is the role of *anubhava* in advaita vEdAnta. Because this *anubhava* is what we've been talking all these days...whether it is motionless state of nirvikalpaka anubhava of YS or it is samyag darshanAnubhava of Atmaikatva jnAna etc. etc. Shankara also gives great importance on *anubhava* which is universal to all irrespective of cast & creed & he categorically states that vaiyuktika anubhava (individual experience) cannot be the valid pramANa for the siddhAnta nirNaya of advaita. Though he has not completely sidelined the result of individual sAdhana-s like siddhis (subtle powers), samAdhi-s (trance state), dEvatA darshana (vision of celestial beings) etc. etc. he clearly states these cannot be the yard stick to determine shruti pradipAdita brahma tattva. Since the experiences of these individuals varies from person to person, the *anubhava* can not be generalized here based on those experiences. That is the reason why brama jignAsa is an independent quest & this cannot be enjoined to purusha tantra pradhAna *dharma jignAsa*. This brahma jignAsa should be done strictly in accordance with shruti-s & sArvatrika pUrNAnubhava ( The universal complete experience). In this world, each individual has his/her own experience depending upon his efforts in various fields...Let it be material experience gained through his professionalism in material world or divine experience gained through antaranga sAdhana like japa, dhyAna, upAsana etc. We have heard plenty of these divine experiences through the biographies of noble souls like bhagavAn ramaNa maharshi, Sri rAmakrishna parama hamsa, mAta amrutAnanda mayi, paramahamsa yOgAnanda etc. etc. Some of these noble souls gained these divine feelings through dedicated sAdhana towards it & some of them experienced it by merely doing vichAra on it. But you should agree with me parama hamsa's continuous association with kALi mAta & his divine conversation with her, his vision of Jesus christ, his familiar state of nirvikalpa etc., mAta amrutAnanda mayi's dEvi bhAva, krishna bhAva, paramasa yOgananda's bAbAji darshana, krishna darshana etc. etc. are all *individual experiences* (vaiyuktika anubhava) only. It is fine & we will whole heartedly respect it & worship them as noble souls. But can we determine vEdAnta siddhAnta based on these *individual experiences*?? If you consider the doctrine of vEdAnta is universal & applicable without the limited barriers of space, time & individual experiences....then it should convey the truth that is sArvakAlika & equally applicable to ALL. vEdAnta donot deny these experiences but we cannot do siddhAnta nirNaya based on these individual experiences. Because, one divine incarnation through his sAdhana gains some subtle powers & shows it in the public & tells his followers " see this is the siddhAnta" follow it, you will attain final emacipation. After sometime, another *pavAda puruSha* (miracle man) takes over the seat & shows *more* power of miracles than the previous one & tells his followers " see what you've been following all these days were mere rubbish, do what I say, you will difinitely get the liberation" We have been witnessing this type of episodes since the time immemorial. Under these circumstances how can we say who said it right & on what basis?? It is appropriate here to recall shankara's sUtra bhAshya on these observations. He says in 2-1-1 " ShakyaM kapilAdInAM siddhAnAm apratihatajnAnatvAt iti chEt! na ! siddhEpi sApEkshatvAt! Since kapila, kaNAda siddha purusha's have attained siddhis they can preach paramArthA jnAna no?? shankara says even these siddhis gained through individual sAdhana is relative (sApEkShata) & cannot be taken it as the yard stick to preach jnAna. He continues to say in the same sUtra bhAshya : " prasiddhamAhAtmyAnumatAnAmapi thIrthankarANAm, kapilakaNabhuk prabhrutInAM *parasparavipratipatti darShanAt!! Shankara tells here noble souls like kapila kaNAda etc. who were the great siddhA purusha-s will differ themselves in paramArtha tattva & declarations of those cannot be treated as shruti pratipAdita satya since they are talking through their individual experiences howsoever powerful it may be!!! It is quite evident from the above shankara bhAshya statements that individual experiences, occult powers, miracles, savikalpa, nirvikalpa samAdhi experiences of certain people cannot be the valid premise for paramArtha nirNaya. Then what is required for siddhAnta nirNaya?? Shankara says this *experience* which is capable enough to determine brahma tattva should be uniform in all places, in all time & in all human beings. In sUtra bhAshya (2-1-11) shankara says : "taccha samyagjnAnaM yEkarUpaM vastutantratvAt! lOkE tad vishaya jnAnaM samyag jnAnaM iti uchyAte!! yathA agnirushNa iti!! tatra yEvaM sati saMyagjnAnE puruShANAM vipratipattiH anupapannA" Oh!! how beautiful shankara's statements are!!!, through guru karUna, even from the mediocre knowledge of sanskrit I have, I could able to grasp the shankara's declaration about vastu tantra ...I dont think the prabhuji's of this list who are studying shankara for decades together & great scholars of sanskrit would find any difficulty in understanding purports of it. The knowledge which is realized through vastu tantra jnAna is equal to one & all since it is in the control of objects / vastu-s, like fire...We cannot modify the knowledge of fire according to our whimsical thinking & say it is water...we have to realize fire as *fire* only as it is...noway, the cognizer of this fire can influence the characteristics of fire & say it is water!! The fire is *fire* for all the human beings at all time & at all space...This vastu tantra *anubhava* is called sArvatrika pUrNAnubhava this is not nirbIja, sabIja, nirvikalpa-savikalpa, guNa rahita, guNa pUrNa, saMprajnATha-asaMprajnATha samAdhi experience of few individuals...This anubhava is what explained in bruhadAraNyaka shruti also ayamAtma sarvAnubhuH ..shankara while commenting on this says " sarvAtmAnA sarvaM anubhavatItI sarvAnubhuH"... Without knowing the difference between individual experience & universal experience we have been trying to equate samAdhi with Atma jnAna & endlessly arguing samAdhi of PY is pUrNAnubhava without giving an iota of consideration to shankara's clear cut definitions to this effect. I shall stop the next part we will take the remaining pending issues as listed in Part-II. Hari Hari Hari Bol!!! bhaskar Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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