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YogAmRRitaM by R. Visvanatha Sastri - 5

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Note: You may want to read the Introduction in

http://www.escribe.com/culture/advaitin/m25159.html , if

you have not already seen it.


sharaNyamiti yadvastu ekAkAramakhaNDitaM .

khAdapyatitarAM sUkShmaM sarva-tyAgena labhyate .. 50 ..


adRRishyamashrUyamANaM jyotiragrAhya-rUpakaM .

tapomayena manasA gRRihyamANaM hi tatsvayaM .. 51 ..


jyotiirasAmRRitam brahma sarvAbhibhava-hetukaM .

svAtiriktaM cha mithyeti brahma-pUrNatvataH svayaM .. 52 ..



sarvaloka-sharaNyamiti ekameva tattvaM svayaM jyotiH

sarva-bhAna-kAraNaM . indriyAbhiragrAhyaM tat .

amRRita-rasAnubhavenaiva vedyaM svAtiriktAsahaM . tena

tyaktena bhu~njIthA iti Isha-shrutiH ..



Synopsis: The one refuge of all the universe is the single

foundational principle of The Self. That is what lightens

up everything. It is subtler than Space. Anything other

than the Self is a mithyA. It cannot be grasped by the

senses. A mind full of tapas is necessary. Only by

surrendering everything that is non-Self, can that nectar

be ‘tasted’. Ishopanishad may be recalled.




amanastAM yadA yAti brahma-vRRikShaH prakAshate .

sanAtano.ayamachalaH eko vyApaka uchyate .. 53 ..



pashyatyadvayamekaM cha brahma-vishvamidaM jagat .

ayaM lokastadantashcha tenaiva kabalIkRRitaH .. 54 ..



tenaiva puruSheNeti pUrNa-ekatva-siddhaye .

buddhau dRRiShTashchAnya-vRRikShaH

loka-vRRikShAdvilakShaNaH .. 55 ..



Urdhva-mUlo hyayaH shAkhaH sarobimbita-vRRikShavat .

asatya eSha AbhAsaH na tvayaM pAramArthikaH .. 56 ..



saMsAra-vRRikShashchedyo.ayaM nAtmA hanti na hanyate .

evaM cha dRRiDhabhAvena nAhaM dehendriyAdayaH .. 57 ..



acchhedyo brahma-vRRikSho hi atadvRRikShAshrayaH sadA .

oMkArashshAshvato vRRikShaH yanmAtrA sujagatsthitiH .. 58




atad-vRRikSho mano-vRRikShaH manashchhedyo mahAniti .

manasaH pariNAmaishcha manaH shaktiH khiliikRRitA .. 59 ..



dhyAyato viShayAn pumsaH saMgadoShA anekashaH .

manaso nigrahaH kAryaH shrutiyuktyanubhUtidaH .. 60 ..



brahma-vanaM brahma sa vRRikSha AsIt iti divi tiShTatyekaH

.. iti sva-mahimAnameva anubhavati brAhmaNaH . manasaH

aj~nAna-kAryatvAt avastveva tat . na sAhyenApi hRRidaye

sadrUpaM vidyate manaH iti mahopaniShacchhrutyA

marIchyudakavatbhrAnti-kRRitasya manasaH nigrahaH bhramaH

yataH bhrAntyapohe manaH nigrahaM vinaiva nashyati .

sva-kalpita-manaH svAkhaNDatva-vij~nAne svasminneva layaM

prApnoti ..


Synopsis: The One Eternal unmoving that pervades everything

shines as a colossus (brahma-vRRikShah) when the mind

itself ceases to be the mind. The non-dual oneness of

brahman is then seen to have ‘swallowed’ this universe.

This colossal ‘tree’ is seen by the same puruSha in the

buddhi, as distinct from the universe. It has its roots

upward, like the reflection of the tree in the bank seen in

the river. This reflection is not real. The samsAra-tree

has to be cut asunder. The Atman however can neither be cut

nor destroyed. The ‘bhAva’ that does this is the conviction

‘I am not this body or the senses’. The colossus of the

brahma-tree is the tree of ‘Aum’ by which the whole is

sustained. The tree of the non-Self is just the tree of the

mind. It is the mind that has to be cut asunder. By

thinking of sense-objects this will never happen. It is the

mind that has to be controlled by reason and by shruti.

Recall the vedic passage: ‘Brahman is the forest; Brahman

is the Tree. The colossal stands unique’. It tantamounts

to saying that The Self alone is there and nothing else. As

the mahopanishad says, it is the mind that creates the

delusion of water-in-mirage. The creation of the mind by

its own ignorance has to be negated. The mind itself is a

projected entity from the Self. By the universality and

indivisibility of the Self, the created mind along with its

own creations have all to be sublated.


Yoga-raMdhita-karmANaH hRRidiyoga-vibhAvite .

yogino yaM prapashyanti yogesho harireva hi .. 61 ..


ekasyaivAnusaMdhAne sAdhakAH kArikoktayaH .

ityuddhRRitaishcha yaiH shlokaiH prakaTIkriyate manaH .. 62



shrIgauDapAdakAchAryaiH kArikAH kRRitA iti tAnyeva vAkyAni

udAhriyante mananArthaM ..


Synopsis: In this context of the yoga of the heart

(‘hRRidi-yoga) the shlokas of the KarikAs of

Gaudapadacharya are recalled below


(To be continued)


PraNAms to all the advaitins on this list and to my father.




Prof. V. Krishnamurthy


You are welcome to have a look at any of the following books on my website:



1. Gems from the Ocean of Hindu Thought Vision & Practice

2. Live Happily, the Gita Way

3. Advaita Dialogue for beginners.

4. Discourses of the Paramacharya on Soundaryalahari.

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