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the imaginary-door to Realization

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In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna tells us: “All roads, Arjuna, lead to Me.” This

includes all the roads of knowledge and ignorance; and even stupidity.


It adds up because Krishna also tells us that there is no doer that can be smart

or stupid, only the thoughts. Advaita also tells us that in Reality there is no

duality so knowledge has to be the same as ignorance.




Ever since I was a child I have always had a sense of Peace and contentment when

I assumed I was stupid. Let me call this Peace and contentment Joy. This Joy

never left me even with the education that went beyond college. In fact it

seems that the more educated I got the more Peace and Joy I got from assuming

that I was still ignorant, if not stupid.


This Joy is otherwise a thoughtless Silence that comes with the overwhelming

Awareness of just how limitless ignorance is.




If knowledge has failed to open the imaginary-door to Realization for us then

perhaps ignorance might be an appropriate alternative. All we have to do is to

explore this ignorance.


The more we explore ignorance the less we will care if it is called stupidity,

and the more comfort and Joy we will get from all the stupidity we uncover. The

more stupidity we uncover the more it has to overwhelm our thoughts to leave us

in the thoughtless Silence that is this Joy.


Knowledge cannot give us this thoughtless Silence as it always needs more and

more thoughts to make us feel good with all our thoughts, knowledges.


This Joy of thoughtless Silence is what Ramana called sphurana. Others call it

Kundalini. When this Silence is void of all thoughts it is the Reality of Self,

the Samadhi of dreamless-sleep.




If stupidity gives us the dualistic bad-feelings that our thoughts cannot have,

then let us back into this imaginary-door that knowledge keeps shut:


We are all Self-realized and only our thoughts, knowledge, can think otherwise.

Or, we have to be stupid not to Realize that We, All, the SELF, is eternally



So, forget about the knowledge and simply seek this stupidity that thinks that

We, the Self, is not eternally Self-realized.










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advaitin, Gee Pee <gpalotas> wrote:



> This Joy of thoughtless Silence is what Ramana called sphurana.

Others call it Kundalini. When this Silence is void of all thoughts

it is the Reality of Self, the Samadhi of dreamless-sleep.





For those who would really like to learn more about Raja Yoga

Samadhis, an excellent resource is at:








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The Bible, Koran and Gita are like lamps that light our paths in

darkness. We cast our own shadows on our path in spite of the lantern

in our hands; so, every besetting temptation, doubt, fear or

difficulty throws its dark shadow, in spite of the light we carry;

and the way is a chequered pattern of light and shadow. Still,

holding the light firmly in our hands we may walk fairly safely. If

we let the light go out, we should be lost in the jungle. Not every

one that swears by a book may be able to follow every thing that is

said therein; but if everyone tries, society grows round the ideals.

When a whole people revere certain ideals, life is furnished with

standards of conduct that save men from becoming mere beasts of the

field and they are held together. That we cannot be perfect is no

objection to hold the light firmly in our hands, so that we may see

our way amidst the shadows. Helped by religion men lie like men even

though, too often, erring. Why, are not the rules of mere physical

hygiene impossible of being followed to perfection? No one thinks of

discarding the rules of physical hygiene as a string of

impossibilities and counsels of perfection; but wise men and women

try as far as they can to abide by them, and we profit thereby. So

should it be also with the care and protection of the Soul.


In Bhagavad-Gita Gita in ch 2 sloka 40 Lord said" There is nothing

like waste of effort in this, nor is there any danger of

retrogression by reason of short-comings in practice. Even a little

of this Dharma saves men from the great evil".

courtasy: Bhagavad Gita By Shri Rajaji.

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advaitin, "B VAIDYANATHAN"

<vaidyanathiyer> wrote:


> The Bible, Koran and Gita are like lamps that light our paths in

> darkness. We cast our own shadows on our path in spite of the


> in our hands; so, every besetting temptation, doubt, fear or

> difficulty throws its dark shadow, in spite of the light we carry;

> and the way is a chequered pattern of light and shadow. Still,

> holding the light firmly in our hands we may walk fairly safely. If

> we let the light go out, we should be lost in the jungle. Not every

> one that swears by a book may be able to follow every thing that is

> said therein; but if everyone tries, society grows round the


> When a whole people revere certain ideals, life is furnished with

> standards of conduct that save men from becoming mere beasts of the

> field and they are held together. That we cannot be perfect is no

> objection to hold the light firmly in our hands, so that we may see

> our way amidst the shadows. Helped by religion men lie like men


> though, too often, erring. Why, are not the rules of mere physical

> hygiene impossible of being followed to perfection? No one thinks


> discarding the rules of physical hygiene as a string of

> impossibilities and counsels of perfection; but wise men and women

> try as far as they can to abide by them, and we profit thereby. So

> should it be also with the care and protection of the Soul.


> In Bhagavad-Gita Gita in ch 2 sloka 40 Lord said" There is nothing

> like waste of effort in this, nor is there any danger of

> retrogression by reason of short-comings in practice. Even a little

> of this Dharma saves men from the great evil".

> courtasy: Bhagavad Gita By Shri Rajaji.



The problem with Advaita is that it has nothing to do with dualities.

And yet we need the dualities of subjects and objects to try and

communicate what cannot be communicated about Advaita.


To use the word "evil" is to accept the duality of good and

evil. With the word evil we might as well discard Advaita and start

thumping the bible.


To use the term "great evil" is to leave Advaita so far

behind that we need "originally sin" so that religions and

their preachers can then rule the world, with the help of the devil



I am not the mind and its body that do what they have to for maya. My

mind and its body might need a light for the paths they think they

have to find, and then travel, for one wild-goose-chase or another.


But I am not this mind nor its body. I have no paths to find or

travel because I am the eternal Home called Silence and Joy that

cannot be lost, not even on the wild-goose-chase the Hindus call

maya and we call life.


this Eternal JOY you are


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Namaste All,





Shree GP ji wrote:-

I have no paths to find or

travel because I am the eternal

Home called Silence and Joy that

cannot be lost, not even on the

wild-goose-chase the Hindus call

maya and we call life.




Matthew 10:39 -

He that findeth his life shall lose it:

and he that loseth his life for my sake

shall find it.


Matthew 16:25 - For whosoever will save his

life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his

life for my sake shall find it.


Matthew 6:25 - Therefore I say unto you,

Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat,

or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body,

what ye shall put on.

Is not the life more than meat, and the body than


>From the above 'life' and 'maya' are synchronous and








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