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YogAmRRitaM by R. Visvanatha Sastri - 9

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dehendriyAdi nAstIti vAsanAntaH praveshataH .

kumbhayecca manaH kumbhaM dhyAna-pUjA-japAdibhiH .. 98 ..


Neither the body nor the senses are real (in the absolute

sense) , because vAsanAs fill them up. The mind therefore

has to be filled up (‘kumbhayet’) by dhyAna, pUjA and japa.





maitryAdivAsanAbhishca svAtirikta-niShedhanAt .

svAtmaikya-j~nAna-siddhyarthaM svabhUmAnaM ca bhAvayet ..

99 ..


svabhUmani parAnande manaH saMsthApayedbudhaH .

yogena kriyate pakvaM yathAsya dhyAnayogyatA .. 100 ..


tatrApyaikAgryasiddhyarthaM kAryo.abhyAsaH punaH punaH .

anAshrite karmaphale tvahaM bhokteti vAsanA .. 101 ..


shanaiH shanaiH shAntimeti kartRRitvamapi hIyate .

nAhaM bhokteti bhAvAcca j~nAyate nityashuddhatA .. 102 ..


phaloddeshaH pravRRittiH syAt phalatyAge hi pUrNadhIH .

phalAnyacintayanneva mano yAti ca shUnyatAM .. 103 ..


saMkalpa-prabhavAH kAmAH kShIyante ca nirindhane .

agnyupAstyAdi kAryANi nityaM naimittikaM tathA .. 104 ..


yaj~no dAnaM tapaH kAryaM na tvahaMkArataH svayaM .

shiSTAchara-pramANena shAstritaM karma-yatnataH .. 105 ..

kAryameveti bhagavAn na tattyAjyaM svarUpataH .

shAstravashyatayA kAryaM sAdhyaM yat-pouruSheNa ca .. 106..


vyavasAyAtmikA buddhiH saMpAdyAbhyAsa-pATavAt .

svaratishca yathA bhUyAt svAtiriktaM ca hIyate .. 107 ..


ahaM karteti bhAvaNAM parityajyaiva karma kuryAt . tathA

bhoktA.api na bhavati . ataH phala Asaktirna bhavati .

kAmaH kartA nAhaM karteti shruteH tadA dukha-hetushca na

bhavati ahaMkArAbhAvAt . svadharmaM cara nAham deha iti .

svasvarUpAvAptihetureva dharmaH. svarUpaM brahmaiva iti

brahma-nikaTam prAptaH upanayana-kAla eva . tadeva mantraM

sandhyA-trayeShu Avartayannapi brahma-yaj~nAdiShu

tadartha-sUcaka-sUtraM dhArayannapi svamahimA yatra

nAnubhUyate tasya dharmAnuShTAnamapi tuShAvaghAta iva

vRRithA shramaH..


Synopsis: The glory of one’s own Self. To obtain that is

svAtmaikya-j~nAna. All the vAsanAs of association or

friendship must be diverted to lead to this. The way is by

the rescension of the non-Self. The wise man fixes his mind

on the Infinite Bliss of the Self. Maturity comes from yoga

practice again and again. Undesirous of the fruit of Karma,

one does his karma with the bhAvanA: ‘I am neither the

doer nor the experiencer’. Gradually one attains peace by

persistent practice of this. Not thinking of the fruit of

karma the mind empties itself. All desires that usually

arise from the mind now vanish because of there being no

fuel for them. Even the rituals like worship of agni,

yajna, charity, tapas, etc. all can be done without the

egoistic thought coming in. The traditional karma or duties

are not to be discarded. They have to be performed. It is

the mind that has to be monitored by the intellect towards

this end. Scriptures ordain us to do our svadharma. Our

dharma is to move closer and closer to the goal of our own

Self. This Self is nothing but brahman – was taught even at

the time of upanayanam. One wears the brahma-sUtra as a

testimony of that initiation into brahman, but even then

one forgets to do the right thing for the obtaining of the

Self. When this dharma is not done, of what consequence

will the performance of other dharmas be?



vairAgyaj~nAna-niShTAshcApyamRRitaM yAnti yoginaH .

sadA nAdAnusaMdhAnAddhamRRitam yAnti yoginaH .. 108 ..


manasA mana Alokya hyamRRitaM yAnti yoginaH .

svasvarUpalayo yeShAM amRRitaM yAnti yoginaH .. 109 ..


bahirantardRRishya-shAntyA hyamRRitaM yAnti yoginaH .

yatendriyAstatparAshca svamRRitaM yAnti yoginaH .. 110



amRRitaM yAntItyaupacArikameva yataH pUrvameva

sadAmRRita-madhyasthA vayaM . tadbhAvanayA

nairantaryAnusaMdhAnameva yogAtsiddhyati. ahaM veda na me

mRRityuH iti vij~nAnaM ahaM deha iti yatj~nAnaM alpaM

saMkucitaM tadeva kabalayati ..


Synopsis: Such yogis attain Immortality – This is the

refrain. They read the mind by their own minds. They are

immersed in their own Glory of the Self. The words:

‘attain Immortality’ is only a formal way of saying. It is

the persistent and continued immersion in the thought of

the Self that brings success. ‘ahaM veda na me mRRityuH’ is

the vedic declaration meaning ‘I don’t know death’. The

significance of this statement is that the thought ‘I am

the body’ is a very narrow view of oneself and it is this

thought that has to be eroded by resorting to the thought

of the Self.




PraNAms to all the advaitins on this list and to my father.







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